R Markdown

bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown

by Yihui Xie

bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown

A guide to authoring books with R Markdown, including how to generate figures and tables, and insert cross-references, citations, HTML widgets, and Shiny apps in R Markdown. The book can be exported to HTML, PDF, and e-books (e.g. EPUB). The book style is customizable. You can easily write and preview the book in RStudio IDE or other editors, and host the book wherever you want (e.g. bookdown.org). Read more →


R Markdown Cookbook

by Yihui Xie, Christophe Dervieux, Emily Riederer

R Markdown Cookbook

This book showcases short, practical examples of lesser-known tips and tricks to helps users get the most out of these tools. After reading this book, you will understand how R Markdown documents are transformed from plain text and how you may customize nearly every step of this processing. For example, you will learn how to dynamically create content from R code, reference code in other documents or chunks, control the formatting with customer templates, fine-tune how your code is processed, and incorporate multiple languages into your analysis. Read more →


Everyday-R: Practical R for Data Science

by by Brian Jungmin Park


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] Note: this book is a work in progress. All source code for this project are available on my GitHub, which is linked in 1.4. This book serves as a collection of R Markdown files helps users in learning the practical syntax and usage of R for data science. Mainly, code snippets and workflow aimed at tackling everyday tasks in data science will be covered, which includes data cleaning, data wrangling, iterations, machine ... Read more →


Mastering Statistics with R

by SHAN-CHI WU (吳善棨)


Introduce the probability, statistics, and related subject. […] This is the website for the book “Mastering Statistics with R” published by SHAN-CHI WU. The entire book is written in R Markdown, using RStudio as my text editor and the bookdown package to turn a collection of markdown documents into a coherent whole. This work is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. I have written this book from very simple to extremely challenging. I think the easiest part would be understood by an elementary student. The most difficult part may require … Read more →


Ciência de Dados Aplicada à Controladoria

by Prof. Marcelo Chaves de Jesus


Os capítulos a seguir apresentam os resultados das pesquisas realizadas pelos alunos e pelas alunas da disciplina durante o primeiro semestre de 2024. […] Durante o semestre letivo, após a apresentação dos conteúdos relacionados com a Ciência de Dados, a turma foi desafiada a realizar a análise de uma questão de pesquisa à escolha e elaborar um relatório em R Markdown. Cada grupo procedeu a definição da questão de pesquisa, a escolha e seleção dos dados necessários e, com a ajuda do professor, a elaboração dos scripts de análise. À vista dos resultados elaboraram um relatório, contando com … Read more →


R 语言数据分析实战

by 黄湘云

R 语言数据分析实战

黄湘云 Book in early development. Planned release in 2024. 本书初稿是在 RStudio IDE 内使用 Quarto 编辑的,Quarto 是继R Markdown之后,一个新的开源的科学和技术发布系统,它基于 Pandoc支持输出多种格式的书稿,比如 HTML 网页、EPUB 电子书、DOCX 文档和 PDF 便携式文档等。Quarto 吸收了过去 10 年 R Markdown 取得的经验和教训,在书籍写作、创建博客、制作简历和幻灯片等系列场景中支持更加统一的使用语法,一份源文档输出多种格式,使文档内容在不同场景中的迁移成本更低。了解更多 Quarto 特性,请访问 https://quarto.org/。 书中的代码字体采用美观的 Source Code Pro 字体, 为方便跨操作系统编译书籍电子版,正文的中文字体采用 … Read more →



by 黄湘云


黄湘云 本书是《现代统计图形》(赵鹏, 谢益辉, 和 黄湘云 2021) 的后续第二版,尚处于草创阶段。 书中的代码字体采用美观的 Source Code Pro 字体, 为方便跨操作系统编译书籍电子版,正文的中文字体采用开源的 fandol 字体。 而本书图形中使用的 Noto 系列中英文字体来自 Google Fonts 字体库,分别是 Noto Sans 无衬线英文字体和 Noto Serif SC 宋体中文字体。 图 1 中的左、右子图分别展示 Base R 和 ggplot2 (Wickham 2016) 图形中中英文字体的效果。在图形中调用中文字体分两步走,先使用 sysfonts 包获取并注册 Noto 相关字体,然后在绘图的时候指定字体,并在代码块选项中启用 fig.showtext = TRUE,这样就能在 R Markdown … Read more →


