6 Variable reconstruction

We now proceed to variable reconstruction where we will take a look at each column separately. While checking every column, we decide whether they will be useful for our analysis and used further or not. However, for the purpose of the project we showcase only the most interesting and especially the most relevant columns to our research questions. If necessary, we will also format, adjust or restructure the data based on the 5 EDA questions, i.e.:

  1. Is the data correctly formatted?
  2. Is the data related to our problem?
  3. Does the data need adjustments?
  4. Which shape does data exhibit?
  5. Can we extend the data?

The first column has only 2 unique values - name of the Enterprises - and therefore it should be transformed into a factor

data$`Enterprise Flag` <- as.factor(data$`Enterprise Flag`)
levels(data$`Enterprise Flag`) <- c("Fannie Mae", "Freddie Mac")
Desc(data$`Enterprise Flag`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Enterprise Flag` (factor - dichotomous)
##      length         n       NAs    unique
##   1'000'000 1'000'000         0         2
##                100.0%      0.0%          
##                 freq   perc  lci.95  uci.95'
## Fannie Mae   566'103  56.6%   56.5%   56.7%
## Freddie Mac  433'897  43.4%   43.3%   43.5%
## ' 95%-CI (Wilson)

We can observe that there were slightly more mortgage purchases from Fannie Mae company.

The following columns have a specific company-related information and not related to our research. We therefore omit these columns from our data set.

data <- data %>%
  select(-c("Record Number", "Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Code", "County - 2010 Census", 
            "Census Tract - 2010 Census", "2010 Census Tract - Percent Minority", "2010 Census Tract - Median Income",
            "US Postal State Code"))
Desc(data$`Local Area Median Income`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Local Area Median Income` (numeric)
##       length          n        NAs     unique         0s       mean      meanCI'
##    1'000'000    999'152        848      1'221          0  75'429.79   75'402.83
##                   99.9%       0.1%                  0.0%              75'456.75
##          .05        .10        .25     median        .75        .90         .95
##    56'018.00  60'790.00  66'070.00  73'783.00  81'823.00  92'660.00  102'945.00
##        range         sd      vcoef        mad        IQR       skew        kurt
##   115'261.00  13'748.84       0.18  11'512.39  15'753.00       0.76        0.96
## lowest : 18'262.0 (10), 18'943.0 (56), 19'310.0 (27), 19'412.0, 19'903.0 (51)
## highest: 109'946.0 (2'292), 110'923.0 (97), 113'810.0 (22'390), 120'885.0 (4'436), 133'523.0 (84)
## ' 95%-CI (classic)

From this graph we can conclude that 75% of the borrowers live in an are with a median income of less than $80000. This is an average income for an American household as it can be observed from the graph.

The Tract Income Ratio is not relevant for us and we therefore omit it.

data <- data %>% select(-`Tract Income Ratio`)
Desc(data$`Borrower’s (or Borrowers’) Annual Income`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Borrower’s (or Borrowers’) Annual Income` (numeric)
##           length             n        NAs     unique          0s        mean      meanCI'
##        1'000'000     1'000'000          0      1'619           3  131'025.59  123'433.05
##                         100.0%       0.0%                   0.0%              138'618.13
##              .05           .10        .25     median         .75         .90         .95
##        37'000.00     45'000.00  65'000.00  96'000.00  141'000.00  200'000.00  251'000.00
##            range            sd      vcoef        mad         IQR        skew        kurt
##   999'999'998.00  3'873'811.67      29.57  53'373.60   76'000.00      257.93   66'571.76
## lowest : 0.0 (3), 1'000.0 (6), 2'000.0 (6), 3'000.0 (5), 4'000.0 (7)
## highest: 12'000'000.0 (3), 12'431'000.0, 12'770'000.0, 12'807'000.0, 999'999'998.0 (15)
## ' 95%-CI (classic)

From this graph we may see that there are some outliers (Borrowers with an immense income). We need to get rid of this values to see a clear picture.

data <- subset(data, `Borrower’s (or Borrowers’) Annual Income`!=999999998)

