Chapter 9 New Aquarian Age

9.1 Four Teachings


  • The Establishing of Right Human Relations

  • The Law of Rebirth

  • Revelation of the Mystery of Initiation

  • The Dispelling of Glamour

These four themes will probably constitute the main focus of Christ’s teachings in the New Age of Aquarius. The dawn of this New Age started in June 1945 when He formally announced His decision to physically reappear at a later date, sometime after 2025.

The exact date for the “sunrise” (the inauguration) of the New Age will probably be in the first quarter of the 22nd century when, according to the astronomical Precession of the Equinoxes, the Sun transits into the tropical sign of Aquarius.

The schools of mysteries, including those of Pythagoras, Plato, the Orphic tradition, Hermeticism, and Rosicrucianism, have contributed significantly to the development of Western philosophical, spiritual, and mystical thought, shaping the understanding of reality, the soul, and the divine throughout history. The Christ’s reappearance will provide a new impetus in institutionalizing their existence for the service of humanity.

The scientific method has flourished in the West since the Renaissance, bringing the light of the mind to the plane of the emotions (dispelling glamour). However, it has also limited humanity’s scope of consciousness to materialist reductionism. The unfolding of the intuition will be another task engaging the attention of the Christ.

Likewise, experiments in right human relations, such as the United Nations, are already underway in the West, although much work remains to be done to establish right human relations on Earth.

9.2 Law of Rebirth

However, among the four teachings, it is the Law of Rebirth which represents the most revolutionary idea for the West. No other teaching better reflects His task to unify East and West.

Some general implications of this Law are reviewed in another book related to the subject of the survival of consciousness after death, as it would represent one of the most profound paradigm shifts in human history.

In this chapter, we will focus on its impact on two specific and urgent issues generating heated and polarizing debates worldwide: abortion (termination of pregnancy) and gender dysphoria (transgender).

9.3 Abortion

If the Law of Rebirth (reincarnation) were firmly established in human consciousness through rigorous scientific research, it could have profound implications for the abortion debate and our understanding of when human life begins. Here are several potential implications:

A. Redefinition of Life’s Beginning

The belief in reincarnation implies that the soul or consciousness exists before birth and continues after death. This perspective might shift the debate from focusing solely on the biological beginning of life (conception, heartbeat, viability, etc.) to considering the moment when the soul enters the fetus. Different cultures and philosophies hold varied beliefs about this moment: - Some might argue that it happens at conception, - Others at a later stage in fetal development, - Some even at birth or shortly before.

B. Moral and Ethical Considerations

If reincarnation is accepted, ethical considerations may change:

  • Karmic Implications: Decisions around abortion could be viewed in the context of karma. People might consider the karmic consequences for both the parents and the soul of the fetus.

  • Soul’s Purpose and Choice: Some might believe that the soul chooses its circumstances of birth, including potential experiences related to abortion.

D. Psychological and Societal Attitudes

Public attitudes toward abortion might shift:

  • Reduction of Stigma: Reincarnation beliefs could reduce the stigma associated with abortion, as the act might be seen as a part of the soul’s larger journey rather than an end.

  • Counseling and Support: Greater emphasis might be placed on spiritual counseling and support for individuals considering abortion, helping them understand the implications in a broader metaphysical context.

E. Scientific and Medical Approaches

Medical and scientific fields might incorporate these beliefs into their practices:

  • Holistic Care: Healthcare providers might integrate spiritual considerations into reproductive health services.

  • Research Focus: Further research might explore consciousness and the nature of the soul, bringing more nuanced understanding to discussions about abortion.

F. Educational and Cultural Shifts

Education systems might include teachings on reincarnation and its implications:

  • Curriculum Changes: Schools might include studies on reincarnation, karma, and their ethical implications.

  • Cultural Integration: These ideas might become integrated into cultural norms and practices, influencing how society views life, death, and moral responsibility.

While the establishment of reincarnation as a scientifically validated concept could transform the abortion debate, the specific implications would depend on societal consensus about the details of reincarnation (e.g., when the soul enters the body). This shift could lead to a more holistic consideration of life, emphasizing both the physical and metaphysical dimensions of existence. The debate would likely evolve to balance spiritual beliefs with individual rights and ethical considerations, reflecting a deeper understanding of human life within the broader context of the soul’s journey.

9.4 Transgender and Rebirth

If the Law of Rebirth (reincarnation) were firmly established in human consciousness through rigorous scientific research, positing the progress of the human soul from birth to birth in both genders, it would significantly impact the transgender debate and perspectives on gender identity. Here are some potential implications:

A. Fluidity of Gender Identity

Reincarnation suggests that a soul may experience multiple lifetimes in different genders. This could foster a more fluid understanding of gender identity, where:

  • Gender is Not Fixed: People might accept that gender identity can change from life to life, leading to greater acceptance of gender fluidity in current lives.

