7 Using Textual and Binary Formats for Storing Data
There are a variety of ways that data can be stored, including structured text files like CSV or tab-delimited, or more complex binary formats. However, there is an intermediate format that is textual, but not as simple as something like CSV. The format is native to R and is somewhat readable because of its textual nature.
One can create a more descriptive representation of an R object by
using the dput()
or dump()
functions. The dump()
and dput()
functions are useful because the resulting textual format is
edit-able, and in the case of corruption, potentially
recoverable. Unlike writing out a table or CSV file, dump()
preserve the metadata (sacrificing some readability), so
that another user doesn’t have to specify it all over again. For
example, we can preserve the class of each column of a table or the
levels of a factor variable.
Textual formats can work much better with version control programs like subversion or git which can only track changes meaningfully in text files. In addition, textual formats can be longer-lived; if there is corruption somewhere in the file, it can be easier to fix the problem because one can just open the file in an editor and look at it (although this would probably only be done in a worst case scenario!). Finally, textual formats adhere to the Unix philosophy, if that means anything to you.
There are a few downsides to using these intermediate textual formats. The format is not very space-efficient, because all of the metadata is specified. Also, it is really only partially readable. In some instances it might be preferable to have data stored in a CSV file and then have a separate code file that specifies the metadata.
7.1 Using dput()
and dump()
One way to pass data around is by deparsing the R object with dput()
and reading it back in (parsing it) using dget()
> ## Create a data frame
> y <- data.frame(a = 1, b = "a")
> ## Print 'dput' output to console
> dput(y)
structure(list(a = 1, b = "a"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
Notice that the dput()
output is in the form of R code and that it
preserves metadata like the class of the object, the row names, and
the column names.
The output of dput()
can also be saved directly to a file.
> ## Send 'dput' output to a file
> dput(y, file = "y.R")
> ## Read in 'dput' output from a file
> new.y <- dget("y.R")
> new.y
a b1 1 a
Multiple objects can be deparsed at once using the dump function and
read back in using source
> x <- "foo"
> y <- data.frame(a = 1L, b = "a")
We can dump()
R objects to a file by passing a character vector of
their names.
> dump(c("x", "y"), file = "data.R")
> rm(x, y)
The inverse of dump()
is source()
> source("data.R")
> str(y)
'data.frame': 1 obs. of 2 variables:
$ a: int 1
$ b: chr "a"
> x
1] "foo" [
7.2 Binary Formats
The complement to the textual format is the binary format, which is sometimes necessary to use for efficiency purposes, or because there’s just no useful way to represent data in a textual manner. Also, with numeric data, one can often lose precision when converting to and from a textual format, so it’s better to stick with a binary format.
The key functions for converting R objects into a binary format are
, save.image()
, and serialize()
. Individual R objects can
be saved to a file using the save()
> a <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100), y = runif(100))
> b <- c(3, 4.4, 1 / 3)
> ## Save 'a' and 'b' to a file
> save(a, b, file = "mydata.rda")
> ## Load 'a' and 'b' into your workspace
> load("mydata.rda")
If you have a lot of objects that you want to save to a file, you can
save all objects in your workspace using the save.image()
> ## Save everything to a file
> save.image(file = "mydata.RData")
> ## load all objects in this file
> load("mydata.RData")
Notice that I’ve used the .rda
extension when using save()
and the
extension when using save.image()
. This is just my personal
preference; you can use whatever file extension you want. The save()
and save.image()
functions do not care. However, .rda
and .RData
are fairly common extensions and you may want to use them because they
are recognized by other software.
The serialize()
function is used to convert individual R objects
into a binary format that can be communicated across an arbitrary
connection. This may get sent to a file, but it could get sent over a
network or other connection.
When you call serialize()
on an R object, the output will be a raw
vector coded in hexadecimal format.
> x <- list(1, 2, 3)
> serialize(x, NULL)
1] 58 0a 00 00 00 03 00 04 02 00 00 03 05 00 00 00 00 05 55 54 46 2d 38 00 00
[26] 00 13 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 0e 00 00 00 01 3f f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[51] 0e 00 00 00 01 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0e 00 00 00 01 40 08 00 00
[76] 00 00 00 00 [
If you want, this can be sent to a file, but in that case you are
better off using something like save()
The benefit of the serialize()
function is that it is the only way
to perfectly represent an R object in an exportable format, without
losing precision or any metadata. If that is what you need, then
is the function for you.