Now let’s look at the graph again

Desc(data$`Borrower’s (or Borrowers’) Annual Income`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Borrower’s (or Borrowers’) Annual Income` (numeric)
##          length           n        NAs     unique          0s        mean      meanCI'
##         999'985     999'985          0      1'618           3  116'027.33  115'830.28
##                      100.0%       0.0%                   0.0%              116'224.38
##             .05         .10        .25     median         .75         .90         .95
##       37'000.00   45'000.00  65'000.00  96'000.00  141'000.00  200'000.00  251'000.00
##           range          sd      vcoef        mad         IQR        skew        kurt
##   12'807'000.00  100'536.92       0.87  53'373.60   76'000.00       23.18    1'994.89
## lowest : 0.0 (3), 1'000.0 (6), 2'000.0 (6), 3'000.0 (5), 4'000.0 (7)
## highest: 11'588'000.0, 12'000'000.0 (3), 12'431'000.0, 12'770'000.0, 12'807'000.0
## ' 95%-CI (classic)

We can observe a high discrepancy overall in the data with 90% of borrower’s having annual income of 200 000 or less.

Desc(data$`Area Median Family Income (2019)`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Area Median Family Income (2019)` (numeric)
##       length          n        NAs     unique         0s       mean      meanCI'
##      999'985    999'984          1        421          0  80'343.19   80'313.96
##                  100.0%       0.0%                  0.0%              80'372.43
##          .05        .10        .25     median        .75        .90         .95
##    58'700.00  64'500.00  69'700.00  79'100.00  87'900.00  99'300.00  109'200.00
##        range         sd      vcoef        mad        IQR       skew        kurt
##   115'700.00  14'916.70       0.19  13'046.88  18'200.00       0.71        0.85
## lowest : 19'800.0 (56), 21'200.0 (27), 21'600.0 (16), 22'200.0 (50), 22'800.0 (16)
## highest: 119'000.0 (2'292), 119'600.0 (13'645), 119'900.0 (22'385), 129'900.0 (4'436), 135'500.0 (84)
## ' 95%-CI (classic)

The Area Median Family Income is determined to be at around 80 000 (79 100 to be precise) with half of the observed families earning less than 80 000 and half more than that. We noticed that this variable is almost identical with Local Area Median Income column, therefore we will remove it.

data <- data %>% select(-`Area Median Family Income (2019)`)
Desc(data$`Borrower Income Ratio`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Borrower Income Ratio` (numeric)
##    length        n    NAs  unique    0s   mean    meanCI'
##   999'985  999'985      0   1'983     3   1.46      1.46
##             100.0%   0.0%          0.0%             1.47
##       .05      .10    .25  median   .75    .90       .95
##      0.48     0.58   0.81    1.20  1.76   2.51      3.19
##     range       sd  vcoef     mad   IQR   skew      kurt
##    218.17     1.32   0.90    0.65  0.95  26.20  2'544.81
## lowest : 0.0 (3), 0.01 (7), 0.02 (4), 0.03 (5), 0.04 (3)
## highest: 159.78, 164.6, 171.17, 172.16, 218.17
## ' 95%-CI (classic)

The Borrower Income Ratio shows the ratio of borrower’s annual income to the Area Median Family Income. In this case the graph looks very identical with the ‘Borrower’s annual income’. That is consistent with the column description as this ratio is used to determine the borrower’s qualification.

We further delete Acquisition Unpaid Principal Balance (UPB) as there is no valuable info for us in this column.

data <- data %>% select(-`Acquisition Unpaid Principal Balance (UPB)`)

Then, in the description file we noticed that some of our columns (e.g. Purpose of Loan, Borrower Race, Borrower Ethnicity etc.) are encoded. So, we can conclude that these columns contain categorical data and thus should be transformed into factors and the respective levels should be determined.

data$`Purpose of Loan` <- as.factor(data$`Purpose of Loan`)
data$`First-Time Home Buyer` <- as.factor(data$`First-Time Home Buyer`)
data$`Borrower Race1` <- as.factor(data$`Borrower Race1`)
data$`Co-Borrower Race1` <- as.factor(data$`Co-Borrower Race1`)
data$`Borrower Gender` <- as.factor(data$`Borrower Gender`)
data$`Co-Borrower Gender` <- as.factor(data$`Co-Borrower Gender`)
data$`Age of Borrower` <- as.factor(data$`Age of Borrower`)
data$`Age of Co-Borrower` <- as.factor(data$`Age of Co-Borrower`)
data$`Occupancy Code` <- as.factor(data$`Occupancy Code`)
data$`Property Type` <- as.factor(data$`Property Type`)
data$`Date of Mortgage Note` <- as.factor(data$`Date of Mortgage Note`)
data$`Persistent Poverty County` <- as.factor(data$`Persistent Poverty County`)
data$`Area of Concentrated Poverty` <- as.factor(data$`Area of Concentrated Poverty`)
data$`High Opportunity Area` <- as.factor(data$`High Opportunity Area`)