R Markdown: The Definitive Guide

by Yihui Xie, J. J. Allaire, Garrett Grolemund

R Markdown: The Definitive Guide

The first official book authored by the core R Markdown developers that provides a comprehensive and accurate reference to the R Markdown ecosystem. With R Markdown, you can easily create reproducible data analysis reports, presentations, dashboards, interactive applications, books, dissertations, websites, and journal articles, while enjoying the simplicity of Markdown and the great power of R and other languages. Read more →


My R Markdown Document

by Your Name


My R Markdown Document […] 通过观测点数据模拟整个大棚环境变量,进行可视化展示 … Read more →


Data Wrangling and Visualization Guide

by Max Ricciardelli


This book is meant to provide a guide to those who have little to no experience in R and R studio to conceptions dealing with data and statistics. R is a powerful tool allowing highly customizable data visualization and offers many different formats and applications to users. […] These modules are here to present a succinct guide to using R, RStudio, and R Markdown for data wrangling and visualization. This guide is meant for those who have little to no experience in programming. My purpose in designing these modules is to provide a brief yet clear guide to learning the basic theory of these … Read more →


R 语言学习笔记

by 黄湘云


R 语言学习笔记 […] 本书采用 知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 4.0 国际许可协议 许可,请君自重,别没事儿拿去传个什么新浪爱问、百度文库以及 XX 经济论坛,项目中代码使用 MIT 协议 开源 本书 R Markdown 源文件托管在 Github 仓库里,本地使用 RStudio IDE 编辑,bookdown 组织各个章节的 Rmd 文件和输出格式,使用 Git 进行版本控制。每次提交修改到 Github 上都会触发 Travis 自动编译书籍,将一系列 Rmd 文件经 knitr 调用 R 解释器执行里面的代码块,并将输出结果返回,Pandoc 将 Rmd 文件转化为 md 、 html 或者 tex 文件。若想输出 pdf 文件,还需要准备 TeX 排版环境,最后使用 Netlify 托管书籍网站,和 Travis 一起实现连续部署,使得每次修改都会同步到网站。最近一次编 … Read more →


Impacts of Wetlands on Vegetation Recovery in Post-Fire Landscape: Hayman Fire Case Study

by Alex Merklein & Ethan Choate


The HTML output format for this is bookdown::gitbook, […] This is a book written in R Markdown and analyzes NDVI values for multiple sites within the Hayman Fire perimeter. Render book Build the book from the R … Read more →


Notițe pentru curs

by Rodica Ioana Lung


Prefață | Notițe pentru cursul de Software Statistic: Introducere în limbajul de programare R […] Suportul acesta de curs are scopul de a prezenta o introducere în limbajul de programare R si RStudio. Este destinat în special studenților anului 2 SPE. Pentru a putea folosi R aveți nevoie să instalați (Aprilie 2023): Limbajul R se instaleaza de la: www.r-project.org R Studio se instaleaza de la: https://posit.co/download/rstudio-desktop/ R Markdown notebook Celule noi Adăugați o celulă nou apăsând butonul Insert Chunk sau Ctrl+Alt+I. O celulă R se rulează plasând cursorul în interiorul ei și … Read more →


blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown

by Yihui Xie, Amber Thomas, Alison Presmanes Hill

blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown

A guide to creating websites with R Markdown and the R package blogdown. […] A note from the authors: Some of the information and instructions in this book are now out of date because of changes to Hugo and the blogdown package. If you have suggestions for improving this book, please file an issue in our GitHub repository. Thanks for your patience while we work to update the book, and please stay tuned for the revised version! In the meantime, you can find an introduction to the changes and new features in the v1.0 release blog post and this “Up & running with blogdown in 2021” blog post. … Read more →


Test of Bookdown

by Mads Stenbo Nielsen


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The HTML output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook, set in the _output.yml file. [...] More centered text The contents of the below subsections are located in a sub folder. This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com. When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within ... Read more →


Publicando um e-book com o bookdown

by João B. Tolentino Jr.

