14.8 DPLYR: Grammar of data management (Hadley Wickham)

  • Functions
    • filter(): Select a subset of the rows of a data frame (see also slice())
    • arrange(): Reorders the rows of a data frame
    • select(): Selects columns (can be used for renaming, see rename())
    • distinct(): Returns unique values in a table
    • mutate(): Add new columns to existing columns (see also transmute())
    • summarise(): Collapses a data frame to a single row (e.g. aggregation)
    • group_by(): Break data set into groups (of rows), to apply above functions to each group

14.8.1 filter() & slice()

  • Selecting rows = selecting observations (e.g. countries, individuals etc.)
  • Example
# install.packages("dplyr")

# ?swiss # Check out the data set
# fix(swiss)

# Filter
filter(swiss, Agriculture >= 60 & Fertility >= 70)
Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
83.8 70.2 16 7 92.85 23.6
92.4 67.8 14 8 97.16 24.9
87.1 64.5 14 6 98.61 24.5
72.5 71.2 12 1 2.40 21.0
72.0 63.5 6 3 2.56 18.0
75.5 85.9 3 2 99.71 15.1
77.3 89.7 5 2 100.00 18.3
70.5 78.2 12 6 98.96 19.4
79.4 64.9 7 3 98.22 20.2
92.2 84.6 3 3 99.46 16.3
79.3 63.1 13 13 96.83 18.1
swiss[swiss$Agriculture >= 60 & swiss$Fertility >= 70, ] # Classic approach
Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
Broye 83.8 70.2 16 7 92.85 23.6
Glane 92.4 67.8 14 8 97.16 24.9
Veveyse 87.1 64.5 14 6 98.61 24.5
Oron 72.5 71.2 12 1 2.40 21.0
Paysd’enhaut 72.0 63.5 6 3 2.56 18.0
Conthey 75.5 85.9 3 2 99.71 15.1
Herens 77.3 89.7 5 2 100.00 18.3
Martigwy 70.5 78.2 12 6 98.96 19.4
Monthey 79.4 64.9 7 3 98.22 20.2
Sierre 92.2 84.6 3 3 99.46 16.3
Sion 79.3 63.1 13 13 96.83 18.1
# Q: What if I want all observations/rows with Catholic <= 50 ?
# Q: What if I want all observations/rows with Catholic <= 50 OR Catholic  Catholic >= 80?
# Q: What if I want all observations/rows with Catholic <= 50 AND Catholic  Catholic >= 80?

# Slice
slice(swiss, 3:7)
Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
92.5 39.7 5 5 93.40 20.2
85.8 36.5 12 7 33.77 20.3
76.9 43.5 17 15 5.16 20.6
76.1 35.3 9 7 90.57 26.6
83.8 70.2 16 7 92.85 23.6
swiss[3:7,] # Classic approach
Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
Franches-Mnt 92.5 39.7 5 5 93.40 20.2
Moutier 85.8 36.5 12 7 33.77 20.3
Neuveville 76.9 43.5 17 15 5.16 20.6
Porrentruy 76.1 35.3 9 7 90.57 26.6
Broye 83.8 70.2 16 7 92.85 23.6
# Q: What if I want the rows number 11 to 15 AND 18 to 20?

# Normally, names of observations (e.g. countrys) are not saved as row.names
# but simply in a variable
##  [1] "Courtelary"   "Delemont"     "Franches-Mnt" "Moutier"     
##  [5] "Neuveville"   "Porrentruy"   "Broye"        "Glane"       
##  [9] "Gruyere"      "Sarine"       "Veveyse"      "Aigle"       
## [13] "Aubonne"      "Avenches"     "Cossonay"     "Echallens"   
## [17] "Grandson"     "Lausanne"     "La Vallee"    "Lavaux"      
## [21] "Morges"       "Moudon"       "Nyone"        "Orbe"        
## [25] "Oron"         "Payerne"      "Paysd'enhaut" "Rolle"       
## [29] "Vevey"        "Yverdon"      "Conthey"      "Entremont"   
## [33] "Herens"       "Martigwy"     "Monthey"      "St Maurice"  
## [37] "Sierre"       "Sion"         "Boudry"       "La Chauxdfnd"
## [41] "Le Locle"     "Neuchatel"    "Val de Ruz"   "ValdeTravers"
## [45] "V. De Geneve" "Rive Droite"  "Rive Gauche"

