Studying Online News via Computational Methods
by Valerie Hase, LMU Munich
B.A. Seminar at LMU Munich, Fall 2024/2025 […] This online tutorial will accompany the seminar “Studying Online News via Computational Methods”. It is part of the undergraduate course “Communication Studies” (LMU, Department of Media and Communication) and takes place Friday 10 am to 2pm in the CIP pool, Akademiestr. 7. You will find all necessary information on the seminar’s structure, important dates and assessments/evaluations via Moodle. Please carefully consider the syllabus when deciding whether to participate in this seminar. This tutorial will introduce you to two main aspects: You … Read more →
ST429 - Statistical Methods for Risk Management
by Dr Xiaolin Zhu
This involves a series of coding sessions for ST429. […] Coding sessions for ST429 are included here. In the programming sessions, we’ll put into practice the methods covered in the lectures/seminars to resolve risk management … Read more →
Conducting Rigorous Research Seminar Workbook
by Edward Stanhope
This is the seminar handbook for conducting research which outlines the weekly tasks for each seminar […] This module aims to develop student’s knowledge and understanding of scientific randomised controlled trials, including the techniques used to minimise bias by randomising participants, blinding participants, assessors and/or statisticians, selecting an appropriate control arm and other key methodological features. Students will learn how to devise a protocol in accordance with good reporting guidelines and how to use advanced analytical techniques to generate results and aid in the … Read more →
Landscape Genetic Data Analysis with R
by Editor: Helene Wagner (University of Toronto)
This is a web-interface to the teaching materials for the lab course ‘Landscape Genetic Data Analysis with R’ associated with the distributed graduate course ‘DGS Landscape Genetics’. The output format is bookdown::gitbook. […] This is a web-interface to the teaching materials for the lab course ‘Landscape Genetic Data Analysis with R’ associated with the distributed graduate course ‘DGS Landscape Genetics’. The Landscape Genetics Distributed Graduate Seminar (DGS) is an international collaboration that provides a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary graduate training. The course draws … Read more →
Guide on Academic Writing
by Prof. Dr. Ryan Riordan & Teaching Assistants
This bookdown contains the teaching materials for the projectcourse Financial Data Science at the LMU Munich. The files have been set up by Lisa Kaminski. [...] Here you will find supporting material on how to write academically. This guide is a generalized framework for seminar reports, bachelor and master theses. Disclaimer: The following guidelines should not be seen as static set of immutable rules, but rather as a profound and generic guideline. This guide is subject to constant revision and extension! If you come across missing subjects, redundancies or inconsistencies, we are ... Read more →
Understanding Digital Information Flow via Computational Methods
by Valerie Hase, LMU Munich
B.A. Seminar at LMU Munich, Fall 2023/2024 […] This online tutorial will accompany the seminar “Understanding Digital Information Flow via Computational Methods”. It is part of the undergraduate course “Communication Studies” (LMU, Department of Media and Communication) and takes place Friday 10 am to 2pm in the CIP pool, Akademiestr. 7. You will find all necessary information on the seminar’s structure, important dates and assessments/evaluations via Moodle. Please carefully consider the syllabus when deciding whether to participate in this seminar. This tutorial will introduce you to two … Read more →
Reviewing Scientific Literature Seminar Workbook
by Edward Stanhope
This is the seminar handbook for reviewing scientific literature that outlines the weekly tasks for each seminar […] This module aims to develop your knowledge and understanding of reviewing academic literature, including the searching for and identification of relevant articles from academic databases, navigating and extracting relevant information from journal articles, and formulating an academic discussion which syntheses the information gained from this process. These skills will prepare you for written assessments across your degree program and for life beyond university. The learning … Read more →
Systematic Reviewing Scientific Literature Seminar Workbook
by Edward Stanhope
This is the seminar handbook for systematic reviewing scientific literature that outlines the weekly tasks for each seminar […] This module aims to develop student’s knowledge and understanding of the systematic reviewing of academic literature. This includes developing an appropriate search string, screening process, study eligibility criteria, data extraction form/table, quality appraisal tool and other methodological features associated with the systematic reviewing process. This process minimises potential reviewer biases and increases the methodological rigor. Using these skills … Read more →
Introduction to R: Exercises
by Jena University Hospital, Institute of Medical Statistics, Computer and Data Sciences, Julia Palm (
Accompanying IMSID course […] These assignments accompany the course Introduction to R and should be done at home before each course date. We will link to the respective book section in each of the exercises, so you’ll be able to find instructions on how to solve this kind of exercise quickly. We will discuss solutions in the seminar session, complete code solutions will be published after the … Read more →
Introducción a la ciencia de datos con R.
