W8 (30 Apr. 2020)
Lecture - Autobiography (I)
- Autobiography
- 無聊的文體
- Try to spice up your boring autobiography with story elements
- Three elements
- Adventure
- Achievement
- Epiphany (對重要事物的頓悟)
- Adventure
- 無聊的文體
- Biography
- 充滿更多的故事元素
- Personal information
- Impersonal narration (旁觀的敘事者)
- Interpersonal communication (充滿對話性的可能)
- Personal autobiography (1 page)
- Professional autobiography (1 paragraph)
- Academic autobiography (3-5 sentences)
Professional autobiography
- Length
- One paragraph to better present yourself
- Attached at the end of resume or on the next page
- Keep it relevant to the target position
- One paragraph to better present yourself
- Styles
- Formal (moderate but rigid)
- 名字表示:姓名 → 名 → 第三人稱代名詞 (impersonal narration)
- 時間排序(flashback):先聊現況 (present simple) → 過往經驗 → 求學經歷
- 名字表示:姓名 → 名 → 第三人稱代名詞 (impersonal narration)
- Informational (會提供更多個人的資訊 core value; personal but idealised)
- 提供對於特定專業/領域的個人看法(價值觀、核心信念)
- 可能會偶而使用第一人稱代名詞 (但避免在一個段落內混用人稱)
- 提供對於特定專業/領域的個人看法(價值觀、核心信念)
- Conversational (未必每個場合都合適; impressive but risky)
- 根據要申請的職務需求/特性,或許可以適度使用第二人稱代名詞來拉近與讀者的距離
- 不適合在學術場合使用
- 根據要申請的職務需求/特性,或許可以適度使用第二人稱代名詞來拉近與讀者的距離
- Formal (moderate but rigid)
Academic autobiography
- Functions
- for the proposal reviewer to know something about you
- for the conference or seminar host to introduce you
- for the seminar participants to attend your talk
⇒ particularly common in the European academia
- for the proposal reviewer to know something about you
An example
- Review (p.27)
- I 使用得太浮濫
- Cohesion 不夠好
- Rewrite
- 用精練的介系詞片語取代冗長的子句
- Informational、充滿個人色彩、研究源起
- 用精練的介系詞片語取代冗長的子句
- Styles
- Formal
- Informational
- Formal
- What to avoid
- Avoid speaking in the first person
- Avoid going into greater details than necessary
- Not obligatory to indicate your bachelor’s degree
as if you were reading the biography of someone else
- Avoid speaking in the first person
- What to offer
- Start with your full name followed by your current position, your research interests, or your current project
- Mention a prestigious award (received within 5 years) 會是一個很容易被注意到的亮點
- Finish with a sentence that is personal but not too private
Reveal your research interest in a way that is ‘personal but not too private.’
- Start with your full name followed by your current position, your research interests, or your current project
Longer academic autobiography
Longer Bio (1-5 paragraphs)
- Academic degrees
- Specific academic projects
- Awards/Honours
- Published pieces
- Research interests
- Hobbies
⇒ for job application or on personal website
Reviews of three shorter Academic Bios to read
- Ideally, end the autobiography with publications for the reader to better understand you.
- Use a little space to present the unique part of you to spice up the autobiography.
- Focus on the current academic engagement if your background is not yet solid enough.
Autobiography review
- Characteristics
- Personal information
- Impersonal narration
- Interpersonal communication
- Personal information