North and West Interior Walls

Esna 506

  • Location: North Wall, upper frieze
  • Date: Septimius Severus and Caracalla
  • Hieroglyphic Text

Cartouches of Severus and Caracalla before Khnum-Re Lord of Esna and Khnum Lord of the Field.

Esna 507

ʿnḫ Ḥr
ṯnỉ m ẖ.t
ḥtr Ḥpy ʿnḫ
ḥr msḫn.t
nb.ty wr pḥty
ḥwỉ ḫȝs.wt
snfr tȝ-mry
mnḫ-ỉb ḫr nṯr.w
mk Km.t
wʿf ḫȝs.wt
nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwkrdr kysrs)|
zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(dryns nty-ḫwỉ)|

Live the Horus:
distinguished already in the womb,
twin of the living Apis
upon the birth-brick;67
Two Ladies: Great of strength,
who smites the foreign lands,
and beautifies the Beloved Land,
effective of heart before the gods,
who protects Egypt,
and curbs the foreign lands;
King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Trajan Augustus)|

mry N.t wr.t
mw.t nṯr nb(.t) tȝ-sn.t
nṯr.t ʿȝ.t ḫnt.t ḥw.t-N.t
ḥȝ.t nṯr.w
šȝʿ(.t) ḫpr m ḥȝ.t
nb(.t) Zȝw ḫnt.t N.t
n.t Nwn
ms(.t) wȝḏ-wr

Km-ȝ.t=f pw
2/3=s m ṯȝy
1/3=s m ḥmw.t
nṯr wʿ ḫp(r) m nṯr snw
ẖnmw Mnḥy.t-Nb.t-ww
ḫ r=s
ỉr(.t) p.t tȝ dwȝ.t
mw.w ḏw.w

Beloved of great Neith,
Mother of God, Lady of Esna,
Father of fathers,
Mother of mothers,
great goddess within Temple of the Mother;
first of the gods,
who began existence in the beginning;
Lady of Sais, foremost of the Neith nome,
both n.t-waters and Nun waters,
who birthed the Great Green sea.

She is Kematef:
2/3 of her is male,
1/3 of her is female,
the sole god who transformed into two;
Khnum, Menhyt, and Nebtu (or: Menhyt-Nebtu)
(so she is called);
she who made heaven, earth, the netherworld,
waters and mountains

[…] ỉḫt nb
n pr ỉm=s
grg(.t) tȝ.wy ỉry
m ỉr.n=s

tȝ ỉt qmȝ nty
bs=sn ḫnt

s.t-sḫn pw n Šw ḥnʿ tfn.t
mw.t nṯr n.t Rʿ m-ẖnw=f

s.t sʿḥʿ ḥm=s
m tȝ-šmʿ

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉwtwkrtr kys[r]s)|
zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿntnnns nty-ḫwỉ)|
ʿnḫ(.w) ḏ.t

[…] all things
from what came forth from her,
and who people the lands likewise
with what she made.

The Land of the Father who created what is,
and of the Mother,
they both emerged long ago.

It is the place of union for Shu and Tefnut,
the God’s Mother of Re
is great within it.

The place her Majesty stopped
in Upper Egypt.68

The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesa[r])|
Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Antoninus Augustus)|
may he live forever!

Esna 508


1mn n=k kȝ.w
[ỉd]w.t ẖr ỉrṯ.t
mnḏ.ty ḥsȝ.t 2ỉm=sn
ỉmy.w […]
[…ʿ.wy]=k ḥr=s
wnm=k ỉm=sn
ỉw=w [wʿb.w]

1 Receive the bulls
[and the co]ws bearing milk,69
the udders of Hesat 2 are among them,
that which is in […]
your [arms are] upon it,70
may you consume it,
it being [pure].

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwkrtr kysrs)|
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿn(t)nnys nty-ḫwỉ)|

5mn n=k ḥḏ.t
m ḥʿw msn.t
ỉrṯ.t wȝḏ.t
n.t Nbỉ.t
bʿḥ=k ỉm[=sn]
[ḥtp=k ḥr=sn]
[dp=k ỉm]=sn
pr=k m pḥty=k

3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
4 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(An(t)oninus Augustus)|

5 Receive the white milk
from the body of the Msn.t-cow,
fresh milk
of the Nb.t-cow,71
may you be inundated with [it],
[may you be pleased with it],
[may you taste of] it,
and emerge in your strength.

Khnum-Re upon his Great Throne

6ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ
ḥry s.t=f wr.t
ḥry-ỉb ḥw.t-bȝ.w
bȝ šps
ḥry-ỉb Ỉwny.t
nb ỉdb
ḥry wḏb
nb nṯr.w 8rmṯ.w
sḫp(r) ỉḫt nb.w
mḥ-ỉb n ỉt=f Rʿ

6 Words spoken by Khnum-Re
upon his Great Throne
within Temple of the Bas,
august Ba
within Iunyt,
lord of agriculture,
overseer of cultivation,
Lord of gods and 8 humans,
who creates all things;
trusted one of his father, Re.

The Good Guardian of Day 9

9ḏd-mdw n p(ȝ) wrš nfr
n hrw 9
sḫm nṯry
Ỉtm pw ḥr 10ỉmnt.t
wȝḏḏ pw
sḫp(r) wnn.t nb.w

wr pḥty=k
nḫt ḫps.wy=k

9 Words spoken by the Good Guardian
of Day 9,
the divine power(?);72
he is Atum in 10 the West;73
he is the agathos-daimon serpent,
who creates all that exists.

11 […]
[…] its […]
you strength is great,
and your arms are mighty.

Behind the Divinities

12šzp.n(=ỉ) ḥd.t
n.t ȝḫ.t
sʿm.n(=ỉ) ỉrṯ.t sḫȝ.t-Ḥr
sqb (ỉb=ỉ) m ʿnḫ-wȝs

dỉ(=ỉ) n=k wšb.w nw tȝ
ḥr wtṯ(?)

12 I have received the white milk
of the Excellent cow,
and I have consumed the milk of Sekhat-hor,
(my heart) is cool with ʿnḫ-wȝs-milk.

I give you the bulls of the earth
constantly procreating(?).74

Esna 509

  • Location: North wall, top register
  • Date: Caracalla
  • Hieroglyphic Text
  • Bibliography: Recklinghausen 2017, pp. 553-556 (translation and commentary).
  • Photograph


1ṯz mḥ.w n ḥrr.w nb(.w)
n wr ḥkn.w
ʿšȝ ḥb.w

1 Tying the crown of all flowers
(for) the One great of praise,
numerous of festivals.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉwtwkrtr kysrs)|
3zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿntnns nty-ḫwỉ)|

4nṯr nfr
ḫfʿ mzw nw ḥrr.w nb.w
rnp.w ʿnḫ.w nb
mzỉ(=w) n ḥnw.t=f
mỉ rwḏ=sn

nb wȝḏwȝḏ

2 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
3 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Antoninus Augustus)|.

4 The good god,
who grasps the bouquet of all flowers,
all living and fresh plants,
and brings (them) to his Mistress
as they blossom.

The lord of vegetation:

Hathor Lady of ’Agny

5ḏd-mdw n Ḥw.t-Ḥr wr.t
nb.t ʿgn.t
nṯr.t 6ʿȝ.t
ḥnw.t ḥqȝ-ʿnḏ(?)

tfn.t zȝ.t Rʿ
7Nb.t-ww pw rn=s
m-ḫnt Ỉwny.t
nb(.t) p.t
ḥnw.t nṯr.w nb.w

5 Words spoken by great Hathor,
Lady of ’Agny,
great 6 goddess,
Mistress of the Heliopolitan nome(?).75

Tefnut, daughter of Re,
7 that means Nebtu by name
within Iunyt.
8 The Eye of Re,
Lady of heaven,
Mistress of all the gods.

Isis of Philae(?)

9ḏd-mdw n Ỉs.t wr.t
mw.t-nṯr ỉs
dỉ(.t) ʿnḫ ḥry-ỉb p(ȝ)-ỉw[-rk?]
10[…] n ẖnmw
sḥḏ(.t) tȝ.wy
mḥ(.t) ʿḥ 11m nfrw=s
nb(.t) ỉhy
ʿšȝ ḥb.w
nb.t tḫ
13mr(.t) hrw-nfr

9 Words spoken by great Isis,
moreover the Mother of God,
she who gives life within Phi[lae?],76
10 […] of Khnum,
Eye of Re,
who illumines the two lands,
and fills the palace 11 with her goodness;
Lady of praise,
numerous of festivals,
Lady of inebriation,
13 who loves holidays.

Behind the Divinities

14šzp.n=ỉ mz.w
n ḥrr.w nb
wpš(.w) m mfk(ȝ.t)
ḫnty tȝ.wy
srwḏ=ỉ šȝ
m sšn.w
pḥ.w m ỉz.w
dgȝ(=ỉ) wȝḏ
ṯḥn ḥr=ỉ

14 I have received the bouquet
of all flowers,
shining in turquoise
within the two lands.
I cause the fields to blossom
with flowers,
and the pehu-regions with reeds:
as (I) behold the vegetation,
so my face scintillates.

Esna 510

  • Location: North wall, top register
  • Date: Septimius Severus
  • Hieroglyphic Text
  • Bibliography: Sauneron 1964, p. 36; see also Tempeltexte 2.0
  • Photograph
  • Parallels: Esna VII, 550 (similar); Esna III, 336, 5, §20 (epithets of Khnum of Shashotep)


1mn n=k ẖms.w
pr(.w) m ḥʿw=k
ỉw ḫȝw=f nḏm
r 2fnḏ=k
ḫrp Pwn.t
ḥtr tȝ-nṯr

1 Receive the incense
which came forth from your body,
its sweet aroma comes
to 2 your nose,
(o) he who directs Punt,
and subjugates God’s Land.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉwtwkrtr kysrs)|
4zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(Sʿwrys nty-ḫwỉ)|

5wnn (Pr-ʿȝ)|
ḥr kȝwt nṯry m ỉȝb=f
kȝp m wnm=f
sw m [s]ḫntš ẖnmm.ty
n bȝ m ỉȝd.t=f

3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
4 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Severus Augustus)|.

5 While of the (Pharaoh| is raising the censer with his left hand,
and censing with his right,
he is the one who [de]lights the nostrils of the Ba with his own dewy scent.

Khnum Lord of the Field

6ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb sḫ.t
nb nṯr.w rmṯ.w
nʿš dnỉ.t
7nb pḥty
ʿȝ mr(.wt)
wr bȝw n šmʿ-mḥw

8wp tš.w
n nṯr (nb) n=f
nḫt qn nṯr.w(?)
tȝ r-ḏr=f ẖr ḥry.t=f

6 Words spoken by Khnum-Re Lord of the Field,
Lord of gods and humans,
fierce of battle cry,
7 lord of strength,
great of love,
great of power in Upper and Lower Egypt;

8 He who separates the boundaries
for (every) god who has one,
strong and might of the gods(?),
the whole earth is in terror of him77

Khnum of Shashotep

9ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb Šȝs-ḥtp
qd=tn m nfw
n ṯȝw n rȝ=f
sḫp(r) ʿ.wt nb.w
m ṯȝw
sḫp(r) 11kȝ(w) nb m tȝ
ḫnty ỉtr.ty nṯr.w
smȝ smȝ.w
ṯȝy nfr nṯr.w Bȝq.t

12dỉ(=ỉ) n=k Fk-ḥr.t
ẖr ỉnw=s

9 Words spoken by Khnum-Re
Lord of Shashotep,
who builds you all with the air
from the breath of his mouth,
who creates all livestock
from out of air;
who creates 11 all Kas in the earth,
foremost of the chapels of the gods,
who slays the sacrificial animals,
good male of the gods of Egypt.

12 I give you Fek-heret
bearing its tribute.

Behind the Divinities

bȝḥ ʿȝ wr
wʿb(?) ʿ.wy
ḥts ḏbʿ.w

ỉṯ ḥqȝ(.t)
ḥqȝ dšr.wt
ḫbỉ ỉnw m nfy nn
ḥqȝ fnḫ.w
wʿf(?) ḫȝs.wt

13 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
the very great flooder,
pure(?) of arms,
skilled of fingers;

he who seizes command,
ruler of the deserts,
who collects tribute from this and that,
ruler of the Phoenicians,
who curbs(?) the foreign lands.

Esna 511


1mn n=t mȝỉ wr n Pwn.t
2šms=f ʿntyw n ḥm=k

1 Receive the great lion of Punt,
2 as it offers myrrh to your Majesty.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉtwktyrs kysiwrs)|
4zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿntnyns Kʿmʿtw nty-ḫwỉ)|

šzp.n(=ỉ) ʿntyw
wṯz.n(=ỉ) nwd.t
gs.n=ỉ ḥʿw=k
m sṯy ḥb
ỉȝd.t-nṯr nḏm sṯy

3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
4 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Antoninus Commodu(s) Augustus)|.

5 Words spoken:
As I have picked up myrrh,
so have I lifted the salve,
having anointed your body
with the festival scent,
the God’s dew, sweet of aroma.


6ḏd-mdw n N.t wr.t
mw.t-nṯr nb(.t) 7tȝ-sn.t
nṯr.t ʿȝ.t
ḫnt.t ḥw.t-N.t
ḫnt.t ḥw.t-ỉt
ỉr(.t) nty
qmȝ(.t) 9wnn.t

6 Words spoken by great Neith,
Mother of God, Lady 7 of Esna,
great goddess,
foremost of Temple of Neith,
8 Mother of God,
foremost of Temple of the Father,
she who made what is
and created 9 what exists.


