2.9 critical fit \(\beta=5.85\)

The fit formula

\[ \begin{cases} r_{AWI}=P[2] (\eta- \eta_{cr}) +P[3] (m_0-m_{cr}) + P[6] \mu\\ m_{PCAC}=P[4] (\eta- \eta_{cr}) +P[5] (m_0-m_{cr}) + P[7] \mu\,. \end{cases} \] In the above fit we are treating \(\eta_{cr}\) and \(m_{cr}\) as fits parameters, so \[ \eta_{cr}=P[0]\\ m_{cr}=P[1] \]

\[\begin{gather} \chi^2/d.o.f.=0.107178 \\ P[0]=-1.40436\pm (0.093) \\ P[1]=-0.0404883\pm (0.001) \\ P[2]=1.39053\pm (0.31) \\ P[3]=-29.8847\pm (8.2) \\ P[4]=-0.00304473\pm (0.0033) \\ P[5]=1.54608\pm (0.033) \\ P[6]=4.0039\pm (6.5) \\ P[7]=-0.129126\pm (0.077) \\ \end{gather}\] {\[\begin{gather} C=\begin{pmatrix} 1& 0.0196& 0.015& -0.0032& 0.00136& 2.17e-05& 0.0822& 0.00251\\ 0.0196& 1& 9.84e-06& 1.02e-05& 0.000163& -0.000171& -2.33e-05& 0.000923\\ 0.015& 9.84e-06& 1& -0.0268& -0.044& 0.00841& -0.0549& 0.00803\\ -0.0032& 1.02e-05& -0.0268& 1& 0.245& 1.77& -0.607& 0.0949\\ 0.00136& 0.000163& -0.044& 0.245& 1& -0.000736& 8.67e-05& -0.000403\\ 2.17e-05& -0.000171& 0.00841& 1.77& -0.000736& 1& 0.00138& -0.00717\\ 0.0822& -2.33e-05& -0.0549& -0.607& 8.67e-05& 0.00138& 1& -1.3\\ 0.00251& 0.000923& 0.00803& 0.0949& -0.000403& -0.00717& -1.3& 1\\ \end{pmatrix} \end{gather}\]}