14.8.2 arrange(): Reorder/sort rows

  • Classic way is order()
arrange(swiss, Education, Examination, Agriculture)
# Q: What if I want to sort according to examination first?

arrange(swiss, desc(Education), Examination)
# Q: What if I want to sort Examination in descending order instead of Education?

swiss[order(swiss$Education, swiss$Examination, swiss$Agriculture), ]
swiss[order(desc(swiss$Education)), ] # type ?order

14.8.3 select(): Subsetting and renaming

  • Classic way
    • names(dataframe) <- charactervector
    • or rename() function in different packages (e.g. package reshape)
    • better with dplyr
select(swiss, Fertility, Agriculture, Education) # Select columns by name
Fertility Agriculture Education
Courtelary 80.2 17.0 12
Delemont 83.1 45.1 9
Franches-Mnt 92.5 39.7 5
Moutier 85.8 36.5 7
Neuveville 76.9 43.5 15
Porrentruy 76.1 35.3 7
Broye 83.8 70.2 7
Glane 92.4 67.8 8
Gruyere 82.4 53.3 7
Sarine 82.9 45.2 13
Veveyse 87.1 64.5 6
Aigle 64.1 62.0 12
Aubonne 66.9 67.5 7
Avenches 68.9 60.7 12
Cossonay 61.7 69.3 5
Echallens 68.3 72.6 2
Grandson 71.7 34.0 8
Lausanne 55.7 19.4 28
La Vallee 54.3 15.2 20
Lavaux 65.1 73.0 9
Morges 65.5 59.8 10
Moudon 65.0 55.1 3
Nyone 56.6 50.9 12
Orbe 57.4 54.1 6
Oron 72.5 71.2 1
Payerne 74.2 58.1 8
Paysd’enhaut 72.0 63.5 3
Rolle 60.5 60.8 10
Vevey 58.3 26.8 19
Yverdon 65.4 49.5 8
Conthey 75.5 85.9 2
Entremont 69.3 84.9 6
Herens 77.3 89.7 2
Martigwy 70.5 78.2 6
Monthey 79.4 64.9 3
St Maurice 65.0 75.9 9
Sierre 92.2 84.6 3
Sion 79.3 63.1 13
Boudry 70.4 38.4 12
La Chauxdfnd 65.7 7.7 11
Le Locle 72.7 16.7 13
Neuchatel 64.4 17.6 32
Val de Ruz 77.6 37.6 7
ValdeTravers 67.6 18.7 7
V. De Geneve 35.0 1.2 53
Rive Droite 44.7 46.6 29
Rive Gauche 42.8 27.7 29
select(swiss, Agriculture:Education) # Variables from:to
Agriculture Examination Education
Courtelary 17.0 15 12
Delemont 45.1 6 9
Franches-Mnt 39.7 5 5
Moutier 36.5 12 7
Neuveville 43.5 17 15
Porrentruy 35.3 9 7
Broye 70.2 16 7
Glane 67.8 14 8
Gruyere 53.3 12 7
Sarine 45.2 16 13
Veveyse 64.5 14 6
Aigle 62.0 21 12
Aubonne 67.5 14 7
Avenches 60.7 19 12
Cossonay 69.3 22 5
Echallens 72.6 18 2
Grandson 34.0 17 8
Lausanne 19.4 26 28
La Vallee 15.2 31 20
Lavaux 73.0 19 9
Morges 59.8 22 10
Moudon 55.1 14 3
Nyone 50.9 22 12
Orbe 54.1 20 6
Oron 71.2 12 1
Payerne 58.1 14 8
Paysd’enhaut 63.5 6 3
Rolle 60.8 16 10
Vevey 26.8 25 19
Yverdon 49.5 15 8
Conthey 85.9 3 2
Entremont 84.9 7 6
Herens 89.7 5 2
Martigwy 78.2 12 6
Monthey 64.9 7 3
St Maurice 75.9 9 9
Sierre 84.6 3 3
Sion 63.1 13 13
Boudry 38.4 26 12
