West Wall, Over the Ptolemaic Facade

Esna 540

  • Location: West Wall, upper bandeau
  • Date: Caracalla
  • Hieroglyphic Text
  • Bibliography: None

ʿnḫ Ḥr
ṯnỉ m ẖ.t
snsn bȝ ʿnḫ
ḥr msḫn.t

wr pḥty
ḥwỉ ḫȝs.wt
snfr tȝ-mrỉ
mnḫ-ỉb ḫr nṯr.w

nsw.t bỉty
nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwkrtr kysrs)|

zȝ-Rʿ nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿntnyns nty-ḫwỉ)|
ʿnḫ(.w) ḏ.t

Live the Horus:
he who was distinguished in the womb,
twin of the Living Ram
upon the birth-brick;

Two Ladies:
Great of strength,
who smites the foreign lands,
and beautifies Egypt;
beneficent of heart before the gods;

King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands
(Autokrator Caesar)|

Son of Re, Lord of Appearances
(Antoninus Augustus)|
may he live forever!

Esna 541

NB: These texts describing the appearance of the sun and moon relate to the tableau immediately above, featuring Khnum within a large solar disk: Esna 546

North side

nsw.t bỉty
bȝ ʿȝ
štȝ msḫʿ.w
wbn m ȝḫ.t rʿ-nb
sḥḏ tȝ.wy ỉry
m mȝwy=f
nb ỉȝḫw m-ẖnw (ỉ)tn
sḥḏ nṯr.w nb(.w)

ḥȝy m wnm.t
psḏ m ḥr.t (m) ỉȝbt.t
šww m ḥr=f
sḥḏ hrw
ỉwn-ḥʿʿ bẖ tȝ pn
snfr grḥ
m pr(.t)
ẖnmw-Rʿ nb sḫ.t
nṯr ʿȝ ḫnty Ỉwny.t

The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
the Great Ba-ram,
mysterious of luminous births,
who rises from the Akhet, daily,
and illumines all the lands
with his rays.
Lord of radiance within the (d)isk,
who illumines all the gods.

He who glows in the right eye,
and shines in the sky in the left eye:
the sun is his face (or: before him)
which illumines the day;
the moon which brightens this earth,
and who beautifies the night,
at the coming forth of
Khnum-Re Lord of the Field,
Great God within Iunyt.

South side

nsw.t bỉty
bȝ wr
wbn m ḥr.t
ḏȝỉ p.t
ỉwty wrḏ.n=f
wṯz.n=f ḫʿ(.w) m-ḫnt=s
m ỉtn nfr n tȝ-ṯnn

ptḥ.n=f ỉr.ty=f(y)
ḫpr wyn ḥr-ʿ
bs šww ʿ
m nṯr.ty=f

Rʿ n Rʿ.w
sḥḏ tȝ.wy
ʿnḫ ḥr(.w-nb.w)
[m …]

The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
the Great Ba-ram,
who rises in the sky,
and sails across heaven,
without his tiring,
having elevated crowns within it,
as the good solar disk of Tatenen:

When he (Tatenen) opened his eyes,
light came into being immediately,
and the sun and moon emerged
as his two divine eyes.

Re of Re’s,
who illumines the two lands,
everybody lives
[from ….]

Esna 542

  • Location: West Wall, above Ptolemaic propylon
  • Date: Caracalla
  • Hieroglyphic Text
  • Bibliography: Recklinghausen, Derchain 2004, pp. 116-117; see also Tempeltexte 2.0
  • Parallels: Esna III, 201, 14-16; 227, 13-15.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtkrtr kysrs)|
2zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿntnyns nty-ḫwỉ)|

Ḥkȝ p(ȝ) ẖrd
šzp.n=f ẖʿq ḥr tp=f
mỉ sʿnḫ-Ptḥ
wr m ẖkr.w=f

Nb.t-ww ỉb=s m ršy
nḏm ỉb n Mnḥy.t
qȝ ḥzw.t
nṯr ʿȝ
ḫwỉ.tw mỉ […]

1 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
2 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Antoninus Augustus)|

3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Heka the Child,
after receiving the side-lock on his head,
like He whom Ptah enlivens,127
great in his regalia.

