4  cB211.072.64

This are data generated in the PRACE project plnugamma. The smearing parameters where: 30 iteration with parameter 4

M_{PS} = 0.05665(12) , χ2/dof=\chi^2/dof= 0.50193

M_{K}(s0) = 0.18038(22) , χ2/dof=\chi^2/dof= 0.76891

M_{K}(s1) = 0.20042(26) , χ2/dof=\chi^2/dof= 0.68845

M_{K}(s2) = 0.21868(31) , χ2/dof=\chi^2/dof= 0.62525

M_{Ds}^{GEVP}(c0,s0) = 0.71698(32) , χ2/dof=\chi^2/dof= 0.66294

M_{Ds}^{GEVP}(c0,s1) = 0.72517(25) , χ2/dof=\chi^2/dof= 0.88695

M_{Ds}^{GEVP}(c0,s2) = 0.73328(20) , χ2/dof=\chi^2/dof= 1.0573

M_{Ds}^{GEVP}(c1,s0) = 0.75937(36) , χ2/dof=\chi^2/dof= 0.70838

M_{Ds}^{GEVP}(c1,s1) = 0.76741(28) , χ2/dof=\chi^2/dof= 0.93412

M_{Ds}^{GEVP}(c1,s2) = 0.77537(23) , χ2/dof=\chi^2/dof= 1.1093

M_{Ds}^{GEVP}(c2,s0) = 0.80023(40) , χ2/dof=\chi^2/dof= 0.76082

M_{Ds}^{GEVP}(c2,s1) = 0.80813(31) , χ2/dof=\chi^2/dof= 0.98371

M_{Ds}^{GEVP}(c2,s2) = 0.81597(26) , χ2/dof=\chi^2/dof= 1.1588


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4.1 Fit the Kaon

χ2/dof=\chi^2/dof= 7.42958

P value
P[0] 0.10359(24)
P[1] 5.202(18)
aμsa\mu_s aMKaM_K err
0.01692 0.191614 0.0002422

4.2 Fit the DsD_s

χ2/dof=\chi^2/dof= 2.04413

P value
P[0] 0.31274(49)
P[1] 1.8984(19)
P[2] 2.170(20)
aμca\mu_c aMDsaM_{D_s} err
0.2368 0.798997 0.0003404

4.3 Plateau DsD_s

here we compare the effective mass obtained with smeared or local operator with the one obtained by the GEVP


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Here we compare fDsf_{D_s} computed from the local-local correlator,
projecting the operator according to the leading GEVP eigenvector and using the smeared-smeared and local-smeared correlators


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