Publicando um e-book com o bookdown

Este material destina-se a explicar a publicação de um e-book com o pacote bookdown no formato gitbook […] O pacote bookdown, de autoria de Yihui Xie, combina a simplicidade da linguagem R Markdown com as funcionalidades do (Pandoc)[https://pandoc.org/]. Segundo o autor, sua utilização é adequada para escrever livros, artigos longos ou informes, sendo as principais funcionalidades: E tudo isso com um visual, no mínimo, agradável. O principal estilo é o GitBook. O pacote bookdown pode ser instalado do CRAN ou Github: A documentação completa pode ser encontrada em bookdown: Authoring Books … Read more →


Fun With Brandt

by Brandt Green


Some description is supposed to go here. Not sure where it renders tho […] I do not currently have a strong vision on the structure of this book yet, but for now, I just see it as a convenient place to dump my blog-like writings into, while also leveraging the power of R Markdown. I expect most of the topics discussed to be centered around the world of finance - seeing as finance is the highest calling of mankind, it is only just to give finance its due. I would like to use a writing approach that is data-focused and visual heavy, which is partly the motivation for using R Markdown as the … Read more →


Elon R Data Camp

by Adam Aiken

Elon R Data Camp

These notes cover our three hours together as we learn about using R for data analysis with R Studio. […] What is R and why are you here? We are to spend our time tonight learning about R, R Markdown, and the developer environment that puts these tools together, R Studio. How do these tools fit together? Scriptability, coding, working with our data (\rightarrow) R Reproducible, literate programming with all of our code, narrative, and formatted output in one place (\rightarrow) R Markdown A place to do this (\rightarrow) RStudio Our most important goal: Get R and RStudio running on … Read more →


DATA 3320 Data Science Methodology and Applications

by Brian Fischer


Hello. This is your course reader for DATA 3320 Data Science Methodology and Applications. Use the chapters of the reader to guide your work through each project. You will find the associated R Markdown file for each project on … Read more →


My Website

by joao_msoutomaior


Hello, Website! For more information about simple R Markdown websites, please read the documentation at https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown/rmarkdown-site.html. Please also note that simple R Markdown sites are not based on blogdown. They are probably good for websites with only a few Rmd documents. For larger-scale and more sophisticated websites (such as blogs), you may want to use blogdown instead: https://github.com/rstudio/blogdown. … Read more →


Using R in Social Work Research

by Jerry Bean, College of Social Work, The Ohio State University


This is an example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] Our goal for this document is to illustrate the importance of good data analysis practices and how R and companion packages support these practices. We think the R system has many benefits for social work research. R has become the flagship computing environment for many areas of science and has great appeal because it is free and open-access. In addition, free tools like RStudio and R Markdown promote an a replication commitment and open science philosophy … Read more →


Compilación de productos de datos

by Calderon, S., Zuñiga, L., Reyes, C., Bedoya, F.


Este es un compilado de los productos de datos elaborados en el Taller de Elaboración de productos de datos I: R Markdown [...] Este libro digital es un esfuerzo conjunto de los participantes del Taller de Elaboración de productos de datos dictado durante cinco semanas entre los meses de agosto y setiembre de 2021 de manera gratuita. El taller tuvo como público objetivo a estudiantes o egresados de carreras de ciencias sociales, periodismo o educación con interés en aprender herramientas de análisis y visualización de datos. El contenido del taller buscó ser apropiado para personas sin ... Read more →


