3. Random- and Fixed-Effects Models (Week 4 - Part I)

Key Concepts

  • Random-Effects Model - Allows the inclusion of intact groups (clusters) within a model
    • Each cluster is given its own random intercept made up of its mean and its residual variance, meaning that each group has a different, or random, intercept
  • Intraclass Correlation (ICC) - A ratio that indicates the percent of variation in the outcome that is attributed to the group. It represents between-group differences.
    • The inverse is attributable to individual- or lowest-level differences
    • The way variance is partitioned is a good indicator of homogeneity of individuals on the outcome
      • Low ICC means less differences among groups and more differences among individuals within groups, meaning individuals are independent of each other
      • High ICC means more difference among groups than within them, meaning individuals within groups are interdependent.
  • Fixed-Effects Model - Allows for the inclusion of a dummy variable that controls for group-level effects

Success for All (SFA) Program

The following example comes from Murnane and Willett (2010), chapter 7. The data was originally downloaded from the UCLA Institute for Digital Research and Education (IDRE).

The data examines a subset of SFA data which focuses on first graders in their first year in which their school participated in the SFA program. The example focuses on a single outcome, a “Word-Attack” reading test score measured at the end of the first year.


  • schid: school ID
  • stuid: student ID
  • wattack: Word Attack reading score
  • sfa: treatment = 1, control = 0
  • ppvt: pretest score
  • sch_ppvt: school average of ppvt pretest score

Descriptive Statistics


n mean sd min max skew kurtosis
2334 478.5193 19.87872 440 545 -0.1653687 -0.2012883

Descriptive Statistics of Word Attack Score by School

Descriptive statistics of Word Attack score by school (first 5 schools)
School ID mean sd min max Freq.
1 475.7308 16.15988 440 519 52
2 486.6034 15.31063 449 532 116
3 491.3676 16.84690 449 532 68
4 462.9118 16.55179 440 494 34
5 495.0851 14.96783 464 532 47


The above boxplot shows the between-school variability and is similar to visualizing the intraclass correlation.

Descriptive Statistics by Experimental Condition (sfa)

Descriptive statistics of Word Attack score by school (first 5 schools)
Condition mean sd min max Freq.
0 474.8247 20.05239 440 545 1118
1 481.9161 19.10511 440 537 1216


Instructions from

Model 1 - Unconditional Model, Table 7.1, pg. 114

To estimate a random-effect or multi-level model, we can use lmer() from the lme4 package. We will use icc() from the performance package and r.squaredGLMM from the MuMIn package.

The function and argument is as follows:

lmer(dv ~ 1 (for unconditional) + (1 (for random) | grouping variable), data = data object)

Note: you would use (0 | grouping variable) for fixed effects.

Model 1 - Fitted Random-Effects Multilevel Models: Unconditional Model
term estimate std.error statistic group
(Intercept) 477.535 1.451 329.137 fixed
sd_(Intercept).schid 8.896 schid
sd_Observation.Residual 17.725 Residual
R2 0.000
ICC 0.201
\(WATTACK_{ji} = (\gamma_0 + u_j) + \epsilon_{ij}\)


  • intercept represents the grand mean of Word Attack scores across all schools
    • sd_(Intercept).schid - The residual variation for schools.
  • sd_observation.Residual - The residual variation for students.
  • Residuals, \(R^2\), and ICC serve as baselines of comparison across the models

Other R Functions

For other important model statistics, you can use:

  • parameters::p_value() - to get p-values
  • lme4 can easily be transformed into a table with broom::tidy, broom::augment, and broom::glance but lmerTest cannot.
  • performance::icc() to get the intraclass correlation
  • VarCorr() - to get residual the standard deviations +tidy(model)[row,2]$estimate^2 to get the variances

Model 2 - Conditional model that contains the main effect of SFA, Table 7.1, pg. 114

Model 2 - Fitted Random-Effects Multilevel Models: with SFA
term estimate std.error statistic group
(Intercept) 475.302 2.035 233.616 fixed
sfa 4.366 2.844 1.535 fixed
sd_(Intercept).schid 8.700 schid
sd_Observation.Residual 17.727 Residual
R2 0.012
ICC 0.194
\(WATTACK_{ji} = (\gamma_0 + u_j) + \gamma_1SFA_j + \epsilon_{ij}\)


