9 Manuscript figures

9.1 Country Level Hazard

9.2 Fleet Analysis

Firstly, the top and bottom 10

Table 8: Top and bottom 10 fleets by risk
Fleet segement Value of landings Hazard rank Exposure rank Vulnerability rank Risk rank
DNK A27 TM40XX 363359393 20 190 8 1
ITA A37 PGP0006 5721462 209 8 16 2
PRT A27 DFN1012 356623 161 14 56 3
PRT A27 DTS0010 381875 177 54 10 4
ESP A37 DFN0612 630329 211 12 30 5
ESP A37 DRB1218 167984 38 140 77 6
PRT A27 PGP0010 9661098 114 66 83 7
ESP A27 PS2440 34961230 51 119 93 8
PRT A27 TBB0010 263508 131 56 90 9
ITA A37 PMP1218 ° 449076 66 158 54 10
Table 8: Top and bottom 10 fleets by risk
Fleet segement Value of landings Hazard rank Exposure rank Vulnerability rank Risk rank
BGR A37 HOK0006 987 198 310 343 349
DNK A27 DTS0010 461395 311 244 292 350
LTU A27 DFN1012 ° 254828 308 338 212 351
FRA A27 FPO1824 ° 3387456 348 304 205 352
PRT A27 DRB1012 1071358 341 226 289 353
BGR A37 FPO0006 1451 207 326 343 354
ESP A27 DRB1012 293883 355 350 178 355
BEL A27 PMP1824 ° 495885 351 313 252 356
GBR A27 HOK1012 ° 355039 349 303 285 357
ESP A27 DRB1218 2285575 356 358 267 358
Caption: Fleet segme nts with the top and bottom 10 cli mate risk scores .

In total, we have been able to assess risk for 358 fleet segments.

Caption: Climate risk as a function of the size range of vessels in each fleet segment. Note that the STECF definitions of length range vary between country and therefore have a degree of overlap. The distribution of risk is represented on a linear scale from highest to lowest: the absolute values are not shown, as they have little direct meaning. Risk is shown as a boxplot, where the horizontal line is the median, the box corresponds to the interquartile range (IQR), and the whiskers cover all points less than 1.5 times the IQR from the box. Outliers are plotted as points. The number of fleet segments in each class is shown at the top: in total there are 358 fleet segments in the analysis.

DFN: Drift and/or fixed netters, DRB: Dredgers, DTS: Demersal trawlers and/or demersal seiners, FPO: Vessels using pots and/or traps, HOK: Vessels using hooks, MGO: Vessel using other active gears, MGP: Vessels using polyvalent active gears only, PG: Passive Gears, PGO: Vessels using other passive gears, PGP: Vessels using polyvalent passive gears only, PMP: Vessels using active and passive gears, PS: Purse seiners, TBB: Beam trawlers, TM: Pelagic trawlers

QUESTION: I’m not quite sure how whether to retain the other fishing region fleets, or just keep it to the FAO27 and FAO37 areas - we don’t have very much biological information outside these regions.

QUESTION: I can also plot this as a map, based on the median value…


9.3 Regional Analysis

9.3.1 Components

Caption: Map of the individual elements of the regional risk analysis. a) Hazard b) Exposure and c) Vulnerability are plotted for each of the regions in the analysis. Each metric is rescaled so that the range between panels is identical. Colour scale is linear in the value of the corresponding score,but is presented without values as they have little direct meaning. National-level borders are shown for reference.


  • Reproject to a Lambert Azimuthal Equal-area projections
  • Check Iceland problems
  • Map inserts for Malta and other small countries
  • Could be merged with the overall figure for regional risk, but I think it makes more sense to have it separate.

9.3.2 Regional Risk

Caption: Map of the regional climate risk. Colour scale is linear in the value of the corresponding score, but is presented without values, as they have little direct meaning. National-level borders are shown for reference.

TODO: * Reproject to a Lambert Azimuthal Equal-area projections

9.4 Combined analysis

Caption: Note that Iceland and Norway are not shown, as there is no fleet data available for these countries. Note that we use straight medians, rather than weighted medians, as there is no clear value-of-fisheries data available for the regions. Or maybe there is in EUMOFA. Check this.