10ḏd-mdw n Šmʿ-nfr
sbk zȝ N.t
ʿḫm wr 11nḫt
ỉṯ r-ḏr ḥr=f
sḫr.n=f wdỉ 12r=f
snn pn n nb sḫ.t
Rʿ pw zȝ Mḥ.t-wr.t

13dỉ(=ỉ) n=k pḏ.t nfr.t
n.t mw.t-nṯr
r mḏḏ ḥʿw n sbỉ=k

10 Words spoken by Shemanefer,
Sobek, son of Neith,
great, mighty 11 crocodile,
who snatches what is before him,
having felled whomever attacks 12 him;
this replica of (Khnum) Lord of the Field,78
he is Re, son of Mehet-weret.

13 I give you the good bow
of the Mother of God (Neith),
to pierce the body of your rebel.

Behind the Divinities

14 **nsw.t-bỉty
ḥnw.t qn(.t) hrw dmḏ
nḏ.t n Rʿ
nḫy(.t) nt ʿȝ mȝʿ-ḫrw
mwnf(.t) n nṯr.w nṯ
nb(.t) pḏ.t
ḥnw.t šsr
tqr(.t) ỉr(.t) šʿ.t
n [ḫfty.w]
N.t nb pḏ.t 9.t

14 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Mother of God,
Mighty mistress on the day of battle,
guardian of Re,
protector of Great of Justification,79
champion of gods and goddesses;
Lady of the bow,
Mistress of the arrow,
fierce one who makes a massacre
of [the enemies]:
Neith, Lady of the Nine Bows.

Esna 512


1mn n=k ṯȝw snsn(.w) ḥr ẖnmw
m šw.ty r 2hn=k
ḥr ỉr(.t) zȝ
n qd.n=k nb
4 ỉrw=k
dmḏ(.w) m zp

1 Receive air united with Khnum,80
as the double-plumed crown on 2 your head,81
carrying out protection
for all you fashioned on the wheel:
your four visible forms,82
united together.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwkrtr kysrs)|
nb ḫʿ.w
(trynys nty-ḫwỉ)|
5nsw.t nfr
šzp ḥb-sd
ḫnty sbḫ.t tȝ pn
6smn ḫʿ.w
ẖnmw ỉr ẖnmw.w
ỉr ḥmww
Ṯnn wr

7wnn nsw.t-bỉty
(tryns nty-ḫwỉ)|
ḥr ns.t=f
ḫnty pr-ḥʿʿ
m nsw.t n nỉw.wt
bỉty n spȝ.wt
[ḥr] dỉ.t [ḫʿ.w?]
n ẖnmw ỉr ẖnmw.w
ḥp.t n ỉt nṯr.w
sw m 4 ỉrw
ḫp(r) m zp-tpy

3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
4 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Trajan Augustus)|
5 the good king,
who receives Sed Festivals,
foremost of the Portal of this land,
6 who establishes crowns
(for) Khnum who made the Khnums
who made the artisans,
(namely) great Tatenen.

7 While the King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
(Trajan Augustus)|
is on his throne
within the House of Jubilation (palace),
as nsw.t-king of cities
and bity-king of nomes,
[while] giving [the crown]
to Khnum who made the Khnums,
a diadem to the Father of the Gods,
he is as the Four divine visible forms
which came about in the first moment.

Khnum-Re Lord of Esna

8ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
Ptḥ-Ṯnn 9ỉt nṯr.w
qȝ šw.ty
spd ḥn.ty
ʿȝ 10šfy.t
bnr mrw.t
nsw.t nsw.wt
bỉty bỉty.w
11qd ỉqd.w
wḏ-mdw n ms.w=f

12dỉ=ỉ n=k tȝ.wy ḫȝs.wt
m ḥtp n wȝḏ.ty=k

8 Words spoken by Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,
Ptah-Tatenen, 9 Father of the Gods,
tall of double plumes,
sharp of horns,
great of 10 prestige,
sweet of love,
nsw.t-king of nsw.t-kings,
bỉty-king of bỉty-kings,
11 builder of builders,
who issues orders to his progeny.

12 I give you flat and hilly lands
in peace because of your two uraei.


13ḏd-mdw n Mnḥy.t wr.t
nb(.t) ḫnt-tȝ
14sḫm.t ʿȝ.t
ḥnw.t nṯr.w nṯ
15mr(.t) Ptḥ m ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy
16mḥn.t ḫp(r.t) m ḥȝ.t

17dỉ(=ỉ) n=k ḥb.w-sd.w
n Ṯnn ḥr s.t-Ḥr

13 Words spoken by great Menhyt,
Lady of Khent-ta,
14 great Sakhmet,
Mistress of gods and goddesses,
15 beloved of Ptah in Ankh-tawy,
16 uraeus who came about in the beginning.

17 I give you the Sed Festivals
of Tatenen upon the throne of Horus.

Behind the Divinities

bȝ nb hȝy.ty
bȝ šps
[ʿnḫ?] msḫʿ.w
[…] m […] wr
ỉỉ m ṯȝw
ms m šww
psḏ m ỉʿḥ
bs m Ḥʿpỉ
[nb?] šfy.t

18 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Ba Lord of the two firmaments,
the august Ba,
[living?] of luminous births,
[…] as the great […]
who arrives as the wind,
who is born as the sun,
who shines as the moon,83
and surges forth as Hapi:
[Lord?] of prestige.

Esna 513


1[ḫʿ].tw m ḥʿʿ
nṯr n nṯr.w
šȝʿ(.t) nṯr.t nb
ỉr=sn hrw ḥr mȝȝ=t

zȝ.w-n=sn 2nw ỉz.ty
(ḥr) nỉs n rn=t
ỉỉ[=t] m ḥtp
n ms.w=t
sḏm=t spr(.w)=sn
m hrw n 3ẖn.t
ẖnm.w ỉtn

wr.t sḫr=t ḫfty.w
m sšš.t nty nbw
sḫm=t šps nty wȝḏ-šmʿ

4ḫy psḏ.t
n mȝȝ ḥr=t nfr
ḏr-nty nts nb(.t) ḫt-mn
ỉty.t m ỉfdw n gb.t
nḏ.t n Rʿ
ḥnʿ nṯr.w nb.w

1 [May you appear] in jubilation!
God of gods,
who began every goddess:
they are happy from beholding you.

The Guardian Deities 2 of the two lands
invoke your name:
may [you] come in peace
to your children,
and hear their prayers,
on the day of the bark procession festival,84
when they unite with the sun disk.

O great one, may you strike down the enemies
with the sšš.t-sistrum of gold,
and your august sḫm-sistrum of green jasper.

4 The Ennead rejoices
from seeing your beautiful face,
since she(sic) is the Lady of the Universe,
the Sovereign of the four corners of heaven,
guardian of Re
and of all the gods.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwkrtr ksrs)|
6zȝ Rʿ nb ḫʿ.w
(Tryns nty-ḫwỉ)|
7ỉḥy nfr
[wʿb] ʿ.wy

8wnn zȝ Rʿ
(Dryns nty-ḫwỉ)|
m ỉwʿʿ n N.t
ḥr srḫ n sr.t wsr.t
ḥr swȝš ḥnw.t nỉw.wt spȝ.wt
m tȝ-šmʿ
m ḥḥ.w ḥfn.w n rnp.wt
m ḥtp
sw mỉ nb.wy
ḥr ỉr(.t) n=s sšš.t
r […]

5 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
6 Son of Re, Lord of Appearances,
(Trajan Augustus)|
7 good Ihy,
[pure] of arms.

8 As long as the Son of Re,
(Trajan Augustus)|
is the heir of Neith,
on the serekh of the mighty princess,
worshipping the Mistress of cities and nomes in Upper Egypt,
with millions and myriads of years
in peace,
he is like the two lords (Sun and Moon),
performing the sistrum for her,
at […]

Neith Lady of Esna

9ḏd-mdw ỉn N.t wr.t
mw.t-nṯr nb(.t) tȝ-sn.t
ỉt ỉt.w
10mw.t mw.wt
nb(.t) Zȝw ḫnt.t N.t
nn nṯr ḫp(r)=f
11m qd=s

n.t Nwn
bʿḥ.n=s tȝ.wy
ṯnn 12N.t m rn=s
Km-ȝ.t=f pw
ỉt Ỉrỉ-tȝ

13dwȝ s(y) ỉn(?) nṯr.w
nṯ n=s
m s[ʿȝ?] bȝw(=s)

14dỉ=ỉ n=k tpy.w-tȝ
(ḥr) ḥkn n mȝȝ=k
mr.wt=k m ỉb=sn

9 Words spoken by great Neith,
Mother of God, Lady of Esna,
father of fathers,
10 mother of mothers,
Lady of Sais within the Neith nome;
there is no god who has ever come about
11 in her form.

N.t-waters and Nun,
after she flooded the two lands,
Tatenen and 12 Neith by name,85
that means Kematef,
father of Irita.

13 The gods worship her,
and the goddesses belong to her
while magni[fying(?)] (her) power.

14 I give you all those on earth
rejoicing to behold you,
as love of you is in their hearts.

Heka the Child

15ḏd-mdw n Ḥkȝ pȝ-ẖrd
ʿȝ wr tpy n ẖnmw-Rʿ
ḥqȝ ḥqȝ.w
16ỉty wr m šmʿ-mḥw

15 Words spoken by Heka the Child,
the very great, first-born of Khnum-Re,
ruler of rulers,
16 great sovereign in Upper and Lower Egypt.

Behind the Divinities

štȝ.t ʿȝ.t
šȝʿ(.t) ḫp(r) m ḥȝ.t
tȝ-ṯnn m šȝʿ
ỉr(.t) p.t tȝ dwȝ.wt
mw.w ḏw.w

nr n tȝ r-ȝw=f
nỉs n=s mk.t-ỉr(=s)
r mȝȝ m ȝḫ.ty=s
ʿš n=s nb(.t) Ỉšrw
r s[qbb?] tȝw=s
m […]

17 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
the great mysterious one,
who began creation in the beginning;
Tatenen at the inception,
who made heaven, earth, Duat,
waters, and mountains.

Protector of the whole earth:
She who Protects her maker invokes her
in order to see via her luminous eyes;
the Lady of the Isheru (Mut) calls to her,
to c[ool?] her ardor(?)
with […]

Esna 514

Title and Formula

1ḥnk Mȝʿ.t n nb=s

zȝ.t=k n=k
Ṯnn ỉt nṯr.w
mtw.t-kȝ mȝʿ.tw
ḫr 2kȝ=k
mr.t=k wr.t
nn ȝb ḥm=s
r ȝbw.t=k
qȝ=s m 3mȝỉ.t
m ḥr=k
r ḥtm grg m-bȝḥ=k
ṯpḥ.t-wḏ-kȝ r-ḫft-ḥr=k
m ḥr=k nfr

1 Offering Maat to her Lord.
Words spoken:

Unto you is your daughter,
o Tatenen, father of gods,
the Semen of the Bull86 is offered
before 2 your Ka;
your great Meret,
her Majesty is never away
from your image;
she rises as 3 a lioness
before you,
to crush deceit in your presence,
the ‘Throat’ is in front of you,
in your good face.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwkr(tr) kysrs)|
nb ḫʿ.w
(trynys nty-ḫwỉ)|

6wnn nsw.t-bỉty
(tryns [nty]-ḫwỉ)|
ḥr dwȝ-nṯr=f m Wp.t-tȝ
m sr n Mȝʿ.t
fḫ n ỉr.t
ỉwty bẖn šn.w
ḥnk mȝʿ.t n nb=s
sʿr šfy.t
n ỉt ỉt.w
m ẖr.wt=f rʿ-nb

sw mỉ zȝ tȝỉty-zȝb
ỉwʿʿ ʿm-tȝ.wy
wpwty spd hp.w

4 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokra(tor) Caesar)|
5 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Trajan Augustus)|

6 While the King of Upper and Lower Egypt
(Trajan [Aug]ustus)|
is praising his god in Wep-ta,87
as the prince of Maat,
released from (having) to act,88
who does not accept bribes,
who offers Maat to her Lord,
who elevates respect89
to the Father of Fathers,
as his sustenance, every day;

then he is like the son of the tȝỉty-zȝb,
heir of Knower of the Two Lands (Thoth),
the judge, sharp of laws.90

Khnum-Re Lord of Esna

7ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
nsw.t nṯr.w
nṯr ʿȝ ḫnty ḥw.t-ẖnmw
8Ptḥ tȝ-ṯnn
ms pȝwty.w
nḥp šps
skm ỉrw=f
Km-ȝ.t=f 8qmȝ wnn.t
bȝ šps
m-ẖnw ȝḫ.t n.t Rʿ
sḥḏ tȝ.wy n mȝwy=f
10mrỉ mȝʿ.t
bwt=f ỉzf.t

11dỉ=ỉ wr ʿḥʿ=k
mỉ Rʿ m p.t
rnp.wt=k ḥn.ty

7 Words spoken by Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,
King of the gods,
great god, foremost of Temple of Khnum,
8 Ptah-Tatenen,
who birthed the primeval gods,
august potter,
who completes his form,
Kematef 8 who created what exists,
august Ba
within the Akhet of Re,
who illumes the two lands with his rays,
10 who loves Maat,
whose abomination is chaos.