Nebtu, her heart rejoices,
and Menhyt’s heart is pleased.
great of praise,
the great god,
protected like […]

The Bark of Heka

4ḏd-mdw n Ḥkȝ p(ȝ) ẖrd
ʿȝ wr tpy n ẖnmw
zȝ Sḫm.t ḥry-ỉb Ỉwny.t

ḥwnw 6nfr
mr sʿm
7pȝ ḫy šps
pr m ȝḫ.t
rr 8s(w) mw.t=f
r ḥqȝ tȝ.wy

qn ḥm=f
9r sbỉ.w r=f
ḫp(r).n=f [m] nb pḥty
nḫt 10ḫpš.wy=f

4 Words spoken by Heka the Child,
the very great, first born of Khnum,
Greatest 5 magician,
Son of Sakhmet within Iunyt.

The good 6 youth,
who loves to eat;
7 the august child
who came forth from the Excellent one,
whose mother 8 raised him
to be Ruler of the Two Lands.

His Majesty is victorious
9 over those who rebel against him,
as he became the Lord of strength,
and his arms 10 are mighty.

(wḥm) msḫʿ.w
rnp.tw rʿ-nb
ḥʿʿ.tw n mȝȝ=f
bʿḥ 11tȝ.wy m nfrw=f
nb ʿnḫ
dỉ n [mr]=f

ḫy nfr
12wbn m Nwn
wḥm.n=f msḫʿ.w=f
13m tr r tr
14ḥb.w=f mn(.w) rʿ-nb

15dỉ=ỉ ȝb n=k tȝ nb
m nḏm-ỉb
ḥr snỉ-tȝ n bȝw=k

(He who repeats) luminous births,128
who rejuvenates every day,
so one rejoices to behold him;
who floods 11 the lands with his goodness,
Lord of life,
who gives to whomever he [desires].129

The good child,
12 who arose from Nun,
having repeated his luminous births
13 from season to season:
14 his festivals endure forever.

15 I cause all lands to desire you
in happiness,
kissing the earth to your power
every day.

Esna 543


sṯy=k sṯy
ỉr.t-Ḥr ḫr=k
sḥtp=ỉ ḏ.t[=k]
m nṯr.wt
ḥnʿ nḥp

Nḫb.t(?) m ḥȝ.t=f
[Ỉs].t(?) m tp=f
šn=f m Sšmt.t sḫm.t
snṯr bs [ḥr] sḏ.t(?)

1 Incense:
may you smell the aroma,
the Eye of Horus is before you;
I pacify [your] body
with goddesses
along with the potter’s wheel.130

Nekhbet(?) is in its front,
[Is]is(?) is on its top,
around it is Smithis and Sekhmet.
Incense comes from [from?] the fire(?).

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtgrtwr ksrs)|
3zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(dryns (nty)-ḫwỉ)|

4ḥm n Nḫb.t Nḫn
ỉr snṯr n Ṯnn
ỉnỉ bȝ=f
m šnw n gb.t

5šzp.n=ỉ mn-wr
r sḥtp tw=k
m ʿ-n-Ḥr
ỉr(=ỉ) sw ḥr sḏ.t
wnb=k bhd=f

6ỉn=ỉ bȝ=k
ḥr ẖnm=f
sw ḫʿ.tw ḫnt wỉȝ=k
r zmȝ stw.t=k

2 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
3 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Trajan Augustus)|

4 The servant of Nekhbet of Nekhen,
who makes incense for Tatenen,
who brings down his Ba
from the circuit of the firmament.

