
“The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see.”

— John W. Tukey

This bookdown was created for a 2-hour minicourse on data visualization for students in the 2021 UCSF Science and Health Education Partnership Highschool Internship Program (SEP HIP).

Interns – welcome! You can use this website and all of its resources during and after the workshop.

Anyone else – welcome, also! Feel free to use what you find here for educational purposes. If you do, please cite this book and/or include the URL where you use these resources.

Thank you Sabine Jeske (UCSF SEP Academic Coordinator); Douglas Wassarman (UCSF, CCB Program) for gathering the sample images used in the Types of figures cheat sheet, and for feedback on the resources developed here; Zachary Gale-Day (UCSF, CCB Program) and Dr. Cory Nadel (UCSF) for feedback and advice on the resources developed here, and in particular the content on blots and gels; and Elliot Warner, José Montaño, Matt Callahan, Zachary Gale-Day, and Douglas Wassarman, who helped out during workshop itself.