5.14.1 Cleaning a spill

nicegraph cluster0 cluster1 A Cleaning up a Spill B Take a picture A->B C Open Biosecurity Kit D Clean-up as much loose material as possible using brush, broom and paper towels C->D E Deposit loose material in a plastic bag from the Biosecurity Kit D->E F Wipe equipment with paper towel to remove loose material E->F R Spray area of spill with 1% concentrate Trigene E->R K Place paper towels in same bag as loose material L Cable tie plastic bag and place in the Biosecurity Waste Bin K->L M Biosecurity waste bin to be disposed of by University Approved Contractor L->M N Take a picture after area has been cleaned M->N P Classed as a Minor Spill Q Email the operator pictures and details P->Q U Classed as a Major Spill V Contact operator on mobile phone U->V W Fill out incident form V->W X Email scanned incident form and pictures to the operator W->X B->C O Was the spill more than a handful of material? N->O 1 Y O->1 2 N O->2 1->U 2->P G Place equipment in a plastic container F->G H Spray equipment with 1% concentrate Trigene G->H I Leave for a minimum of 10 minutes H->I J Wipe equipment with paper towels I->J J->K S Leave for a minimum of 10 minutes R->S T Wipe down area with paper towel S->T T->K