Chapter 12 Bridging Worlds

In the midst of our complex and often chaotic lives, a profound opportunity exists to explore the harmonious interaction between human and angelic energies. This synergy offers a pathway to greater spiritual development, providing insights and support as we navigate the challenges of existence. By understanding and harnessing this connection, we open ourselves to a more profound sense of purpose and enlightenment.

12.1 Interaction of Human and Angelic Energies

The interaction between human and angelic energies is rooted in a shared vibrational frequency that fosters communication and collaboration. Angels, as beings of light and higher consciousness, can elevate human energy fields, providing guidance and protection. This interaction complements spiritual practices by enhancing intuition, clarity, and emotional resilience. In daily life, angelic energies can help individuals align their actions with higher principles, fostering a sense of peace and direction. As we open ourselves to this interaction, we invite a transformative partnership that enriches both our spiritual journey and everyday experiences.

12.2 Creating Harmony and Spiritual Balance

Creating harmony and spiritual balance requires intentional practices that facilitate the blending of human and angelic energies. Meditation and visualization are powerful techniques for attuning to angelic frequencies. Through focused meditation, individuals can quiet their minds and open their hearts, creating a receptive space for angelic presence. Visualization exercises, such as imagining a golden light enveloping the body, can enhance this connection, fostering feelings of warmth and protection. Rituals, such as lighting candles or offering prayers, also serve as conduits for angelic energy, integrating it into the fabric of daily life. These practices nurture an environment of spiritual balance, allowing the human-angelic synergy to flourish.

12.3 Cosmic Unity and Mutual Cooperation

Envisioning a future of cosmic unity involves recognizing the potential for mutual cooperation between humans and angels. This collaboration can lead to a more harmonious and enlightened world, where divine principles guide human actions and interactions. A deeper understanding of angelic energies encourages a shift in consciousness, promoting values of compassion, empathy, and interconnectedness. As individuals and communities embrace this synergy, they contribute to a collective awakening that transcends cultural and societal boundaries. The vision of cosmic unity inspires a world where humans and angels work hand in hand, fostering global peace and spiritual prosperity.

Reflections on Potential for Personal and Collective Transformation

The potential for personal and collective transformation through human-angelic synergy is profound. By embracing the possibilities of working with angelic energies, individuals can experience significant shifts in their spiritual growth and personal development. This synergy empowers individuals to overcome obstacles, heal emotional wounds, and pursue their highest potential. On a collective level, the collaboration between humans and angels can inspire movements toward social justice, environmental stewardship, and universal love. As we explore this sacred partnership, we are invited to participate in a grand cosmic dance, awakening to the infinite possibilities of transformation and unity.

In conclusion, the synergy between human and angelic energies offers a powerful conduit for spiritual growth and global harmony. By investigating this interaction, adopting practices that create harmony, and envisioning a future of cosmic cooperation, we unlock the potential for profound transformation. Embracing this partnership invites us to bridge worlds, cultivating a deeper connection with the divine and paving the way for a more enlightened existence.

12.4 An Excursion to Montserrat

By Vicente Beltrán Anglada

Extracted from Vicente Beltrán Anglada: An Ibero-American Disciple

Almost in the geographical center of Catalonia, some forty miles by road from Barcelona, stands one of the most beautiful mountains in Europe: Montserrat.

Its striking configuration and the whimsical magnificence of the arrangement of its rocks, giving it the appearance of a natural sculpture gallery, make this place the most fascinating tourist attraction in Catalonia.

Montserrat is steeped in a multitude of legends, each more captivating and thought-provoking from a perspective of esoteric investigation. One of the most well-known, and particularly appealing to spiritualists, is the great musician, Richard Wagner, who was inspired by it to compose his famous work Parsifal. This fact, in itself, might not bear any major significance given the German musician’s profound insight. However, it gains significance when coupled with another, earlier legend that asserts the existence of an initiatory temple or magnetic center in a remote and secret place on this mountain, where magical rituals are periodically performed by high Initiates of the Great White Lodge of the Planet. Whatever the case may be, these mountains have earned a justified spiritual reputation. A Benedictine monastery was also founded there in 1031 by Abbot Fr. Oliva, featuring a truly magnificent temple where marvelous works of art can be admired. This temple is dedicated to the renowned Black Virgin (Madonna) of Montserrat, affectionately called La Moreneta (the little dark one) by Catalan believers.

