3 Ridge Regression

3.1 Introduction

Ridge regression was proposed as an alternative method to ordinary least squares (OLS), that trades bias for variance to improve the mean square error (MSEMSE).


This method is particularly useful when the OLS is unstable (high variance). This can happen in presence of high collinearity between the predictors or when the number of predictors is large in comparison to the number of observations.

The ridge estimator is obtained by maximising the likelihood with a restriction. This equivalent to minimising the residual sum of squares with an added penalisation term.

ni=1(yiβ0pj=1βjxij)2residual sum of squares+λpj=1β2j2penalisation

This is called a 2 penalisation, because is based on the 2 norm, β2=pj=1β2j. The amount of penalisation is controlled by a parameter (λ). This parameter can be estimated by cross-validation. Basically, is finding the λ that gives the optimal trade-off between bias and variance to minimise the MSE.

3.2 Readings

Read the following chapters of An introduction to statistical learning:

3.3 Practical session

Task 1 - Fit a linear model with Ridge penalisation

We will use the fat dataset in the library(faraway). We want to compare the OLS and Ridge estimates of a linear model to predict body fat (variable brozek), using the other variables available, except for siri , density and free .

Let’s first read the data

#install.packages(c("glmnet", "faraway"))
library(glmnet)   #function for ridge regression
library(faraway) #has the dataset fat
##   brozek siri density age weight height adipos  free neck chest abdom   hip
## 1   12.6 12.3  1.0708  23 154.25  67.75   23.7 134.9 36.2  93.1  85.2  94.5
## 2    6.9  6.1  1.0853  22 173.25  72.25   23.4 161.3 38.5  93.6  83.0  98.7
## 3   24.6 25.3  1.0414  22 154.00  66.25   24.7 116.0 34.0  95.8  87.9  99.2
## 4   10.9 10.4  1.0751  26 184.75  72.25   24.9 164.7 37.4 101.8  86.4 101.2
## 5   27.8 28.7  1.0340  24 184.25  71.25   25.6 133.1 34.4  97.3 100.0 101.9
## 6   20.6 20.9  1.0502  24 210.25  74.75   26.5 167.0 39.0 104.5  94.4 107.8
##   thigh knee ankle biceps forearm wrist
## 1  59.0 37.3  21.9   32.0    27.4  17.1
## 2  58.7 37.3  23.4   30.5    28.9  18.2
## 3  59.6 38.9  24.0   28.8    25.2  16.6
## 4  60.1 37.3  22.8   32.4    29.4  18.2
## 5  63.2 42.2  24.0   32.2    27.7  17.7
## 6  66.0 42.0  25.6   35.7    30.6  18.8

We will first fit the linear regression using ridge. The package glmnet implements the ridge estimation. We need to define the design matrix of the model, X and identify the outcome Y


#we need to define the model equation
X <- model.matrix(brozek ~  age + weight + 
                    height + adipos +
                    neck + chest + 
                    abdom + hip + thigh +
                    knee + ankle + 
                    biceps + forearm + 
                    wrist, data=fat)[,-1]
#and the outcome
Y <- fat[,"brozek"] 

First we need to find the amount of penalty, λ by cross-validation. We will search for the λ that give the minimum MSE in the interval

λ=exp(5)=0.007 to λ=exp(8)=2981

The function cv.glmnet() fits a glm using penalisation. alpha = 0 gets the ridge estimates for different levels of penalisation. The λ chosen by cross-validation is stored in lambda.min.

#Penalty type (alpha=0 is ridge)
  cv.lambda <- cv.glmnet(x=X, y=Y, 
                        alpha = 0,
                        lambda=exp(seq(-5,8,.1)))  #don't need to specify the range
                                                   #but you can do it anyways
  plot(cv.lambda)                                 #MSE for several lambdas

  cv.lambda$lambda.min                                      #best lambda
## [1] 0.0407622

The minimum MSE is achieved when λ= 0.0407622.

We can also see the impact of different λs in the estimated coefficients. When λ is very high, the coefficients are shrunk towards zero.

#ridge path
       "lambda", label=FALSE)

With the chosen λ= 0.0407622, we can now obtain the ridge estimates:

#now get the coefs with 
#the lambda found above
  lmin        <- cv.lambda$lambda.min
  ridge.model <- glmnet(x=X, y=Y,
                        alpha = 0, 
                        lambda = lmin)
## 14 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
##                  s0
## age      0.06507401
## weight  -0.06789165
## height  -0.06028540
## adipos   0.10207562
## neck    -0.45063815
## chest   -0.01601489
## abdom    0.81945358
## hip     -0.18402114
## thigh    0.22019252
## knee    -0.01128917
## ankle    0.12891779
## biceps   0.13023719
## forearm  0.41741050
## wrist   -1.51553984