La Chauxdfnd 7.7 29 11
Le Locle 16.7 22 13
Neuchatel 17.6 35 32
Val de Ruz 37.6 15 7
ValdeTravers 18.7 25 7
V. De Geneve 1.2 37 53
Rive Droite 46.6 16 29
Rive Gauche 27.7 22 29
select(swiss, -(Agriculture:Education)) # Variables without (from:to)
Fertility Catholic Infant.Mortality
Courtelary 80.2 9.96 22.2
Delemont 83.1 84.84 22.2
Franches-Mnt 92.5 93.40 20.2
Moutier 85.8 33.77 20.3
Neuveville 76.9 5.16 20.6
Porrentruy 76.1 90.57 26.6
Broye 83.8 92.85 23.6
Glane 92.4 97.16 24.9
Gruyere 82.4 97.67 21.0
Sarine 82.9 91.38 24.4
Veveyse 87.1 98.61 24.5
Aigle 64.1 8.52 16.5
Aubonne 66.9 2.27 19.1
Avenches 68.9 4.43 22.7
Cossonay 61.7 2.82 18.7
Echallens 68.3 24.20 21.2
Grandson 71.7 3.30 20.0
Lausanne 55.7 12.11 20.2
La Vallee 54.3 2.15 10.8
Lavaux 65.1 2.84 20.0
Morges 65.5 5.23 18.0
Moudon 65.0 4.52 22.4
Nyone 56.6 15.14 16.7
Orbe 57.4 4.20 15.3
Oron 72.5 2.40 21.0
Payerne 74.2 5.23 23.8
Paysd’enhaut 72.0 2.56 18.0
Rolle 60.5 7.72 16.3
Vevey 58.3 18.46 20.9
Yverdon 65.4 6.10 22.5
Conthey 75.5 99.71 15.1
Entremont 69.3 99.68 19.8
Herens 77.3 100.00 18.3
Martigwy 70.5 98.96 19.4
Monthey 79.4 98.22 20.2
St Maurice 65.0 99.06 17.8
Sierre 92.2 99.46 16.3
Sion 79.3 96.83 18.1
Boudry 70.4 5.62 20.3
La Chauxdfnd 65.7 13.79 20.5
Le Locle 72.7 11.22 18.9
Neuchatel 64.4 16.92 23.0
Val de Ruz 77.6 4.97 20.0
ValdeTravers 67.6 8.65 19.5
V. De Geneve 35.0 42.34 18.0
Rive Droite 44.7 50.43 18.2
Rive Gauche 42.8 58.33 19.3
select(swiss, Geburtsrate = Fertility) # Select and rename
Courtelary 80.2
Delemont 83.1
Franches-Mnt 92.5
Moutier 85.8
Neuveville 76.9
Porrentruy 76.1
Broye 83.8
Glane 92.4
Gruyere 82.4
Sarine 82.9
Veveyse 87.1
Aigle 64.1
Aubonne 66.9
Avenches 68.9
Cossonay 61.7
Echallens 68.3
Grandson 71.7
Lausanne 55.7
La Vallee 54.3
Lavaux 65.1
Morges 65.5
Moudon 65.0
Nyone 56.6
Orbe 57.4
Oron 72.5
Payerne 74.2
Paysd’enhaut 72.0
Rolle 60.5
Vevey 58.3
Yverdon 65.4
Conthey 75.5
Entremont 69.3
Herens 77.3
Martigwy 70.5
Monthey 79.4
St Maurice 65.0
Sierre 92.2
Sion 79.3
Boudry 70.4
La Chauxdfnd 65.7
Le Locle 72.7
Neuchatel 64.4
Val de Ruz 77.6
ValdeTravers 67.6
V. De Geneve 35.0
Rive Droite 44.7
Rive Gauche 42.8
dplyr::rename(swiss, Geburtsrate = Fertility) # Alternative because select drops non-mentioned variables!
Geburtsrate Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
Courtelary 80.2 17.0 15 12 9.96 22.2
Delemont 83.1 45.1 6 9 84.84 22.2
Franches-Mnt 92.5 39.7 5 5 93.40 20.2
Moutier 85.8 36.5 12 7 33.77 20.3
Neuveville 76.9 43.5 17 15 5.16 20.6
Porrentruy 76.1 35.3 9 7 90.57 26.6
Broye 83.8 70.2 16 7 92.85 23.6
