1. Randomized Experiments (Week 2)

New York Scholarship Program

The following example comes from Murnane and Willett (2010), chapter 4. The data were originally downloaded from the UCLA Institute for Digital Research and Education.

The data examines a subset of African-American students from the 1997 New York Scholarship Program, a lottery for school vouchers.


  • s_id: id number
  • voucher: recieved a voucher (1=yes, 0=no)
  • pre_ach: reading achievement score before getting a voucher
  • post_ach: reading achivemenet score at year 3

Descriptive Statistics

variable vars n mean sd median skew kurtosis se
s_id 1 521 10436.484 6626.069 11141.0 0.024 -1.321 290.293
voucher 2 521 0.559 0.497 1.0 -0.235 -1.948 0.022
pre_ach 3 521 20.164 18.255 15.5 1.256 1.347 0.800
post_ach 4 521 23.867 19.209 18.0 1.040 0.525 0.842
voucher obs mean std. err. sd
combined 521 23.867 0.842 19.209
0 230 21.130 1.198 18.172
1 291 26.029 1.158 19.754
difference -4.899 1.679


The following are three different analyses of the impact of voucher receipt (VOUCHER) on the third-grade academic achievement (POST_ACH) for a subsample of 521 African-American children randomly assigned to either a “voucher” treatment or a “no voucher” control group ( n = 521)


(Strategy 1, Table 4.1, pg. 49)

no voucher voucher statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method alternative std. err
21.13 26.029 -2.911 0.004 519 -8.205 -1.593 Two Sample t-test two.sided 1.682719


Students who recieved an offer of a voucher had significantly higher achivement scores.

Simple Linear Regression

(Strategy 2, Table 4.1, pg 49)

Predictor b b_95%_CI beta beta_95%_CI sr2 sr2_95%_CI r Fit
(Intercept) 21.13** [18.66, 23.60]
voucher 4.90** [1.59, 8.20] 0.13 [0.04, 0.21] .02 [.00, .04] .13**
R2 = .016**
95% CI[.00,.04]

Output for variances

Predictor SS df MS F p partial_eta2 CI_90_partial_eta2
(Intercept) 102693.91 1 102693.91 282.32 .000
voucher 3082.89 1 3082.89 8.48 .004 .02 [.00, .04]
Error 188787.59 519 363.75


Students who recieved an offer of a voucher had significantly higher achivement scores (4.9 points higher).

Multiple Linear Regression

(Strategy 3, Table 4.1, pg 49)

Predictor b b_95%_CI beta beta_95%_CI sr2 sr2_95%_CI r Fit
(Intercept) 7.72** [5.43, 10.00]
voucher 4.10** [1.61, 6.59] 0.11 [0.04, 0.17] .01 [-.00, .02] .13**
pre_ach 0.69** [0.62, 0.76] 0.65 [0.59, 0.72] .43 [.36, .49] .66**
R2 = .442**
95% CI[.38,.49]

Output for variances

Predictor SS df MS F p partial_eta2 CI_90_partial_eta2
(Intercept) 9100.16 1 9100.16 44.05 .000
voucher 2154.80 1 2154.80 10.43 .001 .02 [.00, .04]
pre_ach 81780.28 1 81780.28 395.88 .000 .43 [.38, .48]
Error 107007.31 518 206.58


Students who recieved an offer of a voucher had significantly higher achivement scores (4.1 points higher) controlling for pre-test scores. The model with the pre_ach covariate accounts for more variability as indicated by the smaller mean square error term of 206.58.


Murnane, R. J., & Willett, J. B. (2010). Methods matter: Improving causal inference in educational and social science research. Oxford University Press.