Now we need to decipher our encoded columns. We will do this by defining levels of the columns which we transformed into factors.

levels(data$`Purpose of Loan`) <- c(1, 2, 4, 7)
levels(data$`Purpose of Loan`) <- c("Purchase", "Refinancing", "Home improvement", "Refinancing cash-out")

levels(data$`First-Time Home Buyer`) <- c(1, 2)
levels(data$`First-Time Home Buyer`) <- c("Yes", "No")

levels(data$`Borrower Race1`) <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
levels(data$`Borrower Race1`) <- c("American Indian or Alaska Native", "Asian", "Black or African American",
                                   "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander", "White")

levels(data$`Co-Borrower Race1`) <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
levels(data$`Co-Borrower Race1`) <- c("American Indian or Alaska Native", "Asian", "Black or African American",
                                   "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander", "White", "no co-borrower")

levels(data$`Borrower Gender`) <- c(1, 2)
levels(data$`Borrower Gender`) <- c("Male", "Female")

levels(data$`Co-Borrower Gender`) <- c(1, 2)
levels(data$`Co-Borrower Gender`) <- c("Male", "Female")

levels(data$`Age of Borrower`) <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
levels(data$`Age of Borrower`) <- c("under 25 years old", "25 to 34 years old", "35 to 44 years old",
                                    "45 to 54 years old", "55 to 64 years old", "65 to 74 years old",
                                    "over 74 years old")

levels(data$`Age of Co-Borrower`) <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
levels(data$`Age of Co-Borrower`) <- c("under 25 years old", "25 to 34 years old", "35 to 44 years old",
                                    "45 to 54 years old", "55 to 64 years old", "65 to 74 years old",
                                    "over 74 years old")

levels(data$`Occupancy Code`) <- c(1, 2, 3)
levels(data$`Occupancy Code`) <- c("Principal Residence/Owner-Occupied property", "Second Home", "Investment property")

levels(data$`Property Type`) <- c(1, 2)
levels(data$`Property Type`) <- c("one to four-family (other than manufactured housing)", "manufactured housing")

levels(data$`Date of Mortgage Note`) <- c(1, 2)
levels(data$`Date of Mortgage Note`) <- c("Originated in same calendar year as acquired", 
                                          "Originated prior to calendar year of acquisition")

levels(data$`Persistent Poverty County`) <- c(0, 1)
levels(data$`Persistent Poverty County`) <- c("No", "Yes")

levels(data$`Area of Concentrated Poverty`) <- c(0, 1)
levels(data$`Area of Concentrated Poverty`) <- c("No", "Yes")

levels(data$`High Opportunity Area`) <- c(0, 1)
levels(data$`High Opportunity Area`) <- c("No", "Yes")

Now we can make further analysis.

Desc(data$`Purpose of Loan`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Purpose of Loan` (factor)
##    length       n     NAs  unique  levels   dupes
##   999'985 999'985       0       4       4       y
##            100.0%    0.0%                        
##                   level     freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
## 1              Purchase  544'618  54.5%  544'618    54.5%
## 2           Refinancing  242'591  24.3%  787'209    78.7%
## 3  Refinancing cash-out  212'241  21.2%  999'450    99.9%
## 4      Home improvement      535   0.1%  999'985   100.0%

From this table we can instantly see that the majority of loans are used for a home purchase. This could be useful for the further analysis reagrding social and economical factors having influence on mortgage amount.

We further delete Federal Guarantee column from our data set.

data <- data %>% select(-`Federal Guarantee`)
Desc(data$`Number of Borrowers`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Number of Borrowers` (numeric)
##    length        n    NAs  unique    0s  mean  meanCI'
##   999'985  999'985      0       6     0  1.47    1.47
##             100.0%   0.0%          0.0%          1.47
##       .05      .10    .25  median   .75   .90     .95
##      1.00     1.00   1.00    1.00  2.00  2.00    2.00
##     range       sd  vcoef     mad   IQR  skew    kurt
##      5.00     0.51   0.35    0.00  1.00  0.30   -1.30
##    value     freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
## 1      1  535'281  53.5%  535'281    53.5%
## 2      2  459'355  45.9%  994'636    99.5%
## 3      3    4'630   0.5%  999'266    99.9%
## 4      4      716   0.1%  999'982   100.0%
## 5      5        2   0.0%  999'984   100.0%
## 6      6        1   0.0%  999'985   100.0%
## ' 95%-CI (classic)

Values 3-6 can be considered outliers, almost all the mortgages were signed by either 1 or 2 persons.