11 I cause your lifetime to be great,
like Re in heaven,
your years are the limits of eternity.


12ḏd-mdw n Mnḥy.t wr.t
nb(.t) ḫnt-tȝ
sḫm.t ʿȝ.t
mr.t Ptḥ
qrḥ.t ʿȝ.t
wbn(.t) m 13Nwn ḥnʿ Ỉrỉ-tȝ
wṯz Nw.t
mḥn.t wr.t
ḥr tp nṯr.w nb.w
mḥn(.t) dhn.t n nsw.t
m ršw(?)
bẖ(.t) šww 15m ḥw.t-N.t
nb.t p.t
ḥnw.t nṯr.w nṯ

16dỉ(=ỉ) n=k šnw
n tȝ r-ȝw=f
ỉmy=s nb.w
ḥr ỉr(.t) mȝʿ.t

12 Words spoken by great Menhyt,
Lady of Khent-ta,
Sakhmet the great,
beloved of Ptah;
great qrḥ.t-serpent,
who arose from 13 Nun with Irita,
and lifts up Nut,
great coiled serpent
on the head of all gods,
who encircles the forehead of the King
in joy(?);
who births the sun 15 in Temple of Neith,
Lady of heaven,
Mistress of gods and goddesses.

16 I give you the circuit
of the entire earth,
and all that is within it,
performing Maat.

Behind the Divinities

bȝ wr šfy.t-ḥȝ.t
zmȝ-mȝʿ.t ḫnty ḫnt-tȝ
pḥwy psḏ.t
Nwn wr
ỉr nn r-ȝw
tȝ-Ṯnn pw
ṯnỉ r nṯr.w
ẖnmw-Rʿ sḥḏ tȝ.wy

17 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
the great Ba, prestige of face,
Companion of Maat91 within Khent-ta,
beginning of the gods,
conclusion of the Ennead;
great Nun,
who made all this in its entirety;
that means Tatenen,
most distinguished of the gods:
Khnum-Re who illumines the two lands.

Esna 515

  • Location: North wall, second register
  • Date: Caracalla
  • Hieroglyphic Text
  • Bibliography: Poo 1995, pp. 94-95; see also Tempeltexte 2.0
  • Contributor: Maged Mahgoub (transliteration and notes)


1ḥnk ỉrp

mn n=k ỉr.t-Ḥr wȝḏ.t n Bȝ.t
dp=k ỉm=sn
2ḥʿʿ ỉb=k
rnp ḥʿw=k
nwḥ (m) ʿ.wy=k
dỉ mr=k

1 Offering wine.
Words spoken:

Take the green Eye of Horus from Bat,
and taste it,
2 so your heart might rejoice,
and your body rejuvenate;
drunkenness is (in) your hands,
give as you desire!

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwkrtr kysrs)|
4zȝ Rʿ nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿn(t)nnys nty-ḫwỉ)|
5snn n Rʿ
ȝb.wt n Ḥʿpỉ
6mzỉ tḫ
n ḥry nṯr.w

7mn n=k šȝ.w=k
sʿm(=k) m ỉrp
tḫ ỉb=k
sḫm kȝ=k m ỉr.t-Ḥr-wȝḏ=k

dỉ(=ỉ) n=k ḥsp[.w=k] (i)pw
ẖr wnš=sn

3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
4 Son of Re, Lord of Appearances,
(An(t)oninus Augustus)|
5 replica of Re,
image of Hapi,
6 who brings intoxication
to the Chief of the Gods.

7 Take your vintage,
drink of the wine,
may your heart become intoxicated,
and your Ka consume your green Eye of Horus.

I give you these your gardens,
bearing their grapes.
(so says) (Pharaoh)|.

Re upon his Great Throne

8ḏd-mdw ỉn Rʿ
ḥry s.t=f wr.t
ḥr-ỉb Ỉwny.t
wr 9kȝ.w
ʿšȝ ḏfȝ.w
Šw nb ʿnḫ
10ỉmy-rȝ ȝḥ.t
nb ỉdb
ḥry wḏb
ʿnḫ nty nb ỉm=f

8 Words spoken by Re
upon his great throne
within Iunyt;
Great of 9 food,
plentiful of provisions,
Shu, Lord of Life,
10 Overseer of the Field,
Lord of the banks,
Chief of Agriculture,
all that is lives from him.

The Guardian of Day 6

ỉn pȝ-wrš-nfr-n-hrw-6
ḥr pw zȝ 12Ỉs.t

ỉw=k ḥr s.t=f
m ḥr.t-ỉb=f ḏ.t

13dỉ=ỉ n=k šȝ
m bw nb mr=k
wḥm=k tḫ
m ẖr.t-hrw

11 Words spoken
by the Good Guardian of Day 6,92
that means Horus, son 12 of Isis (Harsiese):

You shall remain upon his throne,
in his central hall, forever!

13 I give you vineyards
in every place you desire;
so you might repeat intoxication
every single day.

Behind the Divinities

14ỉr šȝ
sḫp(r) ȝḫ.t
nb npr
sḫp(r) wȝḥy.t
ṯz ṯb.ty=f
r swr Nwn
sḫp(r) ʿnḫ n wnn.w
ẖnmw ỉr ḫ.t-n-ʿnḫ
n ʿnḫ.w

14 He who makes vineyards,
who creates the excellent-field,
Lord of grain,
who creates harvests;
he who lifts up his sandals
in order to magnify Nun;
who creates life for what exists:
Khnum, who makes the ‘wood-of-life’
for the living.

Esna 516


1sʿr wn(.ty)-ḥr
n sḥḏ(.t) tȝ.wy
n ḥnw.t nṯr.w
wr mrw.t nt nṯr.w

1 Elevating the two mirrors to She who illumines the two lands,
to the Mistress of the Gods,
great of love of the gods.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉwtwkrtr kysrs)|
3zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿntnns nty-ḫwỉ)|
4zȝ Ḥnw nbỉ m kȝ.t=f

5mn n=ṯ wn.ty-ḥr
ṯḥn ḥr=ṯ
n mȝȝ=f
psḏ kȝ=t m ỉtn
m Wr.t-ḥkȝw
dgȝ ḥr-nb ỉm=t

2 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
3 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Antoninus Augustus)|
4 Son of Henu (Ptah-Sokar),
fashioned as one of his works.

5 Receive the two mirrors,
may your face scintillate
from seeing it (sic),
may your Ka shine in the sun disk
as Weret-hekau,
all faces can see because of you.


6ḏd-mdw n ʿnq.t nb(.t) tȝ
nṯr.t ʿȝ.t
ḥnw.t pr-mrw
7ʿšȝ ḥb-sd
ḫnt(.t) (ḫnt)-tȝ
pr ḥʿʿ n ḥm=s
nn wšr

8ỉnq(.t) Nwn
r srwḏ ȝḫ.t
sḫp(r.t) ỉḫt nb m tȝ pn

nb.t ḥʿʿ
9dr(.t) ḥȝ(w.t-ỉb)
nṯr.t ʿȝ h(p).w
ʿnḫ.tw n mȝȝ=s rʿ-nb

6 Words spoken by Anukis, Lady of Ta,93
great goddess,
Mistress of Komir,
7 numerous of Sed-Festivals,
foremost of (Khent)-ta,
jubilation comes forth for her Majesty,
without fail;

8 She who brings back the Nun waters,
in order to make the fields grow,
and creates all things in this land.

Lady of jubilation,
9 who drives away sad(ness),
the goddess, great of laws,
from whose sight one lives, every day.


10ḏd-mdw n Nb.t-ḥw.t
sn.t nṯr
ỉʿy.t ṯḥn.t
ḫnt.t ḥw.t-ẖnmw
11šps.t wsr.t
ḥnw.t ḥw.t-sḫn

nb(.t) nfr.w
ḥnw.t 12pẖr-ỉb
nb(.t) ḥ(n)q.t
mr(.t) hrw nfr
nb(.t) 14nbty.w
ỉr[.tw n] wḏ.n=s
nb(.t) p.t
ḥnw.t nṯr.w nb(.w)

10 Words spoken by Nephthys,
Sister of God,
the scintillating purifier
foremost of the Temple of Khnum;
11 august and mighty one,
foremost of Hut-sekhen.

Lady of goodness,
Mistress of 12 enchantment,
Lady of beer,
who loves holiday,
Lady of nbty-jars,
[one] acts [as] 13 she commanded.
Lady of Heaven,
Mistress of all the gods.

Behind the Divinities

14šzp.n=ỉ wn.ty-ḥr
sʿr.n=k n ḥm=ỉ
mȝȝ(=ỉ) s(t)
wnf ḥr=ỉ

dỉ(=ỉ) n=k
mȝȝ nb n ỉr.t-Rʿ
dgȝ nb n ỉr.t-Ḥr
ỉw tȝ ḏr=f
r ḥm.w ḥm.wt

14 I have received the mirrors
which you have elevated to my Majesty:94
when I see them,
my heart delights!

I give to you
all sight of the Eye of Re,
and all vision of the Eye of Horus,
the entire earth
shall be servants (to you), male and female.

Esna 517


1mzỉ mz.w

hȝỉ=ỉ r 2šȝ(.t)
zȝb=ỉ-sš m sḫ.t
r s.t=k tp dwȝw

1 Presenting the tall bouquets.
Words spoken:

As I descend to 2 the fen,
so I ‘roam the marshes’ in the field
to your place in the early morning.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉwtwkrtr ksyrs)|
4zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿntnns nty-ḫwỉ)|

5nṯr nfr
Ḥʿpỉ n ȝḫ.t
ṯḥn sm.w
wȝrḫ šny.w-tȝ
wbḫ rnp.w
ḫr ỉt=f šps
nb wȝḏwȝḏ

3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
4 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Antoninus Augustus)|

5 The good god,
Hapi for the excellent field:
plants scintillate,
crops grow,
and fresh plants blossom
before his august father.
The Lord of vegetation:

Re-Harakhty within Esna

6ḏd-mdw n Rʿ-Ḥr-ȝḫty
ḥry nṯr.w
nṯr ʿȝ ḥry-ỉb tȝ-sn.t
7sḫm n sḫm.w ḥȝ.t tȝ
ỉr nṯr.w
8nb p.t tȝ dwȝ.t
mw.w ḏw.w
9grg spȝ.wt nỉw.wt

6 Words spoken by Re-Harakhty,
chief of the gods,
great god within Esna;
7 power of powers,
very great, first of the land,
who made the gods,
8 Lord of heaven, earth, Duat,
waters and mountains.
His handiwork
9 is populating nomes and cities.

Horus of Hierakonpolis

10ḏd-mdw n Ḥr m Nḫn
Šw zȝ-Rʿ
ỉty 11nṯr.w
ḥqȝ psḏ.t
ʿȝ pḥty
sḫr 12sbỉ.w n ỉt=f Rʿ

13dỉ=ỉ n=k ḥsp.t
ẖr ḥrr.w nb.w

10 Words spoken by Horus in Nekhen,95
Shu, son of Re,
Sovereign of 11 of the gods,
Ruler of the Ennead;
great of strength,
who fells 12 the rebels of his father, Re.

13 I give to you the garden,
bearing all flowers.

Behind the Divinities

14nṯr nfr
ḥqȝ ȝw.t-ỉb
ỉw Ḥʿpỉ r dd ỉb=f
swr sḫ.t r nw=s
dỉ=s r tȝ
r dmḏy.t
wp=s ms.w

ḥry nṯr.w
nṯr ʿȝ ḥry-ỉb ʿḥ

14 The good god,
ruler of happiness,
Hapi arrives as his heart decides,
and the Field drinks at her time,
so she might give birth
at the proper season,
as she distinguishes children.

chief of the gods,
great god within the palace.

Esna 518


1dỉ(=ỉ) n=k mȝʿ.t m ḥr=k
ḥʿʿ=k n mȝȝ=s
2ẖr(.t) ḥm=k ỉm=s

I give you Maat,
established in your face,
may you rejoice to see her,
2 she is your Majesty’s sustenance,
every day.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉtwkrtyrs kysỉwrs)|
4zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿntnyns kʿmʿtw nty-ḫwỉ)|
5dỉ(=ỉ) n=k r’.w nb.w
ʿpr(.w) m mȝʿ.t

6nṯr nfr ỉr mȝʿ.t
n ỉr sw
sḥtp nsw.t nṯr.w
m mr.t=f
sʿr ḏ.t
n nṯr nb=f(?)
nb mrw.t
(qʿmʿts (ʿ)ntnynz nty-ḫwỉ)|

3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
4 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Antoninus Commodu(s) Augustus)|
5 I cause for you that all mouths
are supplied with Maat.

6 The good god,
who performs Maat
for He who made him,
who pacifies the King of the Gods
with what he loves,
who elevates the body
for the god, his lord:
Lord of Love,
(Commodu(s) (A)ntoninus Augustus)|

Amun-Re Lord of Karnak

7ḏd-mdw n Ỉmn-Rʿ
nb ns.wt-tȝ.wy
ḫnty 8Ỉp.t-s.wt
nṯr ʿȝ
nb p.t tȝ 9dwȝ.t
mw.w ḏw.w
pr ỉḫt nb ỉm=f

7 Words spoken by Amun-Re
Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands,
foremost 8 of Karnak,
great god,
Lord of heaven, earth, 9 Duat,
waters and mountains;
all things come forth from him.