Glane 92.4 67.8 14 8 97.16 24.9
Gruyere 82.4 53.3 12 7 97.67 21.0
Sarine 82.9 45.2 16 13 91.38 24.4
Veveyse 87.1 64.5 14 6 98.61 24.5
Aigle 64.1 62.0 21 12 8.52 16.5
Aubonne 66.9 67.5 14 7 2.27 19.1
Avenches 68.9 60.7 19 12 4.43 22.7
Cossonay 61.7 69.3 22 5 2.82 18.7
Echallens 68.3 72.6 18 2 24.20 21.2
Grandson 71.7 34.0 17 8 3.30 20.0
Lausanne 55.7 19.4 26 28 12.11 20.2
La Vallee 54.3 15.2 31 20 2.15 10.8
Lavaux 65.1 73.0 19 9 2.84 20.0
Morges 65.5 59.8 22 10 5.23 18.0
Moudon 65.0 55.1 14 3 4.52 22.4
Nyone 56.6 50.9 22 12 15.14 16.7
Orbe 57.4 54.1 20 6 4.20 15.3
Oron 72.5 71.2 12 1 2.40 21.0
Payerne 74.2 58.1 14 8 5.23 23.8
Paysd’enhaut 72.0 63.5 6 3 2.56 18.0
Rolle 60.5 60.8 16 10 7.72 16.3
Vevey 58.3 26.8 25 19 18.46 20.9
Yverdon 65.4 49.5 15 8 6.10 22.5
Conthey 75.5 85.9 3 2 99.71 15.1
Entremont 69.3 84.9 7 6 99.68 19.8
Herens 77.3 89.7 5 2 100.00 18.3
Martigwy 70.5 78.2 12 6 98.96 19.4
Monthey 79.4 64.9 7 3 98.22 20.2
St Maurice 65.0 75.9 9 9 99.06 17.8
Sierre 92.2 84.6 3 3 99.46 16.3
Sion 79.3 63.1 13 13 96.83 18.1
Boudry 70.4 38.4 26 12 5.62 20.3
La Chauxdfnd 65.7 7.7 29 11 13.79 20.5
Le Locle 72.7 16.7 22 13 11.22 18.9
Neuchatel 64.4 17.6 35 32 16.92 23.0
Val de Ruz 77.6 37.6 15 7 4.97 20.0
ValdeTravers 67.6 18.7 25 7 8.65 19.5
V. De Geneve 35.0 1.2 37 53 42.34 18.0
Rive Droite 44.7 46.6 16 29 50.43 18.2
Rive Gauche 42.8 27.7 22 29 58.33 19.3
# Q: How can I save that in a new data frame?
select(swiss, Agriculture:Education)
Agriculture Examination Education
Courtelary 17.0 15 12
Delemont 45.1 6 9
Franches-Mnt 39.7 5 5
Moutier 36.5 12 7
Neuveville 43.5 17 15
Porrentruy 35.3 9 7
Broye 70.2 16 7
Glane 67.8 14 8
Gruyere 53.3 12 7
Sarine 45.2 16 13
Veveyse 64.5 14 6
Aigle 62.0 21 12
Aubonne 67.5 14 7
Avenches 60.7 19 12
Cossonay 69.3 22 5
Echallens 72.6 18 2
Grandson 34.0 17 8
Lausanne 19.4 26 28
La Vallee 15.2 31 20
Lavaux 73.0 19 9
Morges 59.8 22 10
Moudon 55.1 14 3
Nyone 50.9 22 12
Orbe 54.1 20 6
Oron 71.2 12 1
Payerne 58.1 14 8
Paysd’enhaut 63.5 6 3
Rolle 60.8 16 10
Vevey 26.8 25 19
Yverdon 49.5 15 8
Conthey 85.9 3 2
Entremont 84.9 7 6
Herens 89.7 5 2
Martigwy 78.2 12 6
Monthey 64.9 7 3
St Maurice 75.9 9 9
Sierre 84.6 3 3
Sion 63.1 13 13
Boudry 38.4 26 12
La Chauxdfnd 7.7 29 11
Le Locle 16.7 22 13
Neuchatel 17.6 35 32
Val de Ruz 37.6 15 7
ValdeTravers 18.7 25 7
V. De Geneve 1.2 37 53
Rive Droite 46.6 16 29
Rive Gauche 27.7 22 29
# Q: What do I have to type to extract the variables Catholic and Infant.Mortality
# from the swiss dataset and save them in a new object?