Desc(data$`First-Time Home Buyer`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`First-Time Home Buyer` (factor - dichotomous)
##    length       n     NAs  unique
##   999'985 999'720     265       2
##            100.0%    0.0%        
##         freq   perc  lci.95  uci.95'
## Yes  232'398  23.2%   23.2%   23.3%
## No   767'322  76.8%   76.7%   76.8%
## ' 95%-CI (Wilson)

A significant majority of borrowers are not first-time home buyers, which together with Purpose of Loan indicates that most of the borrowers purchase more homes for whatever reasons, but not for the first time.

For the simplicity, we also rename the Borrower Race column.

data <- data %>% rename("Borrower Race" = `Borrower Race1`)
Desc(data$`Borrower Race`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Borrower Race` (factor)
##    length       n     NAs  unique  levels   dupes
##   999'985 858'248 141'737       5       5       y
##             85.8%   14.2%                        
##                                        level     freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
## 1                                      White  742'115  86.5%  742'115    86.5%
## 2                                      Asian   70'216   8.2%  812'331    94.6%
## 3                  Black or African American   39'137   4.6%  851'468    99.2%
## 4           American Indian or Alaska Native    4'341   0.5%  855'809    99.7%
## 5  Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander    2'439   0.3%  858'248   100.0%

We can observe that most of the companies’ borrowers consist of white people followed by Asians. We could further examine as to why it is so, whether mostly white people applied or because other races were declined.

Further, borrower and co-borrower ethnicity gives us very little information so we drop these columns.

data <- data %>% select(-`Borrower Ethnicity`)
data <- data %>% select(-`Co-Borrower Ethnicity`)

We also rename the Co-Borrower's Race1 column

data <- data %>% rename("Co-Borrower Race" = `Co-Borrower Race1`)
Desc(data$`Co-Borrower Race` )
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Co-Borrower Race` (factor)
##    length       n     NAs  unique  levels   dupes
##   999'985 397'213 602'772       5       6       y
##             39.7%   60.3%                        
##                                        level     freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
## 1                                      White  352'092  88.6%  352'092    88.6%
## 2                                      Asian   30'770   7.7%  382'862    96.4%
## 3                  Black or African American   11'001   2.8%  393'863    99.2%
## 4           American Indian or Alaska Native    2'105   0.5%  395'968    99.7%
## 5  Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander    1'245   0.3%  397'213   100.0%
## 6                             no co-borrower        0   0.0%  397'213   100.0%

The data is very much identical to Borrower's Race indicating that the proportion is the same.

Desc(data$`Borrower Gender`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Borrower Gender` (factor - dichotomous)
##    length       n     NAs  unique
##   999'985 920'376  79'609       2
##             92.0%    8.0%        
##            freq   perc  lci.95  uci.95'
## Male    612'829  66.6%   66.5%   66.7%
## Female  307'547  33.4%   33.3%   33.5%
## ' 95%-CI (Wilson)

The main borrower is in 67% of all cases a male.

Desc(data$`Co-Borrower Gender`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Co-Borrower Gender` (factor - dichotomous)
##    length       n     NAs  unique
##   999'985 424'443 575'542       2
##             42.4%   57.6%        
##            freq   perc  lci.95  uci.95'
## Male    107'228  25.3%   25.1%   25.4%
## Female  317'215  74.7%   74.6%   74.9%
## ' 95%-CI (Wilson)

However, the co-borrower tends to be in 75% of all cases a woman. That could mean that couples co-apply.

Desc(data$`Age of Borrower`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Age of Borrower` (factor)
##    length       n     NAs  unique  levels   dupes
##   999'985 999'960      25       7       7       y
##            100.0%    0.0%                        
##                 level     freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
## 1  35 to 44 years old  257'033  25.7%  257'033    25.7%
## 2  25 to 34 years old  231'205  23.1%  488'238    48.8%
## 3  45 to 54 years old  211'435  21.1%  699'673    70.0%
## 4  55 to 64 years old  164'166  16.4%  863'839    86.4%
## 5  65 to 74 years old   85'732   8.6%  949'571    95.0%
## 6  under 25 years old   26'501   2.7%  976'072    97.6%
## 7   over 74 years old   23'888   2.4%  999'960   100.0%

The Age of Borrower gives us a good overview of the age distribution. Three age groups stand out the most: 35-44, 25-34, and 45-54.

