Chapter 4 References

Brunsdon, Chris, Paul Harris, and Alexis Comber. 2023. Smarter Than Your Average Model? Bayesian Model Averaging as a Spatial Analysis Tool. 12th International Conference on Geographic Information Science.
Comber, Alexis, Paul Harris, and Chris Brunsdon. 2023. “Multiscale Spatially and Temporally Varying Coefficient Modelling Using a Geographic and Temporal Gaussian Process GAM (GTGP-GAM)(short Paper).” In 12th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2023). Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
———. 2024. “Multiscale Spatially Varying Coefficient Modelling Using a Geographical Gaussian Process GAM.” International Journal of Geographical Information Science 38 (1): 27–47.
Comber, Alexis, Paul Harris, Naru Tsutsumida, Jennie Gray, and Chris Brunsdon. submitted. “Where, When and How? Specifying Spatially and Temporally Varying Coefficient Models Using Generalized Additive Models with Gaussian Process Splines.” International Journal of Geographical Information Science, submitted.
Fragoso, Tiago M, Wesley Bertoli, and Francisco Louzada. 2018. “Bayesian Model Averaging: A Systematic Review and Conceptual Classification.” International Statistical Review 86 (1): 1–28.
Schwarz, Gideon. 1978. “Estimating the Dimension of a Model.” The Annals of Statistics, 461–64.