11  test

# install.packages("shinylive")
# library(webr)
# pak::pak("r-wasm/rwasm")
# webr::shim_install()
# webr::install("Rose")
# install.packages("Rose")

# add_pkg("Rose")
#| standalone: true
#| viewerHeight: 600

# library(Rose)
# source("./Rose/R/read_block.R")
# source("./Rose/R/plot_routines.R")

# Define UI for app that draws a histogram ----
ui <- fluidPage(
   titlePanel("Hello Shiny!")
  # sidebarLayout(
  #   sidebarPanel(
  #     selectInput(inputId = 'ensemble', label='ensemble', 
  #                 c("cB211.072.64", "cB211.072.96", "cC211.06.80", "cD211.054.96" )
  #     ),
  #     selectInput(inputId = 'sep', label='sep', 
  #                 c("t56_44", "t78_62", "t65_51")
  #     ),
  #     selectInput(inputId = 'th', label='th', 
  #                 c("1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","9.5")
  #     ),
  #     selectInput(inputId = 'sigma', label='sigma', 
  #                 c("0.005000",  "0.010000",  "0.020000",  "0.030000",  "0.050000",
  #                   "0.070000",  "0.090000",  "0.110000",  "0.130000",  "0.150000",
  #                   "0.170000",  "0.190000",  "0.210000",  "0.230000",
  #                   "0.250000",  "0.270000",  "0.290000",  "0.310000",  "0.330000",
  #                   "0.350000",  "0.400000",
  #                   "0.500000")
  #     ),
  #     uiOutput('variables'),
  #     uiOutput('variables_diff')
  #   )
  #   # Show a plot of the generated distribution
  #   # mainPanel(
  #   #   # withMathJax(),
  #   #   # plotlyOutput(outputId = "fit_plot", height = "600px"),
  #   # )
  # )

server <- function(input, output) {
  # output$fit_plot <- renderPlotly({
  #   Z<-c("Z0")
    # df<-NULL
    # fileA<-paste0("/home/garofalo/analysis/heavy_quarks/data_Inc/out/",input$ensemble,"_th",input$th,"_",input$sep,".dat_HLT_AoverB")
    # if(file.exists(fileA)){
    #   mtA<-read_df(fileA)
    #   all_obsA<- get_all_corr(mtA)
    #   dfA<-get_block(string =paste0("HLT_",Z,"-sig",input$sigma,"-alpha-1.99"),
    #                  all_obs=all_obsA,mt=mtA,df = NULL,
    #                  log = FALSE, number = NULL,nudge = 0,
    #                  print_res = FALSE,logx=10,ix=11,
    #                  iy=6,ierr=7,ifit=9,ierrfit=10,
    #                  iplateau = 1
    #   )
    #   dfA<-get_block(string =paste0("HLT_",Z,"-sig",input$sigma,"-alpha0.00"),
    #                  all_obs=all_obsA,mt=mtA,df = dfA,
    #                  log = FALSE, number = NULL,nudge = 0,
    #                  print_res = FALSE,logx=10,ix=11,
    #                  iy=6,ierr=7,ifit=9,ierrfit=10,
    #                  iplateau = 1
    #   )
    #   dfA<-get_block(string =paste0("HLT_",Z,"-sig",input$sigma,"-alpha2.00"),
    #                  all_obs=all_obsA,mt=mtA,df = dfA,
    #                  log = FALSE, number = NULL,nudge = 0,
    #                  print_res = FALSE,logx=10,ix=11,
    #                  iy=6,ierr=7,ifit=9,ierrfit=10,
    #                  iplateau = 1
    #   )
    #   dfA$x<-dfA$x-log10(dfA[,12])# A/A0_ref
    #   dfA$xfit<-dfA$xfit-log10(dfA[,12])# A/A0_ref
    #   dfA$tmin<-dfA$tmin-log10(dfA[,12])# A/A0_ref
    #   dfA$tmax<-dfA$tmax-log10(dfA[,12])# A/A0_ref
    #   gg<- plot_df_corr_ggplot(dfA,width = 0.01,stroke = 1,alpha = 0.2,size_error=0.6)
    #   avep<-(max(dfA$fit)+min(dfA$fit))/2.0
    #   sdp<- max(dfA$fit)-min(dfA$fit)
    # }
    # else 
    #   gg<-myggplot()
    # fig<- myplotly(gg,"","log10(A/A0)_ref", paste0("rho-th",th), to_print=FALSE, 
    #                output = "HTML", to_webgl = FALSE,
    #                yrange=c(avep-4*sdp,avep+4*sdp), legend_position = c(0.2,1))
    # return(fig)
  # })

# Create Shiny app ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)