4 Lasso Regression

4.1 Introduction

With Ridge regression we introduced the idea of penalisation that could result in estimators with smaller MSEMSE, benefiting from a bias-variance trade-off in the estimation process.

The penalisation in ridge regression shrinks the estimators towards 0. However, due to the nature of the penalisation, the estimators never reach zero no matter how much penalisation we introduce.

The Lasso uses a similar idea as ridge, but it uses a 11 penalisation (11 norm is given by β∣=pn=1βjβ=pn=1βj ), that allows the coefficients to shrink exactly to 0.

This way, the estimation process has embedded a variable selection procedure, because if a coefficient shrinks to 0, it is the same as removing the variable from the model

To get the Lasso estimates we have to minimise:


Similar to ridge regression, the amount of penalisation is controlled by the parameter (λλ) than can be chosen by cross-validation.

One important aspect that it is not discussed in the book, is the current limitation of Lasso regarding conventional inference. Computing the p-values or confidence intervals for the coefficients of a model fitted with lasso, remains an open problem.

4.2 Readings

Read the following chapter of An introduction to statistical learning:

4.3 Practical session

Task 1 - Fit a linear model with Lasso

We will use the fat dataset in the library(faraway). We want to use Lasso to select the best predictors for body fat (variable brozek), using the other variables available, except for siri , density and free .

Let’s first read the data

#install.packages(c("glmnet", "faraway"))
library(glmnet)   #function for ridge regression
library(faraway) #has the dataset fat
##   brozek siri density age weight height adipos  free neck chest abdom   hip
## 1   12.6 12.3  1.0708  23 154.25  67.75   23.7 134.9 36.2  93.1  85.2  94.5
## 2    6.9  6.1  1.0853  22 173.25  72.25   23.4 161.3 38.5  93.6  83.0  98.7
## 3   24.6 25.3  1.0414  22 154.00  66.25   24.7 116.0 34.0  95.8  87.9  99.2
## 4   10.9 10.4  1.0751  26 184.75  72.25   24.9 164.7 37.4 101.8  86.4 101.2
## 5   27.8 28.7  1.0340  24 184.25  71.25   25.6 133.1 34.4  97.3 100.0 101.9
## 6   20.6 20.9  1.0502  24 210.25  74.75   26.5 167.0 39.0 104.5  94.4 107.8
##   thigh knee ankle biceps forearm wrist
## 1  59.0 37.3  21.9   32.0    27.4  17.1
## 2  58.7 37.3  23.4   30.5    28.9  18.2
## 3  59.6 38.9  24.0   28.8    25.2  16.6
## 4  60.1 37.3  22.8   32.4    29.4  18.2
## 5  63.2 42.2  24.0   32.2    27.7  17.7
## 6  66.0 42.0  25.6   35.7    30.6  18.8

We will use package glmnet to fit the linear regression with lasso. As in ridge regression, we need to define the design matrix of the model, XX and identify the outcome YY


#we need to define the model equation
  X <- model.matrix(brozek ~  age + weight + 
                      height + adipos +
                      neck + chest + 
                      abdom + hip + thigh +
                      knee + ankle + 
                      biceps + forearm + 
                      wrist, data=fat)[,-1]
#and the outcome
  Y <- fat[,"brozek"] 

First we need to find the amount of penalty, λλ by cross-validation. We will search for the λλ that give the minimum MSEMSE.

#Penalty type (alpha=1 is lasso 
#and alpha=0 is the ridge)
  cv.lambda.lasso <- cv.glmnet(x=X, y=Y, 
                         alpha = 1) 
  plot(cv.lambda.lasso)                        #MSE for several lambdas

  cv.lambda.lasso                              #best lambda
## Call:  cv.glmnet(x = X, y = Y, alpha = 1) 
## Measure: Mean-Squared Error 
##     Lambda Index Measure    SE Nonzero
## min 0.0377    56   17.00 1.314      11
## 1se 0.3206    33   18.28 1.471       4

The minimum MSEMSE is achieved when λ=λ= 0.0377339.

We can also see the impact of different λλs in the estimated coefficients. When λλ is very high, all the coefficients are shrunk exactly to zero.

