3 Interactive map

The rdwd package provides a collection of all the metafiles on the DWD data server. It is presented as an interactive map below.

When a point is clicked, an infobox should appear. The first line can be copypasted into R to obtain more information on the available files. The map is created with the following code:

## rdwd::updateRdwd() # for the latest version
library(rdwd)  ;  data(geoIndex)  ;  library(leaflet)
leaflet(geoIndex) %>% addTiles() %>%
        addCircles(~lon, ~lat, radius=900, stroke=F, color=~col) %>%
        addCircleMarkers(~lon, ~lat, popup=~display, stroke=F, color=~col)

The blue dots mark stations for which recent files are available (with >=1 file in ‘recent’ folder or ‘BIS_DATUM’ later than one year ago). The red dots mark all stations with only historical datasets.

To see only the stations with recent data, use the following code:

library(rdwd)  ;  data(geoIndex)  ;  library(leaflet) 
leaflet(data=geoIndex[geoIndex$recentfile,]) %>% addTiles() %>%
        addCircleMarkers(~lon, ~lat, popup=~display, stroke=F)

To request the nonpublic datasets counted in the infobox, please contact or . (The DWD cannot publish all datasets because of copyright restrictions).

Note: geoIndex is created using createIndex in updateIndexes.

See also: interactive app to compare the weather of a certain time period across years, run locally with rdwd::app().