  • intercept - The mean word attack score across schools in the control group
  • sfa - The impact of being in the SFA program on school Word Attacks scores (these schools had scores 4.366 points higher)
  • sd_(Intercept).schid - The residual for schools - This has decreased to some extent as sfa accounts for some of the variation
  • The treatment effect explained 6.3%, a reduction in variance.SFA accounts for 6.3% of the 20% (ICC) between schools.
  • ((8.8962)-(8.72))/(8.8986^2)

  • sd_observation.Residual - Residual variation for children remains the same, as SFA is a school-level variable
  • ICC has decreased somewhat and indicates the variation between schools is less when sfa is taken into account.
    • sfa accounts for 3.5% of the variance between schools
      • \(\frac{.194-.201}{.201} = -.035\)

Model 3 - Conditional model that adds the main effect of covariate SCH_PPVT to Model #2, Table 7.1, pg. 114

Model 3 - Fitted Random-Effects Multilevel Models: with SFA and pretest scores
term estimate std.error statistic group
(Intercept) 419.807 12.643 33.205 fixed
sfa 3.569 2.356 1.515 fixed
sch_ppvt 0.623 0.141 4.425 fixed
sd_(Intercept).schid 7.024 schid
sd_Observation.Residual 17.725 Residual
R2 0.082
ICC 0.136

\(WATTACK_{ji} = (\gamma_0 + u_j) + \gamma_1SFA_j + \gamma_2SCH_PPVT_j + \epsilon_{ij}\)


  • intercept - The mean of word attack scores across schools in the control group, controlling for school average pretest scores
  • sfa - The impact of being in the SFA program on school Word Attacks scores, controlling for pretest scores (these schools had scores 3.569 points higher)
  • sch_ppvt - school pre-test scores - these are included for statistical control and not generally needed for interpretation
  • sd_(Intercept).schid - The residual for schools - This has decreased to some extent as sfa and sch_ppvt accounts for some of the variation
  • The percent difference between Model 2 and Model 3 is 35%, which means school pre-test scores explains 35% of variation across word attack scores above and beyond what the treatment explains. This creates a more precise estimate in the treatment variable.
  • sd_observation.Residual - Residual variation for children remains the same, as SFA is a school-level variable
  • ICC has decreased somewhat and indicates the variation between schools is less when sfa and sch_ppvt are taken into account.

Model 4 - Model #3 using the within-school averages of prior ppvt score (new variable schavgppvt) from the analytic subsample instead of sch_ppvt. (Not shown in text, this analysis is mentioned in footnote 15 on page 127.) - from UCLA

Model 4 - Fitted Random-Effects Multilevel Models: with SFA and subsample of pretest scores
term estimate std.error statistic group
(Intercept) 421.604 11.690 36.064 fixed
sfa 3.216 2.323 1.384 fixed
schavgppvt 0.602 0.130 4.636 fixed
sd_(Intercept).schid 6.888 schid
sd_Observation.Residual 17.725 Residual
R2 0.086
ICC 0.131

Model Notes

This model includes within-school averages of pre-test scores rather than all pre-test scores. This variable normalizes within-school variation and thus accounts for between-school variation in a different way. Intercept is not adjusted adjusted for school differences

Schavppvt acts as a type of fixed effect (e.g. holding within-school averages constant) as it acts as a kind of grouping variable that serves to group individuals by school.

Model Variations

The following models show various ways of controlling for individual- and school-level ppvt. None of the models shown below are displayed in the text. These are from the UCLA website.

Controlling for individual-level ppvt, deviated from the grand mean (new variable ppvt_devgm).

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    40.0    81.0    90.0    90.4   100.0   144.0
Model 5 - Fitted Random-Effects Multilevel Models: Controlling for individual-level ppvt
term estimate std.error statistic group
(Intercept) 475.907 1.645 289.228 fixed
sfa 3.440 2.301 1.495 fixed
ppvt_devgm 0.485 0.028 17.446 fixed
sd_(Intercept).schid 6.920 schid
sd_Observation.Residual 16.725 Residual
R2 0.153
ICC 0.146

Model Notes

This model includes ppvt_devgm, which is a variable in which individual pre-test scores are centered around the grand mean. This changes the meaning of the intercept to one that is adjusted for school-level differences and refers to someone with the control group and

Controlling for individual-level ppvt by including deviations of individual scores from school-average scores (new variable ppvt_devsm) and school-average scores from the grand mean (new variable schavgppvt_devgm).

