10 Efficient learning
As with any vibrant open source software community, R is fast moving. This can be disorientating because it means that you can never ‘finish’ learning R. On the other hand, it makes R a fascinating subject: there is always more to learn. Even experienced R users keep finding new functionality that helps solve problems quicker and more elegantly. Therefore learning how to learn is one of the most important skills to have if you want to learn R in depth. We emphasise depth of learning because it is more efficient to learn something properly than to Google it repeatedly every time you forget how it works.
This chapter aims to equip you with concepts, guidance and tips that will accelerate your transition from an R hacker to an R programmer. This inevitably involves effective use of R’s help, reading R source code, and use of online material.
The only package used in this section is swirl
#> | Hi! Type swirl() when you are ready to begin.
10.1 Top 5 tips for efficient learning
- Use R’s internal help, e.g. with
. Try swirl. - Read about the latest developments in established outlets such as the Journal for Statistical Software, the R Journal, R lists and the ‘blogosphere’.
- If stuck, ask for help! A clear question posted in an appropriate place, using reproducible code, should get a quick and enlightening answer.
- For more in-depth learning, nothing can beat immersive R books and tutorials. Do some research and decide which resources you should complete.
- One of the best ways to consolidate learning is to write-it-up and pass on the knowledge: telling the story of what you’ve learned with also help others.
10.2 Using R’s internal help
Sometimes the best place to look for help is within R itself. Using R’s help has 3 main advantages from an efficiency perspective: 1) it’s faster to query R from inside your IDE than to switch context and search for help on a different platform (e.g. the internet which has countless distractions); 2) it works offline; 3) learning to read R’s documentation (and source code) is a powerful skill in itself that will improve your R programming.
The main disadvantage of R’s internal help is that it is terse and in some cases sparse. Do not expect to always be able to find the answer in R so be prepared to look elsewhere for more detailed help and context. From a learning perspective becoming acquainted with R’s documentation is often better than finding out the solution from a different source: it was written by developers, largely for developers. Therefore with R documentation you learn about function from the horses mouth. R help also sometimes sheds light on a function’s history, e.g. through references to academic papers.
As you look to learn about a topic or function in R, it is likely that you will have a search strategy of your own, ranging from broad to narrow:
- Searching R and installed packages for help on a specific topic.
- Reading-up on packages vignettes.
- Getting help on a specific function.
- Looking into the source code.
In many cases you may already have researched stages 1 and 2. Often you can stop and 3 and simply use the function without worrying exactly how it works. In every case, it is useful to be aware of this hierarchical approach to learning from R’s internal help, so you can start with the ‘Big Picture’ (and avoid going down a misguided route early on) and then quickly focus in on the functions that are most related to your task. To illustrate this approach in action, imagine that you are interested in a specific topic: optimisation. The remainder of this section will work through the stages 1 to 4 outlined above as if we wanted to find out more about this topic, with occasional diversions from this topic to see how specific help functions work in more detail. The final method of learning from R’s internal resources covered in this section is swirl, a package for interactive learning that we cover last.
10.2.1 Searching R for topics
A ‘wide boundary’ search for a topic in R will often begin with a search for instances of a keyword in the documentation and function names. Using the example of optimisation, one could start with a search for a text string related to the topic of interest:
# help.search("optim") # or, more concisely
Note that the ??
symbol is simply a useful shorthand version of the function help.search()
. It is sometimes useful to use the full function rather than the shorthand version, because that way you can specify a number of options. To search for all help pages that mention the more specific terms “optimisation” or “optimization” (the US spelling), in the title or alias of the help pages, for example, the following command would be used:
help.search(pattern = "optimisation|optimization", fields = c("title", "concept"))
This will return a short (and potentially more efficiently focussed) list of help pages than the wide-ranging ??optim
call. To make the search even more specific, we can use the package
argument to constrain the search to a single package. This can be very useful when you know that a function exists in a specific package, but you cannot remember what it is called:
help.search(pattern = "optimisation|optimization", fields = c("title", "concept"), package = "stats")
Another function for searching R is apropos()
. It prints to the console any R objects (including ‘hidden’ functions, those beginning with .
