第 4 章 阅读


  • 阅读题不会显示每道题点时间,而显示总剩余时间。
  • 阅读应该算是体型比较多且每项题目数量比较少多一块。

  • mc-single, 2-3, up to 300 words
  • mc-multiple, 2-3, up to 300 words
  • re-order, 2-3, up to 150 words
  • fib 1, 4-5, up to 80 words
  • fib 2, 5-6, up to 300 words

4.1 Multiple-choice, choose single answer

  • 2-3题,选项4-5个,文章100字左右,每题1-2分钟
  • 先读题再读文章
  • 找关键词
  • 还是归结到一个问题问自己:What is the pasage mainly about?
  • 立论依据,支持反对,最终结论。
  • 不确定最后的选项,蒙一个。反正答错不倒扣,空着也没分。

4.1.1 mc-single 例题

Huge reserves of energy have been found in rocks far below the surface of the ground in Britain. It is estimated that the north and southwest regions could hold enough energy in the form of heat to provide power for millions of homes. In fact, up to a fifth of Britain’s energy could be provided by this geothermal source. Extracting the heat and converting it into electricity is difficult and expensive. Thousands of bore holes would be needed; but once they were in place, the heat would keep regenerating indefinitely.

What is the writer’s main purpose in this paragraph?

  • A. to show how common the use of geothermal power is in Britain
  • B. to describe the problems related to using geothermal power in Britain
  • C. to highlight the potential benefits of geothermal power for Britain
  • D. to give a detailed description of how geothermal energy is produced in Britain

People tend to think that any new technology or device is an act of genius; something that has required vision and insight to create and then develop into a marketable product. The fact is that innovations were often already ‘out there’ in the public domain in some form or another. They tend to evolve from notions that have been around for years but that had not, until that point, been suitably adapted. One expert calls this the ‘long nose’ approach to innovation, whereby new concepts come into the world slowly. gradually revealing all they have to offer.

What is the writer’s main point about innovation?

  • A. Many new products fail to interest consumers.
  • B. New products are not always based on new ideas.
  • C. Creators of new products require a unique set of skills.
  • D. New products are easy to distinguish from old ones.

4.2 Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers

  • 2-3题,选项5-7个,文章200字左右,每题2分钟左右
  • 倒扣费机制,多选了倒扣
  • tips一般来说不会6个选项,而5选2,7选3
  • 只选最确定的,不确定的不选
  • 不要太多花时间在不确定的选项。

4.2.1 mc-multiple 例题

Small, localised enterprises are becoming ever-more imaginative in identifying opportunities to boost tourism for their areas. A more unusual attraction is the Old Man of the Lake, which is the name given to a 9-metre-tall tree stump that has been bobbing vertically in Oregon’s Crater Lake since at least 1896. For over one hundred years, it has been largely ignored but recently it has become a must-see item on the list of lake attractions. Since January 2012, tour boats regularly include the Old Man on their sightseeing trips around the lake.

A t the waterline, the stump is about 60 centimetres in diameter, and the exposed part stands approximately 120 centimetres above the surface of the water. Over the years, the stump has been bleached white by the elements. The exposed end of the floating tree is splintered and worn but wide and buoyant enough to support a person’s weight.

Observations indicated that the Old Man of Crater lake travels quite extensively, and sometimes with surprising rapidity. Since it can be seen Virtually anywhere on the lake, boat pilots commonly communicate its position to each other as a general matter of safety.

Which of the following are true of the Old Man of the Lake according to the passage?

  • A. It has been a tourist attraction for decades.
  • B. It is a drifting piece of wood.
  • C. It is close to the edge of Crater Lake.
  • D. It is owned by a local businessman.
  • E. It can quickly move about the lake.
  • F. It can be a danger to boat users.
  • G. It is too small for someone to stand on.

To find it, you have to go digging in rainforests, and to the untrained eye, it does not seem special at all - just a thick layer of dark earth that would not look out of place in many gardens. But these fertile. dark soils are in fact very special. because despite the lushness of tropical rainforests, the soils beneath them are usually very poor and thin. Even more surprising is where this dark soil comes from.

‘You might expect this precious fertile resource to be found in the deep jungle, far from human settlements or farmers,’ says James Fraser, who has been hunting for it in Africa’s rainforests, ‘But I go looking for dark earth round the edge of villages and ancient towns, and in traditionally farmed areas. It’s usually there. And the older and larger the settlement, the more dark earth there is.’

Such findings are overturning some long-held ideas. Jungle farmers are usually blamed not just for cutting down trees but also for exhausting the soils. And yet the discovery of these rich soils - first in South America and now in Africa, too - suggest that, whether by chance or design, many people living in rainforests farmed in a way that enhanced rather than destroyed soils. In fact, it is becoming clear that part of what we think of as lush pure rainforest is actually long-abandoned farmland, enriched by the waste created by ancient humans.

What is significant about the ‘dark soil’ that the writer is referring to?

