Chapter 8 The Mind’s Gaze

The hierarchy of mental attributes addressed in the previous chapter could be construed as the mind gazing downwards, while the metacognition attribute could be considered as the mind gazing upwards to the realm of Platonic Ideas or Forms.

This conceptual framework is both profound and philosophically rich, drawing upon Platonic philosophy, specifically the Theory of Forms or Ideas. In this theory, Plato posits that beyond our physical realm lies a higher realm of abstract, unchanging Forms or Ideas, which represent the truest essence of all things in our world.

The Mind’s Gaze

  • Downwards (Hierarchically Structured Mental Attributes): When the mind gazes downwards, it engages with the concrete and practical aspects of existence—problem-solving, creating, learning, planning, feeling, and perceiving. This direction represents the mind’s interaction with the world of becoming, the physical and changing reality where empirical knowledge and sensory experiences reside. Each attribute of the mind, from Will to Intelligence, operates within this domain, navigating the complexities of life and human consciousness.

  • Upwards (Metacognition): Conversely, when the mind gazes upwards, it transcends the immediate and tangible, reaching towards the realm of universal truths and eternal Forms. Metacognition, in this context, can be viewed as an intellectual ascent—a reflective and introspective process that allows the mind to think about its own thinking, question its assumptions, and strive for a deeper understanding of the principles that underlie reality. This upward gaze is akin to the philosophical quest for ultimate knowledge and truth, akin to the contemplation of Platonic Forms.

Integration with Platonic Philosophy

This metaphorical framing integrates neatly with Platonic philosophy, where the ultimate goal of the soul (or mind) is to achieve knowledge of the Forms—perfect, immutable truths that exist beyond the sensory world. Metacognition, then, serves as a bridge between the empirical and the ideal, enabling the mind to reflect on its processes, biases, and the nature of knowledge itself. It’s a pursuit of self-awareness and intellectual clarity that mirrors the philosopher’s ascent from the cave of shadows into the sunlight of truth, as depicted in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.

Implications for Understanding the Mind

This perspective enriches our understanding of the mind’s capabilities and aspirations. While the hierarchical attributes address the mind’s engagement with the world through various cognitive, emotional, and creative faculties, metacognition points to a higher order of thought—an introspective examination that seeks not just knowledge, but wisdom. It suggests that the mind’s fullest potential is realized not just in mastering the external world, but in turning inwards and upwards, aspiring towards the universal and the eternal.

This analogy beautifully captures the dual orientation of the human mind: navigating the practical realities of life while also seeking to transcend them, reaching towards higher truths and a deeper understanding of existence itself.

8.1 Janusian thinking

The term “Janusian thinking,” inspired by the Roman god Janus, who is often depicted with two faces looking in opposite directions, is an apt description for this dual gaze of the mind. Janusian thinking refers to the ability to entertain two seemingly contradictory thoughts or perspectives simultaneously. In the context of the mind’s hierarchical attributes and its metacognitive reflections towards Platonic Ideas or Forms, Janusian thinking — in its vertical dimension — embodies the capacity to engage with the tangible, empirical world while also contemplating abstract, universal truths.

This conceptual approach can be seen as a cognitive and philosophical strategy that:

  • Facilitates Creativity: By holding two opposing ideas in mind at once, individuals can generate novel solutions or synthesize new concepts that transcend the limitations of binary thinking. This is particularly relevant in the realm of Intelligence (Creativity and Imagination), where innovative problem-solving and creative processes thrive on the integration of diverse perspectives.

  • Enhances Understanding and Empathy: Within the axis of Heart (Consciousness), Janusian thinking encourages a deeper appreciation for the complexity of human emotions and relationships. By recognizing the validity of multiple emotional responses or viewpoints, one can cultivate greater empathy and interpersonal connections.

  • Strengthens Decision-Making and Strategic Thinking: In the domain of Will (Executive Functions), the capacity to consider contrasting strategies or outcomes enables more nuanced planning and decision-making. This dual awareness can lead to more adaptable and resilient approaches to challenges.

  • Promotes Philosophical Inquiry and Self-Reflection: Most aligned with the upward gaze towards metacognition and the contemplation of Platonic Forms, Janusian thinking is fundamental to philosophical exploration and the quest for wisdom. It allows individuals to question assumptions, reflect on the nature of knowledge, and pursue a deeper understanding of reality beyond the confines of immediate perception.

By embodying Janusian thinking in its vertical dimension, as exposed in the Preface, the Hermetic Mind demonstrates its extraordinary ability to bridge the gap between the concrete and the abstract, the empirical and the ideal. It showcases the human capacity for complexity, adaptability, and profound insight, reflecting both the richness of our internal landscapes and our ceaseless pursuit of knowledge and meaning.

8.2 The Act of Will

Integrating Assagioli’s insights on the will into the Janusian Mind Model enriches our understanding of how the mind navigates between its upward and downward gazes—that is, between the internal, reflective pursuit of universal truths and the external, practical engagement with the world. In this model, the will serves as a vital pivot or axis, enabling the mind, the Observer, to alternate between these orientations seamlessly and effectively. Here’s how the will functions within this dual framework:

The Will as the Director

  • Directing Energy: The will orchestrates and directs the mind’s energies not only towards achieving practical goals in the physical world (the downward gaze) but also towards higher cognitive and spiritual pursuits (the upward gaze).