Desc(data$`Age of Co-Borrower`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Age of Co-Borrower` (factor)
##    length       n     NAs  unique  levels   dupes
##   999'985 464'687 535'298       7       7       y
##             46.5%   53.5%                        
##                 level     freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
## 1  35 to 44 years old  115'052  24.8%  115'052    24.8%
## 2  25 to 34 years old  109'971  23.7%  225'023    48.4%
## 3  45 to 54 years old   93'271  20.1%  318'294    68.5%
## 4  55 to 64 years old   80'302  17.3%  398'596    85.8%
## 5  65 to 74 years old   44'432   9.6%  443'028    95.3%
## 6  under 25 years old   11'067   2.4%  454'095    97.7%
## 7   over 74 years old   10'592   2.3%  464'687   100.0%

The data in this column is again very much identical to the previous one.

Desc(data$`Occupancy Code`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Occupancy Code` (factor)
##    length       n     NAs  unique  levels   dupes
##   999'985 999'985       0       3       3       y
##            100.0%    0.0%                        
##                                          level     freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
## 1  Principal Residence/Owner-Occupied property  897'838  89.8%  897'838    89.8%
## 2                          Investment property   61'468   6.1%  959'306    95.9%
## 3                                  Second Home   40'679   4.1%  999'985   100.0%

An owner-occupied property is a piece of real estate in which the person who holds the title (or owns the property) also uses the home as their primary residence. The term “owner-occupied” is commonly associated with real estate investors who live in a property and rent out separate spaces to tenants. Here we can observe that vast majority of the borrowers obtained a loan for their own property and their own house usage.

Columns Rate Spread, HOEPA Status, Lien Status are already deleted, as there was a high percentage of missing values.

Desc(data$`Property Type`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Property Type` (factor - dichotomous)
##    length       n     NAs  unique
##   999'985 999'985       0       2
##            100.0%    0.0%        
##                                                          freq   perc  lci.95  uci.95'
## one to four-family (other than manufactured housing)  993'218  99.3%   99.3%   99.3%
## manufactured housing                                    6'767   0.7%    0.7%    0.7%
## ' 95%-CI (Wilson)

Almost 100% are one to four meaning that this is an ordinary house that is being mortgaged.

The next columns are useless because we already have this information from Age of Borrower

data <- data %>% select(-`Borrower Age 62 or older`)
data <- data %>% select(-`Co-Borrower Age 62 or older`)
Desc(data$`Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV)`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV)` (numeric)
##    length        n    NAs  unique     0s   mean  meanCI'
##   999'985  999'982      3   9'164      0  75.62   75.58
##             100.0%   0.0%           0.0%          75.65
##       .05      .10    .25  median    .75    .90     .95
##     41.00    51.00  67.34   80.00  90.00  95.00   97.00
##     range       sd  vcoef     mad    IQR   skew    kurt
##    304.77    17.12   0.23   14.83  22.66  -0.96    0.80
## lowest : 3.23, 3.5, 3.82, 3.91, 4.0 (3)
## highest: 159.0, 162.0, 200.0, 203.0, 308.0
## heap(?): remarkable frequency (18.6%) for the mode(s) (= 80)
## ' 95%-CI (classic)

We can observe two spikes, one at 80 and a smaller one at around 100. Generally speaking, most lenders consider a LTV of 80% or more as being risky. If the LTV is higher than 80%, you may need to pay for Lenders Mortgage Insurance Therefore, from this line graph we may conclude that LTV Ratio indicates no or very little risk in all cases.

Desc(data$`Date of Mortgage Note`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Date of Mortgage Note` (factor - dichotomous)
##    length       n     NAs  unique
##   999'985 999'985       0       2
##            100.0%    0.0%        
##                                                      freq   perc  lci.95  uci.95'
## Originated in same calendar year as acquired      900'004  90.0%   89.9%   90.1%
## Originated prior to calendar year of acquisition   99'981  10.0%    9.9%   10.1%
## ' 95%-CI (Wilson)

Here we see that mostly mortgage note was originated at the same calendar year.

