7. Propensity Score Matching

Key Concepts

  • Propensity scores can be used as an attempt to deal with treatment bias in non-experimental data.
  • It is more powerful than simply including many covariates because it attempts to minimize observed differences through predictions from logistic regression.

Methods Matter, Chapter 12

The following example comes from Murnane and Willett (2010), chapter 12.

NELS-88 Public vs. Catholic School Math Achievement

“We investigate the impact on a student’s twelfth-grade mathematics achievement of attending a Catholic (versus a public) high school while attempting to remove bias due to observed differences in base-year family income, parental educational attainment and expectations, and base-year student academic achievement and behavior.” This is based on research by Altonji, Elder, and Taber (2005).

The sample contains the 5,671 students from the NELS-88 dataset who were living in families with annual income of less than $75,000 (in 1988 dollars) in the base year of the survey.

Key Variables
variable description
id student id code
read12 12th grade standardized reading score
math12 12th grade standardized mathematics score
hsgrad graduated hs on time?
inpse entered pse after hs?
catholic attended catholic hs?
read8 8th grade standardized reading score
math8 8th grade standardized mathematics score
female student is female?
race r^s race/ethnic background
white student is white?
black student is black?
hisp student is hispanic?
api student is asian/pacific islander?
nativam student is native american?
parmar8 parents marital status in 8th grade
faminc8 total annual family income in 8th grade
fathed8 father^s highest level of education
mothed8 mother^s highest level of education
fhowfar how far in schl r^s father wants r to go
mhowfar how far in schl r^s mother wants r to go
fight8 r got into fight with another student
nohw8 student rarely completes homework
disrupt8 student frequently disruptive
riskdrop8 # of risk factors for later dropout

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics for mathematics score (math12), type of high school (catholic), and family income (faminc8)
variables n mean sd min max skew kurtosis
math12 5671 51.051 9.502 29.88 71.37 -0.057 -0.929
catholic 5671 0.104 0.306 0.00 1.00 2.587 4.693
faminc8 5671 9.526 2.218 1.00 12.00 -1.268 1.446
Catholic school attendance by family income
faminc8 Attended Catholic school? Total
no yes
none 17 1 18
<$1000 41 1 42
$1000-$2999 84 0 84
$3000-$4999 79 6 85
$5000-$7499 138 6 144
7500-$9999 169 6 175
$10000-$14999 427 20 447
$15000-$19999 410 31 441
$20000-$24999 608 47 655
$25000-$34999 1137 130 1267
35000-$49999 1221 198 1419
50000-$74999 748 146 894
$75000-$99999 0 0 0
$100000-199999 0 0 0
$200000 or more 0 0 0
Total 5079 592 5671
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  .
## X-squared = 111.41, df = 11, p-value < 2.2e-16

Generating Variable Categories

The book examples uses generated variables faminc8, which uses the actual mid-values of each income range, scaled.

Determining the Best Model

Before generating propensity scores, it is important to determine the best model that predicts group membership through an iterative process.

Parameter estimates and approximate p-values for a set of fitted logistic regression models in which attendance at a public or a Catholic high school (CATHOLIC) has been regressed on hypothesized selection predictors (INC8 and MATH8) that describe the base-year annual family income and student mathematics achievement (n = 5,671)
Model A Model B Model c
(Intercept) -5.209 -5.362 -4.982
(0.586) (0.619) (0.703)
inc8 0.062 0.087 0.054
(0.014) (0.017) (0.019)
inc8:math8 -0.001 -0.001 -0.000
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
math8 0.043 0.036 0.022
(0.011) (0.012) (0.012)
I(inc8^2) -0.000 -0.000
(0.000) (0.000)
disrupt8 0.693
fhowfar 0.196
fight8 -0.474
mhowfar 0.026
nohw8 -0.688
riskdrop8 -0.303
Num.Obs. 5671 5671 5671
AIC 3683.2 3677.1 3630.3
BIC 3709.8 3710.3 3703.3
Log.Lik. -1837.592 -1833.541 -1804.125
LR Chi-Square: 120.129 128.231 187.063


Model C was determined to be the best based on having smaller model fit statistics AIC/BIC. Also, since Model B is nested within Model C, we can perform a Likelihood-Ratio Chi-squared test between the model deviances (i.e., 2×LL): (2×1833.541)(2×1804.125)=58.8, which is distibuted as a Chi-squared with degrees of freedom equal the difference in the number of paramters between models (10-4 = 6): χ2(6)=58.8, p < .001.

Note: a polynomial term (inc82) to account for a non-linear relationship between catholic and inc8. See Box-Tidwell (i.e., adding interactions between the continuous variables and its natural log, if it’s significant, it suggest non-linearity) and link tests (i.e., this uses the predicted values and square of predicted values to test whether the model is properly specified, the squared term should not be statistically significant) for logistic regression.

Stratifying on the Propensities

Checking balance on the propensities

Testing balance of blocks based on quntiles
blocks p.value
1 0.9846739
2 0.9996522
3 0.9851109
4 0.7720567
5 0.9508310


The table above shows t-tests per block between propensity scores and treatment groups. Using a one-sided test where the expectation is a greater score, none of the differences are significant. This suggests balance.

