How to use this manual
This manual can be read on a computer, tablet or phone but using the UCSC genome browser requires a laptop or desktop computer. The instructions I provide assume you are using one of the two. When on a computer, the table of contents (side bar) can be toggled in and out by typing “s”. The arrow keys can be used to move to later or earlier chapters.
Figures can be enlarged by clicking on an image of interest. Use your track pad to zoom in further. Then to reduce the image back to its original size and continue reading, click on the image again.
Throughout this tutorial, you will come across footnotes. When you click on the link to a footnote, you will be taken to the end of the chapter. To continue reading where you left off, click the return arrow at the end of the footnote.
For students at Cal State University, East Bay, “Test your understanding” (TYU) and “For Discussion” headings are clickable and take you to the corresponding “Google quiz” in a new tab. That said, you need to be logged into your horizon email account in order to access them. After you submit you can check your accuracy. It is best to get the answers correct before moving on. TYU questions are designed to assess if you understand how to navigate through the genome AND understand what you are seeing. With this in mind, you can answer each quiz multiple times. I will be available during the activity section to answer any questions you might have.
If you spot errors or typos, please let me know. Thanks!