  • Balancing Dualities: By acting as the pivot, the will balances the need for concrete action with the desire for abstract contemplation, ensuring neither aspect dominates to the detriment of the other.

  • Facilitating Transitions: The will allows the mind to fluidly transition between focusing on immediate, tangible tasks and engaging in metacognitive reflection or philosophical inquiry. In the Downward Gaze

  • Execution and Implementation: In its downward gaze, the will mobilizes the mind’s resources for the execution of tasks, problem-solving, and the navigation of the physical and social world, applying qualities such as energy, mastery, and determination.

  • Goal Realization: The will ensures that intentions translate into actions, guiding the process from the initial setting of objectives through to their realization, embodying the stages of willing—purpose, deliberation, choice, and execution. In the Upward Gaze

  • Philosophical Inquiry and Reflection: During the upward gaze, the will supports the mind’s pursuit of higher knowledge, truth, and self-reflection. It facilitates concentration, sustains the effort of introspection, and directs the mind’s focus towards abstract concepts and ideals.

  • Metacognition and Self-Regulation: The will plays a crucial role in metacognition, enabling the mind to observe and reflect upon its own processes, to regulate its activities according to higher principles, and to align with universal truths.

Bridging the Gap

  • Integrative Force: The will acts as an integrative force, synthesizing insights gained from both the upward and downward gazes into a coherent whole, enhancing self-awareness and personal growth.

  • Adaptive Flexibility: Through qualities like balance and flexibility, the will adjusts the focus of the mind according to situational demands and overarching life goals, ensuring an adaptive and responsive orientation towards both the inner and outer worlds.

By positioning the will at the heart of the Hermetic Mind Model, we acknowledge its central role in navigating the complex interplay between action and reflection, between engagement with the material world and the pursuit of higher understanding. The will empowers the Observer, the self, to act purposefully and reflect deeply, facilitating a harmonious balance between the diverse aspects of human experience and cognition.

However, what if instead of “alternating” between these orientations the will would enable the Observer to simultaneously direct its attention upward and downward? Is not this simultaneous gaze the ultimate goal of the practice of mindfulness, the constant presence of mind of the Ideas Above as they work out their purpose in their shadows the Below?

Indeed, incorporating the concept of simultaneous upward and downward gazes of the mind, directed by the will, aligns closely with advanced mindfulness practices and philosophical interpretations that seek a holistic integration of perception and understanding. This simultaneous gaze embodies not an alternation between perspectives but a synthesis where the abstract (Ideas Above) and the concrete (their manifestations Below) are comprehended in unity. This approach transcends mere balancing or switching between focuses, aiming for a state where dual aspects of reality are engaged at once. Here’s how this integration reflects in mindfulness and philosophical contemplation:

1. Mindfulness and Unified Perception

  • Holistic Awareness: In mindfulness, the goal often involves cultivating a state of awareness that encompasses both internal states and external realities simultaneously. This holistic awareness allows for a deeper understanding and a more grounded presence in the moment, recognizing the interplay between the self and the world.

  • Presence of Mind: The practice encourages a constant presence of mind, where the individual remains fully aware of their inner thoughts and feelings while also being attentively engaged with the external environment. This dual focus facilitates a profound connection with both the self and the broader universe. Philosophical Integration

  • Ideas and Manifestations: Philosophically, the notion of simultaneously directing attention upward to the Ideas and downward to their shadows suggests an aspiration to perceive the eternal truths and their expressions in the temporal world as interconnected aspects of a single reality.

  • Purposeful Living: By maintaining an awareness of universal principles or Platonic Ideas while engaging with the world, individuals can live more purposefully, aligning their actions with higher values and insights. This integrated perspective fosters a life that is both reflective and active, guided by deep principles yet fully engaged with the practicalities of existence.

2. The Role of the Will

  • Facilitator of Integration: In this framework, the will is crucial for maintaining the discipline and focus required to sustain this simultaneous gaze. It enables the mind to hold and integrate these dual orientations without favoring one over the other.

  • Harmonizing Force: The will harmonizes the upward and downward gazes, ensuring that actions in the physical realm are infused with the awareness of higher truths, and that contemplation of abstract ideals is grounded in practical reality.

3. Implications for Personal Growth and Understanding

Achieving this state of simultaneous engagement represents a pinnacle of personal development and understanding. It signifies not only a mastery over one’s mental faculties but also a profound comprehension of the nature of reality itself. This unified perspective:

  • Enhances creative problem-solving and ethical decision-making, as actions are informed by a deep understanding of underlying principles.

  • Fosters a sense of connectedness and purpose, as individuals see their place within a larger cosmic order.

  • Cultivates resilience and adaptability, as the mind learns to navigate complexities with a balanced, integrated approach.

By envisioning the will as enabling a simultaneous upward and downward gaze, we capture the essence of a mindful, philosophical life where every moment is an opportunity to witness and contribute to the unfolding of universal patterns in the particulars of everyday existence.