Note: if you choose “less”, you will get different results becuase it is the lower side of the one-sided t-test. You’d be testing whether the expectation is a lower score. You may also want to check individual covariate balance, as below.

Stratification into 5 blocks based on cut scores

The following stratification comes from p. 320

Testing balance of blocks based on the book's example
blocks p.value
1 0.9788125
2 0.9884155
3 0.9776620
4 0.9145168
5 0.2712632

Estimate the ATE and ATT of Stratified Propensity Scores

## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'blocks' (override with `.groups` argument)
Five propensity-score blocks, based on predicted values from final Model C (which contains selected covariates in addition to those included in Model B). Within-block sample statistics include: (a) frequencies, (b) average propensity scores, and (c) average twelfth grade mathematics achievement by type of high school, and their difference (n = 5,671)
blocks n_Public n_Catholic pr_score_Public pr_score_Catholic income_mean_Public income_mean_Catholic mathmean_Public mathmean_Catholic math_achievment_Public math_achievment_Catholic diff n
1 1089 34 0.030 0.035 13.316 13.169 44.542 46.039 43.664 46.014 2.350 1123
2 1431 110 0.075 0.078 27.017 26.675 49.412 49.956 48.853 51.002 2.149 1541
3 1599 253 0.127 0.129 35.930 37.362 53.891 53.971 53.623 55.383 1.760 1852
4 829 160 0.172 0.173 52.289 52.891 58.048 57.814 56.869 57.346 0.477 989
5 131 35 0.213 0.212 59.752 60.214 51.304 51.475 52.506 55.013 2.507 166
## [1] 1.780655
## [1] 1.563573

Using MatchIt

Method from http://www.practicalpropensityscore.com/matching.html

Diagnose Covariate Balance

This table shows the maximum standardized mean difference in propensity scores ? between groups.

##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
## 0.000000 0.004342 0.020411 0.021566 0.036718 0.051833

The results show Small differences between groups on the covariates. (Max = .05).

##    11

This table shows that only there are no differences greater than .1 (FALSE 11)

Estimate Treatment Effects

## Call:
## svyglm(formula = math12 ~ catholic + I(inc8^2) + (inc8 * math8) + 
##     fhowfar + mhowfar + fight8 + nohw8 + disrupt8 + riskdrop8, 
##     design = design.nels88, family = gaussian())
## Survey design:
## svydesign(ids = ~1, weights = ~weights, data = matched_data)
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)  5.2344350  2.5150613   2.081 0.037641 *  
## catholic     1.2250485  0.3128480   3.916 9.56e-05 ***
## I(inc8^2)   -0.0013863  0.0006069  -2.284 0.022542 *  
## inc8         0.2410835  0.0681540   3.537 0.000421 ***
## math8        0.8123924  0.0426961  19.027  < 2e-16 ***
## fhowfar     -0.0421049  0.4213556  -0.100 0.920420    
## mhowfar      0.4604611  0.4064090   1.133 0.257459    
## fight8       0.3835736  1.5872490   0.242 0.809089    
## nohw8       -1.9228815  0.6605490  -2.911 0.003674 ** 
## disrupt8    -0.3809514  1.7834881  -0.214 0.830899    
## riskdrop8   -0.1132044  0.3294263  -0.344 0.731181    
## inc8:math8  -0.0020930  0.0010155  -2.061 0.039521 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 25.95404)
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 2

Because of unmatched controls (4,546; see summary(nels88_ps)), we can typically only estimate the ATT since we don’t typically include the entire sample. Weighting by the inverse of the propensity score then running the analysis is one way to get the ATE. You can also get ATE from stratification.

Another MatchIt Method

From Propensity Scores: A Practical Introduction Using R

Visualize Propensity Scores

## [1] "To identify the units, use first mouse button; to stop, use second."
## integer(0)

Prepare Matched Data

Outcome Analysis
estimate statistic p.value method alternative
0.939831 2.22596 0.02639323 Paired t-test two.sided

.93 is the ATT. It is lower than what’s found in the Methods Matter, but it also uses a slightly different method. One thing we’d want to do is assess the robustness of these results by altering parameters of the matching algorithm (e.g., adding a caliper, altering the values of the caliper .2 to .15, matching with and without replacement, ratio matching 1:5) or by choosing a different matching algorithm (e.g., optimal matching, full matching). These type of tests help demonstrate that results do not depend on the particular matching method chosen.

Stratification with MatchIt

Based on Practical Propensity Score Methods Using R (Leite, 2019)

##  catholic    1    2   3   4   5
##    Public 2198 1016 702 616 547
##  Catholic  119  118 118 118 119

Covariate Balance Evaluation

## # A tibble: 5 x 4
##   strata         min     mean    max
##   <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1 Subclass 1 -0.565   0.00616 0.271 
## 2 Subclass 2 -0.0656  0.0478  0.144 
## 3 Subclass 3 -0.0764  0.00674 0.0739
## 4 Subclass 4 -0.102  -0.00880 0.0317
## 5 Subclass 5 -0.0108  0.0328  0.0837

Two stratas have greater than .1 and 1 has greater than .25. This is OK, but not great.