3.6 Distribution(s) of measurements

  • Measurement process: Assign individuals/tweets to cells → distribute across cells → distribution
  • Q: For a sample of 1000 individuals how many cells do we have for (assuming they are evenly distributed)…
    • …a variable \(education = \{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10\}\), with 11 values?
    • …three variables, education (11 values), trust (11 values), victimization (2 values)?
  • Q: For a sample of 50000 google searches, how many cells do we have for
    • …a variable topic = [politics, sports, celebrities, bee mortality]?
  • Important: A variable has a set of possible values but we don’t need to observe all of them, e.g. “bee mortality” (empty cells!)
  • Variables = Dimensions (be it categorical or quantitativ)!
  • Same is true for value combinations of 2 or more variables (remember table before!)
    • e.g. joint distribution of education and income
    • e.g. joint distribution of topic and gender
  • Do you want to guess some distributions? (Guessing distributions)