R markdown para abogados

by Marco Ramos


En este bookdown iremos construyendo el curso de R markdown para abogados […] En general no se necesita conocer R o ningún lenguaje de programación para comenzar a redactar en R markdown, aunque su conocimiento potencia tus habilidades creativas. El primer paso de este curso es el tener el ambiente adecuado en su computadora. En general no se necesita un equipo con gran poder (y de hecho ni se necesita un equipo pues siempre podemos usar el servidor cloud de R). En fin, lo primero es asegurarse de tener R instalado. Lo podemos bajar de la siguiente liga. El segundo paso es bajar R Studio. … Read more →


Recitation 2 Note

by Yiming Gong


This is note for recitation 2. […] The text in an R Markdown document is written with the Markdown syntax. Precisely speaking, it is Pandoc’s Markdown. There are many flavors of Markdown invented by different people, and Pandoc’s flavor is the most comprehensive one to our knowledge. You can find the full documentation of Pandoc’s Markdown at https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html. Inline text will be italic if surrounded by underscores or asterisks, e.g., text or text. Bold text is produced using a pair of double asterisks (text). A pair of tildes (~) turn text to a subscript (e.g., … Read more →


Elaboración de productos de datos: Reportes con R Markdown

by Samuel Calderon, Felipe Bedoya, Maira Chamota, Jennifer Ponce, Nelly Reyes, Almendra Rodriguez


Este libro es una compilación de reportes individuales trabajados durante mayo y junio del 2021 en el Taller de Elaboración de productos de datos dictado por Samuel Calderon. […] Este libro digital es un esfuerzo conjunto de los participantes del Taller de Elaboración de productos de datos dictado durante cuatro semanas entre los meses de mayo y junio de 2021. A pesar de que el taller tuvo una participación regular de alrededor 10 personas en las sesiones, fueron cinco personas quienes optaron por participar del proyecto final, que no era obligatorio. El taller tuvo como público objetivo a … Read more →


Entrenamiento en productos de datos: R Markdown

by Samuel Calderon, Sandra Cerna, Antenor Escudero, Christian Reyes


Este libro es una compilación de reportes individuales trabajados durante el verano 2021 en el Taller de Elaboración de productos de datos dictado por Samuel Calderon. […] Durante el verano de 2021 tuve la oportunidad de reunirme dos veces por semana con un grupo de personas interesadas en aprender a elaborar productos de datos. La única condición impuesta para formar parte de este grupo fue tener mucha paciencia y disposición a cometer muchos errores en el camino. En resumen, pienso que las personas que lograron participar en las sesiones y elaborar su proyecto final, compilado en este … Read more →


R Markdown 指南

by 王祎帆, 闫求识, 高春辉


R Markdown 指南 … Read more →


Using R for Educational Research

by Jerry Bean, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University


This is an example of using the bookdown package to write a book […] Our goal for this document is to illustrate the importance of good data analysis practices and how R and companion packages support these practices. We think the R system has many benefits for educational research. R has become the flagship computing environment for many areas of science and has great appeal because it is free and open-access. In addition, free tools like RStudio and R Markdown promote a replication commitment and open science philosophy important to our work. One particular strength of R is that it … Read more →


Building Pension Models and Actuarial Tools Using R and R Shiny

by Tommy Cornally


Building Pension Models and Actuarial Tools Using R and R Shiny […] This interactive report has been created to demonstrate the functionality of R Markdown and Bookdown, as an additional tool that actuaries and others can avail of. Each page of the application (with the exception of the combined SORP Calculator and Drawdown Simulation) has been rebuilt using miniUI [1], an R library used to create Shiny Widgets. However, these “mini-apps” do not fully replicate the main application. Similarly, this interactive report does not intend to replace the original - it merely serves to compliment … Read more →


Using R for Social Work Research

by Jerry Bean, College of Social Work, The Ohio State University


This is an example of using the bookdown package to write a book […] Our goal for this document is to illustrate the importance of good data analysis practices and how R and companion packages support these practices. We think the R system has many benefits for social work research. R has become the flagship computing environment for many areas of science and has great appeal because it is free and open-access. In addition, free tools like RStudio and R Markdown promote a replication commitment and open science philosophy important to our work. One particular strength of R is that it … Read more →


