Chapter 1 The Pre-Christian Teachers

1.1 Hercules

The first teacher in this lineage, known by the name Hercules, is of such ancient origin that determining the exact period of his existence is impossible. His modernized name reflects an ancient hero-teacher whose life and achievements are shrouded in myth and legend rather than historical fact. The Twelve Labors of Hercules, dramatic narratives rather than factual occurrences, symbolically represent the challenges and tribulations encountered on the Path of Return to God. Through these labors, Hercules depicted the journey of the Prodigal Son back to the Father’s house, illustrating the tests and trials faced by all disciples, aspirants, and initiates—trials that the members of today’s spiritual Hierarchy have also endured.

1.2 Hermes

At an uncertain point in history, Hermes emerged, becoming known as “the Light of the World” according to ancient records. Hermes’ teachings and wisdom profoundly impacted early human thought, particularly in areas related to knowledge and enlightenment.

1.3 Vyasa

Following Hermes, the great teacher Vyasa appeared, delivering a simple yet profound message: death is not the end. From Vyasa’s teachings, the concept of the soul’s immortality began to take root in human thinking, influencing philosophical and spiritual perspectives on life and death.

1.4 Buddha

Buddha is the next significant teacher in this lineage, though many other teachers came between Vyasa and Buddha. Buddha provided answers to enduring questions about the presence of sorrow and misery in every land and life. He addressed the causes of suffering and what must be done to alleviate it. Additionally, he explored the integrating principle within humans, the nature of the soul, and the concept of the self. Buddha’s Four Noble Truths offered timeless answers to these profound inquiries, shaping the spiritual and philosophical landscape for centuries.

1.5 Other Teachers

Between the eras of Buddha and Christ, several lesser-known but influential teachers emerged to expand upon the foundational truths previously established. Among them, Sankaracharya stands out for his deep instruction on the nature of the Self. He provided significant insights into understanding the true essence of human existence.

Shri Krishna, another pivotal figure, is particularly noted for his teachings in the Bhagavad Gita. Many believe him to be a previous incarnation of Christ, highlighting the continuity and interconnectedness of spiritual teachings across different cultures and epochs.

These pre-Christian teachers laid the groundwork for the spiritual evolution of humanity. Each contributed unique insights and teachings that addressed fundamental questions about existence, suffering, and the nature of the soul. Their collective wisdom forms a rich tapestry of spiritual heritage that continues to inspire and guide seekers on the path to enlightenment.