Chapter 1 What is Data?
Information that is presented as “Evidence” for or against something can come in many different levels of rigor and applicability. In this chapter, we’ll discuss and categorize different data types.
1.1 Attributes of Reliable Data
There are several attributes of insightful data.
1.1.1 Collected in “good faith”
During the 2020 election, I received many “survey’s” from both the Republican and Democratic parties. These are not actually intended to measure people’s opinions, but are thinly disguised solicitations for money. The questions were inevitably presented in a way to deliberately upset the audience in order to solicit a campaign contribution. Examples of Republican/Democratic “survey’s” a) Given the greenhouse effects potential to cause widespread damage, including increased severity of hurricanes, increases in flooding, and drought, do you support legislature to reduce CO2 emissions? b) Do you want to defend your 2nd amendment right to protect your family.
The questions, and indeed the entire survey, was built in a way to bias the results in one way or another.
It is tempting to assume that experts will always engage in research with a good faith effort to find the truth. Unfortunately a degree doesn’t guarantee a person is actually an expert, or that they are impervious to personal gain.
The scientific peer-review process is an arduous process by which other respected researchers in the field examine the work and point out flaws in methodology and interpretation. Many of the journal articles I’ve written have been vastly improved by the peer-review process and issues with methodology were appropriately adjusted. Conversely, as a reviewer, I’ve worked hard to verify the design and analysis and provide useful feedback to improve the research or suggest how to improve the study in subsequent work, even when recommending against publishing an article.
However, peer-review is not a guarantee that data is of high quality and there is nothing suspect.
Many examples can be found on Wikipedia’s page on Scientific Misconduct and most of those involve fabrication of data.
- In 1998, Dr. Andrew Wakefield published a study in the well-respected journal The Lancet on n=12 children looking for adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine and concluded there was an association with gastointestinal disorders and developmental regression (aka autism). It turns out Dr Wakefield’s research was funded by lawyers that were sueing vaccine manufacturers. Ultimately The Lancet retracted the paper and Britian’s General Medical Council found that Wakefield had acted unethically.
1.1.2 Representative
The data we use to address a question should be representative of the population we care about. For example, if we care about the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on employment. If we only used data from one state, say New York which was the initial hot spot of the pandemic in the US, that would not be indicative of rates in rural which were hit much much later.
In Phase III trials for the Covid-19 vaccines and treatments where criticized for not having enough diversity in the patients enrolled in the trial. The trials did not include a proportional amount of Black, Hispanic, and Native Americans. This is a problem because there could be genetic factors that cause the medicine to be less effective, or have more side-effects for one of these groups.
Initial approval for the Pfizer vaccine was approved for people older than 16 because the Phase III trials did not include children. Similarly, the vaccine was not approved for pregnant women for similar reasons.
1.1.3 Sufficient
Often we are required to think through problems using data and statistics that seem to be useful, but not perfectly aligned with the question of interest.
Example Bureau of Labor Statistics - Unemployment Rate The unemployment rate is defined as the percentage of unemployed workers in the total labor force. Workers are considered unemployed if they currently do not work, despite the fact that they are able and willing to do so. The total labor force consists of all employed and unemployed people within an economy.
But this definition misses people that were previously employed but now not working and not looking for work. For example, during the Covid-19 pandemic, many people were not working, and not looking for work because there were no public service jobs. As a result they were missed in unemployment rate. Furthermore, the women were more likely to be missed because they were more likely to stay home with children that were also at home doing school online.
Example Bureau of Labor Statistics - Average wages Another example of a statistic that seems useful is the average wages. The initially surprising statistic is that the average wages increased during the pandemic. This should NOT be considered evidence that the economic fall-out of the pandemic wasn’t too bad. The reason that we saw the average wages increase is because the majority of jobs lost during the pandemic were low-wage service industry jobs. High income workers that could more easily switch to remote work were much less impacted.
The key issue in both of these issues is that there is more to the story and the statistic that we are focused on only one aspect of the problem. The problem is that this aspect is not sufficient information to really understand the issue.
