15 - use case: values at locations in grid

Obtain time series of values at a selected location in gridded data.

# select data
index <- indexFTP(folder="annual/air_temperature_max", base=gridbase)
index <- index[-(1:2)] # exclude description files
index <- index[as.numeric(substr(index,62,65))>=2013] # after year 2013
##  [1] "annual/air_temperature_max/grids_germany_annual_air_temp_max_201317.asc.gz"
##  [2] "annual/air_temperature_max/grids_germany_annual_air_temp_max_201417.asc.gz"
##  [3] "annual/air_temperature_max/grids_germany_annual_air_temp_max_201517.asc.gz"
##  [4] "annual/air_temperature_max/grids_germany_annual_air_temp_max_201617.asc.gz"
##  [5] "annual/air_temperature_max/grids_germany_annual_air_temp_max_201717.asc.gz"
##  [6] "annual/air_temperature_max/grids_germany_annual_air_temp_max_201817.asc.gz"
##  [7] "annual/air_temperature_max/grids_germany_annual_air_temp_max_201917.asc.gz"
##  [8] "annual/air_temperature_max/grids_germany_annual_air_temp_max_202017.asc.gz"
##  [9] "annual/air_temperature_max/grids_germany_annual_air_temp_max_202117.asc.gz"
## [10] "annual/air_temperature_max/grids_germany_annual_air_temp_max_202217.asc.gz"
## [11] "annual/air_temperature_max/grids_germany_annual_air_temp_max_202317.asc.gz"
# download & read data:
tempmax <- dataDWD(index, base=gridbase, joinbf=TRUE)
names(tempmax) <- substr(names(tempmax), 62, 65)
# visual data & projection check:
plotRadar(tempmax[[1]], proj="seasonal",extent="seasonal", 
          main="Annual grid of monthly averaged daily maximum air temperature (2m) - 2013")

# terra raster:
tempmax_stack <- terra::rast(tempmax)
tempmax_stack <- projectRasterDWD(tempmax_stack, proj="seasonal",extent="seasonal")
## class       : SpatRaster 
## dimensions  : 712, 917, 11  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution  : 0.01113365, 0.01113365  (x, y)
## extent      : 5.565801, 15.77536, 47.13312, 55.06029  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs 
## source(s)   : memory
## names       :       2013,      2014,      2015,       2016,       2017,      2018, ... 
## min values  :  0.1265155,  1.514933,  2.026515,  0.5265155,  0.4445348,  1.226516, ... 
## max values  : 15.5918045, 17.526398, 17.495947, 16.2808685, 16.9263973, 18.000000, ...
terra::plot(tempmax_stack, range=range(terra::minmax(tempmax_stack)) )

# Time series at given location:
loc <- data.frame(x=12.65295, y=53.06547) # Aussichtspunkt Kyritz-Ruppiner Heide
round(unlist(terra::extract(tempmax_stack, loc)[-1]),1)
## 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 
## 12.9 14.6 14.2 14.0 13.5 15.1 15.2 15.1 13.6 15.1 14.8