It may be of note to recall here that the origin of the cult of the Black Virgin, or “Black Lady of the Caverns,” is, esoterically speaking, contemporary with the first post-diluvian humans. According to tradition or legend, among these individuals, “not a single white woman was found to rebuild the humanity saved from the flood.” This tradition or legend should not be dismissed, at least concerning the ethnicity of the inhabitants of the plains of Ethiopia who survived the flood and settled in Egypt. For, it is indeed in Egypt where the cult of the “black virgins” originated, with its spread across the earth appearing to have a universal cause or character. It is also known that the Celts worshipped the Black Virgin under the name Dana. As far as esotericism is concerned, the Black Mother is the representation of the occult Divinity, and the subtle and mysterious work conducted in the secrecy of initiatory “caves” and occult temples. Perhaps this mysterious connection of the Black Virgin of Montserrat with the initiatory temple presumed to exist in a certain “secret place” in its mountains, with the hypothesis of their Atlantean origin increasingly accepted, is not without reason. Montserrat’s peculiar architectural form and the petrified seashells and snails found embedded in its rocks undoubtedly speak of a distant past when these mountains were submerged in the depths of the oceans. Perhaps terrible geological convulsions, possibly associated with the sinking of the great Continent of Atlantis, caused them to rise to the surface in this strangely magnificent form.

12.4.1 The Excursion

For some time, a group of students of esotericism from Barcelona had been planning an excursion to Montserrat. The group consisted of Mr. Luis Lorenzana, Secretary of the T.S. in Spain; Mrs. Josefina Maynadé, a writer and the wife of the former; Mr. José Soteras, an esoteric researcher friend; my wife and myself. The scheduled date was May 22, 1968, just a few days after we had celebrated Wesak, and we still felt the energies of Buddha’s powerful Blessing.

The basic intention of this journey was to try to discover, through the form of a magical ritual, the possible bearings of Montserrat’s magnetic center or initiatory temple, or at the very least, to benefit from its radiations. The rest - the beauty of the landscape, the act of breaking free from the city’s stale air for a while, and the magnificent enchantment of those sumptuous architectural masses - though genuinely interesting, was merely circumstantial. The changeable weather reduced the number of travelers. From the very beginning, we all knew that the number of participants in the excursion being reduced to five was not due to chance. The number five, sacred par excellence due to its mysterious relation to the mystical Life of Christ, the “Lord of Angels and Men,” seemed to have a surprising effect on the shared experience that had opened our minds and hearts to a yearning for more active participation in the Mysteries that, apparently, cyclically unfold in the sacred center of Montserrat.

The day was truly unpleasant, and upon arrival, a cold, almost wintry wind blew as fine rain fell. Something seemed to challenge us to stay below, in the commercial premises adjacent to the Basilica, favoring comfort and pleasant conversation. However, this was not our intention, and therefore, at the risk of a multitude of possible discomforts, we decided to embark on our excursion to the peaks. We, thus, took a bus to the funicular station that would take us to Sant Jeroni (the arrival station), and from there we would proceed on foot to the Sanctuary of Sant Joan.

Our spiritual adventure began during this journey. From the Sant Jeroni funicular station toward the Sanctuary of Sant Joan, we had to descend a path that led to a small, closed hermitage, where there was a fork in the road: one, on the left, leading to San Juan, and the other, almost an extension of the previous one, leading downhill to a hotel on the mountain ridge.