and datasets) whose name matches a give text string. Because it does not search R’s documentation, it tends to return fewer results than help.search()
. Its use and typical outputs can be seen from a couple of examples below:
#> [1] "constrOptim" "optim" "optimHess" "optimise" "optimize"
apropos("lm")[1:6] # show only first six results
#> [1] "bm_matrix_cal_lm" ".__C__anova.glm" ".__C__anova.glm.null"
#> [4] ".__C__diagonalMatrix" ".__C__generalMatrix" ".__C__glm"
To search all R packages, including those you have not installed locally, for a specific topic there are a number of options. For obvious reasons, this depends on having internet access. The most rudimentary way to see what packages are available from CRAN, if you are using RStudio, is to use its autocompletion functionality for package names. To take an example, if you are looking for a package for geospatial data analysis, you could do worse than enter the text string geo
as an argument into package installation function (for example install.packages(geo)
) and hitting Tab
when the cursor is between the o
and the )
in the example. The resulting options are are shown in the figure below: selecting one from the dropdown menu will result in it being completed with surrounding quote marks, as necessary.

Figure 10.1: Package name autocompletion in action in RStudio for packages beginning with ‘geo’.
10.2.2 Finding and using vignettes
Some packages contain vignettes. These are pieces of ‘long-form’ documentation that allow package authors to go into detail explaining how the package works (H. Wickham 2015c). In general they are high quality. Because they can be used to illustrate real world use cases, vignettes can be the best way to understand functions in the context of broader explanations and longer examples than are provided in function help pages. Although many packages lack vignettes, they deserve a sub-section of their own because they can boost the efficiency with which package functions are used, in an integrated workflow.
If you are frustrated because a certain package lacks a vignette, you can create one. This can be a great way of learning about and consolidating your knowledge of a package. To create a vignette, first download the source code of a package and then use devtools::use_vignette()
. To add a vignette to the efficient package used in this book, for example, you could clone the repo, e.g. using the command git clone git@github.com:csgillespie/efficient
. Once you have opened the repo as a project, e.g. in RStudio, you could create a vignette called “efficient-learning” with the following command: use_vignette(“efficient-learning”)
To browse any vignettes associated with a particular package, we can use the handy function browseVignettes()
browseVignettes(package = "benchmarkme")
This is roughly equivalent to vignette(package = "benchmarkme")
but opens a new page in a browser and lets you navigate all the vignettes in that particular package. For an overview of all vignettes available from R packages installed on your computer, try browsing all available vignettes with browseVignettes()
. You may be surprised at how many hidden gems there are in there!
How best to use vignettes depends on the vignette in question and your aims. In general you should expect to spend longer reading vignette’s than other types of R documentation. The Introduction to dplyr vignette (opened with vignette("introduction", package = "dplyr")
), for example, contains almost 4,000 words of prose and example code and outputs, illustrating how its functions work. We recommend working through the examples and typing the example code to ‘learn by doing’.
Another way to learn from package vignettes is to view their source code. You can find where vignette source code lives by looking in the vignette/
folder of the package’s source code: dplyr’s vignettes, for example, can be viewed (and edited) online at github.com/hadley/dplyr/tree/master/vignettes. A quick way to view a vignette’s R code is with the edit()
v = vignette("introduction", package = "dplyr")
10.2.3 Getting help on functions
All functions have help pages. These contain, at a minimum, a list of the input arguments and the nature of the output that can be expected. Once a function has been identified, e.g. using one of the methods outlined in Section 10.2.1, its help page can be displayed by prefixing the function name with ?
. Continuing with the previous example, the help page associated with the command optim()
(for general purpose optimisation) can be invoked as follows:
# help("optim") # or, more concisely:
In general, help pages describe what functions do, not how they work. This is one of the reasons that function help pages are thought (by some) to be difficult to understand. In practice, this means that the help page does not describe the underlying mathematics or algorithm in detail, it’s aim is to describe the interface.
A help page is divided into a number of sections. The help for optim()
is typical, in that it has a title (General-purpose Optimization) followed by short Description, Usage and Arguments sections. The Description is usually just a sentence or two for explaining what it does. Usage shows the arguments that the function needs to work. And Arguments describes what kind of objects the function expects. Longer sections typically include Details and Examples, which provide some context and provide (usually reproducible) examples of how the function can be used, respectively. The typically short Value, References and See Also sections facilitate efficient learning by explaining what the output means, where you can find academic literature on the subject, and which functions are related.
is a mature and heavily used function so it has a long help page: you’ll probably be thankful to learn that not all help pages are this long! With so much potentially overwhelming information in a single help page, the placement of the short, dense sections at the beginning is efficient because it means can understand the fundamentals of a function in few words. Learning how to read and quickly interpret such help pages will greatly help your ability to learn R. Take some time to study the help for optim()
in detail.