Unfortunately, if the audience doesn’t know enough about the statistics used, it can be easy to draw the wrong conclusion.
1.2 Categories of Data Quality
Data can be broken down into three broad types: anecdotal & deceptive evidence, ad-hoc information, and purposefully collected data.
1.2.1 Anecdotes & Deceptive Evidence
This lowest tier of data should be regarded with a great deal of skepticism. The primary issues with this class of data is that there is no attempt at the data being representative of a pertinent group and there is no attempt to avoid bias.
Anecdotes are stories presented outlining one person’s experience. As a species, humans have always passed stories from one generation to the next by passing anecdotes. In fact, we probably haven’t seen experimental evidence for a lot of what we take as truth. As a result, anecdotes can often be quite compelling and are often utilized in disinformation campaigns.
People often have a difficult time assessing risk because news stories report about unusual events, not everyday events. For example, a single death by a shark attack is news, but the 600,000 US citizens that will die by cancer does not. As a result, many people worry about newsworthy events with a small probability of happening while ignoring much more substantial risks.
Anecdotes about the link between autism and vaccines have been particularly compelling for new parents as they learn about how to raise an infant. The “social trust” gained by dispensing insights into diapers, swaddling, and feeding carries over into medical issues about vaccination. Furthermore parents sharing anecdotes about how they wished they can vaccinated their children are harassed and intimidated.
Vaccination anecdotes display issues with all three attributes of data quality:
- They are collected with an agenda. The on-line anti-vaccination community actively promotes stories of children who appear to suddenly become autistic while harassing and intimidating opposing stories.
- The stories are not representative because we don’t hear about the millions of parents who vaccinated their children and observed no discernible change in behavior.
- The stories are not sufficient because they can’t account for the issue that autism is not generally diagnosed until a baby starts missing social milestones, which occur after the baby has had several rounds of vaccines.
Unfortunately information shown in advertisements can often be in this tier of evidence. The classic example from the 1970s is “4 out of 5 dentists recommend chewing Trident Sugar-Free gum” but the fine print mentions that it was recommended compared to chewing regular sugar gum. A modern take on this is the phrase “Scientifically proven to ….” For example, a 2014 ad campaign for Listerine used the phrase
“… is clinically proven to treat gum disease and healthier gums in as little as 2 weeks.”
but provides no information about what the comparison group was and, most critically, does not provide information about the extent to which the gum disease was treated. Without this information, it the clinical data could have been biased by comparing against NO dental care group, or the effect could have been positive, but practically insignificant. In either case the statement would be true, but also highly misleading.
1.2.2 Ad-Hoc Data
Ad-hoc information is collected in a systematic way, but not in a way to specifically address a particular questions. This is often much better than anecdotal evidence, as there isn’t purposefully designed bias in the data and generally is representative of some population, but it isn’t necessarily exactly the population we might want. Often confounding issues often are serious.
Ad-hoc data is typically representative of some population but isn’t necessarily sufficient information to address question in an actionable way. Ad-hoc data and statistics tend to be interesting, but lead the reader to wonder “Why is that?”
Example The question “Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?” is a perennial pointless discussion on the internet but we can look at Google’s search trends and see that there is a consistent peak in December.

Google Trends: Die Hard
The engineers at Google that are collecting this information aren’t deliberately trying to sway the result one way or the other, and is based on ALL all Google searches, so it is certainly representative of Google users, but that is not the same as all people, nor even all US people. It isn’t clear that this is actually a reasonable argument because maybe people are just Googling because people keep asking this question. So perhaps Die Hard isn’t a Christmas Movie, but “Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?” is a Christmas question.
Example Road Fatalities by State. As per the IIHS and HLDI website
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) is an independent, nonprofit scientific and educational organization dedicated to reducing the losses — deaths, injuries and property damage — from motor vehicle crashes. The Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) shares and supports this mission through scientific studies of insurance data representing the human and economic losses resulting from the ownership and operation of different types of vehicles and by publishing insurance loss results by vehicle make and model.