swiss2 <- swiss
names(swiss2)[names(swiss2)=="Agriculture"] <- "test"
# Q: How would you go about to understand this term?

14.8.4 distinct() & unique(): Extract distinct/unique rows/values

distinct(select(swiss, Education))
##  [1] 12  9  5  7 15  7  7  8  7 13  6 12  7 12  5  2  8 28 20  9 10  3 12
## [24]  6  1  8  3 10 19  8  2  6  2  6  3  9  3 13 12 11 13 32  7  7 53 29
## [47] 29
distinct(select(swiss, Education, Examination))
Education Examination
12 15
9 6
5 5
7 12
15 17
7 9
7 16
8 14
13 16
6 14
12 21
7 14
12 19
5 22
2 18
8 17
28 26
20 31
9 19
10 22
3 14
12 22
6 20
1 12
3 6
10 16
19 25
8 15
2 3
6 7
2 5
6 12
3 7
9 9
3 3
13 13
12 26
11 29
13 22
32 35
7 15
7 25
53 37
29 16
29 22
# Q: How many observations do I get if I extract the distinct values of swiss$Catholic?

# ????

# This is useful when pulling out the names of all present countries in a datafile

##  [1] 12  9  5  7 15  8 13  6  2 28 20 10  3  1 19 11 32 53 29

14.8.5 mutate() & transform ()

  • Transformations are executed line-by-line
  • dplyr contains the functions mutate(), transform(), transmute()
mutate(swiss, Examination10 = Examination*10, FertAgri = Fertility - Agriculture)
Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality Examination10 FertAgri
Courtelary 80.2 17.0 15 12 9.96 22.2 150 63.2
Delemont 83.1 45.1 6 9 84.84 22.2 60 38.0
Franches-Mnt 92.5 39.7 5 5 93.40 20.2 50 52.8
Moutier 85.8 36.5 12 7 33.77 20.3 120 49.3
Neuveville 76.9 43.5 17 15 5.16 20.6 170 33.4
Porrentruy 76.1 35.3 9 7 90.57 26.6 90 40.8
Broye 83.8 70.2 16 7 92.85 23.6 160 13.6
Glane 92.4 67.8 14 8 97.16 24.9 140 24.6
Gruyere 82.4 53.3 12 7 97.67 21.0 120 29.1
Sarine 82.9 45.2 16 13 91.38 24.4 160 37.7
Veveyse 87.1 64.5 14 6 98.61 24.5 140 22.6
Aigle 64.1 62.0 21 12 8.52 16.5 210 2.1
Aubonne 66.9 67.5 14 7 2.27 19.1 140 -0.6
Avenches 68.9 60.7 19 12 4.43 22.7 190 8.2
Cossonay 61.7 69.3 22 5 2.82 18.7 220 -7.6
Echallens 68.3 72.6 18 2 24.20 21.2 180 -4.3
Grandson 71.7 34.0 17 8 3.30 20.0 170 37.7
Lausanne 55.7 19.4 26 28 12.11 20.2 260 36.3
La Vallee 54.3 15.2 31 20 2.15 10.8 310 39.1
Lavaux 65.1 73.0 19 9 2.84 20.0 190 -7.9
Morges 65.5 59.8 22 10 5.23 18.0 220 5.7
Moudon 65.0 55.1 14 3 4.52 22.4 140 9.9
Nyone 56.6 50.9 22 12 15.14 16.7 220 5.7
Orbe 57.4 54.1 20 6 4.20 15.3 200 3.3
Oron 72.5 71.2 12 1 2.40 21.0 120 1.3
Payerne 74.2 58.1 14 8 5.23 23.8 140 16.1
Paysd’enhaut 72.0 63.5 6 3 2.56 18.0 60 8.5
Rolle 60.5 60.8 16 10 7.72 16.3 160 -0.3
Vevey 58.3 26.8 25 19 18.46 20.9 250 31.5
Yverdon 65.4 49.5 15 8 6.10 22.5 150 15.9
Conthey 75.5 85.9 3 2 99.71 15.1 30 -10.4
Entremont 69.3 84.9 7 6 99.68 19.8 70 -15.6
Herens 77.3 89.7 5 2 100.00 18.3 50 -12.4
Martigwy 70.5 78.2 12 6 98.96 19.4 120 -7.7
Monthey 79.4 64.9 7 3 98.22 20.2 70 14.5
St Maurice 65.0 75.9 9 9 99.06 17.8 90 -10.9
Sierre 92.2 84.6 3 3 99.46 16.3 30 7.6
Sion 79.3 63.1 13 13 96.83 18.1 130 16.2
Boudry 70.4 38.4 26 12 5.62 20.3 260 32.0
La Chauxdfnd 65.7 7.7 29 11 13.79 20.5 290 58.0
Le Locle 72.7 16.7 22 13 11.22 18.9 220 56.0
Neuchatel 64.4 17.6 35 32 16.92 23.0 350 46.8
Val de Ruz 77.6 37.6 15 7 4.97 20.0 150 40.0
ValdeTravers 67.6 18.7 25 7 8.65 19.5 250 48.9
V. De Geneve 35.0 1.2 37 53 42.34 18.0 370 33.8
Rive Droite 44.7 46.6 16 29 50.43 18.2 160 -1.9
Rive Gauche 42.8 27.7 22 29 58.33 19.3 220 15.1
# Q: What does the above function do?