Mut Lady of the Isheru

10ḏd-mdw n Mw.t wr.t
nb.t Ỉšrw
11ḫp(r.t) m ḥȝ.t
nn ḫp(r) wnn.t
12mw.t mw.wt pw
ỉwt.t snw=s

13dỉ(=ỉ) mȝʿ.t
ḏ m ỉb=k
m 14ḥr=k nfr

10 Words spoken by Mut the great,
Lady of the Isheru,
11 who came about in the beginning,
before what exists had come into being.
12 That means: Mother of mothers,
without her second.

13 I cause the Maat
endures in your heart,
and they (sic) go around
before 14 your good face.

Behind the Divinities

15nṯr nfr
ḫpr ḏs=f
Ỉmn wr
pr m Nwn
šȝy sḫp(r) ḫpr.w
ỉr (n)ty
qmȝ wnn.t

15 The good god,
who came about by himself,
without one gave birth to him;
Amun the great,
who emerged from Nun;
Shai who produces all beings,
who made what is,
and created what exists.

Esna 519


1dỉ(=ỉ) n=k snṯr
ỉỉ.n=f ḫr=k mn-wr
bs(.w) ḫnt tȝ-nṯr
sṯy snṯr
(ḥr) psḏ(?) m ḥr=k
ỉr.t-Ḥr wr.t
nḏm sṯy=s 3r-ʿ nḥḥ
(ḥr) ẖnm ḫnm.ty=k rʿ-nb

1 I give you incense.
To you has come mn-wr-incense,
which emerged from God’s Land,
the scent of incense
radiates(?) in your face;
the great Eye of Horus,
its aroma is sweet 3 forever,
joining your nostrils, daily.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉtwkrtyrs kysỉwrs)|
5zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿntnyts kʿmʿtw nty-ḫwỉ)|

pẖr tȝ-nṯr
mȝfd Kpn
ḫrp ỉrty.w nb
ṯhm ḫbsty.w
ḥtr(.w) ḥr bȝk=sn
ẖr gȝw.t=sn n ỉt=f

4 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
5 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Antoninus Commodu(s) Augustus)|

6 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
who runs around God’s Land,
and hurries to Byblos,
who conducts all the Irtyu-people,
and compels the Puntites,
being yoked with tribute,
carrying their bundles to his father.

Khnum-Re upon his Great Throne

7ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ
ḥry s.t=f wr.t
ḥry-ỉb ḥw.t-bȝ.w
8nb sḫ.t pw
wtṯ(?) ỉḫt nb.w
ḏsr s.t=f
ḫnty 9ỉȝ.t-kȝkȝ
nb ʿbw ʿbw n=f
twr r tr

7 Words spoken by Khnum-Re
upon his Great Throne
within Temple of the Bas,
8 that means Lord of the Field,
who begets(?) all things;96
he whose place is sacred
within 9 Mount of the kȝkȝ-plant;97
Lord of purity, for whom one becomes pure,
who cleans at the proper time.

Nebtu Lady of the Field

10ḏd-mdw n Nb.t-ww nb(.t) sḫ.t
ḫnt.t Pr-nṯr
11ḥr(.t) s.t wr.t
ʿȝ.t n p.t
wsr(.t) m tȝ
12ỉr.t-Rʿ m tȝ.wy nb.w

13dỉ(=ỉ) n-k mn-wr
m-ʿ n Ỉr.t-ḥr wr.t

10 Words spoken by Nebtu, Lady of the Field,
foremost of Per-netjer,
11 upon the great throne;
great one in heaven,
mighty one on earth,
12 Eye of Re in all lands.

13 I give you mn-wr-incense,
along with the great Eye of Horus.

Behind the Divinities

bȝ ʿȝ ḫprw
ḏsr s.t=f
ḫnty ỉȝ.t-kȝkȝ
ʿȝ šfy.t m ḏ.t=f ḏs=f
ẖnmw nb sḫ.t
wtṯ(?) ỉḫt nb.w

14 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
the Ba, great of manifestations,
whose place is sacred
within the Mound of the kȝkȝ-plant,
Great of prestige in his own body:
Khnum Lord of the Field,
who begets(?) all things.

Esna 520

Title and Formula

1wrh n Mnḥy.t-Nb.t-ww
ỉn nsw.t-bỉty

hrw nfr
2nṯr.w m ḥb
rmṯ.w m ršw
ḥr.w-nb.w m hy hnw

mw 3mȝwy=f r tr=f
qȝy.t m-qȝb Mḥn

nfr.wy wrh n kȝ=s
ẖ.t nb.t ʿpr(.tw)
m nfrw=s

4pr(=n) n=s m wpy

1 Dancing for Menhyt-Nebtu
by the King of Upper and Lower Egypt.
Words spoken:

A beautiful day!
2 Gods are in festival,
humans rejoice,
and everybody makes acclamation!98

The water 3 renews itself at its season,
the high lands are in the coils of Mehen.

How good it is to dance for her Ka!
All bodies are equipped
with her beauty.

4 Let (us) come forth for her in festival!

The King

5wrh wʿb
n ḥnw.t nṯr.w nṯ
ỉhy n Nbw.t
ḫft psḏ=s m ȝḫ.t
bȝq p.t
(m) mȝwy n 6ỉr.ty=s

wrh n ḥȝy.t
ḥ(ȝ)y=s m ḥr.t
ḥḏ mr.t m ḥḏ=s
wbḫ tȝ 7m ḥḏḏ=s
ỉhb n nb(.t) (ḫnt)-tȝ
sḥtp šps.t wsr.t
m-ẖnw ḥw.t-ỉt
nḏm ḫnm=s r sšn

nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwkrtr kysrs)|
nb ḫʿ.w
(trʿns nty-ḫwỉ|)|

5 The pure wrh-dancer99
of the Mistress of Gods and Goddesses;
the Ihy for the Golden,
when she rises from the Akhet,
the sky glows
from the rays of 6 her eyes;

he who dances for the Radiant one (ḥȝy.t)
as she shines (ḥȝy) in the sky (ḥr.t),
and the desert100 brightens (ḥḏ) from her light (ḥḏ),
and the earth illumines 7 from her shining;
he who dances for the Lady of (Khent)-ta,
who pacifies the August and Mighty one
within the Temple of the Father:
her scent is sweeter than a lotus.

8 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
9 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Trajan Augustus)|

10wnn zȝ-Rʿ
(tryns ʿnḫ ḏ.t)|
m wr ỉbȝ
[ḫnt tȝ]-sn.t
tḫ.tw n[…]
m Pr-nṯr
ḥr ḫbỉ n Nb.t tȝ.wy
m-[ẖnw?] ỉȝ.t-[ṯȝ.wy]
m ỉrw=f
n ḥm-nṯr zȝ ḥm-nṯr
m Ỉwny.t

sw m snn n Šw
ỉbȝ n [Tfn.t?]
Ptḥ ḥr dwȝ=s
Ỉmn ḥr ỉr n[=s] wʿb
Rʿ m ỉȝw n ḥm=s
ḥr sḥtp ḥnw.t

10 When the Son of Re
(Trajan, may he live eternally)|
is great of dancing
[within E]sna,
being intoxicated […]
in Per-netjer,101
and dancing for the Lady of the Two Lands,
wi[thin?] Mound of [the Chicks],
in his visible form
of the Priest, son of the Priest
in Iunyt,

he is as the replica of Shu,
dancing for [Tefnut?],102
Ptah worships her,
Amun creates purity for [her],
Re is in praise to her Majesty,
and Knower of the Two Lands (Thoth)
pacifies the Mistress.


11ḏd-mdw n Mnḥy.t wr.t
nb(.t) ḫnt-tȝ
sḫm.t ʿȝ.t mr(.t) Ptḥ
ʿȝ sḫr.w 12m p.t tȝ
mḥn.t m ḥȝ.t
ḥr tp n nṯr nb

tmȝ.t tp.t
[…] snw 3.nw
rwḏ […]
snsn(.t)w n kȝ=s
13m nṯ
r swr šfy.t=s

wbn šww m ḥȝy=s
nṯr.w pȝwty […]
14nṯr.wt ḥm.wt m hnw
n bȝ=s
ỉdb.w-Ḥr tḫ.tw
m ḥb=s nfr n wpy

15dỉ(=ỉ) n-k ḥr.w-nb.w
(ḥr) ỉbȝ n ḥm=k
mr(w.t)=k ȝbḫ m ỉb.w=sn

11 Words spoken by great Menhyt,
Lady of Khent-ta,
great Sakhmet, beloved of Ptah,
great of plans 12 in heaven and earth,
the coiled-serpent in the beginning,
upon on the head of every god.

The Mother of God,
the first mother,
second and third […]
enduring of […];
one praises to her Ka
13 among goddesses,
in order to magnify her prestige.

The sun rises within her radiance,
the primeval god […]
14 goddesses and women rejoice
for her Ba,
the Shores of Horus are intoxicated
in her beautiful wpy-festival.

15 I give you everybody
dancing for your Majesty,
and love of you mingled in their hearts.


16ḏd-mdw n Nb.t-ww
nb(.t) tȝ-sn.t
šps.t wsr.t
ḥnw.t nṯr.w nṯ
nṯr.t [ʿȝ.t ḥnw.t?] sḫ.t

nb(.t) wpy
17mr(.t) hrw nfr
bwt=s ḥq(r) ỉbw

ỉỉ m Kns.t
spr r Ỉwny.t
wrh n=s Šw
18pẖr-ỉb=s m-ḫt=f
wtṯ=sn Ḥw nb kȝ.w

nṯr.w nṯ
ḥr šms ḥm=s
m ʿȝ snḏ(?)

19dỉ(=ỉ) n=k tpy.w-tȝ
m hy hnw
šmʿ-mḥw tḫ.tw
n mȝȝ ḥb=k

16 Words spoken by Nebtu,
Lady of Esna,
the August and Mighty one,
Mistress of gods and goddesses,
[great] goddess, [Mistress?] of the Field;

Lady of wpy-festival,
who loves holiday,
her abominations are hunger and thirst;

she who comes from Kenset,
and arrives at Iunyt,
for whom Shu dances,
18 and her heart swoons after him,103
so they beget Hu lord of Ka (aka Heka).

Gods and goddesses
follow her majesty
as one great of fear(?).

19 I give you those on earth
in acclamation,
Upper and Lower Egypt are drunk
from witnessing your festival.

Behind the Divinities

p.t ms(.t) ỉtn.wy
ʿn-ḥr wr ỉbȝ
ḥȝy m šww
ḥr.t-tp [n] ẖnmw
hr-ỉb=f n mȝȝ=s
ỉr=f wḏ.t
ḫf(t) ḏ(d)=s

Nbw.t wsr.t
ỉr=s ḥb n ww
[ḥqȝ?] m sḫ.t
sḫ ḥnʿ sn.t

nḏm-ỉb p.t tȝ
ʿq=s Ỉwny.t n Ỉwn
bw nb šms-ỉb
nty nb.t ȝḫ.t
nb.t wrh
ḥnw.t ȝw.t-ỉb

20 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
sky who births the two disks (sun and moon),
pleasant of face, great of dancing,
who radiates as the sun,
uraeus [of] Khnum,
his heart delights to see her,
he carries out decrees
according to what she says.

The mighty Golden one,
as she celebrates the Festival of the Field,
[the Ruler?] in the Field104 (Khnum)
is united with the sister.

Heaven and earth are pleased
as she enters Iunyt of Iun (Khnum),105
every place of enjoyment
of the Lady of the Excellent Field:
Lady of dancing,
Mistress of happiness.

Esna 521


1sbỉ=k zbỉ(.w)
nn wn rn=s(n)
ẖȝkw(-ỉb)=k ḫr(.w)
ẖr šʿ.t
ḫfʿ=ỉ tp=f
2smȝ=ỉ sn m mʿbȝ
m wḏ=k
n sḏ sms.w ỉr.n=f

dỉ=k tȝw
p(ȝ) nsw.t nḫy
ỉmy sbỉ bȝk(.w)
3n wȝḏ.ty=k

1 The rebel (sbỉ) is destroyed (zbỉ),
their names no longer exist!
Your enemy has fallen
under a great slaughter:
as I grasp his head,
2 so do I slay them with the harpoon,
through oyur command.
The prayers he made are unheeded!

May you grant breath (of life),
o valiant king!
Cause that the rebel is enslaved
to your fiery uraeus serpents.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwkrtr kysrs)|
5zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(tryns nty-ḫwỉ)|

6wnn nsw.t-bỉty
(tryns ʿnḫ ḏ.t)|
m ṯnr m sky
pr.n=f [r] ptr
sw m šzp-ʿnḫ
n ẖnmw
ʿwn=f (ḥr) gbgb sbỉ.w[=f]
ds=f m [bỉȝ]
ḥḏ=f m ḫ.t
m[…]=f nb m wn-mȝʿ.t

ỉr.n=f ʿḏ.t
m sbỉ.w n ỉt=f
mds [rs]t ẖzy
m ḥr=f nfr

4 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands
(Autokrator Caesar)|
5 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances
(Trajan Augustus)|

6 While the King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
(Trajan living forever)|
is valiant in combat,
having come forth to the battlefield,
he is the living image
of Khnum (Lord of Strength),106
and his baton (is) hacking up [his] rebels:
his knife is of [iron],
his mace is wooden,
all his [weapons?] are truly excellent.