An introduction to R Markdown

by Fábio M. Corrêa **Email: f.correa@ru.ac.za


An introduction to R Markdown […] 17-02-2021 The text is under development and updates are … Read more →


Dispersing or clustering: Spatial Pattern Analysis for Public Use and Taxi’s Rapid Charging Facilities in London, UK

by Student Number: 19175131


This is a tutorial book with R Markdown for CASA0005 final coursework containing code and instruction of the whole analyzing process. Course name: CASA0005 Geographic Information Systems and Science Program: MSc Spatial Data Science and Visualisation Department: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis GitHub repository: https://github.com/LingruFeng/GIS_assessment Rpubs link: https://rpubs.com/Lingru/GIS_assessment … Read more →


Review and Homework for Programming for Educational Research

by Chaeeun Song


This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook. […] 이것은 2020학년도 2학기 교육용 프로그래밍의 이해 수업을 들으며 작성한 필기 노트와 과제 모음입니다. R markdown is a file format that can be converted into many different documents such as HTML, PDF, Microsoft Word, and other dynamic documents. That is, it’s a nice example of one source multi … Read more →


GSBS Core Course Biostats Modules in R

by Yunlong Yang


Using R bookdown to present all the assignments in the class. Assignments will be divided into chapters. […] This bookdown document combines many R Markdown files, and is intended to showcase the utility of R Markdown in reporting data. Each chapter in this document contains a brief sample report of each week’s assignment using data provided in-class, as well as an extention of a topic covered that week. Chapter … Read more →


¿Que mas debemos conocer, muy aparte de tecnicas y analisis estadistico? Analytics, BI, automatizacion, etc.

by Daniel Sirlupu


Blog construido con el paquete bookdwown que se presenta como gitbook con temas relevantes para un mundo cada vez mas digital […] Yihui Xie y el paquete bookdown hacen esto posible, una forma concreta de unir varios resumenes escritos en R Markdown en un consolidado llamado bookdown. Es un blog en formato de libro digital, donde tocare temas relevantes para un mundo cada vez mas digital, tendra actualizaciones en periodos de … Read more →


RMarkdown for Scientists

by Nicholas Tierney


A book created for a 3 hour workshop on rmarkdown […] This is a book on rmarkdown, aimed for scientists. It was initially developed as a 3 hour workshop, but is now developed into a resource that will grow and change over time as a living book. This book aims to teach the following: There are many great books on R Markdown and it’s various features, such as “Rmarkdown: The definitive guide”, “bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown”, and “Dynamic Documents with R and knitr, Second edition”, and Yihui Xie’s thesis, “Dynamic Graphics and Reporting for Statistics”. So … Read more →


Introduction to R Markdown

by Michael Clark

Introduction to R Markdown

This document will introduce participants to the basics of R Markdown. After an introduction to concepts related to reproducible programming and research, demonstrations of standard markdown, as well as overviews of different formats, will be provided, including exercises. […] … Read more →



by Arredondo Sánchez Andrea Elizabeth, Vargas Mendoza Ana Luisa


Yihui Xie es ingeniero de software de RStudio, autor de distintos paquetes como knitr, blogdown, xaringan, tinytex y bookdown. Además, ha colaborado en importantes paquetes como Shiny y RMarkdown. Ha publicado libros como “bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown” del cual nos basaremos para hablar de Bookdown. Bookdown es un paquete de R que nos ayuda a integrar multiples documentos de R Markdown en un solo archivo con formato HTML, PDF,… . Este archivo puede ser un manual de usuario, nuestras notas de estudio e incluso nuestro diario. En él podemos agregar y editar … Read more →


