2.2 Shiny
Shiny is a web application framework for R that can help turn your analyses into interactive web applications.
- No HTML, CSS, or JavaScript knowledge required
Why Shiny?
- Easy to learn, easy to use.
- The development time is minimized.
- Excellent tool for data visualization.
- Have very strong backing: the R language
- Fun & Cool.
A Shiny app usually contains two parts:
- UI: controls the outlook of the web page
- Server: (a live R session) controls the logic
How does Shiny app work?
The “Server” keeps monitoring the UI. Whenever there is a change in the UI, the “Server” will follow some instructions (run some R code) accordingly and update the UI’s display. (This is the basic idea of reactive expression, which is an distinguish feature of Shiny we will talk about later.)
runExample("01_hello") # a histogram
In the example above, the “Server” keeps monitoring the “slider” in the page, and whenever there is a change with it, the “Server” will re-execute a block of R code to regenerate the hitogram.