3.2 UI

UI is de facto an HTML file.

In building ui.R file, what we really do is to construct an HTML file with R functions. To see so by typing fluidPage() in the R console and you’ll see this function returns an HTML div tag <div class="container-fluid"></div>. So of course you can build your entire UI with HTML.

By default, Shiny uses bootstrap(has nothing to do with bootstrap method in statistics), the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.

3.2.1 HTML tags

shiny::tags is a list of 110 functions. Each function builds a specific HTML tag. If you are familiar with HTML, you will recognize these tags by their names.

You can build UI by using HTML tags. Use names(tags) to see all available tags. For more information please look at Customize your UI with HTML.

Exercise 2: adding HTML tags

Modify ui.R in 01-hello folder as follows and run the App again:

    h1("Hello Shiny!"),
    p(strong("bold font "), em("italic font")),
    p(code("code block")),
    a(href="http://www.google.com", "link to Google"),
         <label>A numeric input:</label><br /> 
         <input type="number" name="n" value="7" min="1" max="30" />

Note that most commonly used tags (like h1, p, a, etc in example above) have wrapper functions, so you do not need to prefix their names with tags$.

3.2.2 Layout

Shiny implemented the layout features availabe in Bootstrap. You can speed up your development by choosing appropriate layout style.


Panel functions are used to put a group of elements together into a single ‘panel’.

There are several panel functions defined in shiny:


Most of the panel functions return div tags with some class attributes defined in Bootstrap. For example, if you type wellPanel in the R console, you’ll get <div class="well"></div>, which is the well class in Bootstrap.


Layout functions are used to organize panels and elements into an existing layout.

There are several layout functions defined in shiny:

  • fluidRow(), column(): based on the bootstrap [grid system] (http://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/layout/grid/). See ?fluidRow for more details.
  • flowLayout(): Lays out elements in a left-to-right, top-to-bottom arrangement.
  • sidebarLayout(): Create a layout with a sidebar and main area. (Most commonly used layout.)
  • splitLayout(): Lays out elements horizontally, dividing the available horizontal space into equal parts (by default).
  • verticalLayout(): Create a container that includes one or more rows of content.

Figure 3.2.2 gives a graphical demenstration.

Shiny UI layouts

Figure 3.1: Shiny UI layouts

For more details please look at Application layout guide

sidebarLayout is perhaps the most useful layout. We’ll take it as example here to show the usage of UI layout functions.

See the help document of the sidebarLayout function for detail: ?sidebarLayout

Exercise 3: sidebarLayout

Modify ui.R in 01-hello folder as follows and run the App again:

  titlePanel("Hello Shiny!"),
         <label>A numeric input:</label><br /> 
         <input type="number" name="n" value="7" min="1" max="30" />
      p(strong("bold font "), em("italic font")),
      p(code("code block")),
      a(href="http://www.google.com", "link to Google"))

3.2.3 Inputs (control widgets)

Wigets are web elements that users can interact with. Widgets provide a way for your users to send messages to the Shiny app. Shiny widgets collect values from the user. When a user changes the widget, the value will change as well.

In Exercise 3, we used HTML code to add a numeric input (a kind of ‘widget’) to the sidebar panel, but over using HTML code will make the code quite messy and hard to manage for large projects. Shiny comes with a family of pre-built widgets, each created with a transparently named R function, which makes the widgets easier to create and look better(using bootstrap style).

The standard Shiny widgets are:

function widget
actionButton Action Button
checkboxGroupInput A group of check boxes
checkboxInput A single check box
dateInput A calendar to aid date selection
dateRangeInput A pair of calendars for selecting a date range
fileInput A file upload control wizard
helpText Help text that can be added to an input form
numericInput A field to enter numbers
radioButtons A set of radio buttons
selectInput A box with choices to select from
sliderInput A slider bar
submitButton A submit button
textInput A field to enter text

Figure ?? gives a graphical demenstration.

Control Widgets.

Figure 3.2: Control Widgets.

See examples of widgets: http://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/widget-gallery.html

Adding widgets

Each widget function requires several arguments. The first two arguments for each widget are

  • A Name for the widget. The user will not see this name, but you can use it to access the widget’s value. The name should be a character string.

  • A label. This label will appear with the widget in your app. It should be a character string, but it can be an empty string “”.

The remaining arguments vary from widget to widget, depending on what the widget needs to do its job. Now let’s improve our example by using numericInput instead of HTML code.

Exercise 4: widgets

Modify ui.R in 01-hello folder as follows and run the App again:

  titlePanel("Hello Shiny!"),
      numericInput("numInput", "A numeric input:", value = 7, min = 1, max = 30)
      p(strong("bold font "), em("italic font")),
      p(code("code block")),
      a(href="http://www.google.com", "link to Google"))