W3 (19 Mar. 2020)
Lab - Paragraph
- 好的 paragraph
- Topic sentence
- Supporting ideas (examples)
- 舉例要有強度(能夠查證的實例,而非虛構的例證)
- 舉例要有強度(能夠查證的實例,而非虛構的例證)
- Concluding sentence
- Topic sentence
Lecture - Cover Letter (I) Letters of Inquiry
- What is cover letter?
- 請求別人打開相關文件的信件
- 請求別人打開相關文件的信件
- Letter as a genre
- 讀者的對象很限定
- 篇幅精短
- 語言不會過於正式、學術 → 語氣較為輕鬆
- 讀者的對象很限定
- Letter
- 特定格式
- 要能夠一口氣讀完
- 語氣不要過於正式、學術
- 特定格式
- Cover
- 作為所有申請文件的封面/門面
- 引導讀者應該要注意的「重點」(切勿流水帳)
- 作為所有申請文件的封面/門面
- Where to place the cover letter?
- Cover letter/Motivation letter
- Resume
- Autobiography
- Diploma
- Transcript
- Certificates (通過特定考試的執照/證照)
- References (推薦函)
- Appendix (所有敘述都應該附上證明文件)
- Cover letter/Motivation letter
- Cover letter 的重要性
- Popular in the US/UK/EU context
- A mark of professionalism
- To save/steal time
- A signal of zeal
- To address in a personal tone (可能是在整份申請文件中,唯一最能有自己聲音、口吻的文件)
- Popular in the US/UK/EU context
- Cover letter 格式
- 3-4 paragraphs (opening + 2 body paragraphs + closing)
- Short + sweet
- 3-4 paragraphs (opening + 2 body paragraphs + closing)
- Opening
- Self-identification
- Motivation
- Self-identification
- Body paragraphs
- Establish strong ties
- STAR (Situation - Task - Action - Result)
- Establish strong ties
- Closing
- To be polite and firm (neither humble nor arrogant)
Letter of Inquiry
- To ask about possible opportunities rather than respond to a specific announcement
- To offer an incentive for reply
- Self-positioning
- NO LONGER a full-time student
- Propose a win-win scenario
- NO LONGER a full-time student
Example One
- 過多冗雜資訊
- 語氣高傲
Example Two
- 指出明確的人 → 增加他/她回信的責任感
- 不要使用浮誇口吻
- <句法>
- S1 + V1, so S2 + V2
- S1 + V1, hence + noun phrase
- S1 + V1, so S2 + V2
- 在學生身份下,仍然要透露自我情報
- 信件中,偏好列點式的呈現(便於對方回應)
- <句法> Enclosed/Attached is/are + N
Example Three
- 提供 incentives
- Comprehension and Apprehension (理解後的憂慮、考量)
- 「逗號」可以拉近與讀者的關係/距離
- 思考如何提供 incentives?
- 排除 ethnic diversity 這個選項