He made a massacre
of the rebels of his father.
The defeated enemy figurine is stabbed
before his good face.

Khnum-Re Lord of the Field

7ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb sḫ.t
ḥry nṯr.w
nṯr ʿȝ
ḫnty wp.t-tȝ

8ỉȝḫw nṯry
psḏ m ḥr.t
wḏ mȝwy
sḥḏ tȝ.wy
9dgȝ ỉr.wt nb.w ỉm=f

ḥbs ḥr=f r bdš
ỉr ḫfty=f m tm-wn

10sqn=ỉ ʿ.wy=k ẖr ḥḏ=ỉ
r mdw ḥry-tp ḫȝs.wt nb

7 Words spoken by Khnum-Re Lord of the Field,
chief of the gods,
great god,
foremost of Wep-ta.107

8 Divine radiant one,
who shines in the sky,
who emits rays,
and illumines the two lands:
9 all eyes behold by means of him.

He who covers his face from the rebel,108
and makes his enemy non-existent.

10 I strengthen your arms bearing my mace,
to be a staff over all foreign lands.


11ḏd-mdw n Nb.t-ww
nb(.t) tȝ-sn.t
nṯr.t ʿȝ.t
ḫnt.t sḫ.t

12mȝỉ.t wr.t
ḥw(.t) ḫfty=s
nb(.t) nbỉ.t
ʿȝ rqḥ
13wd.t šsr=s r ʿȝpp
hh=s r ḏw-qd

14dỉ=ỉ bsk=k
ḥr tp sbỉ=k
ḫȝs.wt nb(.w)
ḫr(.w) n bȝw=k

11 Words spoken by Nebtu,
Lady of Esna,
great goddess,
foremost of the Field.

12 Great lioness,
who strikes down her enemy;
Lady of flame,
great of fire,
13 who shoots her arrow against Apophis,
and her fiery breath against Evil of Character.

14 I allow you to hack up
your rebel chief,
and all foreign lands
bow down to your awesome power.

Behind the Divinities

15nsw.t bỉty
ṯȝw n ʿnḫ n nṯr.w
nb snḏ
ʿȝ sdȝdȝ
ḥwỉ ẖȝk.w-(ỉb.w)
bȝ tkk ỉmytw psḏ.t
ỉr šʿ.t
wdỉ ḫȝy.t
mds ḥr smȝ
nỉ ḥȝ wḫr.t(=f)

ẖnmw-Rʿ qdỉ
sḫr sbỉ

Šw ṯmȝ-ʿ
[…] m-sȝ pḥty
ẖnmw-Rʿ nb sḫ.t

15 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
breath of life for the gods,
Lord of fear,
great of trembling,
who slays the disaffected ones;
raging Ba amid the Ennead,
who makes a slaughter,
who leaves behind a heap of corpses,
sharp while slaughtering,
(whose) combat stick109 never withdraws.

Khnum-Re the builder,
who fells the rebel.

Shu Valiant of Arm,
[…] after strength (?):
Khnum-Re Lord of the Field.

Esna 522


1ḥnk Ḥḥ

mn n=k Ḥḥ
nbỉ n Ptḥ
2sqȝ=f ḥr s.t-Ḥr
ʿḥʿ=k m ȝw
n ḏ.t nḥḥ

1 Offering Heh.
Words spoken:

Receive the Heh-figure,
fashioned by Ptah,
2 he ascends upon the throne of Horus,
your lifetime shall be the extent
of all eternity.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwkrtr kysrs)|
4zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿn(t)nyns nty-ḫwỉ)|

5ʿnḫ wȝs ẖnmw(?)
ḥḥ n ʿnḫ
wḥm=f ḥb-sd n Ṯnn
ḥfn.w qn.w ḥr ptr.t
hrw dmḏ
nb nswy.t

3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands
(Autokrator Caesar)|
4 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances
(Antoninus Augustus)|

5 Life and dominion of Khnum(?),
millions (of years) of life,
as he repeats the Sed Festivals of Tatenen,
myriads of victories upon the battlefield
on the day of combat:
the Lord of Kingship,

Khnum-Re Lord of Esna

6ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
Ṯnn wbn 7m Nwn
ỉr nn r-ȝw
qmȝ wnn.t
8nsw.t nṯr.w
grg bw nb
nṯr ʿȝ ḫnty ḥw.t-ỉt

6 Words spoken by Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,
Tatenen who arises 7 from Nun,
and made this in its totality,
and created what exists;
8 King of the gods,
who populates all places:
Great god, foremost of Temple of the Father.


9ḏd-mdw n Mnḥy.t wr(.t)
nb(.t) ḫnt-tȝ
ỉʿrr.t 10wr.t
sšm(.t) tȝ.wy
mḥ(.t) p.t tȝ
m nfrw=s

11nb(.t) wrr.t
ḥr(.t)-ỉb ʿḥ
ỉw ḫʿ nb
ẖr s.t-r’=s

nb.t p.t
ḥnw.t nṯr.w nb.w

13dỉ(=ỉ) n=k ḥḥ.w ḥfn.w
n rnp.wt ḥr-tp tȝ

9 Words spoken by great Menhyt,
Lady of Khent-ta,
great 10 uraeus
who guides the two lands,
who fills heaven and earth
with her perfection.

11 Lady of the double crown
within the palace,
the Lord appears in glory
under her authority.

The Eye of Re,
Lady of heaven,
Mistress of all the gods.

13 I give you millions and myriads
of years upon earth.

Behind the Divinities

14nsw.t bỉty
Ḥḥ wṯz Nw.t ḥr tp=f
tȝ ẖr rd.wy=f
snsn ỉmy.w dwȝ.t
m nfy=f

ẖnmw nb ʿnḫ
ḥry-tp Ỉwny.t

14 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Heh who supports Nut on his head,
while the ground is below his feet;
those within the Duat breathe
from his breath.

Khnum, Lord of Life,
Chief of Iunyt.

Esna 523

Title and Formula

1ḥnk mnỉ.t n ḥnw.t=f

ỉỉ.n=ỉ ḫr=t
wṯz=ỉ nfrw=ṯ
ỉn=ỉ n=t mnỉ.t
sšš(.ty) 2nfr.t
snḏm(=ỉ) ỉb=t
m ȝb.n=t
sšš m-ʿ(=ỉ)
swȝš=sn m ḥr=t
ȝw-ỉb=t m nfrw=t

1 Offering the menat to his Mistress.
Words spoken:

I have come before you,
so I might elevate your perfection,
I bring you the beautiful menat,
with the two 2 beautiful sistra,110
I please your heart
with what you desired;
the sistra111 are in (my) hand:
they make music before your face,
and your heart rejoices from your beauty.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉwtwkrtr kys[r]s)|
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿntnns nty-ḫwỉ)|

5mn n=t mnỉ.t
sḥtp(.t) ḥm=t
ṯhn(.t) ḥr=t
nn ḫp.t
bȝq.t šmʿ-mḥw
s(šš.t) m-ʿ=s
sḫm m ʿ.wy=s
ḥr shr ỉb=t ỉm=sn
n=t ỉmy.w ʿ.t štȝ.t
ḥr ỉr(.t) zȝ=sn

3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesa[r])|
4 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Antoninus Augustus)|

5 Receive the menat,
which pacifies your Majesty,
which makes your face scintillate,
without anger,
and blesses Upper and Lower Egypt;
the s(šš.t)-sistrum is with her,
and the sḫm-sistrum in her hands,
pleasing your heart with them:
to you belongs the secret body part,
carrying out their protection.


6ḏd-mdw n Ỉs.t wr.t
ỉr(.t) nfr(.t)
ḥnw.t 7ḥw.t-ḥtp
šps.t wsr.t
n(.t) nb-ḏr
n.t ḥm n Rʿ
nb.t sšš.wt
ḥnw.t mnỉ.t sḫm.w
ʿpr (ẖkr.w) m ỉtr.ty

6 Words spoken by great Isis,
Mother of God,
Mistress of 7 Hut-hetep,112
august and mighty one
of the All-Lord,
8 mysterious one
of the Majesty of Re,
Lady of the sšš.t-sistra,
Mistress of the menat and sḫm-sistra,
equipped (of ornaments) in the two chapels.

The Excellent Son

10ḏd-mdw n
zȝ mnḫ p(ȝ) ẖrd
ʿȝ wr tpy n 11Mnḥwy
[ỉwʿʿ?] mnḫ
pr m Ỉs.t
ḫy šps
n (Wn-nfr mȝʿ-ḫrw)|

10 Words spoken by
Excellent Son the Child,
very great, first-born of 11 Menehwy,
excellent [heir?]
who came forth from Isis,
august child
of (Wennefer justified)|

Behind the Divinities

mḥn.t m ḥȝ.t=f
ỉ ỉḫt
ḫft wḏ=s
tȝ-mry ỉry
(ḥr) hȝ snḏ n kȝ=s
Ỉs.t wr.t
nb.t mrw.t

12 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
the Eye of Re,
coiled serpent on his brow,
one carries out actions
according to her command;
all of the Beloved Land
(makes) hȝ-snḏ-praise for her Ka:
Isis the great,
Mother of God,
Lady of Love.

Esna 524


1mn n=k šȝ.w
rwḏ.w m s.t=k
2wnš.w pr(.w) ỉm=k

1 Receive the vineyards
which flourish in your place,
and the grapes which came forth from you.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉwtwkrtr ksyrs)|
nb ḫʿ.w
(Gʿ[t]s nty-ḫwỉ)|

5nṯr nfr
bʿḥ ỉr.t-Ḥr
m ȝḫ.w=s
sw m ḥqȝ
wḥm.n=f ms.w
nb nfrw
ʿšȝ ḥb.w

3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
4 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Ge[t]a Augustus)|

5 The Good God,
who floods the Eye of Horus
with its excellent substance,
he is as the Ruler
having repeated births,
Lord of goodness,
numerous of festivals:


6ḏd-mdw n Ḥe wr
smsw n Rʿ
nṯr-ʿȝ ḫnty 7ỉȝ.t-ṯȝ.wy
ỉty ỉ(f)d n p.t
ḥry-nr ʿȝ
(m)-sȝ Bȝq.t r-ȝw=s
nb sḫ.t
ḥwnw rnp
9mḥ-ỉb n ỉt=f Rʿ
(šd?) s(W) mw.t-nṯr
m ʿnḫ-wȝs

6 Words spoken by great Shu,
eldest of Re,
Great god within 7 Mound of the Chicks,
Sovereign of the four corners of heaven,
great shepherd
around all of Egypt,
Lord of the Field,
youth who rejuvenates,
9 trusted one of his father, Re,
whom the Mother of God (nurses?)
with ʿnḫ-wȝs-milk.


10ḏd-mdw n tfn.t wr.t
zȝ.t Rʿ
mḥn.t 11ḥr tp ỉt=s
m rn=s n Mnḥy(.t)
12wsr.t m p.t
ʿnḫ.t m tȝ
nb(.t) nr 13m stp-zȝ
Rnnwt.t sḫpr(.r) ỉḫt nb.w

14dỉ=ỉ n=k šȝ.w nb
n bw nb mr=k

10 Words spoken by great Tefnut,
daughter of Re,
uraeus 11 upon the head of her father,
in her name of ‘Menhyt’,
12 mighty one in heaven,
living-serpent on earth,
great of terror 13 in the palace;
Renenutet who creates all things.

14 I give you all vineyards
in every place you desire.

Behind the Divinities

ṯȝ.ty n Rʿ
dmḏ(.w) m zp
zȝ mr=f n nb nḥḥ
ḥr tȝ m ḥtp
mỉ(?) ỉr.n Ḥr n=f
ṯz(?) nfr.w=f
n mw.t=f
Šw wr tpy n Rʿ

15 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
the two children of Re,
united as one:
‘His-beloved-son’ of the Lord of Eternity
is on earth in peace,
like(?) that which Horus did for (his) father;
who gathers together(?) his good products113
for his mother:
great Shu, first-born of Re.

Esna 525


1mn n=k mks
ỉmy.t-pr n tȝ (r)-ḏr=f
2grb(.t) ʿ m mȝʿ-ḫrw
ns.t=k pw
r-ʿ nḥḥ
3ỉmy.t-pr pw šȝʿ ḏ.t

1 Receive the mks-document holder,
the inventory of the entire earth,
2 the writing is complete in justification,
that means your throne
for cyclical eternity;
3 that means the inventory,
enduring for linear eternity.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉtwkrtyrs kysỉwrs)|
5zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿntnyns kʿmʿtw nty-ḫwỉ)|
6ỉmyt-pr ỉr.n Gbb
n zȝ=f Wsỉr

7nṯr nfr
ʿq ẖr mks
mȝʿ n kȝ
n nb ỉȝw.t
ḥnk n ḥm=f
m ỉḫt n ỉt=f
nb ỉmy.t-pr

4 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
5 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Antoninus Commodu(s) Augustus)|
6 The inventory which Geb made
for his son, Osiris.

