Chapter 4 Applications: How can you benifit of FAIR play?
Now comes the most interesting part of the ASPAR_KR system, the usage of others data to come to a better scientific insight. In this chapter, data analysis workflows with R
will be given.
4.1 The SPARQL endpoint.
Using the SPARQL endpoint
# Query to get the distance from a sample to a place.
# Returns the distance in km.
PREFIX jerm: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX geof: <>
PREFIX uom: <>
SELECT ?d_km
# Get the samples
?p ?o jerm:Sample .
# Take only one specific sample.
?p schema:identifier ?sample_label .
FILTER(?sample_label = "Sample_D1_a_8_8") .
# Get the place
?p geo:hasGeometry ?geo .
?geo geo:asWKT ?point
# Where is den Helder?
# What things are a Dutch municipality?
?municipality wdt:P31 wd:Q2039348.
# What things have a place?
?municipality wdt:P625 ?PlaceOfDenHelder .
# Take only the thing that is Den Helder.
FILTER(?municipality = wd:Q9911) .
# What is the distance?
BIND (geof:distance(?point, ?PlaceOfDenHelder,
uom:metre) as ?dist)
# Convert to kilo metre.
BIND (?dist / 1000 as ?d_km)