6.1 Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is a particularly popular method for fitting a topic model. It treats each document as a mixture of topics, and each topic as a mixture of words. This allows documents to “overlap” each other in terms of content, rather than being separated into discrete groups, in a way that mirrors typical use of natural language.
The LDA model is guided by two principles:
Each document is a mixture of topics. In a 3 topic model we could assert that a document is 70% about topic A, 30 about topic B, and 0% about topic C.
Every topic is a mixture of words. A topic is considered a probabilistic distribution over multiple words.

Figure 5.1: Source: http://nlpx.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/LDA_image2.jpg
In particular, LDA is a imagined generative process, illustrated in the plate notation below:

Figure 6.1: Source: Lee et al. (2018)
- M denotes the number of documents
- N is the number of words in a given document (document i has Ni words)
- →θm is the expected topic proportion of document m, which is generated by a Dirichlet distribution parameterized by →α (e.g., in a two topic model θm=[0.3,0.7] means document m is expected to have 30% topic 1 and 70% topic 2)
- →ϕk is the word distribution of topic k, which is generated by a Dirichlet distribution parameterized by →β
- zm,n is the topic for the nth word in document m, one word are assigned to one topic.
- wm,n is the word in the nth position word of document m
The only observed variable in this graphical probabilistic model is wm,n, so it is “latent”.
To actually infer the topics in a corpus, we imagine the generative process as follows. LDA assumes the following generative process for a corpus D consisting of M M documents each of length Ni:
Generate →θi∼Dir(→α), where i∈{1,2,...,M}. Dir(→α) is a Dirichlet distribution with symmetric parameter →α where →α is often sparse.
Generate →ϕk∼Dir(→β), where k∈{1,2,...,K} and →β is typically sparse
For the nth position in document m, where n∈{1,2,...,Nm} and m∈{1,2,...,M}
- Choose a topic zm,n for that position which is generated from zm,n∼Multinomial(→θi)
- Fill in that position with word wm,n which is generated from the word distribution of the topic picked in the previous step wi,j∼Multinomial(ϕzm,n)
- Choose a topic zm,n for that position which is generated from zm,n∼Multinomial(→θi)
6.1.1 Example: Associated Press
We come to the AssociatedPress
document term matrix (the required data strcture for the modeling function) and fit a two topic LDA model with stm::stm
(stm stands for structural equation modeling). The stm
takes as its input a document-term matrix, either as a sparse matrix (using cast_sparse
) or a dfm
from quanteda
(using cast_dfm
). Here we specify a two topic model by setting K=2 for demonstration purposes, in 6.3 we will see how to choose K with metrics such as semantic coherence.
data("AssociatedPress", package = "topicmodels")
ap_dfm <- tidy(AssociatedPress) %>%
cast_dfm(document = document, term = term, value = count)
ap_lda <- stm(ap_dfm,
K = 2,
verbose = FALSE,
init.type = "LDA")
#> A topic model with 2 topics, 2246 documents and a 10473 word dictionary.
#> Topic 1 Top Words:
#> Highest Prob: i, people, two, police, years, officials, government
#> FREX: police, killed, miles, attorney, death, army, died
#> Lift: accident, accusations, ackerman, adams, affidavit, algotson, alice
#> Score: police, killed, trial, prison, died, army, hospital
#> Topic 2 Top Words:
#> Highest Prob: percent, new, million, year, president, bush, billion
#> FREX: percent, bush, billion, market, trade, prices, economic
#> Lift: corporate, growth, lawmakers, percentage, republicans, abboud, abm
#> Score: percent, billion, dollar, prices, yen, stock, market
objects have a summary()
method for displaying words with highest probability in each topic. But we want to go back to data frames to take advantage of dplyr
and ggplot2
. For tidying model objects, tidy(model_object, matrix = "beta")
(the default) access the topic-word probability vector (we denotes with →ϕk)
#> # A tibble: 20,946 x 3
#> topic term beta
#> <int> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 1 aaron 0.0000324
#> 2 2 aaron 0.0000117
#> 3 1 abandon 0.00000654
#> 4 2 abandon 0.0000676
#> 5 1 abandoned 0.000140
#> 6 2 abandoned 0.0000341
#> # ... with 20,940 more rows
Which words have a relateve higher probabiltity to appear in each topic?
tidy(ap_lda) %>%
group_by(topic) %>%
top_n(10) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(topic = str_c("topic", topic)) %>%
facet_bar(y = term, x = beta, by = topic) +
labs(title = "Words with highest probability in each topic")
As an alternative, we could consider the terms that had the greatest difference in →ϕk between topic 1 and topic 2. This can be estimated based on the log ratio of the two: log2(ϕ1nϕ2n), ϕ1n/ϕ2n being the probability ratio of the sam e word n in two topics (a log ratio is useful because it makes the difference symmetrical)
phi_ratio <- tidy(ap_lda) %>%
mutate(topic = str_c("topic", topic)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = topic, values_from = beta) %>%
filter(topic1 > .001 | topic2 > .001) %>%
mutate(log_ratio = log2(topic2 / topic1))
This can answer a question like: which word is most representative of a topic?
phi_ratio %>%
top_n(20, abs(log_ratio)) %>%
ggplot(aes(y = fct_reorder(term, log_ratio),
x = log_ratio)) +
geom_col() +
labs(y = "",
x = "log ratio of phi between topic 2 and topic 1 (base 2)")
To extrac the word proportion vector →θm for document m, use matrix = "gamma"
in tidy()
tidy(ap_lda, matrix = "gamma")
#> # A tibble: 4,492 x 3
#> document topic gamma
#> <int> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 1 1 0.990
#> 2 2 1 0.610
#> 3 3 1 0.983
#> 4 4 1 0.698
#> 5 5 1 0.891
#> 6 6 1 0.519
#> # ... with 4,486 more rows
With this data frame, we want to knwo which document is most charateristic of each topic?
tidy(ap_lda, matrix = "gamma") %>%
group_by(topic) %>%
top_n(15) %>%
mutate(document = as.character(document)) %>%
acast(document ~ topic, value.var = "gamma", fill = 0) %>%
comparison.cloud(colors = c("gray20", "gray80"), scale = c(2, 8))
This plot would definitely be more insightful if we have document titles rather than an ID.
- use tidy tools like dplyr, tidyr, and ggplot2 for initial data exploration and preparation.
- cast to a non-tidy structure to perform some machine learning algorithm. - tidy the modeling results to to use tidy tools again (exploring, visualization, etc.)