Desc(data$`Term of Mortgage at Origination`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Term of Mortgage at Origination` (numeric)
##    length        n     NAs  unique      0s    mean  meanCI'
##   999'985  999'985       0     156       0  332.48  332.35
##             100.0%    0.0%            0.0%          332.60
##       .05      .10     .25  median     .75     .90     .95
##    180.00   180.00  360.00  360.00  360.00  360.00  360.00
##     range       sd   vcoef     mad     IQR    skew    kurt
##    420.00    63.21    0.19    0.00    0.00   -1.96    2.07
## lowest : 60.0 (4), 84.0 (5), 85.0, 96.0 (264), 102.0
## highest: 357.0 (15), 358.0 (25), 359.0 (35), 360.0 (832'505), 480.0 (3)
## heap(?): remarkable frequency (83.3%) for the mode(s) (= 360)
## ' 95%-CI (classic)

The term of your mortgage loan is how long you have to repay the loan. For most types of homes, mortgage terms are typically 15, 20 or 30 years. On average mortgage is given for 30 years in our case.

Desc(data$`Number of Units`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Number of Units` (numeric)
##    length        n    NAs  unique    0s   mean  meanCI'
##   999'985  999'985      0       4     0   1.02    1.02
##             100.0%   0.0%          0.0%           1.02
##       .05      .10    .25  median   .75    .90     .95
##      1.00     1.00   1.00    1.00  1.00   1.00    1.00
##     range       sd  vcoef     mad   IQR   skew    kurt
##      3.00     0.21   0.20    0.00  0.00  10.27  120.96
##    value     freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
## 1      1  982'421  98.2%  982'421    98.2%
## 2      2   12'740   1.3%  995'161    99.5%
## 3      3    2'692   0.3%  997'853    99.8%
## 4      4    2'132   0.2%  999'985   100.0%
## ' 95%-CI (classic)

A 2-4 unit property, sometimes referred to as a “triplex” or “fourplex,” has two or three available units to rent out. This is different than having a spare room, or a basement with a kitchenette. A true 2-4 unit property contains legally separate units. Single-unit properties are any properties in which you have a single bookable unit, be it a house, a villa, or a condo.

So, we may see that the result correlates with the previous finding - almost in 100% borrower takes a mortgage for yourself.

Desc(data$`Interest Rate at Origination`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Interest Rate at Origination` (numeric)
##    length        n    NAs  unique    0s  mean  meanCI'
##   999'985  999'911     74     366     0  4.24    4.24
##             100.0%   0.0%          0.0%          4.24
##       .05      .10    .25  median   .75   .90     .95
##      3.37     3.50   3.87    4.12  4.62  5.00    5.37
##     range       sd  vcoef     mad   IQR  skew    kurt
##      7.93     0.62   0.15    0.56  0.75  0.51    0.22
## lowest : 0.62, 2.0 (2), 2.12 (4), 2.25 (28), 2.37 (81)
## highest: 7.25 (3), 7.37 (2), 7.62 (2), 7.87 (2), 8.55
## heap(?): remarkable frequency (10.1%) for the mode(s) (= 3.87)
## ' 95%-CI (classic)

We can observe that Interest Rate at Origination follows several spikes. Interest Rate at Origination is perhaps grouped into several categories, which could explain the observed frequency.

Desc(data$`Note Amount`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Note Amount` (numeric)
##         length           n         NAs      unique          0s        mean      meanCI'
##        999'985     999'911          74         130           0  260'105.87  259'847.26
##                     100.0%        0.0%                    0.0%              260'364.49
##            .05         .10         .25      median         .75         .90         .95
##      85'000.00  105'000.00  155'000.00  235'000.00  345'000.00  445'000.00  485'000.00
##          range          sd       vcoef         mad         IQR        skew        kurt
##   1'390'000.00  131'944.64        0.51  133'434.00  190'000.00        0.82        0.66
## lowest : 5'000.0, 15'000.0 (77), 25'000.0 (607), 35'000.0 (1'899), 45'000.0 (4'108)
## highest: 1'355'000.0, 1'365'000.0, 1'375'000.0, 1'385'000.0, 1'395'000.0 (2)
## ' 95%-CI (classic)

Note Amount refers to the money lent. Note Amount is a part of a mortgage note, which is a written promise to repay a specified sum of money plus interest at a specified rate and length of time to fulfill the promise. The graph displays many outliers - borrowers with extraordinarily high note amounts. We are interested to find out if these individuals also had the highest income.