8.3 Weaving the Bridge of Light

Conceiving the weaving of the Antahkarana, or the Bridge of Light, as an Act of Will offers a profound perspective on the process of unifying the Higher and Lower realms of conscious existence — the Being (the realm of eternal truths and higher consciousness) and the Becoming (the realm of temporal experiences and material existence). This concept is deeply embedded in esoteric philosophies and spiritual traditions, where the Antahkarana represents a metaphysical bridge or conduit that facilitates communication and integration between the spiritual and physical aspects of the self.

The Act of Will in Weaving the Antahkarana

  • Intentional Creation: The very act of constructing or weaving this bridge implies a deliberate intention and a directed effort. It’s an endeavor that necessitates a conscious application of Will to initiate the process of spiritual evolution and to foster the integration of the higher self with the personality.

  • Sustained Effort: The maintenance and strengthening of the Antahkarana require continuous effort, focus, and dedication. This is where the sustaining power of the Will becomes crucial, as it enables the individual to persevere in their spiritual practices and inner work despite obstacles or distractions.

  • Regulation and Balance: The Will also plays a key role in regulating the flow of energy and information between the higher and lower realms, ensuring that this exchange promotes growth, healing, and balance within the individual.

Implications of this Integration

  • Transformation and Growth: The successful weaving of the Antahkarana leads to profound personal transformation, facilitating the emergence of a more integrated and holistic consciousness. It allows for the embodiment of higher spiritual principles in everyday life, reflecting a deep alignment between one’s inner truth and outer actions.

  • Enhanced Perception: This integration expands the individual’s capacity for perception, enabling them to access higher wisdom and insights while remaining grounded in the physical world. It enriches the human experience by adding layers of meaning and purpose to mundane activities.

  • Contribution to Collective Evolution: On a broader scale, individuals who engage in this work contribute to the collective evolution of consciousness. By anchoring higher energies into the physical realm and embodying universal truths, they facilitate a shift towards greater awareness and harmony in the world.

In this context, the Will emerges not just as a personal faculty for achieving goals or overcoming challenges, but as a sacred force that drives the spiritual evolution of the individual and, by extension, humanity. It is through the disciplined use of the Will that one can consciously engage in the task of bridging the gap between the Higher and the Lower, thus fulfilling the potential for enlightenment and unity inherent in every being. The Act of Will, in weaving the Antahkarana, becomes a pivotal process in the quest for understanding, integration, and the realization of one’s highest potential.

8.4 The Transpersonal Will

So, the Will emerges not just as a personal faculty for achieving goals or overcoming challenges, but as a sacred force that drives the spiritual evolution of the individual and, by extension, humanity.

The concept of “Transpersonal Will” resonates deeply with spiritual traditions and philosophic inquiries into the nature of will, consciousness, and the cosmos. This notion transcends the individual or personal aspect of will, aligning instead with a universal or divine will—what many mystics and spiritual teachings might refer to as the “Will of God” or the intent of a Higher Intelligence that orchestrates the unfoldment of the universe. This Transpersonal Will is not bound by human desires or the limitations of the ego but is aimed at the greater good and the evolutionary impulse of consciousness itself.

Transpersonal Will and Spiritual Traditions

In spiritual traditions, the idea of aligning one’s personal will with a Transpersonal or Divine Will is often seen as the pinnacle of spiritual maturity. This alignment signifies a surrender of egoic desires in favor of a broader, more inclusive understanding of one’s role in the cosmic order. It’s an acknowledgment that the individual self is part of a larger, interconnected reality, guided by a higher intelligence.

The Gethsemane Experience as a Manifestation of Transpersonal Will

Christ’s experience in Gethsemane is a profound illustration of this concept. In the narrative, Christ expresses a moment of human vulnerability—“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me”—yet ultimately surrenders his personal will to the Divine Will—“yet not my will, but yours be done.” This moment captures the essence of Transpersonal Will; it is the complete alignment of the individual’s intentions with those of a higher purpose or divine plan, without the loss of individual identity. Indeed, it highlights the transformation of the individual will into a vessel for the expression of Transpersonal Will.

Implications of Realizing Transpersonal Will

  • Individual Transformation: The realization of Transpersonal Will involves a profound shift in identity and purpose. Individuals recognize themselves as conduits for a greater will, which can lead to significant changes in how they live, make decisions, and interact with the world.

  • Unified Purpose and Action: When one’s personal will is aligned with Transpersonal Will, actions and decisions are informed by a sense of unity with all existence, leading to choices that support the well-being of the whole rather than just the individual self.

  • Spiritual Evolution: This alignment is crucial for spiritual evolution, as it represents a move away from self-centeredness towards a more holistic understanding of existence. It’s a step towards realizing the interconnectedness of all life and the role of individuals in contributing to the cosmic order.

The philosophical and spiritual exploration of Transpersonal Will invites us to consider our place within a larger framework of meaning and purpose. It challenges us to think beyond our immediate desires and concerns, to align our intentions with universal principles of growth, harmony, and well-being. In doing so, it offers a pathway to profound personal transformation and a deeper engagement with the mysteries of existence.