1 Welcome

Hello! This is the ebook version of the four-week online R Bootcamp for NYU Shanghai - NYU Stern MS programs in business. The website offers more recent updates than the video tutorials, and is designed to help readers find the information more quickly with its embedded links and navigation through the table of contents.

The Bootcamp is designed for newcomers to R or programming in general. Our learning objectives for this program are twofold. Firstly, to become confident users of R; and secondly, to understand how R works as a language.

The ultimate goal is to utilize R for problem solving, skills that are in high demand in today’s job market. In our case, problem solving involves formulating a problem, converting the solutions into R code, and then evaluating the outcomes. It entails breaking down the problem into smaller, manageable subtasks, tackling each of them, and integrating them back together to form a complete system.

Let’s dive in!