We delete the following columns as they need more expertise or company-specific info

data <- data %>% select(-c("Preapproval", "Application Channel", "Automated Underwriting System (AUS)",
                    "Credit Score Model - Borrower", "Credit Score Model - Co-Borrower"))
Desc(data$`Debt-to-Income (DTI) Ratio`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Debt-to-Income (DTI) Ratio` (numeric)
##    length        n    NAs  unique     0s   mean  meanCI'
##   999'985  999'901     84      19      0  32.84   32.82
##             100.0%   0.0%           0.0%          32.86
##       .05      .10    .25  median    .75    .90     .95
##     10.00    20.00  20.00   36.00  43.00  47.00   48.00
##     range       sd  vcoef     mad    IQR   skew    kurt
##     50.00    11.42   0.35   11.86  23.00  -0.41   -0.97
## lowest : 10.0 (70'289), 20.0 (219'713), 30.0 (191'327), 36.0 (34'867), 37.0 (36'049)
## highest: 47.0 (28'452), 48.0 (29'779), 49.0 (38'653), 50.0 (4'298), 60.0 (491)
## heap(?): remarkable frequency (22.0%) for the mode(s) (= 20)
## ' 95%-CI (classic)

From this graph we may see that many people had 20% and 30% DTI Ratio, which is followed by higher proportions.

The following column does not meet our research questions, so we remove it

data <- data %>% select(-`Discount Points`)
Desc(data$`Property Value`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Property Value` (numeric)
##         length           n         NAs      unique          0s        mean      meanCI'
##        999'985     999'911          74         368           0  369'372.48  368'934.14
##                     100.0%        0.0%                    0.0%              369'810.82
##            .05         .10         .25      median         .75         .90         .95
##     125'000.00  155'000.00  225'000.00  325'000.00  465'000.00  635'000.00  765'000.00
##          range          sd       vcoef         mad         IQR        skew        kurt
##   9'000'000.00  223'638.41        0.61  177'912.00  240'000.00        2.85       26.85
## lowest : 5'000.0 (14), 15'000.0 (4), 25'000.0 (90), 35'000.0 (423), 45'000.0 (945)
## highest: 6'405'000.0 (2), 7'005'000.0, 7'105'000.0, 8'305'000.0, 9'005'000.0
## ' 95%-CI (classic)

The Property Value is also related to Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV). 90% of the properties had value of 635 000 but there are several borrowers whose property value is much higher than that.

The next columns should be deleted as they are irrelevant to our research questions

data <- data %>% select(-c("Rural Census Tract", "Lower Mississippi Delta County", "Middle Appalachia County"))
Desc(data$`Persistent Poverty County`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Persistent Poverty County` (factor - dichotomous)
##    length       n     NAs  unique
##   999'985 999'985       0       2
##            100.0%    0.0%        
##         freq   perc  lci.95  uci.95'
## No   973'872  97.4%   97.4%   97.4%
## Yes   26'113   2.6%    2.6%    2.6%
## ' 95%-CI (Wilson)

A 2009 U.S. federal law defined a persistent poverty county as one in which “20 percent or more of its population [has lived] in poverty over the past 30 years” according to the Census, which is done every 10 years. Most of the borrowers are not in area of persistent poverty as we can observe from the graph.

Desc(data$`Area of Concentrated Poverty`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`Area of Concentrated Poverty` (factor - dichotomous)
##    length       n     NAs  unique
##   999'985 999'985       0       2
##            100.0%    0.0%        
##         freq   perc  lci.95  uci.95'
## No   921'216  92.1%   92.1%   92.2%
## Yes   78'769   7.9%    7.8%    7.9%
## ' 95%-CI (Wilson)

An area of concentrated poverty is defined as a census tract in which more than 40 percent of the households fall below the poverty line. Here we again see that most of the borrowers were not looking for a property in that area.

Based on our findings we need to drop column Persistent Poverty because it correlates with Area of Concentrated Poverty.

data <- data %>% select(-`Persistent Poverty County`)
Desc(data$`High Opportunity Area`)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## data$`High Opportunity Area` (factor - dichotomous)
##    length       n     NAs  unique
##   999'985 999'985       0       2
##            100.0%    0.0%        
##         freq   perc  lci.95  uci.95'
## No   811'131  81.1%   81.0%   81.2%
## Yes  188'854  18.9%   18.8%   19.0%
## ' 95%-CI (Wilson)

High Opportunity Area generally refers to ares that provide access to certain amenities or community attributes that are believed to increase economic mobility for their residents. High Opportunity Area and Area of Concentrated Poverty should be mutually exclusive as high opportunity area cannot be are of concentrated poverty and vice versa. But we can see that a majority of properties are not labeled as either.