7 The good god,
who enters bearing the mks-container,
and presents it to the Ka
of the Lord of the Office,
who presents it to his Majesty,
being the property of his father:
the Lord of the Inventory document,

Osiris Lord of Aba

8ḏd-mdw n Wsỉr
(wn-nfr mȝʿ-ḫrw)|
nsw.t nṯr.w
9nb ʿbȝ

nṯr ʿȝ ḫnty Pr-nṯr
ỉty 10[ʿȝ]
m tȝ.wy ḫȝs.wt
ḥqȝ m šnw nb n ỉtn

11Šȝy n Bȝq.t
wȝḏḏ nfr n Km.t
12nsw.t m qn nḫt

8 Words spoken by Osiris,
(Wennefer justified)|
King of the gods,
9 Lord of Aba.

Great god, foremost of Per-netjer,
[great] 10 sovereign
in all lands and countries,
ruler in the entire circuit of the sun.

11 Shai of Baqet (Egypt),
good serpent of Kemet,
12 King in victory and strength.

Isis Lady of Esna

13ḏd-mdw n Ỉs.t w.rt
nb(.t) tȝ-sn.t
14ḥr(.t)-ỉb ḥw.t-bȝw
nṯr.t ʿȝ.t
ḫnt.t sḫ.t

15dỉ=ỉ n=k ỉfdw
n tȝ ḥr ndb.t=f
pt ḥr-sȝ 16Gbb
wȝḏ.t sỉp(.tw)
ỉḫt-nṯr(?) m […] nb

13 Words spoken by Isis the great,
Mother of god,
Lady of Esna
14 within Temple of the Bas;
great goddess,
foremost of the Field.

15 I give you the four corners
of the entire planet,
and the sky over the back of 16 Geb.
The wedjat-eye is reckoned,
and the divine material(?) with all […].

Behind the Divinities

17nṯr nfr
mswt n Rʿ
ḥry-ns.t n nb-(r)-ḏr
swḏ.n=f n=f ḥqȝ=f
nswy.t ỉȝw.t=f nb.w
r-ʿ st.wt ỉtn
ḏȝỉ=f rʿ-nb

17 The good god,
replica of Re,
successor of the All-Lord,
to whom he decreed his rule,
kingship, and all his offices,
as far as the rays of the sun disk
as he (Re) sails, every day.

Esna 526


1dỉ(=ỉ) n=k ḥḥ n ḥb[.w]-sd[.w]
[ḥfn.w m] 2rnp.wt m ḥtp
nswy=k tȝ.wy
[m mȝʿ-ḫrw]
3ỉw=k ḫʿ.tw ḥr s.t-Ḥr
ḫnty ʿnḫ.w ḏ.t

1 I give you millions of Sed-Festival[s],
[myriads of] 2 years in peace;
you shall rule the two lands
[in justification],114
3 appearing in glory upon the Throne of Horus
foremost of the living, eternally.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉtwkrtyrs kysỉwrs)|
5zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿntnyns kʿmʿtw nty-ḫwỉ)|
6zȝ mr=f
ȝḫ n ỉt=f
rḏỉ ḥḥ
n qmȝ ḏ.t=f

7nṯr nfr
dwn ʿ.wy=f ẖr Ḥḥ
sḥtp ỉb n ỉt=f
ḥkn kȝ=f
m pr ỉm=f
nb ḥḥ.w
ʿšȝ ḥfn.w

4 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Cae[sar])|
5 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Antoninus Commodu(s) Augustus)|,
6 his beloved son,
excellent for his father,
who gives Heh
to He who created his body.

7 The Good god,
who extends his arms bearing Heh,
who pacifies his father,
and makes rejoice his Ka,
with that which came forth from him:
Lord of millions,
plentiful of myriads.

Khnum-Re upon his Great Throne

8ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ
ḥry s.t=f wr.t
ḥry-ỉb 9Ỉwny.t
n nṯr.w nṯ
10kȝ sṯỉ pw
sḫp(r) nty nb.w
11n pr ỉm=f
snfr ḥḥ.w m ỉḫt=f

8 Words spoken by Khnum-Re
upon his Great Throne
within 9 Iunyt,
father of fathers
of gods and goddesses;
10 he is the ejaculating Bull,
who creates all that is
11 for those who emerged from him,
and who beautifies millions with his products.


12ḏd-mdw n Mnḥy.t wr.t
13nb(.t) ḫnt-tȝ
Tfn.t ʿȝ.t
ḥr(.t) s.t=s wr.t
ȝḫ.t ḫnt.t Pr-nṯr
15Rnnwt.t wȝḏ(.t)
sʿšȝ(.t) nty nb

16dỉ=ỉ n=k ḥḥ
n ʿḥʿ=k m tȝ pn

12 Words spoken by great Menhyt,
13 Lady of Khent-ta,
great Tefnut
upon her Great Throne,
excellent one foremost of Per-netjer,
15 verdant Renenutet,
who makes plentiful all that is.

16 I give you millions
for your lifetime on this earth.

Behind the Divinities

sḫm wr ḫnty tȝ-sn.t
ḥry nṯr.w ḫnty Ỉwny.t
nb ḥḥ.w
šps ḥfn.w
wr ỉḫt
ʿšȝ t(?)
mnỉw nfr n tȝ r-ȝw=f

17 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Great power within Esna,
Chief of the gods within Iunyt,
Lord of millions,
who provisions myriads,
great of food,
numerous of bread(?):
good shepherd of the entire earth.

Esna 527


1mn n=ṯ ỉr.t-Ḥr wȝḏ.t
n ḎsḎs Kn[m.t]
nw Bȝ.t šf.t
ḫntš [kȝ]=t
[m] 3ḫnm=sn

nt(ṯ) nb(.t) tḫ
wḥm(.t) nwḥ
šȝʿ.tw ỉr(.t) ḥb
n kȝ=t

1 Receive the Green Eye of Horus,
from Bahariya and Kh[arga],
2 your ȝp(d)-ỉb-wine
from Dakhla(?) and Kharga Oases:
may your [Ka] rejoice
[from] 3 their bouquet.

You are the Lady of Inebriation,
who repeats drunkenness,
for whose Ka one first began
celebrating festivals.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉtwkrtwr kysỉwrs)|
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿntnyns Qʿmʿtw nty-ḫwỉ)|
6wdpw n nb(.t) nṯr.w
srf tḫ
n ḥnw.t nṯr.w

7ỉỉ.n=ỉ ḫr=ṯ
ʿ.wy=ỉ ẖr ỉrp
ỉr.t-Ḥr wȝḏ.t
bʿḥ(=ỉ) n kȝ=ṯ
ḫrp(=ỉ) n=t ỉmy.w wȝḏ.t
r wdn m ỉnw=s

4 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
5 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Antoninus Commodus Augustus)|
6 the waiter of the Lady of the Gods,
who provokes drunkenness
for the Mistress of the Gods.

7 I have come before you
with my arms bearing wine,
Green Eye of Horus,
I flood (them) for your Ka,
and I compel those within the Oases
to offer of their tribute.

Isis of Esna

8ḏd-mdw n Ỉs.t wr.t
9ḥr(.t)-ỉb ḥw.t-bȝ.w
nṯr.t ʿȝ.t
ḫnt.t sḫ.t
ȝḫ.t 10mnḫ.t n Pr-nṯr

nb(.t) tḫ
mr(.t) hrw 11nfr
nb.t ỉbȝ
bnr mrw.t
šȝʿ.tw 12zbỉ-tḫ
n kȝ=s

8 Words spoken by great Isis,
Mother of God,
9 within Temple of the Bas,
great goddess,
foremost of the Field,
excellent 10 and beneficent in Per-netjer;

Lady of inebriation,
who loves holiday
11 Lady of dancing,
sweet of love,
for whose Ka one first began
12 offering drunkenness.

Isis of Philae

^13 ḏd-mdw n Ỉs.t wr.t
mw.t-nṯr ỉ(w)=s 14rš.tw
ḥr(.t)-ỉb p(ȝ)-(ỉw)rk
15nb.t tȝ-sn.t
ḥnw.t ỉhy
ʿšȝ 16ḥb.w
wḥm tḫ n kȝ=s

13 Words spoken by great Isis,
Mother of Gods who 14 rejoices,
within Ph(i)lae,
15 Lady of Esna,
Mistress of rejoicing,
numerous 16 of festivals,
for whose Ka one repeats inebriation.

Behind the Divinities

ȝḫ.t mnḫ.t
ḫnt.t Pr-nṯr
sḫ.t nfr.t
sḫp(r.t) ỉḫt nb m-ḫnt=s
nb(.t) šȝ.w
ṯḥn wȝḏwȝḏ
sḫp(r.t) ỉrp
r sḥʿʿ […]

17 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
the Excellent and Beneficent one,
foremost of Per-netjer,
the good Field,
who produces all things in it;
Lady of vineyards,
scintillating of verdure,
who products wine,
to make rejoice […]

Esna 528


1ẖry-ḥb wr
smsw n mw.t=f
nb ḥby.t

1 The great Lector Priest,
eldest of his mother,
Lord of the festival papyrus,

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉtwk(r)tyrs ky[s]ỉwrs)|
3zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿntnynz kʿmtw nty-ḫwỉ)|

4ʿnḫ nṯr nfr
ẖry-ḥb wr
ỉr wdn n mw.t=f
dwȝ kȝ=s
swr šfy(.t)=s
nb ḥknw
zȝ Rʿ
(ʿn[tnynz kʿmtw…])|

2 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autok(ra)tor Cae[sar])|
3 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Antoninus Commodu(s) Augustus)|

4 Live the good god,
the great Lector Priest,
who makes a litany for his mother,
who worships her Ka,
and magnifies her prestige.
Lord of praises:
Son of Re
(An[toninus Commodus …])|


5ḏd-ndw n N.t wr.t
nb(.t) 6tȝ-sn.t
štȝ.t ʿȝ.t wr.t
8šȝʿ(.t) ḫp(r) m ḥȝ.t
wʿ.t nn snw=s

5 Words spoken by Neith the great,
Mother of God,
Lady of 6 Esna;
father of fathers,
mother of mothers,
the very great Mysterious one,
8 who started creation in the beginning,
the sole-serpent, without her second.


9ḏd-mdw n Šmʿ-nfr
sbq ỉty
10nb ʿnḫ
ʿȝ pḥty
zȝ N.t
ḫfḫf nṯry
bẖ(?).n Mḥ.t-wr.t

11dỉ(=ỉ) n=ṯ ỉḫt nb
dỉ p.t qmȝ tȝ

9 Words spoken by Shemanefer,
Sobek the Sovereign crocodile,
10 Lord of Life,
great of strength,
son of Neith,
divine raging crocodile,
born(?) of Mehet-weret.115

11 I give you all things
which heaven gives, and the earth produces.

Behind the Divinities

mw.t n ḏr-ʿ
ms(.t) ms(.t)
ḫp(r) nty nb ḥr-sȝ=s

wbn=s m šww
ḫʿ=s m ʿ
sḥḏ.n=s tȝ.wy
m nfrw=s

12 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
the Mother of the beginning,
birthing one who gave birth,
all that exists came about after her.

As she rises as the sun,
so she appears as the moon,116
having illumined the two lands
with her perfection.

Esna 529


1sẖ.t ḏb.t […]
2ḥr ẖzz.w nb
šš ḥw.t-nṯr […]

1 Molding bricks […]
2 (placed) at all corners,
constructing the temple […]

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwkrtr kysrs)|
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿn(t)nyns nty-ḫwỉ)|

5wnn [zȝ Rʿ]
(ʿntnyns nty-ḫwỉ)|
ỉỉ(.w) ḫr=k ẖnmw
rwḏ ʿ.wy
šms-ỉb n ỉt=f […]

3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
Son of Re,
4 Lord of Appearances,
(An(t)oninus Augustus)|

5 While [the Son of Re],
(Antoninus Augustus)|
has come before you, Khnum,
(being) firm of arms,
serving the will of his father […]

Khnum-Re Lord of the Field

6ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb sḫ.t
7Šw zȝ Rʿ
Ỉmn wr m ḫprw nb
8ḥmww nfr
ỉqr r’-ʿ.wy

6 Words spoken by Khnum-Re Lord of the Field,
7 Shu, Son of Re,
great Amun in every manifestation,
8 perfect artisan,
excellent of handiwork
9 […]


10ḏd-mdw n Nb.t-ww
nb(.t) sḫ.t
ȝḫ.t wr.t
11sḫpr(.t) kȝ.w
ỉʿrr.t wr(.t)
sšm(.t) tȝ.wy
mḥn.t n nṯr [nb]
[mḥ(.t)] 12ʿḥ m nfrw=s

13dỉ(=ỉ) ỉw n=k Ḥʿpỉ
r […]

10 Words spoken by Nebtu,
Lady of the Field,
Excellent and great one,
11 who produces food,
great uraeus,
she who guides the two lands,
coiled-serpent of [every] god,
[who fills] 12 the palace with her beauty.

14 I cause Hapi to arrive for you
at/to […]

Behind the Divinities

dgȝ=ỉ mnw=k
r[š]w(?) [ỉ]b=ỉ
n šzp mnw=k
rwḏ rwḏ š-nṯry
[…] ỉr.ty/mȝȝ(?)
ỉw=ỉ r sḫ(ȝ)ḫ ms[.w=k?…]

14 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt.
I behold your monument,
and my [hea]rt rejo[ices?]
from receiving your monument;117
It endures, the sacred lake endures!
[…] the eyes/to see(?).
I shall accelerate [your?] births […]

Esna 530

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwkrtr kysrs)|
2zȝ Rʿ nb ḫʿ.w
(sʿwrys nty-ḫwỉ)|

3wnn zȝ Rʿ (pr-ʿȝ)|
ḥr ỉr(.t) mnw nfr.w
(ḥr) ḫwsỉ ḥw.t-nṯr n ỉt=f
(m) kȝ.t mn[ḫ.t]
[n ḥry].w-tȝ
r nḥḥ ḏ.t

1 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands
(Autokrator Caesar)|
2 Son of Re, Lord of Appearances
(Severus Augustus)|

3 The Son of Re, (Pharaoh)|
is making beautiful monuments,
founding a temple for his father,
(as) an effec[tive] work
[for] those [upon] earth
forever and eternity.

