9 The warning label
Powerful things usually come with warning labels. Examples include pain medication, chemical drain clog removers, construction equipment, and electrical extension cables.
Much of what we’ve seen in this course is a kind of warning label for the data analysis tools. These are powerful; they are used for takes like guiding public policy, conducting scientific research, adjudicating legal disputes, and directing corporate spending. They need to have a warning label.
9.1 Warning: data analysis tools can be harmful to individuals
Existing social and cultural biases can be reinforced:
9.2 Warning: data analysis tools can be harmful in public policy
Recall Adrian Simpson’s critique of education meta-analysis. Meta-meta-analyses for ranking effect sizes get turned into government education policies about what teachers should be doing in their classrooms. These need to make sense!
Statistical tools in drug trials:
Turning data into medical advice: “results not significant” turns into “procedure does nothing”:
Statistical arguments in courts of law