Chapter 11 The Hierarchical Plan

An inevitable consequence of the evolution of human consciousness into higher — metaphysical, superhuman — states of consciousness is the factual existence of a spiritual Hierarchy of Masters of Compassion and Wisdom on this planet Earth.

As above, so below. The higher correspondences to the Will, the Heart and the Intelligence attributes of the human mind are the planetary center where the Will of God is known, Shamballa; the spiritual Hierarchy, the Heart, guided by the Purpose emanating from Shamballa; and Humanity, working out —without any coercion, in complete freedom — the Plan envisioned by the Hierarchy.

In working out this Plan of Right Human Relations and Peace on Earth — enabled by Goodwill — Humanity must “seal the door where evil dwells,” understanding that good and evil are reverse aspects of the same reality, evil being that good which should have left behind, namely, the heresy of separativeness, which served the good purpose of the individualization (self-consciousness), but which now must be outgrown into a higher state of consciousness encompassing a Transpersonal Will-to-Good.

This “sealing” work is inextricably related the “hermetic” function of the Infinite Hermetic Mind. The door where evil dwells must be hermetically sealed for the Plan to work out and thus establish planet Earth as a Beacon of Light in the Solar System. Extra terrestrial Intelligences are awaiting this decisive moment, a planetary initiation, without intervening in the freewill of Humanity, although inspiring it to tread the Path of Return from the material to spiritual realms.

11.1 Centennial Conclave

The planetary spiritual Hierarchy meets every 100 years in Shamballa, at the turn of the first quarter of each century, to revise the Plan for humanity. According to the teachings of the Tibetan Master transcribed by Alice A. Bailey — the latest and most reliable spiritual dispensation from the Hierarchy, succeeding the Secret Doctrine of Helena P. Blavatsky, the 1925 Conclave resolved three major aspects of the Plan:

“The first was a fresh inflow of the Christ principle of spiritual or true love which is ever free from emotionalism and selfish intent. This inflow resulted in the immediate and rapid growth of all movements towards peace, world understanding, goodwill, philanthropic effort and the awakening of the masses of men to the issues of brotherhood.

“The second was the stimulation of the principle of relationship and this led to the growth and the perfecting of all sources of inter-communication such as the press, the radio and travel. The inner objective of all this was to bring human beings closer together upon the outer plane of existence and thus parallel objectively the developing inner, spiritual unity.

“The third was the inflow of the force of will or power from the Shamballa centre. This, as previously explained, is the most powerful force in the world today, and only twice before in the history of mankind has this Shamballa energy made its appearance and caused its presence to be felt through the tremendous changes which were brought about. Let us recapitulate briefly.

  • The first time was during the great human crisis which occurred at the time of the individualisation of men in ancient Lemuria. [Page 107]

  • The second time was at the time of the struggle in Atlantean days between the “Lords of Light and the Lords of Material Expression.”

“This little known divine energy now streams out from Shamballa. It embodies in itself the energy which lies behind the world crisis of the moment. It is the Will of God to produce certain racial and momentous changes in the consciousness of the race which will completely alter man’s attitude to life and his grasp of the spiritual, esoteric and subjective essentials of living. It is this force which will bring about (in conjunction with the energy of love) that tremendous crisis—imminent in the human consciousness—which we call the second crisis, the initiation of the race into the Mystery of the Ages, into that which has been hid from the beginning”

(Source: The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, written in September 1939).

11.2 The Threefold Hierarchical Project

Subsequently, teachings of the European Master through Vicente Beltrán-Anglada (1915-1988) — an accepted disciple in His Ashram — adapted these three aspects of the Hierarchical Plan — from a Love-Wisdom perspective — into a “Threefold Hierarchical Project.”

The Threefold Hierarchical Project consists of:

  • the Recognition of the Kingdom of SHAMBALLA and the imminent externalization of the Hierarchy of Masters of Compassion and Wisdom;

  • the Revelation of the MOTHER of the World - the Kingdom of Angels - considering it the potential energy of creation; and

  • the Service to Humanity through White MAGIC, organized throughout the whole planet.

Fresh inflow of the Christ principle of spiritual or true love Service to Humanity through White MAGIC
Stimulation of the principle of relationship Revelation of the MOTHER of the World
Inflow of the force of will or power from the Shamballa centre Recognition of the Kingdom of SHAMBALLA

Both the general Hierarchical Plan and the specific Threefold Hierarchical Project are intricately related to building the Bridge of Light (Antahkarana). In fact, it is this Bridge (Deva ~ Light) which, collectively, weaves the Path of Externalization of the planetary spiritual Hierarchy.

11.3 Shamballa

The building of the bridge of light is fundamental in preparation for the advent of the World Teacher and the externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy from Shamballa, the planetary spiritual capital. This process symbolizes the conscious and direct connection between humanity and higher levels of spiritual consciousness. According to Bailey, as more individuals build their antahkarana, greater alignment and cooperation between humanity and the Spiritual Hierarchy is facilitated, allowing spiritual energies to more directly influence world affairs. This sets the stage for the physical reappearance or advent of a World Teacher, who will lead humanity into a new era of spiritual understanding and global cooperation.

11.4 Deva World

The Deva world, or the realm of the devas (angelic beings of light or forces of nature), represents the feminine or maternal aspect of divinity (Mother World) and works closely with the Spiritual Hierarchy to manifest the Divine Plan on Earth. The conscious construction of the antahkarana by human beings enhances perception and cooperation with the devic world, thus revealing its presence and function in the evolutionary process. This not only elevates human consciousness towards the interconnectedness of all life, but also promotes a more harmonious relationship with the environment and natural forces, recognizing their sacred role in the life of our planet.

11.5 The “Magical” Work

Magic, in the trans-rational sense, is the power to make things happen, to materialize a vision, as successful executives do. The “magical work” referred to by Bailey involves the conscious application of spiritual laws and principles to effect positive changes in the physical world, especially through acts of altruistic service. The construction of the antahkarana strengthens the capacity of the personality to act as a pure channel for the energy and intention of the soul, enabling the individual to more effectively manifest love and will to good in concrete actions. This altruistic service has the power to transform both the servant and those it serves, contributing to humanity’s evolutionary advancement toward a more inclusive and compassionate group consciousness.

In summary, building the bridge of light is a profound spiritual practice that plays a crucial role in various aspects of human and planetary evolution. It facilitates an era of greater spiritual light, understanding, and cooperation among all forms of life, leading the way to a future of greater unity and shared spiritual purpose.