And finally, compare them with the OLS. Notice that in this case, the coefficients are similar because the penalisation was low.

  ols.regression <- lm(brozek ~  age + weight +                 #OLS 
                         height + adipos +
                         neck + chest + 
                         abdom + hip + thigh +
                         knee + ankle + 
                         biceps + forearm + 
                         wrist, data=fat)
  round(cbind(OLS = coef(ols.regression), 
        ridge = c(ridge.model$a0,                              #intercept for
                  as.vector(ridge.model$beta))),4)             #ridge
##                  OLS    ridge
## (Intercept) -15.1901 -13.0910
## age           0.0569   0.0651
## weight       -0.0813  -0.0679
## height       -0.0531  -0.0603
## adipos        0.0610   0.1021
## neck         -0.4450  -0.4506
## chest        -0.0309  -0.0160
## abdom         0.8790   0.8195
## hip          -0.2031  -0.1840
## thigh         0.2274   0.2202
## knee         -0.0010  -0.0113
## ankle         0.1572   0.1289
## biceps        0.1485   0.1302
## forearm       0.4297   0.4174
## wrist        -1.4793  -1.5155

Task 2 - Ridge logistic model

With the lowbwt.csv dataset, in the library(faraway), we want to fit a ridge logistic regression to predict low birthweight (<2500gr), using age, lwt, race, smoke, ptl, ht, ui, ftv.

Let’s read the data and make sure that race and ftv are factor predictors. And recode ftv into (0, 1, 2+)

lowbwt <- read.csv("https://www.dropbox.com/s/1odxxsbwd5anjs8/lowbwt.csv?dl=1",
                   stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
lowbwt$race <- factor(lowbwt$race, 
                      levels = c(1,2,3),
                      labels = c("White", "Black", "Other"))
#number of previous appointments 
lowbwt$ftv[lowbwt$ftv>1] <- 2       #categories 0, 1, 2+
lowbwt$ftv <- factor(lowbwt$ftv,
                     levels = c(0,1,2),
                     labels = c("0", "1", "2+"))

##   id low age lwt  race smoke ptl ht ui ftv  bwt
## 1 85   0  19 182 Black     0   0  0  1   0 2523
## 2 86   0  33 155 Other     0   0  0  0  2+ 2551
## 3 87   0  20 105 White     1   0  0  0   1 2557
## 4 88   0  21 108 White     1   0  0  1  2+ 2594
## 5 89   0  18 107 White     1   0  0  1   0 2600
## 6 91   0  21 124 Other     0   0  0  0   0 2622

Let’s first get the MLE estimates for the model for low using all the predictors.

lowbwt.logit <- glm(low ~ age + 
                      lwt + race + 
                      smoke + ptl +
                      ht + ui + ftv, 
                    family=binomial, data=lowbwt)
## Call:
## glm(formula = low ~ age + lwt + race + smoke + ptl + ht + ui + 
##     ftv, family = binomial, data = lowbwt)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -1.9907  -0.8247  -0.5154   0.9791   2.1624  
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
## (Intercept)  0.590930   1.213568   0.487  0.62630   
## age         -0.026945   0.037414  -0.720  0.47141   
## lwt         -0.015748   0.006963  -2.262  0.02371 * 
## raceBlack    1.254016   0.529382   2.369  0.01784 * 
## raceOther    0.820827   0.451042   1.820  0.06878 . 
## smoke        0.865245   0.414450   2.088  0.03683 * 
## ptl          0.604607   0.357445   1.691  0.09075 . 
## ht           1.894689   0.705977   2.684  0.00728 **
## ui           0.732822   0.460442   1.592  0.11148   
## ftv1        -0.299057   0.463918  -0.645  0.51917   
## ftv2+        0.178370   0.450777   0.396  0.69233   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 234.67  on 188  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 200.61  on 178  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 222.61
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

We will use cv.glmnet() to find the best λ

lowbwt.complete <- lowbwt[complete.cases(lowbwt), ]

#we need to define the model equation
X.low <- model.matrix(low ~  age + 
                      lwt + race + 
                      smoke + ptl +
                      ht + ui + ftv, 
#and the outcome
Y.low <- lowbwt[,"low"] 

cv.lambda <- cv.glmnet(x=X.low, y=Y.low, 
                       alpha = 0,
                       family = binomial

## [1] 0.178367
lmin        <- cv.lambda$lambda.min

And now use the chosen λ we can get the ridge estimates.

ridge.model <- glmnet(x=X.low, y=Y.low,
                        alpha = 0, 
                        family = binomial,
                        lambda = lmin)
## 10 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
##                    s0
## age       -0.01894794
## lwt       -0.00647133
## raceBlack  0.44325516
## raceOther  0.27673349
## smoke      0.36274052
## ptl        0.37692639
## ht         0.84447200
## ui         0.43631641
## ftv1      -0.21840476
## ftv2+     -0.01265976