#Lasso path
     "lambda", label=FALSE)

With the chosen λ=λ= 0.0377339, we can now obtain the lasso estimates:

#now get the coefs with 
#the lambda found above
l.lasso.min <- cv.lambda.lasso$lambda.min
lasso.model <- glmnet(x=X, y=Y,
                      alpha  = 1, 
                      lambda = l.lasso.min)
lasso.model$beta                               #Coefficients
## 14 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
##                  s0
## age      0.05425763
## weight  -0.06183557
## height  -0.08489983
## adipos   .         
## neck    -0.39543236
## chest    .         
## abdom    0.82234754
## hip     -0.13782057
## thigh    0.15795430
## knee     .         
## ankle    0.06991538
## biceps   0.10540827
## forearm  0.38050109
## wrist   -1.42248095

And finally, compare them with the OLS Notice that in this case, the coefficients are similar because the penalisation was low.

ols.model <- glm(brozek ~  age + weight + 
                          height + adipos +
                          neck + chest + 
                          abdom + hip + thigh +
                          knee + ankle + 
                          biceps + forearm + 
                          wrist, data=fat)

## Call:
## glm(formula = brozek ~ age + weight + height + adipos + neck + 
##     chest + abdom + hip + thigh + knee + ankle + biceps + forearm + 
##     wrist, data = fat)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##      Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
## -10.2573   -2.5919   -0.1031    2.9040    9.2754  
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -1.519e+01  1.611e+01  -0.943   0.3467    
## age          5.688e-02  3.003e-02   1.894   0.0594 .  
## weight      -8.130e-02  4.989e-02  -1.630   0.1045    
## height      -5.307e-02  1.034e-01  -0.513   0.6084    
## adipos       6.101e-02  2.780e-01   0.219   0.8265    
## neck        -4.450e-01  2.184e-01  -2.037   0.0427 *  
## chest       -3.087e-02  9.779e-02  -0.316   0.7526    
## abdom        8.790e-01  8.545e-02  10.286   <2e-16 ***
## hip         -2.031e-01  1.371e-01  -1.481   0.1398    
## thigh        2.274e-01  1.356e-01   1.677   0.0948 .  
## knee        -9.927e-04  2.298e-01  -0.004   0.9966    
## ankle        1.572e-01  2.076e-01   0.757   0.4496    
## biceps       1.485e-01  1.600e-01   0.928   0.3543    
## forearm      4.297e-01  1.849e-01   2.324   0.0210 *  
## wrist       -1.479e+00  4.967e-01  -2.978   0.0032 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 15.96779)
##     Null deviance: 15079.0  on 251  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance:  3784.4  on 237  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 1429.9
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 2


  1. What is the predicted percentage of fat (brozek) for someone:

age=24, weight=210.25, height=74.75, adipos=26.5, free=167.0, neck=39.0, chest=104.5, abdom=94.4, hip=107.8, thigh=66.0, knee=42.0, ankle=25.6, biceps= 35.7, forearm=30.6, wrist=18.8

See the solution code
        newx = matrix(c(age=24, weight=210.25, height=74.75, 
                                    adipos=26.5, neck=39.0, chest=104.5, 
                                    abdom=94.4, hip=107.8, thigh=66.0, 
                                    knee=42.0, ankle=25.6,  biceps=35.7, 
                                    forearm=30.6, wrist=18.8),
                      nrow = 1)

  1. Fit the model above with lasso using the caret package.
See the solution code

search.grid <-expand.grid(alpha = 1,
                          lambda = seq(0,2,.01))

train.control <- trainControl(method = "cv", 
                              number = 10)
lasso2.model <- train(brozek ~  age +
                   weight + 
                   height + adipos +
                   neck + chest + 
                   abdom + hip + thigh +
                   knee + ankle + 
                   biceps + forearm + 
                 data = fat,
                 method = "glmnet", 
                 trControl = train.control,
                 tuneGrid = search.grid)


  1. Find the OLS estimates of the linear using the caret package (you should get the same result as the ols.model above). What is the root mean squared error for the lasso and ols models?
See the solution code
train.control <- trainControl(method = "cv", 
                              number = 10)
ols2.model <- train(brozek ~  age +
                   weight + 
                   height + adipos +
                   neck + chest + 
                   abdom + hip + thigh +
                   knee + ankle + 
                   biceps + forearm + 
                 data = fat,
                 method = "lm", 
                 trControl = train.control)


#RMSE for the ols model

#RMSE for the lasso model
#see first the object lasso2.model$results
#to understand the syntax below

Task 2 - LASSO in a logistic model

The dataset bdiag.csv, included 30 imaging details from patients that had a biopsy to test for breast cancer.
The variable diagnosis classifies the biopsied tissue as M = malignant or B = benign.

Some variables in the data include measurements that are highly correlated. Let’s look at the correlation between the variables

library(corrplot)                           #plots the correlation heatmap
## corrplot 0.92 loaded
library(pROC)                               #for the ROC curve
## Type 'citation("pROC")' for a citation.
## Attaching package: 'pROC'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     cov, smooth, var
#import the data

correlations <- cor(dados[,-c(1,2)])   #correlations among all the predictors
                                       #excluding ID and DIAGNOSIS, columns 1&2
corrplot(correlations)                 #plots the correlations

As we can see, some variables, such as radius_mean and perimeter_mean, have a strong correlation (r = 0.998).