It is worth discussing the contents of the Usage section in particular, because this contains information that may not be immediately obvious:
optim(par, fn, gr = NULL, ...,
method = c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN", "Brent"),
lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, control = list(), hessian = FALSE)
This contains two pieces of critical information: 1) the essential arguments which must be provided for the function to work (par
and fn
in this case, as gr
has a default value) before the ...
symbol; and 2) optional arguments that control how the function works (method
, lower
, and hessian
in this case). ...
are optional arguments whose values depend on the other arguments (which will be passed to the function represented by fn
in this case). Let’s see how this works in practice by trying to run optim()
to find the minimum value of the function \(y = x^4 - x^2\):
fn = function(x) {
x^4 - x^2
optim(par = 0, fn = fn)
#> Warning in optim(par = 0, fn = fn): one-dimensional optimization by Nelder-Mead is unreliable:
#> use "Brent" or optimize() directly
#> $par
#> [1] 0.707
#> $value
#> [1] -0.25
#> $counts
#> function gradient
#> 58 NA
#> $convergence
#> [1] 0
#> $message
The results show that the minimum value of fn(x)
is found when x = 0.707..
(\(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\)), with a minimum value of \(-0.25\). It took \(58\) iterations of the function call for optim()
to converge on this value. Each of these output values is described in the Values section of the help pages. From the help pages, we could guess that providing the function call without specifying par
(i.e. optim(fn = fn)
) would fail, which indeed it does.
The most helpful section is often is the Examples. These lie at the bottom the help page and show precisely how the function works. You can either copy and paste the code, or actually run the example code using the example
command (it is well worth running these examples due to the graphics produced):
When a package is added to CRAN, the example part of the documentation is run on all major platforms. This helps ensure that a package works on multiple systems.
Another useful section in the help file is See Also:
. In the optim()
help page, it links to optimize()
which may be more appropriate for this use case.
10.2.4 Reading R source code
R is open source. This means that we view the underlying source code and examine any function. Of course the code is complex, and diving straight into the source code won’t help that much. However, watching to the github R source code mirror will allow you to monitor small changes that occur. This gives a nice entry point into a complex code base. Likewise, examining the source of small functions, such as NCOL
is informative, e.g. getFunction("NCOL")
Subscribing to the R NEWS blog is an easy way of keeping track of future changes.
Many R packages are developed in the open on github or r-forge. Select a few well known packages and examine their source. A good package to start with is drat. This is a relatively simple package developed by Dirk Eddelbuettel (author of Rcpp) that only contains a few functions. It gives you an excellent pointer into software development by one of the key R package writers.
A shortcut for browsing R’s source code is provided by the RStudio IDE: clicking on a function and then hit F2
will open its source code in the file editor. This works for both functions that exist in R and its packages and functions that you created yourself in another R script (so long as it is within your project directory). Although reading source code can be interesting in itself, it is probably best done in the context of a specific question, e.g. “how can I use a function name as an argument in my own function?” (looking at the source code of apply()
may help here).
10.2.5 Swirl
swirl is an interactive teaching platform for R. It offers a number of extensions and, for the pioneering, the ability for others to create custom extensions. The learning curve and method will not work for everyone, but this package is worth flagging as a potent self teaching resource. In some ways swirl can be seen as the ultimate internal R help as it allows dedicated learning sessions, based on multiple choice questions, all within a usual R session. To enter the swirl world, just enter the following. The resultant instructions will explain the rest:
10.3 Online resources
The R community has a strong online presence, providing many resources for learning. Over time, there has fortunately been a tendency for R resources to become more user friendly and up-to-date. Many resources that have been on CRAN for many years are dated by now so it’s more efficient to navigate directly to the most up-to-date and efficient-to-use resources.
‘Cheat sheets’ are short documents summarising how to do certain things. RStudio, for example, provides excellent cheat sheets on dplyr, rmarkdown and the RStudio IDE itself.
The R-project website contains six detailed official manuals, plus a giant pdf file containing documentation for all recommended packages. These include An Introduction to R, The R language definition and R Installation and Administration, all of which are recommended for people wanting to learn their general R skills. If you are developing a package and want to submit it to CRAN, the Writing R Extensions manual is recommended reading, although it has to some extent been superseded by H. Wickham (2015c), the source code of which is available online. While these manuals are long, they contain important information written by experienced R programmers.