Khnum-Re Lord of Esna

4ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
nṯr ʿȝ
ḫp(r) 5ẖr ḥȝ.t

ḏ pr pn
nt(y) ỉw rn=f
r Ỉwny.t
ms nṯr.w
sḫp(r) rmṯ.w

rwḏ ʿ.wy[=ỉ]
n […]
ḥw.t-nṯr=ỉ ḫ
n nb ỉȝ.t [wr.t]

4 Words spoken by Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,
Great god,
who came about 5 in the beginning.

This temple is sanctified,
of which the name
is ‘Iunyt’.
He who birthed the gods,
and created humans.

[My] arms are strong
for […]
my temple is founded,
for the Lord of the [great] mound.


7ḏd-mdw n Mnḥy.t wr.t
nb(.t) ḫnt-tȝ
Tfn.t ḥr(.t)-tp 8n Rʿ

nṯr.t ʿȝ.t ḫnt.t pr-ẖnmw
mḥ(.t) p.t tȝ
m nfrw=s

9[nb.t] hy
ʿšȝ ḥb.w
10nb(.t) tḫ
mr(.t) hrw nfr
ḫws(.w) nỉw.wt nb.w
n rn=s

11smn=ỉ […]
swȝḏ(=ỉ) nfrw […]

7 Words spoken by Menhyt the great,
Lady of Khent-ta,
Tefnut, the uraeus 8 of Re.

The great goddess, foremost of Per-khnum,
she who fills heaven and earth
with her perfection.

9 [Lady] of jubilation,
numerous of festivals,
10 Lady of inebriation,
who loves festivals;
she in whose name
all cities were founded.

11 I establish […]
[…] your […]
and (I) confer perfection […]

Behind the Divinities

12nsw.t bỉty
nṯr ʿȝ
nn ḥr-ḫw=f
nṯr wʿ wʿ
dỉ sw ỉmỉ.tw [ḥw.t-…]

ỉr(.w) n=f mnw
swȝḏ nfrw
šzp […]
[…] tȝ m mȝwy=f

12 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
the great god,
all by himself;
the truly unique god,
who appears within [the Temple of …]

He for whom the monument was made,
who confers perfection,
who illumines […]
the earth through his rays.

Esna 531

NB: Occupying a large space on the bottom register of the north wall, this is perhaps one of the most famous reliefs from Esna. The ritual of netting birds is alluded to in Esna III, 218, on nearby column 3. The ritual is local to Letopolis in the Delta, home to Horus Khenty-Irty (Haroeris), who together with Khnum, Thoth, and Seshat, trap and kill foreign enemies manifested as migratory fowl, feeding them to the ancestor deities. Similar scenes occur at Karnak under Ramesses II and Philip Arrhidaeus, two symmetric tableaus at Edfu, and the ritual is further described in the Delta mythological papyrus.

Above the net

1wnn [ẖn]mw ḫnty-wȝr=[f]
Ḥr-wr nb Ḫm
grg[.sn] grg.w
n [rm.w m sbỉ.w]
ȝpd.w sbỉ.w
m […]
2[…] m sḫ.t=sn n Ḫm
(ḥr) ḥtš ẖȝ.wt n ẖȝk.w-ỉb.w
m-ḫnt Ỉmhḏ.t
ḥr ỉr(.t) [ỉḫ]t
(ḥr) smn tp-rd.w
r sḫp(r) ẖr.wt
n zȝ.w-[n=s]n
r 3sḥB ḫȝ.wt
m ỉwȝ.w m gs.w-pr.w
r sḏfȝ ḫm.w
m ỉḫry.wt
r sḫn=sn sbỉ.w nw Rʿ
m ỉrw=f
sḫt-šzp=f (ḥr) sḫt ḫfty.w
m rȝ-ʿ.wy=f

1 While [Knu]m-khenty-waref
and Haroeris, Lord of Letopolis,
[they] set traps
for [the fish in the form of enemies]
and birds as rebels
in […]
2 […] in their fields in Letopolis;
trapping the bodies of the disaffected ones
within Imhedj,118
thus creating [food] offerings,
and establishing regulations
to create sustenance
for the Guardian Deities,
to 3 decorate their altars,
with cattle in the temples,
to provision the sanctuaries
with sacrificial animals,
so they might make the rebels of Re alight
in his visible form,
while He who weaves (sḫt) his Light (Khnum)
traps (sḫt) the enemies with his handiwork.

Haroeris Lord of Letopolis

4[ḏd-mdw n Ḥr]-wr nb Ḫm
5[nṯr ʿȝ ḥry-ỉb] Ỉmḥḏ.t
nb Ỉy(.t)
6[…].w m sḫ=tf
ḥtš […] m nỉw.t=f
smȝ.n=f sbỉ.w n pr=f rʿ-nb

4 [Words spoken by Har]oeris Lord of Letopolis,
5 [great god within] Imhedj,
Lord of Iyt,119
6 [who…the …]s in his field,
who traps [the …] in his city,
having slain the rebels in his temple, every day.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉtwkrtyrs kysrỉwrs)|
nb ḫʿ.w
(Kʿmʿ[ts] ʿntnyns nty-ḫwỉ)|

8 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokratores Caesares)|
9 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Commo[dus] Antoninus Augustus)|

Khnum Khenty-waref

10ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw ḫnty-wȝr=f
11nṯr ʿȝ nb Ḫm
wr pḥty ḫnt Ỉwny.t
Rʿ 12[m ỉrw?=]f
ḫnty-nḏm-ʿnḫ m ḫprw=f
13[…] m-ẖnw Ỉmḥḏ.t
ḥr 14[…] ʿȝpp
m ỉrw=f nty wȝdty

10 Words spoken by Khnum Kheny-waref,
11 Great god, Lord of Letopolis,
great of strength within Iunyt,
Re 12 [in] his [visible form?],
Khenty-nedjem-ankh in his manifestation,
13 […] within Imhedj,
while […] Apophis,
in his form of the marsh-hunter.120

Thoth Lord of Hermopolis

15ḏd-mdw n Ḏḥwty ʿȝ ʿȝ ʿȝ wr
nb Ḫmnw
16nb Ḥsr.t
ḫnty ḥw.t-ỉbṯ.t
ḥry-tp rḫy.t
rdỉ ỉs.t n 18nṯr nb n=f
smn.n=f p.t tȝ
ḥr ḏd=f

19dỉ=ỉ […] pʿ.t
m dwȝ n[=k]
ỉȝw m rȝ n rḫy.t
ỉỉ=ỉ n ʿš n=ỉ

15 Words spoken by great Thoth Trismegistos,
Lord of Hermopolis,
16 Lord of Hesret,
within the Temple of the Net,
chief of the rekhyt-people,
who gives the sky to 15 every god of his,
having established heaven and earth
through his speech.

19 I give […] the pat-people
in worship for [you?],121
and praise in the mouth of the rekhyt,
my heart is compassionate,
and I come to whomever calls to me


21ḏd-mdw n Sšȝ.t wr.t
nb.t sš.w 22nb.w
ḥnw.t pr-mḏȝ.t

23nsw.t bỉty
ḥwȝ.t nt nṯr.w nṯry.t
Sšȝ.t wr.t pw
ḥnw.t mḏȝ.wt
[…] pr-ʿnḫ
[…] tȝ-sn.t
ḥr sḥr n=s(n) šmȝ[y.w]
(sʿwrs [nty-ḫwỉ])|

21 Words spoken by great Seshat,
Lady of all 22 writing,
Mistress of the House of Books.

23 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Ruler of gods and goddesses,
that means great Seshat,
Mistress of books,
[…] of the House of Life
[…] who […] Esna,
repelling wandering demons from them
(Severus [Augustus])|

Esna 532

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ʿwtgrtyrs kysrys)|
2zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(qʿmʿtw ʿntnyns nty-ḫwỉ)|
3Ỉwn-mw.t=f wʿb
ʿbw 4[ḥw.t-nṯr?] n ỉt=f

5wnn zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(qʿmʿtw ʿntnyns nty-ḫwỉ)|
ḥr swʿb ḥw.t-nṯr
n ỉt=f […]
[sw m] ỉrw=f n Ỉwn-mw.t=f
nb ʿbw ([…])|

1 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
2 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances
(Commodus Antoninus Augustus)|
3 the pure Iunmutef,
who purifies 4 [the temple?] for his father.

5 While the Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Commodus Antoninus Augustus)|
is purifying the temple
for his father [Khnum…]
[he is in] his visible form of Iunmutef:
Lord of Purity, ([…])|

Khnum Lord of the Field

6[ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ] nb tȝ-sn.t
nṯr ʿȝ nb sḫ.t
[…] nṯr.w
ỉt ỉt[.w] 8[…]
šȝʿ 9[…]
[…] nty nb
nb ʿbw 10ʿ
šȝʿ twr

11dỉ(=ỉ) n=k snṯr wʿb
nw tȝ-nṯr
mw.w wr.w pr(.w) m Nwn

6 [Words spoken by Khnum-Re] Lord of Esna,
great god, Lord of the Field,
7 […]
[…] of the gods,
father of father[s] 8 […]
of the Guardian Deities,
he who began 9 […]
[…] all that is;
Lord of purity, 10 being pure,
who invented purification.

11 I give you pure incense
from God’s Land,
great water which came forth from Nun.

Nebtu Lady of Esna

12ḏd-mdw n Nb.t-ww nb.t tȝ-sn.t
13Tf[n.t] wr.t ḥr.t-tp n Rʿ
mḥ.t 14[ʿḥ m] nfrw=s

15dỉ=ỉ swʿb(.w) ḥw.t-nṯr=k
m snṯr wʿb

12 Words spoken by Nebtu Lady of Esna,
13 Tef[nut] the great, uraeus of Re,
who fills 14 [the palace with] her beauty.

15 I cause your temple to be purified
with pure incense.

Behind the Divinities

nḥp […]
[…ỉḫt nb].w
m qmȝ.n ỉb=f
ḫws.n=f ḥw.t-nṯr
mỉ gb.t
wbn=f m-ḫnt=s
mỉ dbn.wy

16 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
the Potter […]
[…all thing]s
through what his mind conceived.
He constructed the temple
like the celestial firmament,
so he shines within it
like the two orbiters (sun and moon)

Esna 533


ỉr ỉȝw n mw.t=f
snỉ tȝ
n ḥnw.t nṯr.w

1 The wʿb-ỉḥy priest122
who makes praise for his mother,
and who kisses the earth
for the Mistress of the gods.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ỉtwgrtrs kysỉwrs)|
3zȝ Rʿ nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿntnyns gʿmʿtw nty-ḫwỉ
ʿnḫ.w ḏ.t)|

4nṯr nfr
n nb(.t) ỉȝw
ḫnw nfr
ȝbw n mw.t=f
sḥtp ḥm.t=s
m sns.w nfr.w
ḥʿʿ ḥr(.w)-nb(.w) n mȝȝ=f

2 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands
(Autokrator Caesar)|
3 Son of Re, Lord of Appearances
(Antoninus Commodu(s) Augustus
living forever)|

4 The good god,
the ỉḥy-Nwn priest
of the Lady of Praises,
the good singer,
who dances for his mother,
who pacifies her Majesty
with good hymns:
everybody rejoices to see him.


5ḏd-mdw n N.t wr.t
6nb(.t) tȝ-sn.t
ỉt ỉt[.w] 7mw.t mw[.wt]
[ḫpr.t m] 8ḥȝ.t
nn ḫp(r) nty nb

9dỉ=ỉ n=k tȝ.wy nb.w
m ỉȝw n ḥr=k

5 Words spoken by Neith the great,
[Mother of God],
6 Lady of Esna,
father of father[s], 7 mother of mo[thers],
[who came about in] 8 the beginning,
when all that is did not yet exist.

9 I give you all lands
in praise before you.

Behind Neith

10Tfn.t pw

10 She is Tefnut,
who began […]

Esna 534

1nsw.t bỉty
qrḥ.t ʿnḫ(.t)
dỉ(.t) tp=[s] m N.t
ḥnʿ [Ỉrỉ-tȝ?]
[…kȝ.t]w m rn=s
nṯr wʿ [pw]
2ḫpr m [snw]

1 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
the living qrḥ.t-serpent,
who placed [her] hear from the n.t-waters
along with [Irita?]
[…so she is called] by name.
[That means] the sole god
2 who transformed into [two]

Esna 535



nfr.w nn
2[…] n kȝ=k

1 […]
Words spoken:

These good products
2 […] for your Ka.

The King

3[nsw.t bỉty]
[nb tȝ.wy]
([ȝwtwkrtr k]ysrs)|
4zȝ [Rʿ] nb [ḫʿ].w
([…]s nty-ḫwỉ)|
5snn ʿnḫ n Ḥʿpỉ

3 [The King of Upper and Lower Egypt]
[Lord of the Two Lands]
([Autokrator C]aesar)|
4 Son of [Re] Lord of [Appearanc]es,
([…]s Augustus)|
5 The living image of Hapi.