See the difference in the standard error for radius_mean when it is fitted alone and together with perimeter_mean.

summary(glm(diagnosis == "M" ~ radius_mean , 
            data=dados ))
## Call:
## glm(formula = diagnosis == "M" ~ radius_mean, family = binomial, 
##     data = dados)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -2.5470  -0.4694  -0.1746   0.1513   2.8098  
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) -15.24587    1.32463  -11.51   <2e-16 ***
## radius_mean   1.03359    0.09311   11.10   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 751.44  on 568  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 330.01  on 567  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 334.01
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6
summary(glm(diagnosis == "M" ~ radius_mean + perimeter_mean,
            data=dados ))
## Call:
## glm(formula = diagnosis == "M" ~ radius_mean + perimeter_mean, 
##     family = binomial, data = dados)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -3.0658  -0.3265  -0.1151   0.0942   2.9240  
## Coefficients:
##                Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)    -13.3013     1.4139  -9.408  < 2e-16 ***
## radius_mean     -5.7415     0.8995  -6.383 1.74e-10 ***
## perimeter_mean   1.0208     0.1398   7.303 2.82e-13 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 751.44  on 568  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 250.99  on 566  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 256.99
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7

The standard error increased almost ten fold. This is due to collinearity and in more extreme cases, there will numeric problems in the maximisation of the likelihood.

For example, if we try to fit a logistic regression with all predictors, we get a message indicating the fitting algorithm did not converge.

summary(glm(diagnosis == "M" ~ .,        #the dot includes all the variables 
            data=dados[,-1] ))           #remove ID from the dataset
## Warning: glm.fit: algorithm did not converge
## Warning: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
## Call:
## glm(formula = diagnosis == "M" ~ ., family = binomial, data = dados[, 
##     -1])
## Deviance Residuals: 
##    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
##  -8.49   -8.49   -8.49    8.49    8.49  
## Coefficients:
##                           Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)             -2.881e+06  2.816e+05 -10.233  < 2e-16 ***
## radius_mean              2.427e+06  2.693e+05   9.014  < 2e-16 ***
## texture_mean             1.958e+05  1.471e+04  13.313  < 2e-16 ***
## perimeter_mean           1.473e+06  2.464e+04  59.791  < 2e-16 ***
## area_mean               -1.301e+05  3.907e+03 -33.301  < 2e-16 ***
## smoothness_mean         -1.525e+08  8.361e+06 -18.234  < 2e-16 ***
## compactness_mean        -6.428e+06  3.213e+06  -2.001  0.04539 *  
## concavity_mean           1.042e+06  1.408e+06   0.740  0.45959    
## concave.points_mean     -1.716e+07  5.382e+06  -3.188  0.00143 ** 
## symmetry_mean            4.049e+07  7.772e+05  52.093  < 2e-16 ***
## fractal_dimension_mean  -4.233e+07  2.169e+06 -19.519  < 2e-16 ***
## radius_se                3.328e+07  1.169e+06  28.478  < 2e-16 ***
## texture_se               6.368e+06  2.005e+05  31.763  < 2e-16 ***
## perimeter_se             1.701e+06  4.720e+04  36.032  < 2e-16 ***
## area_se                 -6.393e+05  1.835e+04 -34.840  < 2e-16 ***
## smoothness_se            7.492e+08  1.224e+07  61.213  < 2e-16 ***
## compactness_se          -1.773e+08  5.732e+06 -30.931  < 2e-16 ***
## concavity_se             1.529e+08  5.340e+06  28.624  < 2e-16 ***
## concave.points_se       -1.260e+09  4.012e+07 -31.398  < 2e-16 ***
## symmetry_se              2.890e+08  4.126e+06  70.055  < 2e-16 ***
## fractal_dimension_se     1.512e+09  6.597e+07  22.921  < 2e-16 ***
## radius_worst            -6.130e+06  2.143e+05 -28.606  < 2e-16 ***
## texture_worst           -5.832e+05  2.437e+04 -23.935  < 2e-16 ***
## perimeter_worst         -3.538e+05  1.219e+04 -29.023  < 2e-16 ***
## area_worst               8.950e+04  2.741e+03  32.658  < 2e-16 ***
## smoothness_worst        -2.161e+07  3.298e+06  -6.553 5.65e-11 ***
## compactness_worst        8.986e+06  3.999e+05  22.470  < 2e-16 ***
## concavity_worst         -3.028e+07  1.523e+06 -19.876  < 2e-16 ***
## concave.points_worst     1.431e+08  5.471e+06  26.162  < 2e-16 ***
## symmetry_worst          -2.474e+07  3.392e+05 -72.923  < 2e-16 ***
## fractal_dimension_worst -3.698e+07  5.340e+06  -6.926 4.32e-12 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance:   751.44  on 568  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 32006.76  on 538  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 32069
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 25

Even if using all the predictors sounds unreasonable, you could think that this would be the first step in using a selection method such as backward stepwise.