For more domain-specific and up-to-date information on developments in R, we recommend checking out academic journals. The R-journal regularly publishes articles describing new R packages, as well as general programming hints. Similarly, the articles in the Journal of Statistical Software have a strong R bias. Publications in these journals are generally of very high quality and have been rigorously peer reviewed. However, they may be rather technical for R novices.
The wider community provides a much larger body of information, of more variable quality, than the official R resources. The Contributed Documentation page on R’s home page contains a dozens of tutorials and other resources on a wide range of topics. Some of these are excellent, although many are not kept up-to-date. An excellent resource for browsing R help pages online is provided by rdocumentation.org.
Lower grade but more frequently released information can be found on the ‘blogosphere’. Central to this is R-bloggers, a blog aggregator of content contributed by bloggers who write about R (in English). It is a great way to get exposed to new and different packages. Similarly monitoring the #rstats twitter tag keeps you up-to-date with the latest news.
There are also mailing lists, Google groups and the Stack Exchange Q & A sites. Before requesting help, read a few other questions to learn the format of the site. Make sure you search previous questions so you are not duplicating work. Perhaps the most important point is that people aren’t under any obligation to answer your question. One of the fantastic things about the open-source community is that you can ask questions and one of core developers may answer your question free; but remember, everyone is busy!
10.3.1 Stackoverflow
The number one place on the internet for getting help on programming is Stackoverflow. This website provides a platform for asking and answering questions. Through site membership, questions and answers are voted up or down. Users of Stackoverflow earn reputation points when their question or answer is up-voted. Anyone (with enough reputation) can edit a question or answer. This helps the content remain relevant.
Questions are tagged. The R questions can be found under the R tag. The R page contains links to Official documentation, free resources, and various other links. Members of the Stackoverflow R community have tagged, using r-faq
, a few question that often crop up.
10.3.2 Mailing lists and groups.
There are many mailing lists and Google groups focused on R and particular packages. The main list for getting help is R-help
. This is a high volume mailing list, with around a dozen messages per day. A more technical mailing list is R-devel
. This list is intended for questions and discussion about code development in R. The discussion on this list is very technical. However, it’s a good place to be introduced to new ideas - but it’s not the place to ask about these ideas! There are many other special interest mailing lists covering topics such as high performance computing to ecology. Many popular packages also have their own mailing list or Google group, e.g. ggplot2 and shiny. The key piece of advice is before mailing a list, read the relevant mailing archive and check that your message is appropriate.
10.4 Asking a question
A great way to get specific help on a difficult topic is to ask for help. However, asking a good question is not easy. Three common mistakes, and ways to avoid them, outlined below:
- Asking a question that has already been asked: ensure you’ve properly searched for the answer before posting.
- The answer to the question can be found in R’s help: make sure you’ve properly read the relevant help pages before asking.
- The question does not contain a reproducible example: create a simple version of your data, show the code you’ve tried, and display the result you are hoping for.
Your question should contain just enough information that you problem is clear and can be reproducible, while at the same time avoid unnecessary details. Fortunately there is a StackOverflow question - How to make a great R reproducible example? that provides excellent guidance. Additional guides that explain how to create good programming questions are provided by StackOverflow and and the R mailing list posting guide.
Minimal data set
What is the smallest data set you can construct that will reproduce your issue? Your actual data set may contain \(10^5\) rows and \(10^4\) columns, but to get your idea across you might only need \(4\) rows and \(3\) columns. Making small example data sets is easy. For example, to create a data frame with two numeric columns and a column of characters just use
example_df = data.frame(x = rnorm(4), y = rnorm(4), z = sample(LETTERS, 4))
Note the call to set.seed
ensures anyone who runs the code will get the same random number stream. Alternatively, you use one of the many data sets that come with R - library(help = "datasets")
If creating an example data set isn’t possible, then use dput
on your actual data set. This will create an ASCII text representation of the object that will enable anyone to recreate the object
#> structure(list(
#> x = c(-0.626453810742332, 0.183643324222082, -0.835628612410047, 1.59528080213779),
#> y = c(0.329507771815361, -0.820468384118015, 0.487429052428485, 0.738324705129217),
#> z = structure(c(3L, 4L, 1L, 2L), .Label = c("J", "R", "S", "Y"), class = "factor")),
#> .Names = c("x", "y", "z"), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = "data.frame")
Minimal example
What you should not do, is simply copy and paste your entire function into your question. It’s unlikely that your entire function doesn’t work, so just simplify it the bare minimum. The aim is to target your actual issue. Avoid copying and pasting large blocks of code; remove superfluous lines that are not part of the problem. Before asking your question, can you run you code in a clean R environment and reproduce your error?