by Gastón Becerra y Juan Pablo López Alurralde
Curso intro de R […] Estos recursos corresponden a un seminario de sociología y epistemología del big data. El presente material corresponde a la unidad práctica de dicho seminario, que busca introducirnos en análisis de datos por medio del lenguaje R. Si bien este objetivo es explícitamente de nivel introductorio, creemos que puede ser un primer paso hacia un fin necesario: acercarnos al fenómeno de los datos, con una mirada “desde adentro”. Escenarios sociales y técnicos como el big data, así como los avances en inteligencia artificial y la proliferación de algoritmos en diversas esferas … Read more →
Data Donations - Tutorial Automated Content Analysis
by Valerie Hase, LMU Munich
Data Donations - Tutorial Automated Content Analysis, LMU, Spring 2023 […] This online tutorial will accompany the seminar “News on and for Social Media”. It is part of the B.A. “Communication Research” (LMU, Spring 2023). In short, it supports the group using automated content analysis for analyzing data donations. This tutorial will introduce you to two main aspects: You are expected to work through the content of these tutorials before each of our regular sessions so we can use in-person meetings to discuss questions/test your new knowledge via exercises. Each tutorial includes First of … Read more →
AI and ML for Social Scientists - Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning for Social Scientists
by paul
Website updated on 05 Juni, 2023. This website serves both as slides and script for the MA seminar AI and Machine learning for Social scientists taught by Paul C. Bauer at the University of Mannheim (Spring 2023). The material was/is being developed by Paul C. Bauer . The material is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. Where I draw on other authors’ materials (with their permission) other licenses may apply. I am grateful for feedback and if you find errors please let me know. This website was generated with … Read more →
Conducting Research Seminar Workbook
by Edward Stanhope
This is the seminar handbook for conducting research which outlines the weekly tasks for each seminar […] This module aims to develop your knowledge and understanding of scientific experimental trials, including observational studies (cohort, case-control and cross-sectional) and randomised and non-randomised controlled trials. You will learn project management techniques, core methodological features of experimental trials and gain experience in conducting primary research. You will also be exposed to the range of analytical techniques used to generate results and aid in the interpretation … Read more →
🃏 Probability I
by Dr. Daniel Flores Agreda (based on the Lecture by Prof. Davide La Vecchia)
Course Materials […] Hello and Welcome to this introductory Lecture in Probability! These Course Notes are a complement to the Lecture Probability I. The Lecture is divided in the following Chapters, and each Chapter contains several themes. The Lectures will take place in the room MR280 on Thursday from 12h15 to 14h00. For those students who cannot attend the lectures, a recording will be available on Mediaserver. Seminars will take place on Thursday from 16h15 to 18h00 in the room MS130. The seminars are not recorded. Every two week (starting from the third one), tutorials will take place … Read more →
Introduction to International Relations
by Yuleng Zeng
This is an undergraduate-level seminar on international relations. I started teaching this course at the University of Salzburg in 2022. The intention of maintaining this website is to facilitate my teaching and to keep track of the resources. Feel free to use this website for education purposes. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please do let me know (contact me). The syllabus of this class can be downloaded here: IntroIR. Please right click on the link and download or open it in a new tab. I will post the slides of each week … Read more →
US Foreign Policy
by Yuleng Zeng
This is a graduate-level seminar on US foreign policy. I started teaching this course at the University of Salzburg in 2020. The intention of maintaining this website is to facilitate my teaching and to keep track of the resources. Feel free to use this website for education purposes. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please do let me know. The syllabus of this class can be downloaded here: US foreign policy. Please right click on the link and download or open it in a new tab. Here you can find the slides for each … Read more →
Cross-Platform Journalism: News use, content, and effects
by Valerie Hase, LMU Munich
Cross-Platform Journalism - B.A. Seminar at LMU Munich, Fall 2022/2023 […] This online tutorial will accompany the seminar “Cross-Platform Journalism: News use, content, and effects”. It is part of the undergraduate course “Communication Studies” (LMU, Department of Media and Communication). At the moment, the course is expected to take place via in-person meetings every Tuesday 08:00-10:00 am in room B109, Edmund-Rumpler-Strasse 13. Please note that this may change in light of COVID-19 developments. You will find all necessary information on the seminar’s structure, important dates and … Read more →
by Dr. Marco Lünich