Behind the King

6wnn nsw.t-bỉty
(ʿntnyns (nty)-ḫwỉ)|
ḥr ḫrp ʿȝb.t ʿȝ.t
m ỉḫt nb nfr
m ḥḥ.w ḥfn.w ḏbʿ.w
ḫȝ.w šn.wt mḏ.w

wnm=k ỉm=s[n]
[…] ỉw=w wʿb(.w)

6 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
(Antoninus Augustus)|
is consecrating a great offering,
of all good things,
in millions, myriads, ten thousands,
thousands, hundreds, tens.

May you eat of th[em]
[…] as they are pure!


[…nn?] rḫ.t=sn

[… unable?] to be listed.

Esna 536


[…] gb.t
m snn n ỉqḥ.t štȝ.t
spr=s […] m nḏm-ỉb
dỉ=s ḥfn.w m rnp.wt
n zȝ Rʿ

štȝ.t m štȝ.t
m ḫprw=s n nr.t šps(.t)
ʿq(?)=s tȝ-sn.t m ȝw.t-ỉb
dỉ=s ḥb.w-sd.w ʿšȝ.w
n nsw.t-bỉty
(ỉw[t]k[rtr …)|

1 […]
[…] the firmament
in her form of the mysterious vulture,
she reaches [Esna?] in delight,
and gives myraids of years
to the Son of Re,

2 […]
Mysterious one in the sky,
in her manifestation of an august vulture,
she enters(?) Esna in happiness,
and gives numerous Sed-Festivals
to the King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
(Au[t]ok[rator Caesar])|

Labels to the vultures

NB: For these epithets and royal wishes, compare Esna IV, 426, especially 4-6, 13-14.

3Wȝḏy.t nb.t P Dp
dỉ=s snb nb
n zȝ Rʿ
(ʿntnyns nty-ḫwỉ)|

4Nḫb.t ỉr.t ỉmnt.t n.t Rʿ
dỉ=s ȝw.t-ỉb nb
n nsw.t-bỉty
(ỉwtkrtr ksrs)|

5Wȝḏy.t ỉr.t ỉȝbt.t n.t Ỉtm
dỉ=s nswy.t ʿȝ.t
n zȝ Rʿ
(ʿntnyns nty-ḫwỉ)|

6Nḫb.t ỉʿrr.t sšm(.t)
dỉ=s šfy.t ʿȝ.t
n nsw.t-bỉty
(ỉwtkrtr ksrs)|

3 Wadjet Lady of Pe and Dep,
may she give all health
to the Son of Re,
(Antoninus Augustus)|

4 Nekhbet, the right eye of Re,
may she give all happiness
to the King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
(Autokrator Caesar)|

5 Wadjet, the left eye of Atum,
may she give a great kingship
to the Son of Re,
(Antoninus Augustus)|

6 Nekhbet, the guiding uraeus serpent,
may she give great prestige
to the King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
(Autokrator Caesar)|

Esna 537


1nfr.wy pr pn
nn pr nfr mỉt.t=f
ỉr.n zȝ Rʿ
2(ʿntnns Qʿmʿts nty-ḫwỉ)|
n nṯr=f ẖnmw nb tȝ-(s)n(.t)

3nfr mʿḥʿ.t=k
ḥtp=k ḥr=s
nmt=k ỉr(.w) n=k

ỉn ḥtp[??] sštȝ=f
ỉn nṯr.w (?)
4ḥȝp ḏ.t=k
m nbnb n sšȝ.t
Ỉ (ḥr) r[m]n nb.wy

ʿḫ=k nn rsj
hrw r grḥ
dỉ=k mnḫ=k […]
[…] 5[…] ỉm=sn

ʿḥ n pḏ=k
ḏw ỉmnty r ḏw ỉȝbty
št(ȝ?)=k ỉm
mỉ p.t ḥry-tp rḫy.t
ḥḏ mḥty
gsgs(?) […]
[…] 6zmȝ […]
[…] 7[…]

1 How beautiful is this temple!
There is no good house like it,
made by the Son of Re,
2 (Antoninus Commodus Augustus)|
for his god, Khnum-Re Lord of (Es)na.

3 Your memorial is finished,
may you occupy it
and explore that which was made for you.

It was Hetep(??) who made it secret,123
it was the gods of (?)
4 who concealed your body,
being fashioned by Seshat,
while Thoth carried the Two Lords/falcons(?).

You lift this up, completely,
from day to night,
and you give your excellence […]
[…] 5 […] in them.

The palace of your span,
the western mountain to the eastern mountain,
you are hidd(en?) therein,
like the sky above the people;
the north lights up,
the [south?] is regulated(?)
[…] 6 unite […]
[…] 7 […]
words spoken.

The King

[nb tȝ.wy]
(ỉtk(r)tyrs kysỉwrs)|
[nb ḫʿ.w]
(ʿntnns Kʿmt[w] nt[y]-ḫwỉ)|

ḥw.t-nṯr nty ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ[-sn.t]
[…] ḥʿʿ […] m […]
qdỉ ḥw.t-nṯr ẖnmw
[…] tȝ.wy
[…] r qd ḥw.t-nṯr […]
ỉr.t n zȝ Rʿ
(Qʿmʿtw nty-ḫwỉ)|

8 [The King of Upper and Lower Egypt],
[Lord of the Two Lands],
(Autok(r)ator Caesar)|
9 [Son of Re],
[Lord of Appearances],
(Antoninus Commodus Augustus)|

10 Greetings to you,
temple of Khnum-Re Lord of [Esna]
[…] rejoice in […]
building the temple of Khnum
[…] the two lands
[…] to build the temple […]
made by the Son of Re,
(Commodus Augustus)|

Inside the Small Temple

11ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ[-sn.t]
12nṯr ʿȝ nb sḫ.t

13ḏd-mdw n Nb(.t)-ww […]
14Tfn.t 15ʿnḫ […]

11 Words spoken by Khnum-Re Lord of [Esna],
12 Great god, Lord of the Field.

13 Words spoken by Nebtu […]
14 Tefnut 15 who lives […]

Khnum-Re Lord of Esna

16ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
nsw.t nṯr.w
ḫnty Pr-nṯr
qd qd.w
tȝ-Ṯnn 18wtṯ nṯr.w
nb Ỉwny.t ḫnty Pr-ʿnḫ
kȝ=f 7 ẖnm.w 19m rn=f
Ptḥ m ḫprw=f
n Šw nb ʿnḫ

20dỉ(=ỉ) n=k pr-ḥʿʿ […]

ẖnmw ỉr ẖnm.w
tȝ-Ṯnn pw
ḫnty ʿ-rsy
ʿȝ ỉrw […]
[…] ḥr
ḏsr s.t=f m Pr-nṯr
nb mn.ty
ḥqȝ nw.w wʿb
tȝ-r-ḏr=f ḥ r bwt=f
r tm dỉ(.t) ḫp(r) ḫry.t

16 Words spoken by Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,
King of the gods,
foremost of Per-netjer,
17 Kematef,
Builder of builders,
Tatenen 18 who begat the gods,
Lord of Iunyt, foremost of Per-ankh,
he is called ‘The Seven Khnums’ 19 as his name,
Ptah in his manifestation
of Shu, Lord of Life.

20 I give you the palace […]

21 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Khnum who made the Khnums;
that means Tatenen,
foremost of the Southern District,
great of forms […]
[…] of face,
his place is sacred in Per-netjer;
Lord of hills,
ruler of pure waters;
the whole earth avoids his abomination,
lest a calamity be allowed to happen.

Esna 538

ḥw.t-ẖnmw pw
n ỉt zȝ.w-n=sn
n ỉr ms.w 7
m 7 ẖnmw.w wr.w

[…m]-pẖr=f ẖr nfrw
ḫrp(?)=f s(w)
m kȝ.w ḏfȝ.w
ỉḫt nb [nfr …]

It is the Temple of Khnum
for the Father of the Guardian Deities;
the Temple of Fashioning,
for he who made the Seven Children
as the Seven Great Khnums124

[…all] around it with goodness,
and he consecrates(?) it
with food and provisions,
and all [good] things […]

[…] nfr.t
nn wn mỉt.t=s

dỉ=f ḥr=f r=s
ỉn Nḥp
ỉr ỉḫt nb
m qmȝ.n ỉb=f

nbỉ […]
m ỉr(.w) r nfr
dỉ […]

[…] good,
its replica does not exist.

He turns his attention to it,
namely the Potter (Khnum),
who makes all things
through what his mind creates.

He who fashions […]
as something made correctly;
who gives […]

ṯnỉ.w ḏr ḥȝ.t
wḥʿ wȝwȝ ỉm=s
ỉn ḥm=f ḥnʿ Sšȝ.t

nḥp s(y) Nḥp
m ʿ.wy=f ḏs=f
m kȝ.t mnḫ.t n.t nḥḥ
r nḥḥ

šš.n=f ḫm.w n nṯr.w
ẖr sštȝ.w=f
sḫp(r).n=f ỉȝ.wt nb.w nṯry
ẖr ʿḫm.w=f

distinguished since the beginning;
laying down the cord in it,
by his Majesty with Seshat.125

It was modeled by the Potter (Khnum),
with his very own hands,
as an effective work of eternity,
for all time.

As he built the shrines for the gods,
bearing his mysterious images,
so he created all divine mounds,
bearing his sacred effigies.

Esna 539

NB: Many of the labels to the King, divinities, and Hapi figures are completely missing or largely damaged.


3ḏd-mdw n [M]nḥy.t 4wr.t
nb.t ḫnt-tȝ […]

Nwn wr
ỉỉ […]

3 Words spoken by great 4 [Me]nhyt,
Lady of Khent-ta […]

5 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Great Nun
who arrives [at his proper season?…]


10[ỉỉ].n zȝ-Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(Qʿmʿt[w] ʿntnyns nty-ḫwỉ)|
ẖnmw-[Rʿ] nb tȝ-[sn.t]
11[ỉn=f n=k]
ẖr šps
š [m….]
šzp […]

10 The Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Commodu[s] Antoninus Augustus)|
has come before you,
Khnum-[Re] Lord of E[sna],
11 [he brings to you]
the [Banks?] of Horus,
bearing the šps-vessel,
supplied [with…]
receive […]


14[ỉỉ.n] nsw.t-bỉty
(ỉtwkrt[r] gys[rs])|
[ẖnmw-Rʿ] nb tȝ-sn.t
15ỉn=f n=k sḫ.t [srg]y.t
ẖr […]
16sḫ.t srgy.t
17[wʿ] nn ḏw

14 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrato[r] Caesa[r])|
has come before you,
[Khnum-Re] lord of Esna,
15 he brings to you the [srg]y-field,
bearing […]
16 the srgy-field,
17 [being pure,] without evil.


26[ỉỉ.n zȝ Rʿ]
[nb ḫʿ.w]
([Qʿmʿ]tw ʿntnyns nty-ḫwỉ)|
ḫ[r]=k […]

27[ỉn=f n=k …]
[…] wdn […]
29wʿ nn [ḏw]

26 [The Son of Re]
[Lord of Appearances]
([Commo]dus Antoninus Augustus)|
[has come] be[fore] you […]

27 [He brings to you …]
[…] heavy […]
28 […]
29 bring pure, without [evil].


30ỉỉ.n nsw.t-bỉty
nb tȝ.wy
(ʿtwkr[t]rs gysyrys)|
ẖnmw-Rʿ nb [tȝ-sn.t]
31ỉn=f n=k sḫ.t
ẖr ms.w=s
ḏdȝ[.tw] ʿšȝ […]
[…].w nb […]
32šȝ.w nb.w
ẖr 33ms.w=s

30 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokra[t]or Caesar)|
has come before you,
Khnum-Re Lord [of Esna],
31 He brings to you the field,
bearing her children,
being fat and numerous […]
[…] all […],
32 all vineyards
bearing 33 their children.


34ỉỉ.n zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(Qʿmʿtw ʿntnyns nty-ḫwỉ)|
ẖnmw-Rʿ [nb tȝ-sn.t]
35ỉn=f n=k zȝw-nb-ẖnn
[…m] ḥtp
nfr.t(W) wʿ […]
37wʿ nn ḏw

34 The Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Commodus Antoninus Augustus)|
has come before you,
Khnum-Re [Lord of Esna],
35 he brings you the zȝw-nb-m-ẖnn-lake126
[… in] peace,
being good and pure […]
36 the zȝw-nb-m-ẖnn-lake,
37 bring pure, without evil.


38ỉỉ.n nsw.t-bỉty
nb tȝ.wy

39ỉn=f n=k sḫ.t

38 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,

39 He brings you the Field,
[being] pure […]


56ẖr wȝḥy.t nfr.t
57nn ḏw

55 […the Fi]eld,
56 bearing good grain,
57 without evil.


58ỉỉ.n zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
[ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-s]n.t
59ỉn=f n=k Ḥʿpỉ
sỉp r [nw=f…]
60Ḥʿpỉ sỉp r 61nw=f

58 The Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
has come [before you],
[Khnum-Re Lord of Es]na,
59 he brings to you Hapi,
who regulates at [his time…]
60 Hapi who regulates at 61 his time.


62ỉỉ.n nsw.t-bỉty
nb tȝ.wy
[ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-s]n.t
63ỉn=f n=k sḫ.t

62 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands
has come [before you,]
[Khnum-Re Lord of Es]na,
63 he brings you the Field