The last column also makes no interest for us so we proceed with deleting it.

data <- data %>% select(-`Qualified Opportunity Zone (QOZ)`)

Finally, we have cleaned our data and are now left with the following structure:

##     Enterprise Flag   Local Area Median Income Borrower’s (or Borrowers’) Annual Income Borrower Income Ratio
##  Fannie Mae :566099   Min.   : 18262           Min.   :       0                         Min.   :  0.000      
##  Freddie Mac:433886   1st Qu.: 66070           1st Qu.:   65000                         1st Qu.:  0.810      
##                       Median : 73783           Median :   96000                         Median :  1.200      
##                       Mean   : 75430           Mean   :  116027                         Mean   :  1.464      
##                       3rd Qu.: 81823           3rd Qu.:  141000                         3rd Qu.:  1.760      
##                       Max.   :133523           Max.   :12807000                         Max.   :218.170      
##                       NA's   :848                                                                            
##              Purpose of Loan   Number of Borrowers First-Time Home Buyer
##  Purchase            :544618   Min.   :1.000       Yes :232398          
##  Refinancing         :242591   1st Qu.:1.000       No  :767322          
##  Home improvement    :   535   Median :1.000       NA's:   265          
##  Refinancing cash-out:212241   Mean   :1.471                            
##                                3rd Qu.:2.000                            
##                                Max.   :6.000                            
##                                    Borrower Race                                     Co-Borrower Race  Borrower Gender
##  American Indian or Alaska Native         :  4341   American Indian or Alaska Native         :  2105   Male  :612829  
##  Asian                                    : 70216   Asian                                    : 30770   Female:307547  
##  Black or African American                : 39137   Black or African American                : 11001   NA's  : 79609  
##  Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander:  2439   Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander:  1245                  
##  White                                    :742115   White                                    :352092                  
##  NA's                                     :141737   no co-borrower                           :     0                  
##                                                     NA's                                     :602772                  
##  Co-Borrower Gender           Age of Borrower            Age of Co-Borrower
##  Male  :107228      35 to 44 years old:257033   35 to 44 years old:115052  
##  Female:317215      25 to 34 years old:231205   25 to 34 years old:109971  
##  NA's  :575542      45 to 54 years old:211435   45 to 54 years old: 93271  
##                     55 to 64 years old:164166   55 to 64 years old: 80302  
##                     65 to 74 years old: 85732   65 to 74 years old: 44432  
##                     (Other)           : 50389   (Other)           : 21659  
##                     NA's              :    25   NA's              :535298  
##                                      Occupancy Code                                                Property Type   
##  Principal Residence/Owner-Occupied property:897838   one to four-family (other than manufactured housing):993218  
##  Second Home                                : 40679   manufactured housing                                :  6767  
##  Investment property                        : 61468                                                                
##  Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV)                                      Date of Mortgage Note Term of Mortgage at Origination
##  Min.   :  3.23            Originated in same calendar year as acquired    :900004    Min.   : 60.0                  
##  1st Qu.: 67.34            Originated prior to calendar year of acquisition: 99981    1st Qu.:360.0                  
##  Median : 80.00                                                                       Median :360.0                  
##  Mean   : 75.62                                                                       Mean   :332.5                  
##  3rd Qu.: 90.00                                                                       3rd Qu.:360.0                  
##  Max.   :308.00                                                                       Max.   :480.0                  
##  NA's   :3                                                                                                           
##  Number of Units Interest Rate at Origination  Note Amount      Debt-to-Income (DTI) Ratio Property Value   
##  Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.62                 Min.   :   5000   Min.   :10.00              Min.   :   5000  
##  1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:3.87                 1st Qu.: 155000   1st Qu.:20.00              1st Qu.: 225000  
##  Median :1.000   Median :4.12                 Median : 235000   Median :36.00              Median : 325000  
##  Mean   :1.025   Mean   :4.24                 Mean   : 260106   Mean   :32.84              Mean   : 369372  
##  3rd Qu.:1.000   3rd Qu.:4.62                 3rd Qu.: 345000   3rd Qu.:43.00              3rd Qu.: 465000  
##  Max.   :4.000   Max.   :8.55                 Max.   :1395000   Max.   :60.00              Max.   :9005000  
##                  NA's   :74                   NA's   :74        NA's   :84                 NA's   :74       
##  Area of Concentrated Poverty High Opportunity Area
##  No :921216                   No :811131           
##  Yes: 78769                   Yes:188854           