
Course Objectives

This course is designed to develop the skill of efficient graphic language, where efficiency is defined as the data information delivery that is self-contained, concise, and non-distorting. The programming language is mainly based on R, with a little bit of Javascript toward the end. Though there is no computer programming knowledge required, basic R knowledge will help (the ebook, R for Data Science, would be a good start). By the end of the course, students who learn well should be able to design professional dashboards like the Big-Mac index from 《the Economist》 Magazine . (The course will be taught in mixed language–Chinese and English, but mainly in English, since English is an important skill for being a good programmer.)

Before you start

Before your start, please do the following:

  1. Register a Gmail.

  2. Install Google Chrome.

  3. Install R, then RStudio.

  4. Register a GitHub account, then install Github Desktop.

完成以上步驟請填寫以下google表單: 學生資訊帳號單

  1. 課程聊天室設定(gitter.im)
  1. 電子書筆記工具(hypothes.is)



In-class repo


  • 只做一次)Fork 老師的in-class repo
    會複製一個in-class repo到你的github帳號成為「你的in-class repo」。

  • 只做一次)Github desktop downloads the repo.
    將你的in-class repo下載到你的電腦

  • 以後上課請依下列步驟在「你的in-class repo」練習:

    1. 點你電腦的course-108-1-inclass-datavisualization.Rproj檔,開啟RStudio。

    2. 在RStudio點開「課堂練習.Rmd」再另存新檔成「課堂練習yyyymmdd.Rmd」其中yyyymmdd為今天日期。

    3. 開啟你的Github desktop,選你的in-class repo。
      課程中你可以隨時點commit, 再點push,於雲端githut備份你的課堂練習。


請於Google classroom下載cwTeXQYuan-Medium.ttf字體及相關R套件cheat sheets PDF檔。