Let’s then use lasso to fit the logistic regression. First we need to setup the data:

  X <-  model.matrix(diagnosis ~  ., 
                     data=dados[,-1])[,-1]  #dados[,-1] exclude the ID var
                                            #the other [,-1] excludes the 
                                            #column of 1's from the design
  #X <-  as.matrix(dados[,-c(1,2)])         #this would be another way of
                                            #defining X
  Y <- dados[,"diagnosis"]=="M"             #makes the outcome binary

Now we can find λλ by cross-validation.

  cv.model<- cv.glmnet(x=X,y=Y, 
                       family = "binomial", 
                       alpha=1)                        #alpha=1 is lasso


  l.min <- cv.model$lambda.min

NOTE: Notice that for the logistic regression we do not use the mean squared error as the loss function. Instead, we can use another loss function, such as the exponential loss of the binomial deviance loss. You can see in the plot showing the cross-validation results for λλ, that the y-axis is the binomial deviance.

We can now use use the λλ with minimum deviance (λ=exp(6.35)λ=exp(6.35)) to fit the final lasso logistic model

lasso.model <- glmnet(x=X,y=Y, 
                      family = "binomial", 
                      lambda = l.min)

## 30 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
##                                    s0
## radius_mean               .          
## texture_mean              .          
## perimeter_mean            .          
## area_mean                 .          
## smoothness_mean           .          
## compactness_mean          .          
## concavity_mean            1.057681617
## concave.points_mean      28.653197982
## symmetry_mean             .          
## fractal_dimension_mean  -19.641695432
## radius_se                 9.794444752
## texture_se               -0.713988108
## perimeter_se              .          
## area_se                   .          
## smoothness_se           107.757070444
## compactness_se          -48.930433022
## concavity_se              .          
## concave.points_se         .          
## symmetry_se               .          
## fractal_dimension_se    -89.643202541
## radius_worst              0.393454819
## texture_worst             0.290988915
## perimeter_worst           0.004763114
## area_worst                0.004211633
## smoothness_worst         23.687603116
## compactness_worst         .          
## concavity_worst           5.415615601
## concave.points_worst     19.301146713
## symmetry_worst            8.936536781
## fractal_dimension_worst   .

And we can evaluate the logistic model using the methods that we have seen before. The function assess.glmnet() gives several statistics, including the area under the ROC curve (c-statistics). The roc.glmnet() produces the coordinates for the ROC curve

assess.glmnet(lasso.model,           #in this case, we are evaluating the model
              newx = X,              #in the same data used to fit the model
              newy = Y )             #so newx=X and newY=Y
## $deviance
##        s0 
## 0.1071175 
## attr(,"measure")
## [1] "Binomial Deviance"
## $class
##         s0 
## 0.01054482 
## attr(,"measure")
## [1] "Misclassification Error"
## $auc
## [1] 0.9977406
## attr(,"measure")
## [1] "AUC"
## $mse
##         s0 
## 0.02640251 
## attr(,"measure")
## [1] "Mean-Squared Error"
## $mae
##         s0 
## 0.07270511 
## attr(,"measure")
## [1] "Mean Absolute Error"
                newx = X, 
                newy = Y ), 
     type="l")                       #produces the ROC plot

Notice, that the model can almost predict the outcome, at least in the same data used to fit the model.


  1. Produce the lasso path for the estimates
See the solution code
plot(cv.model$glmnet.fit, xvar="lambda")

4.4 Exercises

Solve the following exercise:

  1. The dataset fat is available in the library(faraway). The data set contains several physical measurements.

    Fit a linear model to predict body fat (variable brozek) using all other predictors except for siri, density and free. Get the lasso estimates and compare them with the OLS and ridge estimates.

  2. The dataset prostate available in the package faraway contains information on 97 men who were about to receive a radical prostatectomy. These data come from a study examining the correlation between the prostate specific antigen (logpsa) and a number of other clinical measures.

    Use lasso to fit the linear model and compare the variables selected with the a backward stepwise to predict logpsa using all other predictors.