They have data for the 2018 traffic fatality death rates by state which can be used to produce the following chloropleth (geographic map colored by rate)
In general it looks like the fatality rate is higher in rural states compared to more urban states, but that doesn’t explain why Utah and Minnesota’s relatively low death rate. This sort of data leads to speculation regarding state liquor laws, the average length of commute, and a host of other possible explanations.
Unfortunately we don’t have information about these other explanations.
Covariate Type | Interpretation |
Response | This is the variable in the data that we want to explain or understand. If there is a cause/effect relationship, this is the variable that is effected by the explanatory variable. |
Explanatory | This are the variables our data that help us understand the response variable. In a cause/effect relationship, this is the causal variable. |
Confounding | These are variables that are quite important and perhaps are the actual cause of the response that you are interested in, but we don’t have or can’t use in the model for technical reasons. That is, we are unable to account for this effect, even though we know it is an issue. Ideally subsequent studies would take this into account and design the data collection process so that in subsequent data sets, the variable becomes an explanatory variable. |
Lurking | These are variables that play a role in the response, but experts in the field don’t even know that these are an issue. As research in a scientific field grows, more Lurking variables become known and become confounding variables. |
As an example, suppose that we have a data set of middle aged men and we have information about the individuals history of cholesterol levels and if they have experienced heart disease. Because we believe that high cholesterol levels are a primary cause of heart disease then the explanatory variable is the cholesterol level and the response variable is the heart disease risk. Suppose we don’t have any other information, but acknowledge that there are other factors that influence the risk of heart disease such as having diabetes and smoking status. Those variables (which we don’t have access to) would be considered confounding variables. We know that there is some generic component to heart disease, but we haven’t yet fully identified particular gene variants. These genetic variables that don’t understand would lurking variables.
In 2002, then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld gave a somewhat confusing statement:
Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones.
Secretary Rumsfeld was effectively talking about the difference between explanatory (known knowns), confounding (known unknowns), and lurking (unknown unknowns) variables.
Because ad-hoc data was not collected with a particular purpose in mind, it tends to have substantial issues with confounding and lurking variables.
1.2.3 Purposefully Designed Studies
These studies are well thought out to address a particular question. Effort has been taken to consider what an appropriate response variable would be and what explanatory variables make the most sense given the research. Possible confounding variables will be considered and every attempt will be made to gather the information in a way that those variables can be incorporated into the study. The primary difference between the two study we’ll explore in this section is if lurking variables are addressed. Observational Studies
Observational studies are purposefully designed and could incorporate multiple ad-hoc data sets but the data is intended to address as many known confounding variables as possible, but unfortunately not all confounding variables can be addressed.
The strength of observational studies is that they are much cheaper to do compared to experiments and so extremely large sample-sizes are possible. This can increase the representativeness of the data and make it possible to detect small effects.
Example The use of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for post-menapausal women has a long history. The short version is that using prescribing estrogen (later combined with progesterone) alleviated many symptoms associated with menopause and had some positive preventative effects on other chronic diseases. The evidence that HRT had a positive preventative effect on was based on observational studies that showed that women that had taken HRT had lower rates of certain types of cancer, osteoporosis, and dementia.
However, because these were observational, researchers had to rely on large groups of woman that, for one reason or another, either did or did not have HRT. Aspects such as socio-economic status and geographical location affect who received HRT. Unfortunately these aspects also are related to overall health as lower-income women typically have worse health outcomes in general (possible reasons include more pollution/carcinogen exposure, increased sustained stress levels, and reduced access to routine medical screening.
As a result, the women’s socio-economic status was a confounding variable that the large-scale observational studies couldn’t address because the HRT vs non-HRT groups were unbalanced with more generally healthy women taking HRT.