10.5 Learning in depth
In the age of the internet and social media, many people feel lucky if they have time out to go for a walk, let alone sit down to read a book. However it is undeniable that leaning R in depth is a time consuming activity. Reading a book or a large tutorial (and completing the practical examples contained within) may not be the most efficient way to solve a particular problem in the short term, but it can be one of the best ways to learn R programming properly, especially in the long-run.
In depth learning differs from shallow, incremental learning because rather than discovering how a specific function works, you find out how systems of functions work together. To take a metaphor from civil engineering, in depth learning is about building strong foundations, on which a wide range of buildings can be constructed. In depth learning can be highly efficient in the long run because it will pay back over many years, regardless of the domain-specific problem you want to use R to tackle. Shallow learning, to continue the metaphor, is more like erecting many temporary structures: they can solve a specific problem in the short term but they will not be durable. Flimsy dwellings can be swept away. Shallow memories can be forgotten.
Having established that time spent ‘deep learning’ can, counter-intuitively, be efficient, it is worth thinking about how to deep learn. This varies from person to person. It does not involve passively absorbing sacred information transmitted year after year by the ‘R gods’. It is an active, participatory process. To ensure that memories are rapidly actionable you must ‘learn by doing’. Learning from a cohesive, systematic and relatively comprehensive resource will help you to see the many interconnections between the different elements of R programming and how they can be combined efficient work.
There are a number of such resources, including this book. Although the understandable tendency will be to use it incrementally, dipping in and out of different sections when different problems arise, we also recommend reading it systematically to see how the different elements of efficiency fit together. It is likely that as you work progressively through this book, in parallel with solving real world problems, you will realise that the solution is not to have the ‘right’ resource at hand but to be able to use the tools provided by R efficiently. Once you hit this level of proficiency, you should have the confidence to address most problems encountered from first principles. Over time, your ‘first port of call’ should move away from Google and even R’s internal help to simply giving it a try: informed trial and error, intelligent experimentation, can be the best approach to both learning and solving problems quickly, once you are equipped with the tools to do so. That’s why this is the last section in the book.
If you have already worked through all the examples in this book, or if you want to learn areas not covered in it, there are many excellent resources for extending and deepening your knowledge of R programming for fast and effective work, and to do new things with it. Because R is a large and ever-evolving language, there is no definitive list of resources for taking your R skills to new heights. However, the list below, in rough ascending order of difficulty and depth, should provide plenty of material and motivation for in depth learning of R.
- Free webinars and online courses provided by RStudio and DataCamp. Both organisations are well regarded and keep their content up-to-date, but there are likely other sources of other online courses. We recommend testing pushing your abilities, rather than going over the same material covered in this book.
- R for Data Science (Grolemund and Wickham 2016), a free book introducing many concepts and ‘tidy’ packages for working with data (a free online version is available from r4ds.had.co.nz/).
- R programming for Data Science (Peng 2014), which provides in depth coverage of analysis and visualisation of datasets.
- Advanced R Programming (H. Wickham 2014a), an advanced book which looks at the internals of how R works (free from adv-r.had.co.nz).
10.6 Spread the knowledge
The final thing to say on the topic of efficient learning relates to the old (~2000 years old!) saying docendo discimus:
by teaching we learn.
This means that passing on information is one of the best ways to consolidate your learning It was largely by helping others to learn R that we became proficient R users.
Demand for R skills is growing, so there are many opportunities to teach R. Whether it’s helping your colleague to use apply()
, or writing a blog post on solving certain problems in R, teaching others R is can be a rewarding experience. Furthermore, spreading the knowledge can be efficient: it will improving your own understanding of the language and benefit the entire community, providing a positive feedback to the movement towards open source software in data-driven computing.
Assuming you have completed reading the book, the only remaining thing to say is well done: you are now an efficient R programmer. We hope you direct your new found skills towards the greater good and pass on the wisdom to others along the way.
Wickham, Hadley. 2015c. R Packages. O’Reilly Media.
Grolemund, G., and H. Wickham. 2016. R for Data Science. O’Reilly Media.
Peng, Roger. 2014. R Programming for Data Science. Leanpub. https://leanpub.com/rprogramming.
Wickham, Hadley. 2014a. Advanced R. CRC Press.