  • Respect for Past Life Experiences: Recognition that an individual’s current gender identity might be influenced by their gender in a past life could provide validation and respect for their experiences and feelings.

B. Normalization and Acceptance

The belief in reincarnation could normalize and increase acceptance of transgender identities:

  • Natural Variation: Transgender identities could be seen as a natural variation in the soul’s journey, rather than an anomaly or disorder.

  • Cultural Integration: Societies might integrate these beliefs into cultural norms, making transgender identities more accepted and respected.

C. Psychological and Spiritual Support

Understanding reincarnation could lead to more nuanced psychological and spiritual support for transgender individuals:

  • Holistic Counseling: Therapists and counselors might incorporate discussions about past lives and the soul’s gender experiences into their practice.

  • Spiritual Affirmation: Transgender individuals might find affirmation in the idea that their gender identity is part of a broader spiritual journey.

E. Educational and Cultural Shifts

Educational systems might adapt to include teachings on reincarnation and gender fluidity:

  • Curriculum Updates: Schools might include studies on reincarnation, gender identity, and their implications.

  • Cultural Narratives: Stories and cultural narratives might evolve to include themes of reincarnation and gender transitions across lifetimes.

F. Religious and Philosophical Perspectives

Religious and philosophical discussions might integrate these beliefs to offer more comprehensive views on gender:

  • Interfaith Dialogues: Various religious traditions might engage in dialogues to integrate reincarnation beliefs with their teachings on gender.

  • Ethical Frameworks: Philosophical frameworks might develop to address the ethical considerations of gender identity in the context of reincarnation.

G. Scientific Research and Understanding

Further scientific research might explore the connections between reincarnation and gender identity:

  • Empirical Studies: Research could focus on empirical evidence of reincarnation and its influence on gender identity.

  • Interdisciplinary Approaches: Combining insights from psychology, spirituality, and sociology to understand the implications of reincarnation on gender identity.

If reincarnation is scientifically validated and integrated into human consciousness, it would likely lead to a more inclusive, compassionate, and understanding approach to gender identity, including transgender identities. Recognizing that souls may experience different genders across lifetimes could promote acceptance and respect for the fluidity and complexity of gender. This shift could transform societal attitudes, legal frameworks, and support systems, fostering a more inclusive world where diverse gender identities are seen as integral aspects of the soul’s journey.

9.5 Transgender and Karma

If the Law of Rebirth (reincarnation) and the Law of Karma were firmly established in human consciousness through rigorous scientific research, positing the progress of the human soul from birth to birth in both genders, it would add complex layers to the transgender debate. Here’s a detailed exploration of the implications, particularly concerning the idea of regression and fixation on a past gender:

A. Understanding the Framework

  • Law of Rebirth: The soul reincarnates in different bodies, experiencing various lives, genders, and circumstances.

  • Law of Karma: The actions in one life influence the circumstances and experiences in future lives, promoting spiritual growth and balance.

B. Key Considerations

  • Soul’s Journey and Gender Experiences
    • The soul may choose different genders in different lifetimes to achieve a balance of experiences and learn specific lessons.
    • Each incarnation, including the chosen gender, is seen as an opportunity for growth and karmic resolution.
  • Transgender Identity and Regression
    • Regression Hypothesis: If a transgender individual identifies with a past gender, this could be viewed as a form of “regression” to a previous identity.
    • This raises questions about whether such regression is a violation of the Law of Karma or a valid part of the soul’s journey.

C. Violation of the Law of Karma

  • Karmic Lessons: The Law of Karma suggests that each lifetime and its circumstances, including gender, are chosen for specific lessons.

  • Choice of Present Gender: If the soul has chosen a specific gender at birth, it might imply that living as that gender is essential for karmic learning.

  • Regression as Violation: Persistently identifying with a past gender might be seen as avoiding the lessons meant to be learned in the current gender, potentially violating the soul’s karmic path.

D. Integration and Balance

  • Integration Hypothesis: Rather than viewing transgender identity as a regression, it could be interpreted as an attempt to integrate past experiences with present circumstances.

  • Karmic Resolution: Embracing elements of both past and present genders might be necessary for resolving karmic issues and achieving deeper understanding and balance.

  • Spiritual Growth: The experience of being transgender could itself be part of the soul’s journey, contributing to overall spiritual growth and enlightenment.

E. Psychological and Spiritual Support

  • Holistic Approach: Psychological and spiritual support systems would need to consider past life influences alongside present life circumstances.

  • Counseling: Therapists and spiritual guides might help individuals understand their gender identity in the context of their soul’s broader journey, emphasizing integration rather than seeing it as a violation.

F. Cultural and Educational Shifts

  • Acceptance: Societal acceptance of transgender identities might increase if they are understood as part of the soul’s complex journey through multiple lifetimes.

  • Education: Curriculums might include teachings on reincarnation, karma, and their implications for gender identity, promoting a more inclusive and compassionate society.