W6 (16 Apr. 2020)
Lecture - Résumé (II) Content & Language
Resume objective
- only one or two statements
- unnecessarily complete in its sentence structure
- clear target, precise expression, and substantial support
- normally unnecessary
- NEEDED if the past positions do not seem to directly related to the programme under application
- NEEDED if there is a considerable lapse of time between workplace and school
- NEEDED if the past positions do not seem to directly related to the programme under application
- Pitfalls to avoid
- Non-productive objective
- Empty adjectives
- Circular reasoning
- Non-productive objective
Resume summary
- Ideal for postgraduate/PhD students
- Ideal for those with extensive experience across various contexts
Time Expression
- Months abbreviation
- June, July, Sept.
Tense Expression
- Present tense (仍在進行的事情)
- AmE present simple
- BrE present progressive (ref. The Careers Service, Oxford)
- AmE present simple
Telephone Expression
- +886-919549408
- +886-8-7525880
Name Expression
- Zhilin Su
- Su, Zhilin
Degree Expression
- MA in English
- BSc in Psychology
- MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience
- Candidate of MSc for Cognitive Neuroscience
Grade Expression
- (Cumulative) GPA: 4.20/4.30
- HOW to embellish the GPA?
- Overall GPA (一定要列)
- Last-60-Credits Average
- Junior/Senior GPA
- Major GPA
- Last-60-Credits Average
- Graphic grade
- Overall GPA (一定要列)
Bullet point description
A list implies …
- point (•) → components of an event
- hyphen (-) → a sequence of events
- arrow (>) → ‘logical implications’
- tick (V) → a list of things that were ‘scheduled to be done’
Eight tips to make a successful resume
- Looks matter
- Keep it brief
- Easy to get in touch
- 聯絡資料不需要列成很多列
- 聯絡資料不需要列成很多列
- Keep it logical
- 不見得要合乎「逆時間軸」(reverse-chornological)
- 有時候也能以 functional 的角度去安排
- 根據 resume 的需求去安排 headings (不見得要按照 Education / Work Experience / Skills/ Honours / Publications / …)
- 不見得要合乎「逆時間軸」(reverse-chornological)
- Titles are key
- 不要亂改(美化)職稱
- Avoid flamboyant titles
- 不要亂改(美化)職稱
- Direct & correct
- Action packed
- 動詞可以重複使用
- 動詞可以重複使用
- Be honest 最核心的原則!
Action-packed Expression
- 嘗試不要用 be-V 或使役動詞
- 可以將時間週期用文字來強調
- In-class exercise
- undertake
- Implemented marketing activities through research, planning, and panel discussion
- Executed product life-cycle management (PLM), thereby creating five avenues …
- undertake
- Highlighting accomplishments instead of duties