  1. Plot the ridge path
See the solution code
plot(cv.lambda$glmnet.fit, xvar="lambda")

  1. What would you get if we used a lambda = 0 in the glmnet() function?
See the solution code
#The estimates would be the same as the MLE
#obtained with the glm()
ridge.model <- glmnet(x=X.low, y=Y.low,
                        alpha = 0, 
                        family = binomial,
                        lambda = .04)

3.4 Exercises

Solve the following exercise:

  1. The dataset lowbwt.csv has the birth weigh of 189 newborns and information about the mother’s pregnancy.

    Fita linear model to predict birth weight (variable bwt) using all other predictors except for low and id. Get the ridge estimates and compare the coefficients with the OLS.

See the solution code

#read the data

bwt.data <- read.csv("https://www.dropbox.com/s/1odxxsbwd5anjs8/lowbwt.csv?dl=1",
                   stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
bwt.data$race <- factor(bwt.data$race, 
                      levels = c(1,2,3),
                      labels = c("White", "Black", "Other"))

#Fit the OLS linear model
OLS.bwt <- lm (bwt ~ age+race+
                data = bwt.data)

#  Define the model 
X <- model.matrix(bwt ~ age+
                  data = bwt.data)[, -1]
Y <- bwt.data[, "bwt"]

#Let's find the lambda  by cross-validation with that gives the minimum MSE 

cv.lambda <- cv.glmnet(x=X, y=Y, 
                       alpha = 0, 
                       type.measure = "mse",        #adding type.measure="mse" 
                       lambda = exp(seq(-6,8,0.1))) #will plot the lambda vs MSE

#he minimum MSE if when the lambda = 0.033

#  path diagram
plot(cv.lambda$glmnet.fit, "lambda", label = FALSE)

# with the  lambda that achieves the minimum MSE we can now obtain the ridge estimates
lmin <- cv.lambda$lambda.min
ridge.model <- glmnet(x=X, y=Y,
                      alpha = 0, 
                      lambda = lmin)

# Compare the ridge estimates with the OLS estimates
round(cbind(OLS = coef(OLS.bwt), 
            ridge = c(ridge.model$a0, as.vector(ridge.model$beta))), 4)

  1. The dataset prostate a variable in the package faraway contains information on 97 men who were about to receive a radical prostatectomy. These data come from a study examining the correlation between the prostate specific antigen (lpsa) and a number of other clinical measures.

    Fit the ridge estimators for linear model to predict lpsa using all other predictors. Plot the path diagram.

See the solution code

#  Define the model 
X <- model.matrix(lpsa ~ lcavol + lweight + 
                    age + lbph + svi+ 
                    lcp + gleason + pgg45,
                  data = prostate)[, -1]
Y <- prostate[, "lpsa"]

#Let's find the lambda  by cross-validation with that gives the minimum MSE 

cv.lambda <- cv.glmnet(x=X, y=Y, 
                       alpha = 0, 
                       lambda = exp(seq(-6,8,0.1)))

#he minimum MSE if when the lambda = 0.033

#  path diagram
plot(cv.lambda$glmnet.fit, "lambda", label = FALSE)

# with the  lambda that achieves the minimum MSE we can now obtain the ridge estimates
lmin <- cv.lambda$lambda.min
ridge.model <- glmnet(x=X, y=Y, 
                      alpha = 0, 
                      lambda = lmin)

# Compare the ridge estimates with the OLS estimates
ols.lm <- lm(lpsa ~ ., data = prostate)
round(cbind(OLS = coef(ols.lm), 
            ridge = c(ridge.model$a0, as.vector(ridge.model$beta))), 4)

The λ penalty that was used is very close to 0, therefore the ridge estimates are similar to the OLS

  1. Fit the same model as in 2) but with high penalisation value (high lambda). What was the impact in the coefficients?
See the solution code

#  Define the model (this is the same as the model in 2)
X <- model.matrix(lpsa ~ lcavol + 
                    lweight + age + 
                    lbph + svi+ 
                    lcp + gleason + 
                  data = prostate)[, -1]
Y <- prostate[, "lpsa"]

# ridge estimates for high lambda (e.g, lambda=15)

ridge.model2 <- glmnet(x=X, y=Y, 
                       alpha = 0, 
                       lambda = 15 )

# Step 4) Compare the ridge estimates with the OLS estimates
ols.lm <- lm(lpsa ~ ., data = prostate)
round(cbind(OLS = coef(ols.lm), 
            ridge = c(ridge.model$a0, as.vector(ridge.model2$beta))), 4)

The coefficients get shrunk towards 0 but they don’t reach 0!