5 I have picked up the mn-wr-incense
in order to pacify you
with the four-fold censer;
(I) place it upon the flame,
so you might consume its aroma.131

6 I bring your Ba down
because of its scent,
while you appear within your bark,
in order to unite with your solar rays.

Priest with the Potter’s Wheel

8p(ȝ) nt(y) m p.t
spr=f r tȝ
wb[n] m Nw.t
ʿḏ=k ḫnmw=k

8 He who (was) in heaven
has arrived on earth!
O one who ri[s]es in Nut,
may you inhale your aroma!

Priests carrying the Divine Bark

9ḥn.w nb(.w)
(ḥr) ỉr(.t) n=k ỉȝw
ḏd=sn n=k
m r’ wʿ

šww m hrw
ỉʿḥ m grḥ
nn wš (n) wbn=k

nfr.wy ḫʿỉ=k
p(ȝ) nb nṯr.w

ẖn=k r-hȝ
m ḥb.w ỉp.w

9 All the servants
make praise for you,
as they say to you
in unison:

O sun during the day,
and moon at night,
there is no pause to your rising!

How beautiful is your appearance,
o Lord of the gods!

May you be rowed in procession
in these festivals!

The Bark of Khnum

nṯr pn šps
ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
11nsw.t nṯr.w
nṯr ʿȝ nb sḫ.t
wbn m ḥr.t
12ỉn nḥḥ
sbỉ ḏ.t
dwȝw zp-snw

rnp=k m 13mȝw(.t)
ḫsr mȝwy=k grḥ
nfr.wy ḫʿỉ=k
4m Rʿ

p(ȝ) nb nḥp
psḏ=k ḫnt wỉȝ=k
šzp p.t tȝ
m st.wt=k

10 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt.
This august god,
Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,
11 King of the gods,
great god, Lord of the Field,
who rises in the sky,
12 who achieves cyclical eternity,
and traverses linear eternity,
every morning.

As you rejuvenate 13 anew,
so your rays drive away the night:
how beautiful is your appearance
4 as Re!

O Lord of the Potter’s Wheel,
when you shine within your bark,
heaven and earth light up
from your rays.

15bȝ.w hṯṯ.w
m ỉȝw n wbn=k
ḏbȝty.w ḥr ḏsr wȝ.t=k
14dwȝ tw ms.w Ỉtm
pr(.w) m ḥʿw=k
swȝš tw nṯr.w nṯry.t
ntk ỉr=sn
17wḏ=k ʿnḫ
n tȝ (r)-ḏr=f

wr.wy bỉȝ.t=k
m Ỉp.t-s.wt
Ỉnb-ḥḏ bʿḥ(.w)
ẖr nfrw=k
sḏr(?)=k m Ỉwnw(?)

19snfr=k tȝ-sn.t
sr=k nḫt
n ỉȝ.t=k Pr-nṯr
20(ḥr) mk ḥw.t-ṯȝ.wy
grg=k tȝ.wy

m.k nb 21ḥw.t ḫr=k
ḥtp ỉb=k
n ḥry-ns.t
dỉ=k n=f tȝ.wy nb
m ḥtp

15 The chattering baboon Bas
are in adoration at your rising,
the Djebatyu sanctify your path,
14 the Children of Atum worship you,
those who emerged from his body,
gods and goddesses adore you:
for it is you who made them,
17 and you decree life
for the entire planet.

How great are your marvels
in Karnak;
Memphis is inundated
with your goodness;
and you spend the night(?) in Heliopolis(?)132

19 As you beautify Esna,
so you announce victory133
for your mound of Per-netjer,
20 protecting Temple of the Chicks,
as you populate the two lands.

Behold, the Lord of 21 the temple is before you:
may your heart be kind
toward the successor,
and give to him all lands
in peace.

Esna 544


1ḥnk sḫ.t
n šps.t wsr.t

ỉỉ.n=ỉ ḫr=t
ȝḫ.t sḫp(r.t) ỉḫt nb.w
2ỉn.n=ỉ n=t sḫ.t
ẖr ỉmy.w=s
ṯḥn=ṯ m pr.t=s nb(.t)

tw.t nb.t mȝw(.t)
ḥnw.t qȝy(.t)

1 Offering the field
to the August and Mighty one.
Words spoken:

As I have come before you,
excellent one who produces all things,
2 so I have brought you the field,
bearing its contents:
may you scintillate with all its seed!