# Don't forget to assign the result to a new object if you want to save it!

# mutate() allows you to refer to variable you just created, transform() doesnt
mutate(swiss, Examination10 = Examination*10, NewExi = Examination10 - 10)
Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality Examination10 NewExi
Courtelary 80.2 17.0 15 12 9.96 22.2 150 140
Delemont 83.1 45.1 6 9 84.84 22.2 60 50
Franches-Mnt 92.5 39.7 5 5 93.40 20.2 50 40
Moutier 85.8 36.5 12 7 33.77 20.3 120 110
Neuveville 76.9 43.5 17 15 5.16 20.6 170 160
Porrentruy 76.1 35.3 9 7 90.57 26.6 90 80
Broye 83.8 70.2 16 7 92.85 23.6 160 150
Glane 92.4 67.8 14 8 97.16 24.9 140 130
Gruyere 82.4 53.3 12 7 97.67 21.0 120 110
Sarine 82.9 45.2 16 13 91.38 24.4 160 150
Veveyse 87.1 64.5 14 6 98.61 24.5 140 130
Aigle 64.1 62.0 21 12 8.52 16.5 210 200
Aubonne 66.9 67.5 14 7 2.27 19.1 140 130
Avenches 68.9 60.7 19 12 4.43 22.7 190 180
Cossonay 61.7 69.3 22 5 2.82 18.7 220 210
Echallens 68.3 72.6 18 2 24.20 21.2 180 170
Grandson 71.7 34.0 17 8 3.30 20.0 170 160
Lausanne 55.7 19.4 26 28 12.11 20.2 260 250
La Vallee 54.3 15.2 31 20 2.15 10.8 310 300
Lavaux 65.1 73.0 19 9 2.84 20.0 190 180
Morges 65.5 59.8 22 10 5.23 18.0 220 210
Moudon 65.0 55.1 14 3 4.52 22.4 140 130
Nyone 56.6 50.9 22 12 15.14 16.7 220 210
Orbe 57.4 54.1 20 6 4.20 15.3 200 190
Oron 72.5 71.2 12 1 2.40 21.0 120 110
Payerne 74.2 58.1 14 8 5.23 23.8 140 130
Paysd’enhaut 72.0 63.5 6 3 2.56 18.0 60 50
Rolle 60.5 60.8 16 10 7.72 16.3 160 150
Vevey 58.3 26.8 25 19 18.46 20.9 250 240
Yverdon 65.4 49.5 15 8 6.10 22.5 150 140
Conthey 75.5 85.9 3 2 99.71 15.1 30 20
Entremont 69.3 84.9 7 6 99.68 19.8 70 60
Herens 77.3 89.7 5 2 100.00 18.3 50 40
Martigwy 70.5 78.2 12 6 98.96 19.4 120 110
Monthey 79.4 64.9 7 3 98.22 20.2 70 60
St Maurice 65.0 75.9 9 9 99.06 17.8 90 80
Sierre 92.2 84.6 3 3 99.46 16.3 30 20
Sion 79.3 63.1 13 13 96.83 18.1 130 120
Boudry 70.4 38.4 26 12 5.62 20.3 260 250
La Chauxdfnd 65.7 7.7 29 11 13.79 20.5 290 280
Le Locle 72.7 16.7 22 13 11.22 18.9 220 210
Neuchatel 64.4 17.6 35 32 16.92 23.0 350 340
Val de Ruz 77.6 37.6 15 7 4.97 20.0 150 140
ValdeTravers 67.6 18.7 25 7 8.65 19.5 250 240
V. De Geneve 35.0 1.2 37 53 42.34 18.0 370 360
Rive Droite 44.7 46.6 16 29 50.43 18.2 160 150
Rive Gauche 42.8 27.7 22 29 58.33 19.3 220 210
# transform(swiss, Examination10 = Examination*10, NewExi = Examination10 - 10)

