A.1 Australian Prime Ministers

These data gives the ages of Australia prime ministers on taking office, as reported by Wikipedia on 05 February 2021. The data contains nine variables:

  1. Num: The order of Prime Minister
  2. PrimeMinister: The name of the Prime Minister
  3. Born: The date of birth
  4. TookOffice: The data the person took office as Prime Minister
  5. Age: The age at which the person became Prime Minister
  6. AgeYrs: The age in completed years when the person became Prime Minister, as used in the above article
  7. LeftOffice: The data at which the person left the office of Prime Minister
  8. AgeOffice: The age at which the person left the office of Prime Minister
  9. Died: The data on which the person died
  10. LengthRetirement: The time between leaving the office of Prime Minister, and their death
  11. Lifespan: The length of their lifetime

The data set contains 30 observations, up to and including Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

To download: Click here.

Figure A.1: Data about Australian Prime Ministers