You are the lady of the new land,
mistress of the high land.134

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtkrtw(r) kysȝrs)|
4zȝ Rʿ nb ḫʿ.w
(tryns nty-ḫwỉ)|

5wȝḏ nfr
ʿḥwty ỉqr

ḥʿpỉ ỉỉ r tr=f
ȝḫ.t wȝrḫ(.w) r dmḏy.t=s
(s)ḥb kȝ
n nṯr.w nṯry.t
nb wȝḥy.t

3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands
(Autokrato(r) Caesar)|
4 Son of Re, Lord of Appearances
(Trajan Augustus)|

5 The good marsh-hunter,
the excellent man of the field.135

6 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Hapi who arrives at his time,
the Field which blooms in its season,
(who) makes festive the Ka
of gods and goddesses.
Lord of grain:


7ḏd-mdw n Nb.t-ww
nb(.t) sḫ.t
Mnḥy.t wr.t
nb(.t) ḫnt-tȝ
8Nbw.t nb(.t) nṯr.w
sḫ.t nb(.t) sḫ.t
nṯr.t ʿȝ.t […]
ẖnm(.t) 9sn=s

šps.t wsr.t
ḥnw.t šmʿ mḥw
10ỉr.t Rʿ
nb(.t) p.t
ḥnw.t nṯr.w nṯry.t

11dỉ(=ỉ) n=k ỉḫt nb
rwḏ(.w) ḥr-sȝ tȝ

7 Words spoken by Nebtu,
Lady of the Field,136
Menhyt137 the great,
Lady of Khent-ta,
8 Golden, Lady of the gods,
the Field, Lady of the field,
great goddess […]
who unites with 9 her brother,
Foremost of his Field (Khnum).138

August and mighty one,
Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt,
10 Eye of Re,
Lady of heaven,
Mistress of gods and goddesses.

11 I give to you all things
which grow upon the earth.

Behind Nebtu

sḫp(r.t) wnn.t
ỉʿrr.t wr.t
sšm(.t) tȝ.wy
mḥ(.t) ʿḥ m nfrw=s

šps.t wsr.t
ḥnw.t šmʿ mḥw
ḥnw.t ṯȝy.w ḥm.wt
ʿšȝ nfrw

12 The excellent-field
who produces what exists,
the great uraeus serpent
who guides the two lands,
and fills the palace with her goodness.

The August and Mighty one,
Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt,
great of love,
Mistress of men and women:
plentiful of goodness.

Esna 545


1mn n=t snṯ(r)
pr(.w) m ḥʿw-nṯr
ỉn=f bȝ=t ḥr ḫnm=f

ḫʿ.tw ḫnty 2wṯz-nfrw
r ẖnm [ḥr]=t m ʿnḫ

psḏ ỉtn ỉmy.tw Nw.t
m ršrš

1 Take the incense
which comes forth from the God’s body:
it brings your Ba with its scent.139

You appear within 2 the processional bark,
so your [face] might unite with life.

The solar disk shines within Nut
in jubilation.

The King

(ȝwtkrtwr kysrs)|
4zȝ Rʿ
(Nȝrwỉ nty-ḫwỉ)|

5ḥm ḥm.t=s
ḥr ỉr(.t) snṯr n mw.t=f
ỉn(.t) 6bȝ=s
m ỉfdw n Nw.t
7sḥtp=f s(y) r nṯr.w

8šzp.n(=ỉ) snṯr
mnwr ḫr ỉr.t-Ḥr wr.t

nfr.wy mȝȝ
ḥtp.wy ptr

ỉmȝ-ỉb n nṯr.w ȝḫ.t
ṯȝ 5 n=sn
ḫnm=sn sṯy=t

3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
4 Son of Re
(Nerva Augustus)|

5 The servant of Her Majesty,
is offering incense to his mother,
bringing 6 her Ba (to the temple)
from the four corners of the sky,
7 as he pacifies her most of the gods.

8 I have picked up the incense (snṯr),
the aroma of god (sṯy-nṯr),
mnwr-incense before the great Eye of Horus.

How beautiful to see,
how peaceful to behold!

The gods of the Akhet are delighted:
the 5 incense pellets are for them,140
and they inhale your aroma.

