4 Decluttering

4.1 Decluttering rows

Next, we use the technique of decluttering to reduce the number of overall rows. We can only delete the rows which have no value for us. That means rows that either have no information for us because of only missing values or they are not relevant for our research question. In the first case, we can proceed by identifying the percentage of entries per row, which are actually NA. Afterwards, we plot these number to check how much data per row is missing and whether there are some extreme cases where a lot of data is missing.

na_rows <- apply(is.na(data),1,sum)/ncol(data)
plot(na_rows, type="h", xlab = "Index", ylab = "NA Frequency")

From the chart above we can conclude that the severity of NA values is not huge, however, there seem to be a number of entries which miss more data than the majority of records. But overall, we have no records to delete. There are also no rows that are currently ‘not relevant’ so we can proceed to the decluttering columns step.

4.2 Decluttering columns

For decluttering the columns we will use again the same two criteria as previously mentioned. That means we are going to eliminate all columns with (almost) all entries missing and we are going to delete columns which only have one unique value.

Following the standard procedure, we create a table to help us with an overview of the missingness and uniqueness of values in our columns. First, we calculate the percentage of missing values per column.

missing_vals <- as.matrix(data %>% is.na %>% colSums)
missing_vals_rel <- round(100*missing_vals/nrow(data),2)

Then, we to do the same for the unique values in the columns:

unique_vals <- t(as.matrix(data %>% summarise_all(n_distinct)))
unique_vals_rel <-  round(100*unique_vals/nrow(data),2)

Last but not least, we can summarize the findings in a small data summary table:

data_summary <- data.frame(missing_vals, missing_vals_rel, unique_vals, unique_vals_rel)
colnames(data_summary) <- c("NAs", "NAs_rel", "Unique", "Unique_rel")
##                                               NAs NAs_rel  Unique Unique_rel
## Enterprise Flag                                 0    0.00       2       0.00
## Record Number                                   0    0.00 1000000     100.00
## US Postal State Code                            0    0.00      54       0.01
## Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Code        0    0.00     393       0.04
## County - 2010 Census                            0    0.00     317       0.03
## Census Tract - 2010 Census                    159    0.02   23161       2.32
## 2010 Census Tract - Percent Minority          423    0.04    9712       0.97
## 2010 Census Tract - Median Income             848    0.08   37191       3.72
## Local Area Median Income                      848    0.08    1222       0.12
## Tract Income Ratio                            848    0.08     346       0.03
## Borrower’s (or Borrowers’) Annual Income        0    0.00    1619       0.16
## Area Median Family Income (2019)                1    0.00     422       0.04
## Borrower Income Ratio                          15    0.00    1984       0.20
## Acquisition Unpaid Principal Balance (UPB)      0    0.00     131       0.01
## Purpose of Loan                                 0    0.00       4       0.00
## Federal Guarantee                               0    0.00       4       0.00
## Number of Borrowers                             0    0.00       6       0.00
## First-Time Home Buyer                         265    0.03       3       0.00
## Borrower Race1                             141739   14.17       6       0.00
## Borrower Race2                             986242   98.62       6       0.00
## Borrower Race3                             999528   99.95       6       0.00
## Borrower Race4                             999948   99.99       5       0.00
## Borrower Race5                             999986  100.00       3       0.00
## Borrower Ethnicity                         143473   14.35       3       0.00
## Co-Borrower Race1                          602783   60.28       6       0.00
## Co-Borrower Race2                          990779   99.08       6       0.00
## Co-Borrower Race3                          999763   99.98       6       0.00
## Co-Borrower Race4                          999977  100.00       5       0.00
## Co-Borrower Race5                          999997  100.00       3       0.00
## Co-Borrower Ethnicity                      609922   60.99       3       0.00
## Borrower Gender                             79610    7.96       3       0.00
## Co-Borrower Gender                         575553   57.56       3       0.00
## Age of Borrower                                25    0.00       8       0.00
## Age of Co-Borrower                         535309   53.53       8       0.00
## Occupancy Code                                  0    0.00       3       0.00
## Rate Spread                                963661   96.37     298       0.03
## HOEPA Status                                    0    0.00       1       0.00
## Property Type                                   0    0.00       2       0.00
## Lien Status                                     0    0.00       1       0.00
## Borrower Age 62 or older                       25    0.00       3       0.00
## Co-Borrower Age 62 or older                535309   53.53       3       0.00
## Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV)                       3    0.00    9168       0.92
## Date of Mortgage Note                           0    0.00       2       0.00
## Term of Mortgage at Origination                 0    0.00     156       0.02
## Number of Units                                 0    0.00       4       0.00
## Interest Rate at Origination                   74    0.01     367       0.04
## Note Amount                                    74    0.01     131       0.01
## Preapproval                                679221   67.92       3       0.00
## Application Channel                        204345   20.43       4       0.00
## Automated Underwriting System (AUS)         11919    1.19       4       0.00
## Credit Score Model - Borrower              216866   21.69       4       0.00
## Credit Score Model - Co-Borrower           217164   21.72       5       0.00
## Debt-to-Income (DTI) Ratio                     97    0.01      20       0.00
## Discount Points                            294369   29.44  140862      14.09
## Introductory Rate Period                   992288   99.23      11       0.00
## Manufactured Home – Land Property Interest 997977   99.80       4       0.00
## Property Value                                 74    0.01     369       0.04
## Rural Census Tract                              0    0.00       2       0.00
## Lower Mississippi Delta County                  0    0.00       2       0.00
## Middle Appalachia County                        0    0.00       2       0.00
## Persistent Poverty County                       0    0.00       2       0.00
## Area of Concentrated Poverty                    0    0.00       2       0.00
## High Opportunity Area                           0    0.00       2       0.00
## Qualified Opportunity Zone (QOZ)                0    0.00       2       0.00

Based on the table, we can see that there are some columns exhibiting 100 percent missing values or having only one unique value, such as Borrower Race5, HOEPA Status, or Introductory Rate Period. We delete these columns from our data as there is no relevant information to be gained. Furthermore, we also delete columns that have an extremely high proportion of missing values of more than 96% as these columns would not be useful either.

uniques <- rownames(data_summary)[which(data_summary$Unique==1)]
full_NA <- rownames(data_summary)[which(data_summary$NAs_rel==100)] 
high_NA <- rownames(data_summary)[which(data_summary$NAs_rel>96&data_summary$NAs_rel<100)] 

col_del_ind <- match(unique(c(uniques,full_NA,high_NA)),colnames(data)) # unique, because we can have some double counts
data <- data[,-col_del_ind]

## [1] 1000000      51

Looking at the table above, we see that we have managed to drop 13 unnecessary columns, leaving us with remaining 51 columns that need to be further qualitatively assessed.