Teaching with Microsoft Teams
- Teams is for Q&A and communication; graded discussions are in Canvas or LMS
- TA tutoring hours – set separate channel and schedule in Calendar
- live class/recitation – whiteboard missing but screen sharing works; use external whiteboard such as Scribble Together on iPad
- use separate iPad or computer for chats during class
- large classes might require a tech to deal with tech problems and even a moderator for questions
- need class protocol: speaking, answering questions
- incorporate polls or discussion prompts – breakout during class
- pausing a recording would be a useful feature when there are breakouts
- Breakout channels – breakout rooms coming
- require video at beginning of class (new 7x7 view)
- organize Q&A
- let students know when you are “in the office”
- being “on”” 24x7 can be a challenge so set boundaries and announce when you available and when not so students can plan
- use Canvas for graded discussions
- force students into channels when they contact directly
- virtual “knock”
- announce when present
- 1-on-1 or m-on-1 several times during term to build online presence
- assign group work for foster social connections
- consider rearranging groups during regular (not compressed) term
- Files on Teams vs LMS – have one “place of record” but duplicate to reduce friction
- daily or weekly at-a-glance to remind students of work to be done and deadlines – students can get “lost” or “demotivated” in online classes
- set a custom background (ideally a campus or Northeastern logo)