Priests carrying the bark


9 Prophets.

The Bark of Neith

10wbn Nbw.t
m kȝr=s 11šps
psḏ N.t
[m] wṯz-nfrw=s
sḫʿỉ 12tȝ ỉr(.t) wnn.t
sḥḏ(.t) tȝ (r)-ḏr=f
m ỉȝḫw=s

13nṯr.w rmṯ.w
mỉ=n m ksw
snỉ-tȝ n nb(.t) tȝ-sn.t
14mw.t-nṯr Rʿ
ḫʿ(.t)y m ʿḥ=s

Nwn 15wr
wbn(.t) m Nw.t
N.t psḏ(.t) m ȝḫ.t
16tȝ (r)-ḏr=f sḥḏ.tw
m st.wt=s

10 The Gold arises
in her august 11 shrine!
Neith shines
[in] her processional bark!
One carries 12 she who made what exists,
who illumines the entire earth
with her radiance.

13 O gods and humans:
come bowing,
and kiss the earth for the Lady of Esna,
14 the Divine Mother of Re,
as she appears from her palace.

Great 15 Nun,
who arises from Nut.
Neith who shines in the Akhet,
16 the entire land is illumined
from her rays.

zȝ=s 17m nqr n nbw
nb(.t) nḥḥ
pr(.t) m ḥw.t-nṯr=s
psḏ.t=s m ršrš
šmʿ mḥw 19sṯỉ(.w) m ṯḥn
wpš(.w) ṯḥn 20m ỉdb.w-Ḥr

nb(.t) nṯr.w
ḫnt.t 21ḥw.t-mw.t
pr=s r-ḥȝ
m ḥb=s 22tp tr.w
r mȝȝ zȝ=s Rʿ
m nb pḥty

Her son 17 is the golden powder.
Lady of cyclical eternity,
who emerges from her palace,
her Ennead is in ecstasy;
Upper and Lower Egypt 19 are strewn with faience,
and faience is scattered 20 in the Banks of Horus.141

Lady of the gods,
foremost 21 of Temple of the Mother,
she comes forth in procession
in her festival(s) 22 at the proper times,
to see her son, Re,
as the Lord of Strength.

Esna 546

North Side

1wbn ỉtn m p.t rʿ-nb
psḏ N.t ḥnʿ=f
n psḏntyw
nṯr wʿ
ḫp(r) m nṯr snw
2štȝ(.w) nn rḫ(.w) qd=sn

wnm.t=sn ỉtn
ỉȝb.t=sn ʿ
ỉw=w (ḥr) rnp
tp-ȝbd nb
ẖnm=f s(y) m ršw
m rn=f n ẖnmw

1 The sun rises in the sky, every day,
and Neith shines with him
during the New Moon:142
the sole god,
who transformed into two gods,143
2 mysterious, whose forms are unknowable.

Their right eye is the sun,
their left eye the moon,
and they rejuvenate
every festival of the first Lunar light;144
he unites (ẖnm) with her in delight,
in his name of Khnum (ẖnmw).

South Side

3wbn ỉtn m ḥr.t rʿ-nb
ẖnm s(w) štȝ.t
m rn=s n N.t
sḫt=f s(y) m šzp=f
m rn=f 4n sḫt-šzp=f
mn ḥȝy=s ḥȝ=f
m rn=s n Mnḥy(.t)

r nṯr.w nṯr.yt
m rn=f n Ṯnn
wpš=s m wp.t=f
m rn(=s) n Nb.t-ww

zȝ=sn ȝbḫ(.w) ḥnʿ=sn
m kȝ n Rʿ
m rn=f n ḥkȝ

ẖnm(?) nṯr.w nṯr.yt m ỉȝḫw=f
m rn=f n ẖnmw

3 The sun rises in heaven, every day,
and the Mysterious one joins him
in her name of Neith;
he traps (sḫt) her with his light,
in his name 4 of He who Weaves (sḫt) his light;145
her radiance remains (mn ḥ(ȝ)y=s) around him146
in her name of Menhyt (Mnḥy.t).