  • A. It indicates the presence of good soil below it.
  • B. It is not present in rainforests.
  • C. It has resulted from agricultural activity.
  • D. It is more common in South America than Africa.
  • E. It is being found near where humans have lived.
  • F. It has confirmed what people have believed for a long time.
  • G. It is less productive than people once thought.

4.3 Re-order paragraphs

  • 分值很大
  • 2-3题,每题4-6段,每题3-4分钟
  • 常见题目类型
    • 时间顺序
    • 事件+举例
    • 人物生平+事迹
    • 事情发生的顺序
  • 应对策略
    • 寻找能够独立成段表达信息的内容,也就是这段话中不存在能指代其他(先前) 事物的成分
    • 连接词规则,例如,However一出现就要明白,这肯定不可能在首段,而且与之相反的表达一定在它之前

4.3.1 例题 1

  • A. Clearly, a number of factors have contributed to its remarkable appearance.
  • B. The result is a unique story of land coliisions and erosions, and of rising and falling water levels.
  • C. Experts who have analysed the rock formations say that, historically, it goes back nearly two billion years.
  • D. Anyone who has ever visited the Grand Canyon will agree that it is one of the most incredible sights in the world.
  • E. The geological processes that have taken place since then are exposed for everyone to see, not hidden beneath vegetation or a fast-flowing water course.

4.3.2 例题 2

  • A. It was a time when managers had to take a critical look at every aspect of their production process and make improvements where necessary.
  • B. As a result. some people believe it is now time to re-assess many companies in terms of the standards they agreed to some years ago.
  • C. In the late 1900s. food manufacturers were challenged by the organic community to ensure they were using ingredients that had been produced in natural. healthy ways.
  • D. Whether these systems have been maintained seems questionable, particularly as contracts depend so heavily on efficiency and quick sales.
  • E. Over the last half-century, organic farming has become a driving force in the world’s food market.

4.4 Fill in the blanks

  • 填词 (题目下方有多个词的选项,以备拖入)
    • 4-5题 每题3-7空
    • 每题2-3分钟
    • 很多情况考察的是短语的习惯搭配。
    • 实际上比完形填空容易的一点在于,可以进行排除法。不确定的先不填。
    • 3个未选的词最后用来核验。

4.4.1 fib 例题 1

Technology and flexible work ( ) have had a significant impact on today’s busy companies. In terms of productivity. it seems the ( ) has shifted from managing employees in the workplace to monitoring their total ( ), no matter where they choose to work. Whether this trend will continue depends to some ( ) on how well it works for everyone concerned.

focus, deals, way, practices, selling, output, extent.

4.4.2 fib 例题 2

Elephants have a very ( ) communication system, which helps them maintain their close ( ) bonds. When they are near each other, they use verbal and visual signals to express a wide ( ) of emotions. As they move further ( ), they use less common, rumbling ( ) that can be heard over two kilometres away.

distant, variety, family, ranging, apart, sounds, complex, round.

  • 选词 (这不就是完型填空吗)
    • 5-6题 每题3-7空
    • 只显示总倒计时时长,每题2-3分钟
    • 策略
      • 通读了解段落大意
      • 上下文了解所填单词的词性
      • 习惯搭配,again
      • 最后核实语法

4.4.3 fib 例题 3

It would be very hard to imagin life without electricity. Most of the appliances and machines that are used in homes, offices and factories are powered by electricity and this equipment ( ) people’s overall quality of life. For that reason, the wider provision of electricity supplies is a critical factor in reducing global poverty ( ). To meet the needs of users around the world, the global consumption of coal has risen more quickly ( ) 2000 than any other fuel. For countries that do not have their own supply of natural energy resources, coal has become an essential ( ) of producing power. On a global scale, coal is currently used to fire power stations and produces 40% of global electricity. This ( ) is very likely to increase, and predictions are that by 2030 coal will fuel 44% of the world’s electricity.

  • A. helps improving B. helps to improve C. help improve D. help improved
  • A. levels B. ranks C. stages D. degrees
  • A. for B. in C. since D. at
  • A. means B. factor C. aspect D. course
  • A. total B. sum C. volume D. figure

4.4.4 fib 例题 4

Peopl are living longer and this longevity is good news for sales teams. It results in a much more ( ) customer base for them to work from. Why we are living longer is not the issue for anyone ( ) in drawing up plans to market a product. What they focus on is the fact that there are now more age groups to target, which means that a sales pitch can be re-worked a number of times to more exactly fit each one. For example, ( ) referring simply to ‘adults’, there are now ‘starting adults’, ‘young adults’ and ‘established adults’. ( ) markets no longer talk about ‘children’, but tend to refer to a fuller range of categories that includes ‘kids’, ‘tweens’, ‘pre-teens’ and ‘teenagers’. We now have a very diverse population in terms of age, and that can only be a ( ) for business.

  • A. usual B. precise C. right D. honest
  • A. linked B. mixed C. concerned D. involved
  • A. rather than B. by C. even when D. while
  • A. While B. Similarly C. Even D. Really
  • A. desire B. favour C. bonus D. promise