# Use transmute if you only wan't to keep new variables
transmute(swiss, Examination10 = Examination*10, NewExi = Examination10 - 10)
Examination10 NewExi
150 140
60 50
50 40
120 110
170 160
90 80
160 150
140 130
120 110
160 150
140 130
210 200
140 130
190 180
220 210
180 170
170 160
260 250
310 300
190 180
220 210
140 130
220 210
200 190
120 110
140 130
60 50
160 150
250 240
150 140
30 20
70 60
50 40
120 110
70 60
90 80
30 20
130 120
260 250
290 280
220 210
350 340
150 140
250 240
370 360
160 150
220 210
# Q: What if I want to get a new data set only with the variable Catholic but dividid by 10? What do I have to write? Exercise: Filtering, reordering, selecting/renaming, extracting and transforming

  1. Execute the following code: swiss2 <- cbind(swiss, row.names(swiss)). Compare swiss and swiss2 with View() and explain what it does!
  2. Use the dataset swiss (?swiss).
    1. Extract columns 2 and 3 and save them in a new object. (Tip: Access through names() or simply the column numbers)
    2. Extract the rows 2 to 6 from columns 1 and 4 and save them in a new object.
    3. Extract observations 1, 3, and 6 from columns 2, 4, 6 and save them in a new object.
  3. Extract all provinces from the data set swiss (?swiss) that have values on the variable Agriculture that are smaller or equal than 20 and bigger or equal than 80 (Agriculture <= 20 or >= 80). Save the results in a new data frame, that comprises the first 3 variables/columns of the old data set.
  4. Reorder the observations/rows in the data set swiss according to the variable Infant.Mortality. Which province has the highest level of Infant.Mortality?
  5. Add a new variable/column called Infant.Mortality.squared that contains the squared values of the variable Infant.Mortality. Solution: Filtering, reordering, selecting/renaming, extracting and transforming

14.8.6 group_by(): Applying functions across groups

  • We can apply above functions to subgroups within the dataset # Observations that have certain values on a variable # Individuals with different levels of education # Individuals belonging to countries
  • dplyr lets you use the group_by() function to describe how to break a dataset down into groups of rows
  • dplyr functions recognize when data frame is grouped by using group_by()
  • Can be used for aggregating data Example: Applying dplyr functions across groups (aggregation) Exercise: Applying dplyr functions across groups (aggregation)

  1. Execute the following code: library(foreign) and essdata <- read.dta("./www/ESS4e04_de.dta", convert.factors=F). Adapt your file path!
  2. The variable religion_str contains the religious affiliation of respondents. Aggregate the data set - using functions from dplyr package - so that you obtain averages for subgroups of religious affiliations for the variables polinteresse and trustparties - as well as a variable with the number of observations across the groups. Solution: Applying dplyr functions across groups (aggregation)

14.8.7 Chaining with dplyr

  • Code (e.g. above) is sometimes difficult to read and the arguments are very long
  • With dplyr it is possible to use the %>% operator
    • x %>% f(y) turns into f(x, y): x (e.g. a data set) is inserted into the function on the right of %>%
    • %>%: Forces > to be a function which does the above
  • The resulting code seems a bit more intuitive

swiss %>% # Stick swiss into the functions below consecutively
select(Fertility, Infant.Mortality, Examination) %>%
filter(Fertility > 82) %>% 
filter(Infant.Mortality < 24) 
Fertility Infant.Mortality Examination
83.1 22.2 6
92.5 20.2 5
85.8 20.3 12
83.8 23.6 16
82.4 21.0 12
92.2 16.3 3

14.8.8 anti_join(): Merging data frames

  • Classically merge() (see Quick R)
  • dplyr is much faster
  • inner_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...) # all intersecting observations
  • left_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...) # all observations from x
  • semi_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...) # all observations from x
  • anti_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...) # all in x that are not in y
    • x = first data set, y = second data set
    • by = “matchingvariable” oder by = c(var1, var2??)
    • ?join: Check out the corresponding helpfile Example: Merging data frames