He who is most distinguished (ṯnỉ)
of gods and goddesses,
in his name of Tatenen (Ṯnn);
she radiates (w) on his brow (wp.t)
in (her) name of Nebtu (Nb.t-ww).

Their son mingles alongside them,
as the Ka of Re,
in his name of Heka.147

Gods and goddesses unite(?) with his radiance,
in his name of Khnum.

NB: After the first god, Thoth, the group of divinities worshipping Khnum here also appear in a lunar procession in Esna IV, 435, and they receive funerary offerings in Esna VII, 564.

First figure

5Ḏḥwty pȝ nty dwȝ n=s
6sḥtp Ṯnn
m ȝḫ.w=f

7dwȝ-nṯr zp 4
n ḫnty msḫʿ.w
m s.t-Rʿ

5 Thoth is the one who praises for her (Neith?),
6 and who pacifies Tatenen
with his excellent utterances.

7 Praising god four times,
for the one foremost of luminous births
in the Throne of Re (the sky).148

Second figure

8Ṯz ṯz Nwn
ỉr wȝ.t
9dwȝ nṯr
ḫpr m ḥȝ.t
m-ḫnt zȝ.w-n=sn

10dwȝ nṯr
n šww m hrw
wr mȝȝ=f
nn qn ỉm=f

8 The commander who binds Nun,
who makes a path,
9 who praises the god
who came about in the beginning,
among the Guardian Deities.

10 Praising god
for the sun during the day,
whose sight is great,
nothing lacking in him.

Third figure

11Bqbq bȝq nfrw nw tȝ
12bȝw ʿ.wy=f
ḥr dwȝ ỉt nṯr.w

n psḏ m [ḥr].t
[nn] ȝb

11 Beqbeq who blesses goodness of the earth,
12 whose arms are radiant
while praising the Father of the Gods.

13 Praising god
for he who shines in [he]aven,
[without] pause.

Fourth figure

14nb ḥr.w
ȝb ỉb n nṯr nb
r mȝȝ=f
15dwȝ sḫt-šzp=f
m-ḥȝw r nṯr.w

n ḥȝỉ m šww
bd m ʿ

14 Lord of Faces,
all gods’ hearts desire
to behold him,
15 who praises He who Weaves his light,
more than the other gods.

16 Praising god
for he who shines as the sun,
and radiates as the moon.

Fifth figure

17šm m nfy
18sḥtp bȝ ʿḥʿy
m zȝ-tȝ

19dwȝ nṯr
n bȝ wr šfy.t

17 He who goes as the wind,
18 who pacifies the Ba of Midday149
with acclamation.

19 Praising god
for the Ba, great of prestige

Sixth figure

20ỉrw ḥr ḫp(r) m bỉk
21ḥʿʿ nb nṯr.w
m ȝḫ.w=f

n wbn m dwȝ.t
ỉw ỉr.ty=f (ḥr) s[dgȝ?] ḥr nb
n pr(?) (m) Nw.t

20 He who acts while manifest as a falcon,150
21 the Lord of the Gods rejoices
from his excellent utterances.

22 Praising god
for he who arises in the morning,
his two eyes make every face s[ee?],
while emerging from(?) Nut.

Seventh figure

23nb nḥḥ
ỉr ḏ.t
24shr nb nḥp
m ḏ(d)=f

n Ỉwn m Ỉwny.t
dgȝ ḥr nb
n mȝȝ=f

23 Lord of nḥḥ-eternity,
who creates ḏ.t-eternity,
24 who pleases the Lord of the Potter’s Wheel,
with his speech.

25 Praising god
for the Iun in Iunyt,
all faces can see
from the sight of him.

Eighth figure

26šw m ḥry.t
27ḥkn ỉr nṯr.w
m mdw.w=f

m ỉỉ m ḥȝ.t
qmȝ.n=f pḥwy
ḥtp ḥr ns.t=f
m ḥw.t-ỉt

26 The fearless one,
27 He who made the gods rejoices
from his words.

28 Praising god
for He who came in the beginning,
having created the end,
who rests upon his throne
in the Temple of the Father.