W4 (26 Mar. 2020)
Lab - Summary, Paraphrase, and Plagiarism
Plagiarism 剽竊
- What is plagiarism?
Have you ever plagiarised?
- Case study
- 臺大/清大畢聯會文宣抄襲
- Megon Walker’s case
- 臺大/清大畢聯會文宣抄襲
Theft of ideas: turnitin
Types of plagiarism
- Direct plagiarism
- Deliberate
- Negligent
- Deliberate
- Mosaic plagiarism
- Stolen phrases
- 在英文寫作中,超過三個字就應該使用 quotation marks,並標註姓名與年份。
- Stolen phrases
- Accidental plagiarism
- Self plagiarism
- Course assignments
- Test descriptions
- Course assignments
Remedies of plagiarism
- Quotation
- " " (surname, year)
- " " 內不要修改任何文字
- " " 內要修改文字要記得加 [ ] (bracket)
- " " (surname, year)
- Paraphrase
- Sentence structure
- Wording
- 要記得合乎作者原先的立場與語氣
- Beaware of being ‘too similar to the original’
- Sentence structure
- Summary
- a concise representation of ideas
Reporting verbs
- claim 認為別人的論點可能有瑕疵
- point out 覺得別人說的很好
- assert 提出有創見、強烈主張的點
- argue vs contend
Lecture - Cover Letter (II) Letters of Application
- To accompany different forms of applications
- Application for a fellowship
- Application for a campus position
- Application for a degree programme
- Application for a fellowship
Application for a fellowship
- 開頭通常可以不用署名
- 開頭的 outstanding 是可以被接受的(偶一為之)
- 減少使用空洞的詞彙
- 在 cover letter 中,不需要重複太多其他文件(e.g., CV, résumé)會提供的訊息
- Leadership?!
- Letter 結尾:「不卑不亢」
- 結尾可以暗示自身可以再提供更多有利文件(e.g., references)
- Professional references
- professionalism
- professionalism
- Personal references
- personal integrity
- personal integrity
- Recommendation letters
- 修過兩門課以上 or 認識兩年以上
- Confidential? 選擇「放棄」看推薦信的權力或許是有利的
- 要記得署名(簽名掃描、電子簽名)
- 修過兩門課以上 or 認識兩年以上
Application for a campus position
- 提供修課成績、作品集(具體的例證)
- 去除不必要的延伸 ⇒ 延伸故事的主軸(提供具體的例證)
- 提供適時的暗示
Application for a degree programme
- 信件中不見得需要 concluding sentence (Knot the tie)
- 建立與教授的連結 (Proper citation)
- 可以適當地 quote 學校的資訊
- 藉由 cover letter 補充 résumé 所沒提供的資訊
Assignment - Cover Letter
- Deadline: 21:00, 1 Apr. 2020
- Either Letter of Inquiry or Application Letter