Chapter 1 The theory of comparative advantage

1.1 Notations and hypotheses

Let us consider two person P1 and P2, able to produce the goods G1 and G2 by spending some time (the factor of production, noted L).

The amounts of time L that P1 has to use to produce one unit of the goods G1 and G2 are respectively aP1G1 and aP1G2. Similarly, the amounts of time L that P2 has to use to produce one unit of the goods G1 and G2 are respectively aP2G1 and aP2G2. We assume that this a coefficients are strictly positive real numbers.

While considering a trade between P1 and P2, we can observe the amount of time L that they actually chose to spend for the production of both good G1 and G2. The amounts of time L the person P1 spent on the production of goods G1 and G2 are noted respectively LP1G1 and LP1G2. Likewise, the amounts of time L the person P2 spent on the production of goods G1 and G2 are noted respectively LP2G1 and LP2G2. We assume that the L coefficients are strictly positive real numbers.

From this we can deduce that the production of goods G1 by person P1 amounts to LP1G1aP1G1 units, whereas the production of goods G2 by person P1 amounts to LP1G2aP1G2 units. In the same way, the production of goods G1 by person P2 amounts to LP2G1aP2G1 units, whereas the production of goods G2 by person P2 amounts to LP2G2aP2G2 units.

After the trade has taken place, the person P1 possesses a quantity QP1G1 of goods G1 and a quantity QP1G2 of goods G2, and the person P2 possesses a quantity QP2G1 of goods G1 and a quantity QP2G2 of goods G2.

For each person, the quantity of goods given to or received from the other person can be deduced from the difference between the quantity they possess in the end and the quantity they produce before the trade took place.

For example, if the quantity of goods G1 produced by the person P1 exceeds the quantity of goods G1 possessed in the end by the person P1, it means that P1 gave a quantity LP1G1aP1G1QP1G1 to the person P2. In that case, the quantity of goods G1 produced by the person P2 is inferior to the quantity of goods G1 possessed in the end by the person P2, meaning that P2 received QP2G1LP2G1aP2G1.

1.2 The theorem

What we want to show is that, if the trade is advantageous for both persons P1 and P2, then they should specialize in the production of the good for wich they have a comparative advantage. In mathematical terms:

Theorem 1.1 (Little theorem of comparative advantage)
Under the assumptions detailed in the previous section, and if the trade is benefitting both persons engaged in it, then:


Such an equation means that the person P2 is exporting goods G2 if this person has a comparative advantage for the production of these goods, and is importing them otherwise.

Reciprocally, because goods G2 can only be exchanged for goods G1, the person P2 is exporting goods G1 if this person has a comparative advantage for the production of these goods, and is importing them otherwise.

The same applies to the person P1.

Corollary 1.1
Trade allows to increase productivity, and the productivity increase is solely due to the comparative advantages.

Proof (Proof of the corollary). The fact that trade sometimes allows to increase productivity is shown by the classic example of England and Portugal exchanging wine and cloth. Furthermore, the above theorem shows that the comparative advantage is a necessary condition of a mutually beneficial trade.

1.3 Equations and inequalities

In order to be able to prove the theorem, we need to write the hypotheses in a mathematical way.

The first thing to notice is that there is, for each type of goods produced, an equality between the quantities produced by the two persons, and the quantities possessed by them in the end. This provides us with a system of equations:


The second thing to notice is that we want to be sure that the trades we are analysing are beneficial to both persons, meaning that thanks to the trade each person must have spent strictly less time in producing than what would have been necessary to get this person the same amount of goods. this can be mathematically expressed as follows:


With these two systems, we shall be able to prove the theorem 1.1.

1.4 Proof of the theorem

We can rewrite the two inequalities as:


We can now divide the first inequality by aP1G1, and the second by aP2G1 (the a coefficients being strictly positive). The inequalities become:


From system (1) (equality between production and consumption) we know that:


So if we sum the two previous inequalities, we can easily get:


From system (1) we also know that the following quantity is equal to 0:


So we can add it to the previous inequality, and simply recognize that we proved the theorem 1.1:


1.5 Generality of the theorem

The proof of the theorem is more general than the ones usually given to buttress the theory of comparative advantage. The approach proposed is indeed the mathematical fundamental reason why it is not possible to consider a profitable trade without considering the comparative advantage.

Remark. Many of the hypotheses usually used to prove the theory of comparative advantage were not used:

  • the international immobility of the factor of production
  • the national mobility of the factor of production
  • the negligible costs of trade
  • the unicity of the price of each type of goods, nationally or internationally (depending on the case considered, autarky or free trade)
  • the equality of hourly profitabilities for the production of goods G1 and G2 (labour market equilibrium).

1.6 Going further

It is possible to extend the approach to the case of:

  • more than two people and two goods
  • more than one factor of production
  • not necessarily constant returns.

Theorem 1.2 (Theorem of comparative advantage)
A trade between several persons can be beneficial to all of them only if:

  • comparative advantages are involved (at least two exportations take place according to a comparative advantage), or
  • increased returns are involved.

Corollary 1.2

  • allows to increase productivity, and the productivity increase from trade is solely due to the comparative advantages
  • implies some specialization, and the productivity increase from specialization is solely due to increased returns.

The proof has been published in French, but is not yet available in English. The proof contains the equivalent of equation (3) in the case of arbitrarily large numbers of persons and goods involved in a trade.