Upon reaching the bottom and almost in front of the small hermitage, I perceived a Deva resplendent with Light, whose aura of a most vivid blue-violet indicated it was a Deva of elevated spiritual development. Needless to say, the impression this Presence made on me was truly extraordinary, and from that moment on, I felt overwhelmed by a deep sense of peace. Although I did not say anything to my friends straight away, later, during the meditative magical ritual, I felt compelled to transmit the Message from that Deva to them. The five of us had sat down in a small hollow beneath the path leading to the hotel on the summit. As the changeable weather had reduced the number of people in these usually crowded places, there was almost absolute silence. Our serene mood and calm minds were conducive to truly positive spiritual work. By some - let us call it strange - coincidence, the sun then came out through a gap between two thick clouds; it seemed to be raining here and there. Below, through the thicket of pines, cheerful little birds began to tickle our ears with their songs.

12.4.2 The Message

At that moment, and in a calm and peaceful voice, I passed on the following deva message:

“Greetings, friends!

“The contact that can be established between humans and angels, between the creatures of Nature and the living forces that create it, is most inspiring and poignant. “Our joy is immense, indescribable to your human reason, and we would like you to share it.

“We know why you have come here. We know your intentions and understand what you seek. Yes, there is indeed what you call a ‘secret place’ here, although it is only a secret for those who are blind to the spiritual light. Continue coming here, with a light mind and a free heart, and you shall find it.

“It is exceedingly rare to see, in these places, human beings filled with noble ideals and pure intention, open to the inspiration to which our world is given.

“Those who come here, not in search of vain distraction but filled with an eagerness to discover the light breath of things, eventually uncover the secret of the occult life of Nature. And these work for the day when the members of humanity and the angels of Nature, consciously united and complemented, shall sing together the glory of the Lord. Such a day shall mark the Path of a New Age in which all of Creation will pay homage to Its Creator, and human societies will be governed by conscious balance and divine determination. The world in which we all live will then be a sacred planet, and its radiance will tinge the immortal ethers with new light.

“These contacts, so rarely made due to the blindness of humans, who have long lost grace or innocence, are nevertheless the divine promise of the anticipated times for which we all long.

“For, just as a bolt of lightning, though swift and fleeting, gives a magnificent idea of the light from which it comes, so these contacts between humans and angels open up the hope of an ideal world in which human thought and the feelings of the Devas, harmoniously intertwined, give birth to a better form of civilization and a new vitality in the expression of the life of Nature.

“I would like to assist you in your inner investigations, for good intentions guide you, and I perceive in you a perfect aura of friendship. Firmly hold onto this friendship, the glory of human destiny, which will open you to the immortal love of the Devas. “Return later. There are sacred places here, filled with magnetic force that can greatly help you in the fulfillment of your individual destiny. But do not come in large groups, instead carefully choose those who are truly inspired by the strength of spiritual devotion and the total worship of the life of Nature. Following these sacred rules, you will always find here, or in other sacred places, a Deva or a group of Devas willing to assist you.

“Rejoice with us now and silently share in the natural Peace of these places. May this Peace be the reward for your upright intentions and serve as a powerful impetus to continue the work that each one of you must conduct in the world for the greater glory of the Lord. “I bless you with Love and offer you my friendship with the natural brilliance of our life of balance, and as long as you are here, you shall be under my protection. Go forward with your gaze eternally lifted toward the golden peaks where the Creator Gods and Their Angelic Servants hold a future of perfection for the human kingdom.” My words, increasingly slow and soft, had subtly filtered through our ears into our hearts, filling us with an indescribable sense of peace. Each of us in our own way had clearly sensed the presence of that DEVA, the mysterious inhabitant of the invisible worlds. We all agreed that we had not been gathered there by chance, and that a mysterious succession of causal events had put us in contact with the most powerful of the Forces of Nature, the Kingdom of the Devas, the Angels of the Lord, true fraternal agents of the manifested Power of God.

Yes, we will return to Montserrat. We will let ourselves be carried away by the “light breath of things,” and, just as our Great Friend, the Angel of the Sacred Mountains of Montserrat, told us, we will strive to firmly hold onto the bonds of friendship, which is the most positive creative force in humanity and in the occult life of Nature.