Chapter 5 However this assumes that an individual stays within a topic

  • Assumption: that the change in disease distribtuion for a given topic captures all the heterogeneity of disease coding

  • We know that is not the case from our previous work: an individual can switch to a new pattern based on genetics and environmental factors, and we should have an ability to ‘update’ an individuals’ topic distribtuion

  • Furthermore, genetics has a declining importance over time, and the new diagnoses carry more weight. The rate of advancement through a topic (i.e., the shape of the spline) also may be affected by these intrinsic factors

  • Finally, occupancy in one topic necessarily may prevent other topics

5.1 Example function to update theta based on new diagnosis

Let’s start by modeling an individual’s transition to a new topic distribtuion as a funciton of genetics.

That is, p(K=k|D)=p(D|K)p(K)/p(D)

Here, we will have the genetics influence change by a decay factor, and the updated theta be proportional to the likelihood of the new diagnosis:


Here, p(˜θ represents the genetics-adapted prior distribution

Genetics keeps us in the prior distribtuion more at early ages than later, so the strength of genetics influence on the prior will decline over time

update_theta <- function(current_theta, new_diagnosis, phi_time_dependent, genetics_influence, current_time, max_time) {
  # Ensure valid inputs
  if (any( || any( {

  # Decay factor for genetics influence
  decay_factor <- ((max_time - current_time) / max_time)^3
  adjusted_genetics_influence <- genetics_influence * decay_factor

  # Select phi for the current time
  phi_current_time <- phi_time_dependent[,,current_time]

  # Adjusted prior as a vector, where genetics impacts less with tim
  adjusted_prior <- current_theta * adjusted_genetics_influence

  # Likelihood as a vector for the specific diagnosis
  likelihood_vector <- phi_current_time[, new_diagnosis]

  # Bayesian update: Element-wise multiplication of adjusted_prior and likelihood_vector
  updated_theta <- adjusted_prior * likelihood_vector

  # Check for zero likelihood and revert to original theta for those cases
  if (all(likelihood_vector == 0)) {

  # Normalize the updated theta
  total <- sum(updated_theta)
  if (total == 0 || {
  return(updated_theta / total)

Simulate data, this time let’s let the topic distribtuion for an individual be roughly uniform on the simplex. Recall that if all are equal and greater than 1 (e.g., 100 for topic-specific diseases and 100 for non-topic-specific diseases), the distribution is centered around the vector (1/K, 1/K, …, 1/K). The higher the α values, the more peaked or concentrated the distribution is around this central vector.

M <- 400          # Number of patients
K <- 5            # Number of topics
V <- 300          # Number of diseases
T <- 100          # Number of time steps
max_time <- T     # Assuming T is the maximum time

# Initial topic distributions (theta) for each patient, we want this initially quite monotone at 1/K
initial_theta <- rdirichlet(M, shape = rep(100, K))

# Time-varying disease distributions within topics (phi)
# Assuming phi is a 3D array (topics x diseases x time)
# This needs to be defined based on your model

# Genetics influence (for simplicity, assuming a constant vector for each patient), how much they want to stay in a topic, but since we simulate topics randomly maybe think a bit more carefully about this
genetics_influence <- matrix(runif(M * K, 0.5, 1.5), nrow = M, ncol = K)

# Structure to hold theta values over time for each patient
theta_over_time <- array(dim = c(T, M, K))
theta_over_time[1, , ] <- initial_theta

## check to make sure all 1
## [1] TRUE
# Function to simulate a new diagnosis (placeholder)
simulate_new_diagnosis <- function() {
  # Randomly simulate a new diagnosis
  return(sample(as.vector(topic_spec_disease), 1))

find_topic_for_diagnosis <- function(diagnosis, topic_spec_disease) {
  for (topic in 1:nrow(topic_spec_disease)) {
    if (diagnosis %in% topic_spec_disease[topic, ]) {
  return(NA)  # Return NA if the diagnosis doesn't match any topic

for (time in 2:T) {
  for (patient in 1:M) {
    # Simulate a new diagnosis for this patient at this time
    new_diagnosis <- simulate_new_diagnosis()
    # print(new_diagnosis)
    # print(paste("Time:", time, "Patient:", patient, "Diagnosis:", new_diagnosis))
    # # Find the topic that the new diagnosis belongs to
    # topic <- find_topic_for_diagnosis(new_diagnosis, topic_spec_disease)
    # print(paste("Topic for the diagnosis:", topic))

    # Update the patient's topic distribution based on the new diagnosis
    theta_over_time[time, patient, ] <- update_theta(
      current_theta = theta_over_time[time - 1, patient, ],
      new_diagnosis = new_diagnosis,
      phi_time_dependent = phi,  # Assuming phi is defined as before
      genetics_influence = genetics_influence[patient, ],
      current_time = time,
      max_time = max_time

5.2 Topic Distribution per patient

Now let’s select for a sample patient and view his topic distribution over time.

Now, we might want to select a few patients for visualization and watch their disease codes over time.



# Function to simulate diagnoses
simulate_diagnoses <- function(theta, phi, num_patients, num_diseases, num_time_points) {
  diagnosis_record <- matrix(NA, nrow = num_patients, ncol = num_time_points)

  for (i in 1:num_patients) {
    for (t in 1:num_time_points) {
      # Aggregate disease probabilities across topics based on patient's theta
      disease_probabilities <- colSums(sweep(phi[, , t], 1, theta[i, , t], '*'))
      # Normalize probabilities
      disease_probabilities <- disease_probabilities / sum(disease_probabilities)
      # Simulate diagnosis
      diagnosed_disease <- sample(1:num_diseases, 1, prob = disease_probabilities)
      diagnosis_record[i, t] <- diagnosed_disease

# Assuming theta is indexed as [N, K, T]


# Function to simulate diagnoses
simulate_diagnoses <- function(theta, phi, num_patients, num_diseases, num_time_points) {
  diagnosis_record <- matrix(NA, nrow = num_patients, ncol = num_time_points)

  for (t in 1:num_time_points) {
    for (i in 1:num_patients) {
      # Aggregate disease probabilities across topics based on patient's theta at time t
      disease_probabilities <- colSums(sweep(phi[, , t], 1, theta[t, i, ], '*'))
      # Normalize probabilities
      disease_probabilities <- disease_probabilities / sum(disease_probabilities)
      # Simulate diagnosis
      diagnosed_disease <- sample(1:num_diseases, 1, prob = disease_probabilities)
      diagnosis_record[i, t] <- diagnosed_disease

# Parameters
num_patients <- 5

# Simulate diagnoses
diagnosis_record <- simulate_diagnoses(theta_over_time, phi, num_patients, V, T)

# Convert to long format for plotting
diagnosis_data_long <- melt(diagnosis_record, varnames = c("Patient", "Time"), = "Disease")

# Plotting
ggplot(diagnosis_data_long, aes(x = Time, y = Patient, color = as.factor(Disease))) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_viridis_d() +
  labs(title = "Diagnoses Over Time for Each Patient", x = "Time", y = "Patient", color = "Disease") +
