Chapter 10 Relevance

The evidence for the existence of a bridge of light, or antahkarana, as described in the esoteric teachings of Alice A. Bailey and other spiritual texts, is primarily subjective and based on the personal and internal experiences of spiritual practitioners. There is no direct scientific evidence of its existence as such, since the concept belongs to the realm of the spiritual and metaphysical, which traditionally lies beyond the direct empirical verification that characterizes modern science. However, several types of “evidence” can be considered from different perspectives:

  1. Anecdotal Evidence and Personal Testimonies: Many individuals who practice deep meditation, spiritual work, and other esoteric practices report experiences of expanding consciousness, perceptions of subtle realities, and a sense of connection to higher dimensions of existence. These experiences can be interpreted as interactions with or the active construction of the antahkarana.

  2. Similarities in Spiritual Traditions: Various spiritual traditions and religions throughout history and around the world describe concepts similar to the antahkarana, albeit with different names and descriptions. For example, in Hinduism, the “Sushumna” is an energy channel that connects physical and spiritual energies; in Christian mysticism, union with God is spoken of through an inner path of enlightenment. These similarities suggest a possible universal truth about the existence of a bridge or connection between the material and spiritual realms.

  3. Changes in Behavior and Improvements in Quality of Life: People who take the time to develop their spirituality and work on building this bridge often report significant changes in their emotional well-being, mental health, and personal relationships. While this does not prove the existence of the antahkarana per se, it does indicate the positive impact that such spiritual practices can have on a person’s life.

  4. Scientific Studies on Meditation and Consciousness: Although not directly related to antahkarana, scientific studies on meditation and its effects on the brain and consciousness offer a form of indirect evidence. Research has shown that meditation can lead to structural and functional changes in the brain, as well as improvements in emotional and physical well-being, which could be interpreted as the tangible result of spiritual practices focused on inner development and connection to higher dimensions. According to esoteric teachings, the construction of the antahkarana would facilitate the reactivation of the pineal gland — dormant since childhood and calcified in most adults — by connecting it with the pituitary gland, creating a field of extrasensory vision called “the third eye” by occultists.

Although there is no empirical evidence in the scientific sense that confirms the existence of an antahkarana or bridge of light, personal experiences, spiritual practices common to various traditions, and the beneficial effects of these practices on people’s lives offer a kind of subjective and collective validation of their reality for those who follow these spiritual paths.

10.1 Educational Systems

The integration of the building of the bridge of light, or antahkarana, into humanity’s educational system requires a holistic and spiritual approach to education that goes beyond the mere transmission of academic knowledge. Bailey advocated a form of education that considered the integral development of the person, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. This view is based on the premise that every human being is fundamentally an evolving soul, and that education should facilitate the recognition and expression of this inherent spiritual nature.

From this perspective, the construction of this bridge of light is integrated into education systems through several practices and principles:

  1. Consciousness Education: Encourage an education that promotes self-knowledge and self-realization. This involves teaching students to meditate, reflect, and explore their inner world, helping them establish a conscious connection with their higher selves.

  2. Emphasis on Universal Values: Inculcate values such as unity, love of neighbor, compassion, social responsibility, and respect for life in all its forms. These values are fundamental to developing a global consciousness and fostering the building of bridges of light both individually and collectively.

  3. Higher Faculties Development: Promote education that stimulates critical thinking, creativity, intuition, and other higher faculties of the mind. These skills are crucial for the construction of the antahkarana, as they facilitate the perception and understanding of more subtle and spiritual realities.

  4. Integration of the Material and the Spiritual: Teach that matter and spirit are not separate, but are aspects of a single reality. This could include lessons on how physical actions and decisions have spiritual implications, thus fostering a life lived with purpose and in alignment with higher spiritual principles.

  5. Fostering Diversity and Unity: Recognizing and celebrating human diversity while teaching the underlying unity of all life. This prepares students to contribute positively to an increasingly interconnected and mutually dependent world.

  6. Community Service and Involvement: Include in the curriculum opportunities for community service and projects that benefit others. Selfless service is a powerful practice for antahkarana building, as it aligns one’s actions with the greater good.

Implementing these principles in education systems would require a profound transformation of current educational objectives, methods and structures. However, such an approach promises not only to improve individual and collective well-being, but also to prepare people to meet global challenges with wisdom, compassion, and a renewed sense of spiritual purpose. Education, in this framework, becomes a means to facilitate humanity’s conscious evolution towards higher states of consciousness and spiritual fulfillment.