An R Platform for Social Scientists

by Burak AYDIN, James ALGINA, Walter LEITE, Hakan ATILGAN

An R Platform for Social Scientists

R book for social scientists […] The online version of this platform is licensed under the CC0 by Burak AYDIN. We aim to create a platform for the applied social scientists in which we can demonstrate basic statistical procedures using R (R Core Team 2016b) and real data. We prefer to name this material as a platform given that (a) it is open for contribution, (b) it will have dynamic content and (c) it can serve as a mainboard for Plug-ins and Add-ons . This R material is created with Bookdown (Xie 2016), an advanced system constructed on R Markdown (Allaire et al. 2016) and the R … Read more →


R Markdown 介紹

by 林茂廷老師


dplyr 介紹 […] 一個標準化的純文字語法(syntax),用來表達豐富的排版意境。 Wiki範例 本身不會產生word, html或pdf檔,而是透過其他應用程式,如pandoc,來進一步生成相關文件格式。 … Read more →


Notes on R for AML100

by Jordan T. Bates


Notes on R for the course AML100 at Arizona State University. […] These notes introduce the basics of the programming language R as needed for the course AML100. Notes on RStudio and R Markdown are included in … Read more →


Föll í R - Dæmi

by Eyþór Björnsson


Föll í R - Dæmi […] Hér eru dæmi um notkun á föllum sem ég hef skrifað og má finna á GitHub. Þetta eru aðallega föll sem spara mikinn tíma við uppsetningu á algengum töflum fyrir vísindagreinar (á sviði læknavísinda) en eru líka hjálpleg til þess að átta sig á fylgni milli mismunandi breyta í gagnasafninu. Þessi síða er búin til með bookdown. Það er frábær pakki sem tvinnar saman R markdown skrár og setur saman í aðgengilegt html-bókarsnið. Í öllum dæmunum er notast við ‘diabetes’ gagnasettið sem er aðgengilegt frá http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/wiki/Main/DataSets. The data consist of 19 … Read more →


Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar

by eythorbj


Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar […] Texti Egils sögu var afritaður af vefsíðu The Icelandic Saga Database (sótt 15. maí 2017) og útbúinn fyrir birtingu hér með R markdown og bookdown pakkanum í R. Eyþór Björnsson, 15. maí … Read more →


Getting used to R, RStudio, and R Markdown

by Chester Ismay


An introduction into using R, RStudio, and R Markdown for new users […] In the HTML version of this book, you can also download the PDF version of the book by clicking on PDF button in the top toolbar of the page. HTML is the preferred format but the PDF format may be preferred for some readers. Links to the different GIFs directly found in the HTML version are provided in the PDF version. This resource is designed to provide new users to R, RStudio, and R Markdown with the introductory steps needed to begin their own reproducible research. A review of many of the common R errors … Read more →


Introduction to Data Science

by Rafael A. Irizarry

Introduction to Data Science

This book introduces concepts and skills that can help you tackle real-world data analysis challenges. It covers concepts from probability, statistical inference, linear regression and machine learning and helps you develop skills such as R programming, data wrangling with dplyr, data visualization with ggplot2, file organization with UNIX/Linux shell, version control with GitHub, and reproducible document preparation with R markdown. Read more →


R Markdown クックブック

by (著者) Xie, Yihui, (著者) Dervieux, Christophe, (著者) Riederer, Emily, (翻訳者) Katagiri, Satoshi (片桐 智志)

R Markdown クックブック

本書は, 各種ツールを最大限活用するために役立つよう, あまり知られていない小ワザや簡潔で実践的な裏ワザの例を紹介します. 本書を読んだ後には, R Markdown 文書が, プレーンテキストから変換され, 処理の各ステップステップのほぼ全てで, どうカスタマイズするかが理解できることでしょう. 例えば, R コードから動的にコンテンツを作成する方法, 他の文書やチャンでコードを参照する方法, カスタマイズしたテンプレートでフォーマットを制御する方法, コードをちょっと調整する方法, 複数のプログラミング言語を分析に組み込む方法, といったことが学べるでしょう. […] 本書の原著はChapman & Hall/CRCより出版されました. 本書のオンライン版は (Chapman & Hall/CRC の厚意により) … Read more →