Kurshandbuch zum Methodenseminar ‘Vertrauen, Legitimität, Fairness & Co.: Die Messung latenter Variablen in der politischen Kommunikation’ […] Das folgende Dokument enthält alle wichtigen Informationen zum Seminar Vertrauen, Legitimität, Fairness & Co.: Die Messung latenter Variablen in der politischen Kommunikation im WS 20/21 (zuvor bereits im WS 19/10) am Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf. Work in … Read more →
Interstate Conflict
by Yuleng Zeng
This is a graduate-level seminar on interstate conflict. I started teaching this course at the University of Salzburg in 2022. The intention of maintaining this website is to facilitate my teaching and to keep track of the resources. Feel free to use this website for education purposes. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please do let me know (contact me). The syllabus of this class can be downloaded here: Conflict. Please right click on the link and download or open it in a new … Read more →
Computational Social Science
by Paul C. Bauer
Script for the seminar ‘Big Data and Social Science’ at the University of Bern. […] The present document serves both as slides and script for the workshop/seminar Computational Social Science. This seminar is taught by Paul C. Bauer at the University of Mannheim (Spring Semester 2022). The material was developed by Paul C. Bauer and heavily draws on material developed by other people (see script). Any original material and examples is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For potential future versions of the course see my website: If you … Read more →
Economic Statecraft
by Yuleng Zeng
This is a graduate-level seminar on economic statecraft. I started teaching this course at the University of Salzburg in 2020. The intention of maintaining this website is to facilitate my teaching and to keep track of the resources I use. Feel free to use this website for education purposes. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please do let me know. The syllabus of this class can be downloaded here: EconomicStatecraft. Please right click on the link and download or open it in a new … Read more →
Chinese Foreign Policy
by Yuleng Zeng
This is a graduate-level seminar on Chinese foreign policy. I started teaching this course at the University of Salzburg in 2021. The intention of maintaining this website is to facilitate my teaching and to keep track of the resources. Feel free to use this website for education purposes. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please do let me know. The syllabus of this class can be downloaded here: CFP. Please right click on the link and download or open it in a new … Read more →
Text as Data Methods in R - Applications for Automated Analyses of News Content
by Valerie Hase, IKMZ, University of Zurich
Text as Data Methods in R - M.A. Seminar at IKMZ, HS 2021 […] This online tutorial will accompany the seminar “Text as Data Methods in R - Applications for Automated Analyses of News Content”. It is part of the M.A. “Internet & Society” (IKMZ, University of Zurich, HS2021). At the moment, the course is expected to take place via in-person meetings every Tuesday 10:15-12 am in room BIN-1-D.25. Please note that this may change in light of new COVID-19 developments. You will find all necessary information on the seminar’s structure, important dates and assessments/evaluations via OLAT. Please … Read more →
Introduction to Computational Social Science
by Mark Hoffman
Introduction to Computational Social Science […] This seminar is intended as a theoretical and methodological introduction to computational social science. Each week covers substantive and theoretical material and is associated with a technical lab. You will need to bring your laptops to each class. In the technical labs you will learn how to analyze network data in R. This e-book contains all of the technical labs in the order that we cover them. Should you forget anything we learned, you will be able to return to this e-book to cover the material again on your … Read more →
Methods for Network Analysis
by Mark Hoffman
Methods for Network Analysis […] This 4-5 credit hour seminar is intended as a theoretical and methodological introduction to social network analysis. Though network analysis is an interdisciplinary endeavor, its roots can be found in classical anthropology and sociology. Network analysis focuses on patterns of relations between actors. Both relations and actors can be defined in many ways, depending on the substantive area of inquiry. For example, network analysis has been used to study the structure of affective links between persons, flows of commodities between organizations, shared … Read more →
Forschungsseminar: Text as data
by Valerie Hase, IKMZ, Universität Zürich
Codes and notes for the text as data seminar at IKMZ, HS 2020/FS201 […] Dieses Tutorial begleitet das Forschungsseminar “Text as Data - Automatisierte Inhaltsanalyse in der Kommunikationswissenschaft” (IKMZ, Universität Zürich, HS2020). Alle nötigen Informationen zum Ablauf des Seminars, Prüfungsleistungen und Aufnahmen der Seminarsitzungen finden Sie auf OLAT. Dieses Tutorial hat zwei zentrale Ziele: Struktur der R-Tutorials Sie finden hier die jeweiligen Tutorials, die Sie bis zur jeweiligen Sitzung im Plenum durcharbeiten. Die Sitzungen selbst werden dann genutzt, um offene Fragen und … Read more →
