
This book is part of a series of Socratic dialogues with AI, with author providing the queries and curating the responses. The author begins with a basic question in mind, and a probable line of subsequent questions, a path that is modified as AI replies to each query.

The path trodden in drafting this book followed Antonio Machado’s philosophy of life, extracted from his poem, paraphrased as: Fellow traveler, there is no path: we are the path itself. The path is woven as we tread it, and looking back one day, we realize its uniqueness as well as its universality, as waves in the ocean of life.

About the Author

The author is solely responsible for the direction and structure of the queries. These are based on his personal experience of the subject. They reflect the course of actual events in his life. For instance, after a Catholic education during childhood and early adolescence, a rebellious, agnostic period ensued, followed by his first exposure to, and impression by, Greek philosophers. Then, struggling between Camus’ and Sartre’s Existentialism and Kant’s Rational Idealism, until Capra’s Tao of Physics burst the agnostic spell, realizing that no-thing-ness did not mean nothingness. The world revealed by Quantum Physics brought him the realization of the fullness of sunyata: the void of space was not. There is no such thing as an empty space. Space, in its “lightness of being,”is a living entity, sprouting subatomic particles here, there and everywhere, like a Divine Mother, a true Matrix.

The Quadrivium is my current curriculum for meditation, study and service, within the framework of the “Blue Books” penned by Alice A. Bailey.

Esoteric publications by the author
Originally written 2024.05.05 and revised “2024-05-07”.