Model 6 - Fitted Random-Effects Multilevel Models: Controlling for individual-level ppvt
term estimate std.error statistic group
(Intercept) 476.063 1.658 287.088 fixed
sfa 3.189 2.322 1.373 fixed
ppvt_devsm 0.479 0.028 16.840 fixed
schavgppvt_devgm 0.603 0.130 4.643 fixed
sd_(Intercept).schid 6.941 schid
sd_Observation.Residual 16.725 Residual
R2 0.172
ICC 0.147

Model Notes

This model includes ppvt_devsm, which is a variable that centers pretest scores around each school’s average score. This helps to account for within-school variation. In addition, it includes schavgppt_devgm, which is a variable the centers school-average pre-test scores around the grand mean, helping to account for variation between-schools.

This allows the regression coefficients to be used as pure within-group and between-group estimates.

Controlling for school-average ppvt deviated from the grand mean (schavgppvt_devgm).

Model 7 - Fitted Random-Effects Multilevel Models: Controlling for school-level ppvt deviated from the grand mean
term estimate std.error statistic group
(Intercept) 476.059 1.658 287.049 fixed
sfa 3.216 2.323 1.384 fixed
schavgppvt_devgm 0.602 0.130 4.636 fixed
sd_(Intercept).schid 6.888 schid
sd_Observation.Residual 17.725 Residual
R2 0.086
ICC 0.131

Model Notes

This model includes schavgppvt_devgm , which is a variable that centers school-average pretest scores around the grand mean. This helps to account for / control for within-school variation.

Model Comparison Tables

Models from P. 114

stat Fitted Random-Effects Multilevel Models
Model #1: The unconditional model Model #2: Main effect of SFA Model #3: Adds the main effect of SCH_PPVT
Intercept 477.535 475.302 419.807
SFA 4.366 3.569
SCH_PPVT 0.623
var_u 314.188 314.230 314.175
var_e 79.135 75.686 49.334
r2 0.000 0.012 0.082
icc 0.201 0.194 0.136

Models from UCLA

  ~stat, ~model1, ~model2, ~model3, ~model4, ~model5, ~model6, ~model7,
) %>%
  mutate(across(is.numeric, round, 3)) %>%
  rename("Model 1: The unconditional model" = model1,
         "Model 2: Main effect of SFA" = model2,
         "Model 3: Adds the main effect of SCH_PPVT" = model3,
         "Model 4: Within-school averages" = model4,
         "Model 5: PPVT deviated from the grand mean" = model5,
         "Model 6: Deviations of individuals and schools" = model6,
         "Model 7: Controlling for school average PPVT" = model7) %>%
  apa() %>%
    columns = 2:8,
    missing_text = ""

stat Model 1: The unconditional model Model 2: Main effect of SFA Model 3: Adds the main effect of SCH_PPVT Model 4: Within-school averages Model 5: PPVT deviated from the grand mean Model 6: Deviations of individuals and schools Model 7: Controlling for school average PPVT
Intercept 477.535 475.302 419.807 421.604 475.907 476.063 476.059
SFA 4.366 3.569 3.216 3.440 3.189 3.216
SCH_PPVT 0.623
schavgppvt 0.602
ppvt_devgm 0.485
ppvt_devsm 0.479
schavgppvt_devgm 0.603 0.602
var_u 314.188 314.230 314.175 314.185 279.726 279.718 314.185
var_e 79.135 75.686 49.334 47.446 47.888 48.176 47.446
r2 0.000 0.012 0.082 0.086 0.153 0.172 0.086
icc 0.201 0.194 0.136 0.131 0.146 0.147 0.131

  • var_u = \(\hat\sigma_\epsilon^2\)
  • var_e = \(\hat\sigma_u^2\)
  • r2 = \(R_{total}^2\)
  • icc = Intraclass correlation, \(\hat\rho\)

Related Journal Articles

Brand, J. E., & Xie, Y. (2010). Who benefits most from college? Evidence for negative selection in heterogeneous economic returns to higher education. American Sociological Review, 75(2), 273-302.

Titus, M. A. (2004). An examination of the influence of institutional context on student persistence at 4-year colleges and universities: A multilevel approach. Research in higher education, 45(7), 673-699.


Murnane, R. J., & Willett, J. B. (2010). Methods matter: Improving causal inference in educational and social science research. Oxford University Press.