Fleni. Introduccion a la estadistica para las neurociencias
by Ismael Calandri
Este libro se creó para funcionar como una guía de trabajos prácticos en el curso de estadística básica para neurociencias […] Este libro se creó para funcionar como una guía de trabajos prácticos y una introducción al manejo del software de R para estadística bàsica. Forma parte integral del curso de estadística bàsica para las neurociencias dictado por Fleni. Para más información sobre este curso por favor visitar el siguiente link … Read more →
Computational Social Science: Theory & Application
by Paul C. Bauer
Script for the seminar ‘Big Data and Social Science’ at the University of Bern. […] The present document serves both as slides and script for the workshop/seminar Computational Social Science: Theory & Applications. This seminar is taught by Paul C. Bauer at the University of Mannheim (Spring Semester 2021). The material was developed by Paul C. Bauer and heavily draws on material developed by other people (see script). Any original material and examples is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For potential future versions of the course see my website: … Read more →
MMES Quantitative Research Methods Oxford 2021
by Christopher Barrie
This is a working version of MMES Quant. Methods materials book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] You will find contained in this online document all the materials you need for this course. The book sets out for each week the readings that we will be discussing for each of the four weekly seminars. It also contains a set of take-home exercises. You can read more about the structure of the course in the next Introduction section. Note: this is a “live” document, meaning that I will continue to tweak some things. But fear not, the main course materials and assigned … Read more →
Computational Methods in der politischen Kommunikationsforschung
by Julian Unkel
Computational Methods in der politischen Kommunikationsforschung […] Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2020-11-19 11:45:03. Dies ist ein Work-in-Progress und wird laufend aktualisiert. Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation wird dieses Seminar in einen Online-Kurs überführt. Alle Seminarinhalte werden in Textform aufbereitet und nach und nach diesem Online-Kurs hinzugefügt. Auf Basis des Kurses sollen die Seminarinhalte selbstständig und mit weitestgehend eigenem Lerntempo erarbeitet werden. In jedem Kapitel werden hierzu zunächst die wesentlichen Konzepte und Inhalte erläutert. Jedes Kapitel schließt mit … Read more →
Introductory Seminar in Korean Studies
by Wayne de Fremery
This book contains the texts to be annotated fo the Introductory Seminar in Korean Studies at Sogang University, 2020. […] The texts on this website are formatted in HTML and they will adapt to your screen size. So, you can easily read them on a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile phone. Use the menu icon on the left to access the table of contents and the < icon on the right to open the annotation sidebar. In order to annotate the texts with Hypothesis, you need to sign up at this link: Once you have signed up and confirmed your email, log in using the sidebar … Read more →
Applied Causal Analysis (with R)
by Paul C. Bauer
Script for the seminar Applied Causal Analysis at the University of Mannheim. […] The present document serves both as slides and script for the MA seminar Applied Causal Analysis. This seminar is currently taught by Paul C. Bauer at the University of Mannheim (Spring 2020). The material was/is being developed by Paul C. Bauer and Denis Cohen and will constitute the basis for a book entitled “Applied Causal Analysis with R” under contract with CRC Press/Chapman & Hall. There will both be a print version as well as an openly accessible web version. The material is licensed under a … Read more →
Lab Guide to Quantitative Research Methods in Political Science, Public Policy & Public Administration.
by josiesmith
Lab Guide to Quantitative Research Methods in Political Science, Public Policy & Public Administration. […] This book is a companion to Quantitative Research Methods for Political Science, Public Policy and Public Administration (With Applications in R): 4th Edition, an open-source text book that is available here. It grew from our experiences teaching introductory and intermediate quantitative methods classes for graduate students in Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Oklahoma. We teach these courses using a format that pairs seminars on theory and statistics with … Read more →
Big data and Social Science
by Paul C. Bauer
Script for the seminar ‘Big Data and Social Science’ at the University of Bern. […] The present document serves both as slides and script for the workshop/seminar Big Data and Social Science. This seminar is taught by Paul C. Bauer at the University of Bern (Fall Semester 2018). The material was developed by Paul C. Bauer and heavily draws on material developed by Pablo Barberà in courses such as Social Media & Big Data Research, Big Data Analysis in the Social Sciences and Automated Collection of Web and Social Data. Any original material and examples is licensed under a Creative Commons … Read more →