10.2 Spiritual disciplines: East and West

The building of the bridge of light, or antahkarana, is a central concept in various spiritual disciplines in both the East and the West. These practices and philosophies offer methods and teachings for spiritual development, each with its own particular focus, but all pointing towards the evolution of consciousness and the connection between the human being and higher dimensions of existence. Here are some of the most prominent disciplines that facilitate this process:

In the East

  1. Buddhism:
  • Meditation: Meditative practices such as Vipassana or meditation on compassion (Metta) help to purify the mind, develop compassion and understand the nature of reality, thus contributing to the internal building of spiritual bridges.

  • The Noble Eightfold Path: Provides an ethical and practical framework for living consciously and spiritually focused.

  1. Hinduism:
  • Yoga: Includes physical, moral, mental, and spiritual practices. Raja Yoga, in particular, emphasizes the importance of meditation and mind control as means of attaining union with the divine.

  • Vedanta: Philosophy that teaches non-duality and promotes the understanding of the essential unity between the individual soul (Atman) and the absolute (Brahman).

  1. Taoism:
  • Tao Te Ching and Other Scriptures: Teachings on the natural flow of life (Tao) and how to live in harmony with it, promoting balance between the material and the spiritual.

In the West

  1. Christian Mysticism:
  • Contemplative Prayer and Meditation: Practices that seek direct union with God through introspection, silent prayer, and contemplation.

  • Study of mystical texts: Such as the writings of St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, among others, which explore the path to mystical union with God.

  1. Kabbalah:
  • Study of the Sacred Texts: Includes meditative reflection on the Zohar and other texts, seeking to understand the hidden structure of reality and the way to return to the divine source.

  • Meditation and Mystical Practices: Aimed at raising consciousness and connecting with divine energies.

  1. Hermeticism and Alchemy:
  • Study and Practice of Occult Principles: Based on texts such as “The Kybalion”, which teach universal laws and how these can be applied for personal and spiritual transformation.

  • Inner Alchemy: Symbolic process of transformation and purification of consciousness.

Each of these disciplines offers unique tools for spiritual growth and elevation of consciousness. Consistent practice, coupled with a sincere commitment to one’s spiritual development, facilitates the gradual building of this bridge of light, enhancing the connection between the earthly and the divine, and allowing for a greater fluidity of spiritual energies in daily life. The key is to find the practice or combination of practices that best resonates with the individual and their unique spiritual path.

10.3 Outcomes

Building the bridge of light produces significant results both individually and collectively. This process of building, also known as the creation and strengthening of the antahkarana, has the purpose of uniting the personality (the lower self) with the soul (the Higher Self), and finally with the spirit or Monad. The results of this process are profound and transformative:

On an individual level

  1. Expansion of Consciousness: The individual experiences an expansion of his or her consciousness that transcends the ordinary perception of reality. This includes a heightened sensitivity to spiritual and subtle realities, an expanded understanding of life and its purpose, and a heightened perception of the oneness of all existence.

  2. Harmonization and Alignment: There is a progressive harmonization and alignment of the personality with the soul, resulting in a clearer sense of spiritual purpose and an orientation toward unselfish service. Everyday life is lived with greater integrity, coherence, and alignment with higher spiritual principles.

  3. Manifestation of Higher Qualities and Virtues: As the antahkarana strengthens, the individual manifests more and more higher qualities and virtues such as selfless love, compassion, wisdom, courage, and the will to good. These qualities become natural expressions of your being.

  4. Intuition and Creativity: Intuition and creativity are developed, allowing the individual to access ideas, solutions, and perceptions that transcend ordinary logical thinking. Inner guidance becomes clearer, facilitating decisions and actions that are aligned with the greater good.

On a collective level

  1. Elevation of Human Consciousness: The collective construction of bridges of light contributes to the elevation of human consciousness in general. As more individuals align with their spiritual nature and act from this recognition, a multiplier effect is generated that drives positive change in society.

  2. Establishment of Right Human Relations: According to the Lucis Trust, the construction of these bridges fosters the establishment of right human relations, based on goodwill, understanding and mutual cooperation. A culture of peace, respect and recognition of the interconnectedness between all beings is promoted.

  3. Social and Planetary Transformation: In the long term, collective work in antahkarana building has the potential to transform social, economic, and political structures, reflecting higher spiritual values and principles. This could manifest itself in more just, sustainable and equitable systems at the global level.

  4. Preparation for Future Spiritual Revelations: On a collective level, humanity prepares to receive and assimilate future spiritual revelations and teachings. Building large-scale bridges of light facilitates a receptive field for new spiritual understandings and evolutionary breakthroughs.

In short, the successful construction of this bridge of light has profound and all-encompassing implications, affecting not only individual development but also contributing to a positive transformation on the collective level of humanity. This process presents itself as an essential and ongoing task for those on the spiritual path, offering a vision of hope and purpose for the future of humanity.