## [1] "C:/GoogleDrive/2-Teaching/2018_Big_Data_and_Social_Science/book-big-data-social-science"
# An example for merging

## [1] 47
swiss2 <- cbind(row.names(swiss), swiss)
names(swiss2)[1] <- "region"
## [1] 47
# View(swiss2)

# Generate 2 data frames each possess parts of the observations and the regions
# variable
# Q: What new datasets do I generate below?
swiss.a <- swiss2[1:8,1:3]
# View(swiss.a)
swiss.b <- swiss2[c(1, 6:7, 12),c(1,4:5)]
# View(swiss.b)

intersect(swiss.a$region, swiss.b$region) # check intersection, i.e. 
## [1] "Courtelary" "Porrentruy" "Broye"
# which regions appear in both data sets?

library(dplyr) # is the package installed?
join R Documentation

Join two tbls together


These are generic functions that dispatch to individual tbl methods - see the method documentation for details of individual data sources. x and y should usually be from the same data source, but if copy is TRUE, y will automatically be copied to the same source as x.


inner_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), ...)

left_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), ...)

right_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), ...)

full_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), ...)

semi_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...)

anti_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...)


x, y

tbls to join


a character vector of variables to join by. If NULL, the default, *_join() will do a natural join, using all variables with common names across the two tables. A message lists the variables so that you can check they’re right (to suppress the message, simply explicitly list the variables that you want to join).

To join by different variables on x and y use a named vector. For example, by = c(“a” = “b”) will match x.a to y.b.


If x and y are not from the same data source, and copy is TRUE, then y will be copied into the same src as x. This allows you to join tables across srcs, but it is a potentially expensive operation so you must opt into it.


If there are non-joined duplicate variables in x and y, these suffixes will be added to the output to disambiguate them. Should be a character vector of length 2.

other parameters passed onto methods, for instance, na_matches to control how NA values are matched. See join.tbl_df for more.

Join types

Currently dplyr supports four types of mutating joins and two types of filtering joins.

Mutating joins combine variables from the two data.frames:


return all rows from x where there are matching values in y, and all columns from x and y. If there are multiple matches between x and y, all combination of the matches are returned.


return all rows from x, and all columns from x and y. Rows in x with no match in y will have NA values in the new columns. If there are multiple matches between x and y, all combinations of the matches are returned.


return all rows from y, and all columns from x and y. Rows in y with no match in x will have NA values in the new columns. If there are multiple matches between x and y, all combinations of the matches are returned.


return all rows and all columns from both x and y. Where there are not matching values, returns NA for the one missing.

Filtering joins keep cases from the left-hand data.frame:


return all rows from x where there are matching values in y, keeping just columns from x.

A semi join differs from an inner join because an inner join will return one row of x for each matching row of y, where a semi join will never duplicate rows of x.


return all rows from x where there are not matching values in y, keeping just columns from x.


Groups are ignored for the purpose of joining, but the result preserves the grouping of x.


# "Mutating" joins combine variables from the LHS and RHS
band_members %>% inner_join(band_instruments)
band_members %>% left_join(band_instruments)
band_members %>% right_join(band_instruments)
band_members %>% full_join(band_instruments)

# "Filtering" joins keep cases from the LHS
band_members %>% semi_join(band_instruments)
band_members %>% anti_join(band_instruments)

# To suppress the message, supply by
band_members %>% inner_join(band_instruments, by = "name")
# This is good practice in production code

# Use a named `by` if the join variables have different names
band_members %>% full_join(band_instruments2, by = c("name" = "artist"))
# Note that only the key from the LHS is kept
swiss.inner <- inner_join(swiss.a, swiss.b, by ="region") 
# View(swiss.a)
# View(swiss.inner) # data set with observations that intersect across both data sets

swiss.left <- left_join(swiss.a, swiss.b, by ="region") 
# View(swiss.left) # all observations in x = swiss.a

# TRY semi_join(), anti_join() FOR YOURSELF! Exercise: Merging data frames

  1. Use the code in the previous example to create swiss2 and the objects swiss.a and swiss.b subsequently.
  2. Create a third object swiss.c that include the first 10 countries in the swiss data set and their values on the variables region, Catholic and Infant.Mortality.
  3. Merge/join swiss.c with swiss.a so that the merged dataset contains all the countries that are contained in at least one of the two data sets. Solution: Merging data frames

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