Small scale observational studies with roughly similar populations of women in both the HRT and non-HRT groups showed some indications that taking HRT might actually increase rates of cancer, but the variability associated with the small sample sizes made the results unclear. Experiments
Experiments are purposefully designed studies and can be designed to address both confounding and lurking variables. Typically experiments involve substantially fewer subjects that observation studies, but researchers are able to randomly assign subjects to a treatment. This manipulation is critical because, for any confounding variable, we can force an equal number of treatment vs control subjects. After breaking the subjects into groups according to the known confounding variables, the subjects are then randomly assigned to a treatment group. The random assignment forces any lurking variable groups to also be evenly distributed between the treatment groups!
In 1998, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) started and was a massive (n=16,608) randomized experiment to test the effects of HRT for women aged 50-79 on a variety of health outcomes, including breast cancer. The results were compelling and the experiment ended after 5 years, instead of the planned 8 years. Data showed increased rates of heart disease and breast cancer.
However, there was still much to criticize about the study, particularly that the women were 10+ years post-menopause. Further studies have been conducted to refine our understanding and look at short-term use of HRT.
1.3 Examples
1.3.1 A Washingtion Post / ABC News Survey
On Jan 19, 2021, The Washington Post ran a story about a survey they had done the week before addressing if US Adults thought that the coronavirus pandemic was under control.
There are several questions to ask
Are the pollsters well regarded and can we assume they are acting “in good faith?” In this case, we could consider how accurately this polling organization has been in past elections and see if there is a consistent partisan slant. The folks that run actually keep track of this and the Post has an A+ rating from them. The Washington Post Polling is widely considered highly reputable polling organization and act “in good faith.”
Is the data representative? Polls like this are typically done via random digit dialing which attempts to contact people via phone. While some people refuse to talk to polling firms, many people do. According to an 2019 article by the Post, their polls do try to capture a representative group of US adults by making sure (or mathematically correcting for) differences in gender, geographic region, age group, and political affiliation. This approach is decent but it isn’t perfect; for example people without phones or will not answer them are not represented. Ultimately the data is decently representative, but the non-response issue might slightly throw off the results, perhaps by a percent or two. For this poll, that probably isn’t a big deal, but for election forecasts, that might be a huge deal such as in the 2016 US Presidential election.
Is the data sufficient? Given that the survey directly asked the question we are interested in, it is certainly sufficient.
Because this has no experimental manipulation (i.e. we didn’t assign respondents to be a part of a political part or gender or some other silliness) this is an observational study and qualifies as a purposefully designed study.
1.4 Exercises
- For the following variables, identify the response variable and the
explanatory/confounding variable. If the variable is confounding, speculate
on the variable that would better predict the response variable.
- Height and reading proficiency score of children.
- Heart disease rates and obesity levels measured via Body Mass Index (BMI). Hint: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is technically obese.
- Attendance in classroom lectures and overall score in the course.
- Researchers trying to create robust facial recognition software have struggled
to get large data sets of faces. The ultimate goal is to be able to identify
an individual in a variety lighting situations and angles. For each of the
data sets below, identify issues related to bias, representativeness,
and sufficiency for training facial recognition software for detecting individuals
with arrest warrants outstanding from public video feeds (for example at an airport
or subway).
- The website ‘LinkedIn’ is intended to be a professional social network where users are encouraged to upload a facial profile picture of themselves. The individuals are typically looking for a job and companies pay for access to efficiently search through individuals. Scraping these images creates a data set of well-lit, generally front facing faces.
- The Apple operating system has a photo application which allows users to tag individuals in photos. With this feature turned on, the software makes a guess as to who a person is and the user can chose to change and correct the tag. Facebook offers a similar tagging feature. At this point images from Flickr and Instagram are part of a large data set intended to bring more diversity to facial recognition data sets.
- Many states’ Departments of Motor Vehicles sell driver license data (including photos) to private corporations, including facial recognition researchers.
- Find a news article or story that includes a data set. Identify any issues regarding bias, representativeness, and sufficiency and then classify the data set as either anecdotal/deceptive, ad-hoc, or purposefully-designed.