Chapter 2 Ammendments

Amend No Section Amended Amendment Details Date
1.1 App 6.4 Addition of Internal Audit List 2012-09-12
1.1 Addition of Amendments section 2012-09-12
1.1 App 6.5 Change building plans to Appendix 6.5 2012-09-12
1.1 Change MAF to MPI 2012-09-12
1.2 Update TF Manual to comply with TF Gen 9/6/16 2013-01-17
2.0 Major update of entire manual 2018-08-17
3.0 Major update of manual in conjunction with the development of ORCA 2019-08-21
3.1 4.4 Removed section about the database. Need to develop a new process
3.1 4.6 Amended to reflect the use of the Bluetooth Padlocks and QR code
3.1 Appendix Added induction